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name kara Clchy

Spec|f|c urpose 1o persuade my audlence LhaL colonlzaLlon on Lhe moon aL Lhls polnL ln Llme ls a bad
Crgan|zat|ona| attern AdvantagesD|sadvantages
1 ntroduct|on
a Accord|ng to the art|c|e "1he deve|opment of an organ|zat|on for co|on|zat|on" from
wwwebscohostcom 1h|s |s [ust the database where the art|c|e was housed Who wrote
the art|c|e and where was |t pub||shed? t was not pub||shed |n Lbsco nost Lhere are
groups of space caplLallsLs LhaL are nongovernmenLs organlzaLlons LhaL form Lhe
backbone for colonlzaLlon Some of Lhese people may lnclude aul C Allen who ls Lhe co
founder of MlcrosofL !effrey 8ezos who ls Lhe chlef of Amazoncom and Larry age
whose Lhe founder of Cooglecom
b 1hls lnformaLlon ls lmporLanL because we are Lrylng Lo use bllllonalres Lo be able Lo have
colonlzaLlon on Lhe moon Lven lf Lhey oppose Lo Lhe colonlzaLlon on Lhe moon Lhey wlll
feel obllgaLed Lo help because Lhey may galn more money from dolng so 1hls goes Lo
show how much money lL would cosL Lo llve on Lhe moon lL's noL rlghL Lo use our
counLrles clLlzens for Lhelr money 1he agencles LhaL organlze Lhls colonlzaLlon would also
have a loL Lo pay back
c noL only ls lL wrong Lo use Lhelr money buL lL ls also a 30/30 chance LhaL we would have a
normal llfe We have found barely any waLer on Lhe moon and even lf we brlng waLer
wlLh us we wlll run ouL evenLually causlng us Lo have Lo go back Lo LarLh and LransporL
more back 1here ls also no oxygen We would llve ln a bubble
d need a speaker credlblllLy sLaLemenL
e ColonlzaLlon only Lhe moon would noL only be very expenslve and Ledlous buL lL wouldn'L
be a sufflclenL way Lo llve and l am golng Lo explaln uon'L 'explaln'persuade! ?our org
paLLer sald AdvanLages/ulsadvanLages so your Lhesls should ldenLlfy your flrsL maln polnL
(adv) your second maln polnL (dls) and your Lhlrd maln polnL (your poslLlon) uon'L glve
your poslLlon away ln your lnLroducLlon why
2 ody
a lL could be a good ldea Lo move Lo Lhe moon because our earLh ls belng desLroyed ?ou
need Lo prove Lo us LhaL Lhe LarLh ls belng desLroyed and lL would lead Lo more
dlscoverles abouL Lhe moon
l We wouldn'L have Lo worry abouL depleLlng Lhe ozone layer because Lhere ls no
ozone Pow would we breaLhe?
|| Accord|ng to the art|c|e "Iuture Space Lxp|orat|on" on art|c|e author?
http]]cur|os|tyd|scoverycom farmlng can supply oxygen
||| Accord|ng to the art|c|e "Iuture Space Lxp|orat|on" on
http]]cur|os|tyd|scoverycom sclenLlsLs have dlscovered abouL one bllllon
gallons of waLer lce ln one moon craLer
|v Accord|ng to "rrat|ona| Dreams of Space Co|on|zat|on" from
wwwebscohostcom 1h|s |s [ust the database where the art|c|e was housed
Who wrote the art|c|e and where was |t pub||shed? t was not pub||shed |n
Lbsco nost ln abouL 3 bllllon years our sun wlll exhausL lLs nuclear fuel and
suck up all Lhe planeLs lncludlng earLh Cur safeLy ls aL rlsk alLhough we have a
loL of Llme Lo plan our survlval 1hls ls a LCnC Llme away
v Compared to your second ma|n po|nt th|s one |s pretty weak Any more
advantages to ||v|ng on the moon?
3 1rans|t|on Wh||e these facts seem to be very |mportant to our surv|va| there are many
negat|ve facts as we||
a 1hough we have farmlng LhaL can be done Lo galn oxygen and waLer LhaL was found wlll
Lhls be a healLhy way of llvlng
| LvenLually we wlll run ouL of waLer and accord|ng to art|c|e t|t|e? Author?
http]]cur|os|tyd|scoverycom Lo LransporL waLer from LarLh would be raLher
expenslve CuanLlfy! We also would be able Lo use LhaL waLer as fuel for rockeL
shlps so lL wlll be used up qulcker
|| We would have Lo eaL freezedrled frulLs LhaL don'L LasLe all LhaL greaL rove lL
||| We would be spendlng years and years Lo bulld Lhe colonles up Lo Lhe polnL
where we can survlve
|v Accord|ng to "|rrat|ona| Dreams of Space Co|on|zat|on" from
wwwebscohostcom 1h|s |s [ust the database where the art|c|e was housed
Who wrote the art|c|e and where was |t pub||shed? t was not pub||shed |n
Lbsco nost Lhere are concerns wlLh asLerold and comeL colllslons We would be
resLrlcLed Lo llve ln capsules or Lraller parkllke sLrucLures
v r|ta|n's |ead|ng spacef||ght expert from the art|c|e "rrat|ona| Dreams of
Space Co|on|zat|on" from wwwebscohostcom 1h|s |s [ust the database
where the art|c|e was housed Who wrote the art|c|e and where was |t
pub||shed? t was not pub||shed |n Lbsco nost sa|d "ou wou|d need to heat
up a |ot of |unar so|| to 200C to get yourse|f a g|ass of water" ln my oplnlon
LhaL ls a greaL hassle and many people would dle from dehydraLlon because
Lhey may noL have Lhe Lools Lo do so or Lhey may noL have Lhe Llme Lo do Lhls
all Lhe Llme 1hls may cause a loL of heaLh relaLed lllnesses We would also need
a loL of energy Lo do so
4 1rans|t|on As you can see Lhere are many negaLlve effecLs on our llves lf we were Lo move Lo
Lhe moon AL Lhe same Llme lL ls very lmporLanL for survlval Lhough lL would be bllllons of years
S ,y pos|t|on l feel LhaL lL would be a bad ldea Lo move Lo Lhe moon We would be alLerlng our
llves compleLely and wasLlng useful money l undersLand LhaL ln bllllons of years our LarLh may
dle buL Lhere ls no need Lo move Lhere any Llme soon
a Llvlng on Lhe moon would noL be a reasonable way Lo llve We have a hlgher rlsk of belng
hurL less resources and more cosLs Lo geL Lhe supplles for survlval
b lL's llke Lhe old saylng uon'L flx someLhlng LhaL lsn'L broken" Cur LarLh ls safer Lhan Lhe
moon aL Lhls polnL ln Llme and no maLLer how awesome you Lhlnk lL would be Lo floaL
around on Lhe moon lL lsn'L worLh lL LvenLually LhaL feellng wlll wear off
7 Works ClLed page?

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