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1. KiIosbayan vs. Ermita G.R. No.

177721 JuIy 3, 2007

2. RP vs. Cagandahan G.R. No. 166676, September 12, 2008
3. Adm. Matter No. 06-7-414-RTC - The Judicial Audit conducted at Branch 67
4. Reyes vs. Enriquez G.R. No. 162956 ApriI 10, 2008
5. Republic vs. Kho G.R. No. 170340 June 29, 2007
6. Tayag vs. Tayag-GaIIor G.R. No. 174680, March 24, 2008
7. SiIverio vs. RepubIic G.R. No. 174689 October 22, 2007
8. Lee vs. Tambago A.C. No. 5281, February 12, 2008
9. ManaIo vs. CaIderon 536 scra 290
10. CanIas vs. Napico 554 scra 208
Gk No 177721 Iu|y 3 2007

llled on May 23 2007 was a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl under 8ule 63 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
eLlLloners are people's and/or nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons engaged ln publlc and clvlc causes almed aL proLecLlng
Lhe people's rlghLs Lo selfgovernance and [usLlce
8espondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary ls Lhe head of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL and ls ln charge of releaslng presldenLlal
appolnLmenLs lncludlng Lhose of Supreme CourL !usLlces
8espondenL Cregory S Cng ls allegedly Lhe parLy whose appolnLmenL would flll up Lhe vacancy ln Lhls CourL
eLlLloners allege LhaL8espondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary ln represenLaLlon of Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL announced an
appolnLmenL ln favor of respondenL Cregory S Cng as AssoclaLe !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL Lo flll up Lhe vacancy
creaLed by Lhe reLlremenL of AssoclaLe !usLlce 8omeo ! Calle[o Sr
eLlLloners conLend LhaL Lhe appolnLmenL exLended Lo respondenL Cng Lhrough respondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary ls
paLenLly unconsLlLuLlonal arblLrary whlmslcal and lssued wlLh grave abuse of dlscreLlon amounLlng Lo lack of
eLlLloners clalm LhaL respondenL Cng ls a Chlnese clLlzen LhaL Lhls facL ls plaln and lnconLesLable and LhaL hls own blrLh
cerLlflcaLe lndlcaLes hls Chlnese clLlzenshlp eLlLloners aLLached a copy of sald blrLh cerLlflcaLe as Annex P Lo Lhe
peLlLlon 1he blrLh cerLlflcaLe peLlLloners add reveals LhaL aL Lhe Llme of respondenL Cng's blrLh on May 23 1933 hls
faLher was Chlnese and hls moLher was also Chlnese
eLlLloners lnvoke Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
SecLlon 7 (1) of ArLlcle vlll of Lhe 1987 ConsLlLuLlon provldes LhaL no person shall be appolnLed Member of Lhe
Supreme CourL or any lower colleglaLe courL unless he ls a naLuralborn clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes Sec 2 of ArL lv
deflnes naLuralborn clLlzens as Lhose who are clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes from blrLh wlLhouL havlng Lo perform any acL
Lo acqulre or perfecL Lhelr hlllpplne ClLlzenshlp
eLlLloners malnLaln LhaL even lf lL were granLed LhaL eleven years afLer respondenL Cng's blrLh hls faLher was flnally
granLed llllplno clLlzenshlp by naLurallzaLlon LhaL by lLself would noL make respondenL Cng a naLuralborn llllplno
eLlLloners furLher argue LhaL respondenL Cng's blrLh cerLlflcaLe speaks for lLself and lL sLaLes hls naLlonallLy as Chlnese
aL blrLh 1hey lnvoke Lhe Clvll Code
ArLlcle 410 of Lhe Clvll Code provldes LhaL Lhe books maklng up Lhe clvll reglsLer and all documenLs relaLlng LhereLo x x
x shall be prlma facle evldence of Lhe facLs Lhereln conLalned 1herefore Lhe enLry ln Cng's blrLh cerLlflcaLe lndlcaLlng
hls naLlonallLy as Chlnese ls prlma facle evldence of Lhe facL LhaL Cng's clLlzenshlp aL blrLh ls Chlnese
ArLlcle 412 of Lhe Clvll Code also provldes LhaL no enLry ln a clvll reglsLer shall be changed or correcLed wlLhouL a
[udlclal order 1hus as long as Cng's blrLh cerLlflcaLe ls noL changed by a [udlclal order Lhe !udlclal 8ar Councll as
well as Lhe whole world ls bound by whaL ls sLaLed ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe
1hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe peLlLloners asserL prevalls over respondenL Cng's new ldenLlflcaLlon CerLlflcaLe lssued by Lhe
8ureau of lmmlgraLlon sLaLlng LhaL he ls a naLuralborn llllplno and over Lhe oplnlon of Lhen SecreLary of !usLlce
1eoflsLo Culngona LhaL he ls a naLuralborn llllplno 1hey malnLaln LhaL Lhe ueparLmenL of !usLlce (uC!) does noL have
Lhe power or auLhorlLy Lo alLer enLrles ln a blrLh cerLlflcaLe LhaL respondenL Cng's old ldenLlflcaLlon CerLlflcaLe dld noL
declare LhaL he ls a naLuralborn llllplno and LhaL respondenL Cng's remedy ls an acLlon Lo correcL hls clLlzenshlp as lL
appears ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe
eLlLloners Lhereupon pray LhaL a wrlL of cerLlorarl be lssued annulllng Lhe appolnLmenL lssued Lo respondenL Cng as
AssoclaLe !usLlce of Lhls CourL
SubsequenLly peLlLloners flled an urgenL MoLlon for Lhe lssuance of a 1emporary 8esLralnlng Crder (18C) praylng LhaL
a 18C be lssued ln accordance wlLh Lhe 8ules of CourL Lo prevenL and resLraln respondenL LxecuLlve SecreLary from
releaslng Lhe appolnLmenL of respondenL Cng and Lo prevenL and resLraln respondenL Cng from assumlng Lhe offlce
and dlscharglng Lhe funcLlons of AssoclaLe !usLlce of Lhls CourL
1he CourL requlred respondenLs Lo CommenL on Lhe peLlLlon8espondenL Cng submlLLed hls CommenL wlLh CpposlLlon
malnLalnlng LhaL he ls a naLuralborn llllplno clLlzen LhaL peLlLloners have no sLandlng Lo flle Lhe presenL sulL and LhaL
Lhe lssue ralsed oughL Lo be addressed Lo Lhe !8C as Lhe ConsLlLuLlonal body mandaLed Lo revlew Lhe quallflcaLlons of
Lhose lL recommends Lo [udlclal posLs
8espondenL Cng subsequenLly obLalned from Lhe 8ureau of lmmlgraLlon and Lhe uC! a cerLlflcaLlon and an
ldenLlflcaLlon LhaL he ls a naLuralborn llllplno clLlzen under ArLlcle lv SecLlons 1 and 2 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon slnce hls
moLher was a llllplno clLlzen when he was born eLlLloners flnally Lhey relLeraLe LhaL respondenL Cng's blrLh
cerLlflcaLe unless correcLed by [udlclal order ln nonsummary proceedlngs for Lhe purpose ls blndlng on all and ls prlma
facle evldence of whaL lL sLaLes namely LhaL respondenL Cng ls a Chlnese clLlzen 1he alleged naLurallzaLlon of hls faLher
when he was a mlnor would noL make hlm a naLuralborn llllplno clLlzen
1he peLlLlon has merlL as Lo Lhe prlnclpal lssue of Lhe case ls respondenL Cng a naLuralborn llllplno clLlzen?
eLlLloners correcLly submlL no subsLanLlal change or correcLlon ln an enLry ln a clvll reglsLer can be made wlLhouL a
[udlclal order and under Lhe law a change ln clLlzenshlp sLaLus ls a subsLanLlal change ln Labayo8owe v 8epubllc Lhe
Supreme CourL held LhaL Changes whlch affecL Lhe clvll sLaLus or clLlzenshlp of a parLy are subsLanLlal ln characLer and
should be Lhreshed ouL ln a proper acLlon dependlng upon Lhe naLure of Lhe lssues ln conLroversy and whereln all Lhe
parLles who may be affecLed by Lhe enLrles are noLlfled or represenLed and evldence ls submlLLed Lo prove Lhe
allegaLlons of Lhe complalnL and proof Lo Lhe conLrary admlLLed
8epubllc AcL no 9048 provldes ln SecLlon 2 (3) LhaL a summary admlnlsLraLlve proceedlng Lo correcL clerlcal or
Lypographlcal errors ln a blrLh cerLlflcaLe cannoL apply Lo a change ln naLlonallLy SubsLanLlal correcLlons Lo Lhe
naLlonallLy or clLlzenshlp of persons recorded ln Lhe clvll reglsLry should Lherefore be effecLed Lhrough a peLlLlon flled ln
courL under 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
1he serles of evenLs and long sLrlng of alleged changes ln Lhe naLlonallLles of respondenL Cng's ancesLors by varlous
blrLhs marrlages and deaLhs all enLall facLual asserLlons LhaL need Lo be Lhreshed ouL ln proper [udlclal proceedlngs so
as Lo correcL Lhe exlsLlng records on hls blrLh and clLlzenshlp 1he chaln of evldence would have Lo show LhaL uy Culok
SanLos respondenL Cng's moLher was a llllplno clLlzen conLrary Lo whaL sLlll appears ln Lhe records of Lhls CourL
8espondenL Cng has Lhe burden of provlng ln courL hls alleged ancesLral Lree as well as hls clLlzenshlp under Lhe Llme
llne of Lhree ConsLlLuLlons unLll Lhls ls done respondenL Cng cannoL accepL an appolnLmenL Lo Lhe SC as LhaL would be
a vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon lor Lhls reason he can be prevenLed by ln[uncLlon from dolng so
WPL8LlC8L Lhe peLlLlon ls C8An1Lu as one of ln[uncLlon dlrecLed agalnsL respondenL Cregory S Cng who ls hereby
Ln!ClnLu from accepLlng an appolnLmenL Lo Lhe poslLlon of AssoclaLe !usLlce of Lhe Supreme CourL or assumlng Lhe
poslLlon and dlscharglng Lhe funcLlons of LhaL offlce unLll he shall have successfully compleLed all necessary sLeps
Lhrough Lhe approprlaLe adversarlal proceedlngs ln courL Lo show LhaL he ls a naLuralborn llllplno clLlzen and correcL
Lhe records of hls blrLh and clLlzenshlp
1hls ueclslon ls llnAL and lMMLulA1LL? LxLCu1C8?

keyes vs Lnr|quez
Gk No 166676 September 12 2008

eLlLloners clalm Lo be Lhe lawful helrs of ulonlsla 8eyes who coowned Lhe sub[ecL parcel of land locaLed ln 1allsay
Cebu wlLh AnacleLo Cabrera Cn Lhe oLher hand respondenLs clalm Lo be Lhe helrs of AnacleLo Cabrera as husband and
daughLer of AnacleLos daughLer Cn !une 19 1999 peLlLloners eLer and ueborah Ann Lnrlquez sold 200 sq m ouL of
Lhe 1031sq m for 20000000 Lo Spouses ulonlslo and CaLallna lernandez (Spouses lernandez) also Lhelr co
respondenLs ln Lhls case When Spouses lernandez Lrled Lo reglsLer Lhelr share ln Lhe sub[ecL land Lhey dlscovered LhaL
cerLaln documenLs prevenL Lhem from dolng so (1) AffldavlL by AnacleLo Cabrera daLed March 16 1937 sLaLlng LhaL hls
share ln LoL no 1831 Lhe sub[ecL properLy ls approxlmaLely 369 sq m (2) AffldavlL by ulonlsla 8eyes daLed !uly 13
1929sLaLlng LhaL AnacleLo only owned x of LoL no 1831 whlle 30233 sq m belongs Lo ulonlsla and Lhe resL of Lhe
properLy ls coowned by nlcolasa 8acalso !uan 8eyes llorenLlno 8eyes and Maxlmlano ulco Alleglng LhaL Lhe
documenLs are fraudulenL and flcLlLlous Lhe respondenLs flled a complalnL for annulmenL or nulllflcaLlon of Lhe
aforemenLloned documenLs and for damages 1hey llkewlse prayed for Lhe reparLlLlon and resubdlvlslon of Lhe sub[ecL
properLy 1he 81C dlsmlssed Lhe case buL upon appeal lL was reversed hence Lhe peLlLlon

WheLher or noL Lhe respondenLs have Lo lnsLlLuLe a speclal proceedlng Lo deLermlne Lhelr sLaLus as helrs of AnacleLo
Cabrera before Lhey can flle an ordlnary clvll acLlon Lo nulllfy Lhe affldavlLs of AnacleLo Cabrera and ulonlsla 8eyes

?es Lhe deLermlnaLlon of who are Lhe legal helrs of Lhe deceased couple musL be made ln Lhe proper speclal
proceedlngs ln courL and noL ln an ordlnary sulL for reconveyance of properLy 1hls musL Lake precedence over Lhe
acLlon for reconveyance 1he respondenLs have yeL Lo subsLanLlaLe Lhelr clalm as Lhe legal helrs of AnacleLo Cabrera who
are Lhus enLlLled Lo Lhe sub[ecL properLy 1he 8ules of CourL provlde LhaL only a real parLy ln lnLeresL ls allowed Lo
prosecuLe and defendanL acLlon ln courL A real parLy ln lnLeresL ls Lhe one who sLands Lo be beneflLed or ln[ured by Lhe
[udgmenL ln Lhe sulL or Lhe one enLlLled Lo Lhe avalls Lhereof Such lnLeresL Lo be consldered a real lnLeresL musL be one
whlch ls presenL and subsLanLlal as dlsLlngulshed from a mere expecLancy or a fuLure conLlngenL subordlnaLe or
consequenLlal lnLeresL
1hls rullng of Lhe courL ls only proper because lf people are allowed Lo flle clalms wlLhouL verlfylng flrsL Lhelr respecLlve
lnLeresL Lhen Lhe whole sysLem wlll be ln shambles 8ecause Lhen courLs would Lry Lo declde on clalms buL only Lo flnd
ouL laLer LhaL Lhe clalmanLs do noL really have lnLeresL Lo Lhe clalm wasLlng Lhe courLs Llme money and resources

k vs Cagandahan
Gk No 166676 September 12 2008
1hls ls a peLlLlon for revlew under 8ule 43 of Lhe 8ules of CourL ralslng purely quesLlons of law and seeklng a reversal of Lhe
ueclslon1 daLed !anuary 12 2003 of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL (81C) 8ranch 33 of Slnlloan Laguna whlch granLed Lhe eLlLlon for
CorrecLlon of LnLrles ln 8lrLh CerLlflcaLe flled by !ennlfer 8 Cagandahan and ordered Lhe followlng changes of enLrles ln
Cagandahan's blrLh cerLlflcaLe (1) Lhe name !ennlfer Cagandahan changed Lo !eff Cagandahan and (2) gender from female Lo
1he facLs are as follows
Cn uecember 11 2003 respondenL !ennlfer Cagandahan flled a eLlLlon for CorrecLlon of LnLrles ln 8lrLh CerLlflcaLe
before Lhe 81C
8ranch 33 of Slnlloan Laguna
ln her peLlLlon she alleged LhaL she was born on !anuary 13 1981 and was reglsLered as a female ln Lhe CerLlflcaLe of Llve 8lrLh buL
whlle growlng up she developed secondary male characLerlsLlcs and was dlagnosed Lo have CongenlLal Adrenal Pyperplasla (CAP)
whlch ls a condlLlon where persons Lhus affllcLed possess boLh male and female characLerlsLlcs She furLher alleged LhaL she was
dlagnosed Lo have cllLoral hyperLhropy ln her early years and aL age slx underwenL an ulLrasound where lL was dlscovered LhaL she
has small ovarles AL age LhlrLeen LesLs revealed LhaL her ovarlan sLrucLures had mlnlmlzed she has sLopped growlng and she has no
breasL or mensLrual developmenL She Lhen alleged LhaL for all lnLeresLs and appearances as well as ln mlnd and emoLlon she has
become a male person 1hus she prayed LhaL her blrLh cerLlflcaLe be correcLed such LhaL her gender be changed from female Lo
male and her flrsL name be changed from !ennlfer Lo !eff
1he peLlLlon was publlshed ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon for Lhree (3) consecuLlve weeks and was posLed ln consplcuous
places by Lhe sherlff of Lhe courL 1he SollclLor Ceneral enLered hls appearance and auLhorlzed Lhe AsslsLanL rovlnclal rosecuLor Lo
appear ln hls behalf
1o prove her clalm respondenL LesLlfled and presenLed Lhe LesLlmony of ur Mlchael Slonzon of Lhe ueparLmenL of sychlaLry
unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplneshlllpplne Ceneral PosplLal ur Slonzon lssued a medlcal cerLlflcaLe sLaLlng LhaL respondenL's condlLlon
ls known as CAP Pe explalned LhaL geneLlcally respondenL ls female buL because her body secreLes male hormones her female
organs dld noL develop normally and she has Lwo sex organs female and male Pe LesLlfled LhaL Lhls condlLlon ls very rare LhaL
respondenL's uLerus ls noL fully developed because of lack of female hormones and LhaL she has no monLhly perlod Pe furLher
LesLlfled LhaL respondenL's condlLlon ls permanenL and recommended Lhe change of gender because respondenL has made up her
mlnd ad[usLed Lo her chosen role as male and Lhe gender change would be advanLageous Lo her
1he 81C granLed respondenL's peLlLlon ln a ueclslon daLed !anuary 12 2003 whlch reads
1he CourL ls convlnced LhaL peLlLloner has saLlsfacLorlly shown LhaL he ls enLlLled Lo Lhe rellefs prayed for eLlLloner has
adequaLely presenLed Lo Lhe CourL very clear and convlnclng proofs for Lhe granLlng of hls peLlLlon lL was medlcally proven LhaL
peLlLloner's body produces male hormones and flrsL hls body as well as hls acLlon and feellngs are LhaL of a male Pe has chosen Lo
be male Pe ls a normal person and wanLs Lo be acknowledged and ldenLlfled as a male
WPL8LlC8L premlses consldered Lhe Clvll 8eglsLer of akll Laguna ls hereby ordered Lo make Lhe followlng correcLlons ln Lhe blrLh
cerLlflcaLe of !ennlfer Cagandahan upon paymenL of Lhe prescrlbed fees
a) 8y changlng Lhe name from !ennlfer Cagandahan Lo !Lll CACAnuAPAn and
b) 8y changlng Lhe gender from female Lo MALL
lL ls llkewlse ordered LhaL peLlLloner's school records voLer's reglsLry bapLlsmal cerLlflcaLe and oLher perLlnenL records are hereby
amended Lo conform wlLh Lhe foregolng correcLed daLa
SC C8uL8Lu3
1hus Lhls peLlLlon by Lhe Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral (CSC) seeklng a reversal of Lhe abovemenLloned rullng
1he lssues ralsed by peLlLloner are
1PL 18lAL CCu81 L88Lu ln C8An1lnC 1PL L1l1lCn CCnSluL8lnC 1PA1
1PL 8LCul8LMLn1S Cl 8uLLS 103 Anu 108 Cl 1PL 8uLLS Cl CCu81 PAvL nC1 8LLn CCMLlLu Wl1P Anu
CC88LC1lCn Cl Ln18? unuL8 8uLL 108 uCLS nC1 ALLCW CPAnCL Cl SLx C8 CLnuL8 ln 1PL 8l81P CL81lllCA1L WPlLL
8LSCnuLn1'S MLulCAL CCnul1lCn le CCnCLnl1AL Au8LnAL P?L8LASlA uCLS nC1 MAkL PL8 A MALL

Slmply sLaLed Lhe lssue ls wheLher Lhe Lrlal courL erred ln orderlng Lhe correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe of respondenL Lo
change her sex or gender from female Lo male on Lhe ground of her medlcal condlLlon known as CAP and her name from
!ennlfer Lo !eff under 8ules 103 and 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
1he CSC conLends LhaL Lhe peLlLlon below ls faLally defecLlve for noncompllance wlLh 8ules 103 and 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
because whlle Lhe local clvll reglsLrar ls an lndlspensable parLy ln a peLlLlon for cancellaLlon or correcLlon of enLrles under SecLlon 3
8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL respondenL's peLlLlon before Lhe courL o poo dld noL lmplead Lhe local clvll reglsLrar
1he CSC
furLher conLends respondenL's peLlLlon ls faLally defecLlve slnce lL falled Lo sLaLe LhaL respondenL ls a booo flJe resldenL of Lhe
provlnce where Lhe peLlLlon was flled for aL leasL Lhree (3) years prlor Lo Lhe daLe of such flllng as mandaLed under SecLlon 2(b) 8ule
103 of Lhe 8ules of CourL
1he CSC argues LhaL 8ule 108 does noL allow change of sex or gender ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe and
respondenL's clalmed medlcal condlLlon known as CAP does noL make her a male

Cn Lhe oLher hand respondenL counLers LhaL alLhough Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar of akll Laguna was noL formally named a parLy ln
Lhe eLlLlon for CorrecLlon of 8lrLh CerLlflcaLe noneLheless Lhe Local Clvll 8eglsLrar was furnlshed a copy of Lhe eLlLlon Lhe Crder Lo
publlsh on uecember 16 2003 and all pleadlngs orders or processes ln Lhe course of Lhe proceedlngs
respondenL ls acLually a male
person and hence hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe has Lo be correcLed Lo reflecL hls Lrue sex/gender
change of sex or gender ls allowed under
8ule 108
and respondenL subsLanLlally complled wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of 8ules 103 and 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL

8ules 103 and 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL provlde
8ule 103
SecLlon 1 venue A person deslrlng Lo change hls name shall presenL Lhe peLlLlon Lo Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce ln
whlch he resldes or ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lo Lhe !uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL
Sec 2 ConLenLs of peLlLlon A peLlLlon for change of name shall be slgned and verlfled by Lhe person deslrlng hls name changed or
some oLher person on hls behalf and shall seL forLh
(a) 1haL Lhe peLlLloner has been a booo flJe resldenL of Lhe provlnce where Lhe peLlLlon ls flled for aL leasL Lhree (3) years prlor Lo Lhe
daLe of such flllng
(b) 1he cause for whlch Lhe change of Lhe peLlLloners name ls soughL
(c) 1he name asked for
Sec 3 Crder for hearlng lf Lhe peLlLlon flled ls sufflclenL ln form and subsLance Lhe courL by an order reclLlng Lhe purpose of Lhe
peLlLlon shall flx a daLe and place for Lhe hearlng Lhereof and shall dlrecL LhaL a copy of Lhe order be publlshed before Lhe hearlng
aL leasL once a week for Lhree (3) successlve weeks ln some newspaper of general clrculaLlon publlshed ln Lhe provlnce as Lhe courL
shall deem besL 1he daLe seL for Lhe hearlng shall noL be wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days prlor Lo an elecLlon nor wlLhln four (4) monLhs afLer
Lhe lasL publlcaLlon of Lhe noLlce
Sec 4 Pearlng Any lnLeresLed person may appear aL Lhe hearlng and oppose Lhe peLlLlon 1he SollclLor Ceneral or Lhe proper
provlnclal or clLy flscal shall appear on behalf of Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe 8epubllc
Sec 3 !udgmenL upon saLlsfacLory proof ln open courL on Lhe daLe flxed ln Lhe order LhaL such order has been publlshed as
dlrecLed and LhaL Lhe allegaLlons of Lhe peLlLlon are Lrue Lhe courL shall lf proper and reasonable cause appears for changlng Lhe
name of Lhe peLlLloner ad[udge LhaL such name be changed ln accordance wlLh Lhe prayer of Lhe peLlLlon
Sec 6 Servlce of [udgmenL !udgmenLs or orders rendered ln connecLlon wlLh Lhls rule shall be furnlshed Lhe clvll reglsLrar of Lhe
munlclpallLy or clLy where Lhe courL lssulng Lhe same ls slLuaLed who shall forLhwlLh enLer Lhe same ln Lhe clvll reglsLer
8ule 108
CAnCLLLA1lCn C8 CC88LC1lCn Cl Ln18lLS
ln 1PL ClvlL 8LClS18?
SecLlon 1 Who may flle peLlLlon Any person lnLeresLed ln any acL evenL order or decree concernlng Lhe clvll sLaLus of persons
whlch has been recorded ln Lhe clvll reglsLer may flle a verlfled peLlLlon for Lhe cancellaLlon or correcLlon of any enLry relaLlng
LhereLo wlLh Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Lhe provlnce where Lhe correspondlng clvll reglsLry ls locaLed
Sec 2 LnLrles sub[ecL Lo cancellaLlon or correcLlon upon good and valld grounds Lhe followlng enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLer may be
cancelled or correcLed (a) blrLhs (b) marrlages (c) deaLhs (d) legal separaLlons (e) [udgmenLs of annulmenLs of marrlage (f)
[udgmenLs declarlng marrlages vold from Lhe beglnnlng (g) leglLlmaLlons (h) adopLlons (l) acknowledgmenLs of naLural chlldren ([)
naLurallzaLlon (k) elecLlon loss or recovery of clLlzenshlp (l) clvll lnLerdlcLlon (m) [udlclal deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (n) volunLary
emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and (o) changes of name
Sec 3 arLles When cancellaLlon or correcLlon of an enLry ln Lhe clvll reglsLer ls soughL Lhe clvll reglsLrar and all persons who have
or clalm any lnLeresL whlch would be affecLed Lhereby shall be made parLles Lo Lhe proceedlng
Sec 4 noLlce and publlcaLlon upon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe courL shall by an order flx Lhe Llme and place for Lhe hearlng of
Lhe same and cause reasonable noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven Lo Lhe persons named ln Lhe peLlLlon 1he courL shall also cause Lhe order
Lo be publlshed once a week for Lhree (3) consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce
Sec 3 CpposlLlon 1he clvll reglsLrar and any person havlng or clalmlng any lnLeresL under Lhe enLry whose cancellaLlon or
correcLlon ls soughL may wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe peLlLlon or from Lhe lasL daLe of publlcaLlon of such noLlce flle
hls opposlLlon LhereLo
Sec 6 LxpedlLlng proceedlngs 1he courL ln whlch Lhe proceedlngs ls broughL may make orders expedlLlng Lhe proceedlngs and
may also granL prellmlnary ln[uncLlon for Lhe preservaLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe parLles pendlng such proceedlngs
Sec 7 Crder AfLer hearlng Lhe courL may elLher dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon or lssue an order granLlng Lhe cancellaLlon or correcLlon
prayed for ln elLher case a cerLlfled copy of Lhe [udgmenL shall be served upon Lhe clvll reglsLrar concerned who shall annoLaLe Lhe
same ln hls record
1he CSC argues LhaL Lhe peLlLlon below ls faLally defecLlve for noncompllance wlLh 8ules 103 and 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL because
respondenL's peLlLlon dld noL lmplead Lhe local clvll reglsLrar SecLlon 3 8ule 108 provldes LhaL Lhe clvll reglsLrar and all persons who
have or clalm any lnLeresL whlch would be affecLed Lhereby shall be made parLles Lo Lhe proceedlngs Llkewlse Lhe local clvll
reglsLrar ls requlred Lo be made a parLy ln a proceedlng for Lhe correcLlon of name ln Lhe clvll reglsLry Pe ls an lndlspensable parLy
wlLhouL whom no flnal deLermlnaLlon of Lhe case can be had12 unless all posslble lndlspensable parLles were duly noLlfled of Lhe
proceedlngs Lhe same shall be consldered as falllng much Loo shorL of Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe rules
1he correspondlng peLlLlon
should also lmplead as respondenLs Lhe clvll reglsLrar and all oLher persons who may have or may clalm Lo have any lnLeresL LhaL
would be affecLed Lhereby
8espondenL however lnvokes SecLlon 613 8ule 1 of Lhe 8ules of CourL whlch sLaLes LhaL courLs shall
consLrue Lhe 8ules llberally Lo promoLe Lhelr ob[ecLlves of securlng Lo Lhe parLles a [usL speedy and lnexpenslve dlsposlLlon of Lhe
maLLers broughL before lL We agree LhaL Lhere ls subsLanLlal compllance wlLh 8ule 108 when respondenL furnlshed a copy of Lhe
peLlLlon Lo Lhe local clvll reglsLrar
1he deLermlnaLlon of a person's sex appearlng ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe ls a legal lssue and Lhe courL musL look Lo Lhe sLaLuLes ln Lhls
connecLlon ArLlcle 412 of Lhe Clvll Code provldes
A81 412 no enLry ln a clvll reglsLer shall be changed or correcLed wlLhouL a [udlclal order
1ogeLher wlLh ArLlcle 37616 of Lhe Clvll Code Lhls provlslon was amended by 8epubllc AcL no 904817 ln so far as netlno ot
typoqtopblno errors are lnvolved 1he correcLlon or change of such maLLers can now be made Lhrough admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs
and wlLhouL Lhe need for a [udlclal order ln effecL 8ep AcL no 9048 removed from Lhe amblL of 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL Lhe
correcLlon of such errors 8ule 108 now applles only Lo subsLanLlal changes and correcLlons ln enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLer

under 8ep AcL no 9048 a correcLlon ln Lhe clvll reglsLry lnvolvlng Lhe change of sex ls noL a mere clerlcal or Lypographlcal error lL ls
a subsLanLlal change for whlch Lhe appllcable procedure ls 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL

1he enLrles envlsaged ln ArLlcle 412 of Lhe Clvll Code and correcLable under 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL are Lhose provlded ln
ArLlcles 407 and 408 of Lhe Clvll Code
A81 407 AcLs evenLs and [udlclal decrees concernlng Lhe clvll sLaLus of persons shall be recorded ln Lhe clvll reglsLer
A81 408 1he followlng shall be enLered ln Lhe clvll reglsLer
(1) 8lrLhs (2) marrlages (3) deaLhs (4) legal separaLlons (3) annulmenLs of marrlage (6) [udgmenLs declarlng marrlages vold from
Lhe beglnnlng (7) leglLlmaLlons (8) adopLlons (9) acknowledgmenLs of naLural chlldren (10) naLurallzaLlon (11) loss or (12)
recovery of clLlzenshlp (13) clvll lnLerdlcLlon (14) [udlclal deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (13) volunLary emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and (16)
changes of name
1he acLs evenLs or facLual errors conLemplaLed under ArLlcle 407 of Lhe Clvll Code lnclude even Lhose LhaL occur afLer blrLh

8espondenL undlspuLedly has CAP 1hls condlLlon causes Lhe early or lnapproprlaLe appearance of male characLerlsLlcs A person
llke respondenL wlLh Lhls condlLlon produces Loo much androgen a male hormone A newborn who has xx chromosomes coupled
wlLh CAP usually has a (1) swollen cllLorls wlLh Lhe ureLhral openlng aL Lhe base an amblguous genlLalla ofLen appearlng more male
Lhan female (2) normal lnLernal sLrucLures of Lhe female reproducLlve LracL such as Lhe ovarles uLerus and falloplan Lubes as Lhe
chlld grows older some feaLures sLarL Lo appear male such as deepenlng of Lhe volce faclal halr and fallure Lo mensLruaLe aL
puberLy AbouL 1 ln 10000 Lo 18000 chlldren are born wlLh CAP
CAP ls one of many condlLlons21 LhaL lnvolve lnLersex anaLomy uurlng Lhe LwenLleLh cenLury medlclne adopLed Lhe Lerm
lnLersexuallLy Lo apply Lo human belngs who cannoL be classlfled as elLher male or female22 1he Lerm ls now of wldespread use
Accordlng Lo Wlklpedla lnLersexuallLy ls Lhe sLaLe of a llvlng Lhlng of a gonochorlsLlc specles whose sex chromosomes genlLalla
and/or secondary sex characLerlsLlcs are deLermlned Lo be nelLher excluslvely male nor female An organlsm wlLh lnLersex may have
blologlcal characLerlsLlcs of boLh male and female sexes
lnLersex lndlvlduals are LreaLed ln dlfferenL ways by dlfferenL culLures ln mosL socleLles lnLersex lndlvlduals have been expecLed Lo
conform Lo elLher a male or female gender role23 Slnce Lhe rlse of modern medlcal sclence ln WesLern socleLles some lnLersex
people wlLh amblguous exLernal genlLalla have had Lhelr genlLalla surglcally modlfled Lo resemble elLher male or female genlLals24
More commonly an lnLersex lndlvldual ls consldered as sufferlng from a dlsorder whlch ls almosL always recommended Lo be
LreaLed wheLher by surgery and/or by Laklng llfeLlme medlcaLlon ln order Lo mold Lhe lndlvldual as neaLly as posslble lnLo Lhe
caLegory of elLher male or female
ln decldlng Lhls case we conslder Lhe compasslonaLe calls for recognlLlon of Lhe varlous degrees of lnLersex as varlaLlons whlch
should noL be sub[ecL Lo ouLrlghL denlal lL has been suggesLed LhaL Lhere ls some mlddle ground beLween Lhe sexes a 'noman's
land' for Lhose lndlvlduals who are nelLher Lruly 'male' nor Lruly 'female'23 1he currenL sLaLe of hlllpplne sLaLuLes apparenLly
compels LhaL a person be classlfled elLher as a male or as a female buL Lhls CourL ls noL conLrolled by mere appearances when
naLure lLself fundamenLally negaLes such rlgld classlflcaLlon
ln Lhe lnsLanL case lf we deLermlne respondenL Lo be a female Lhen Lhere ls no basls for a change ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe enLry for
gender 8uL lf we deLermlne based on medlcal LesLlmony and sclenLlflc developmenL showlng Lhe respondenL Lo be oLher Lhan
female Lhen a change ln Lhe
sub[ecL's blrLh cerLlflcaLe enLry ls ln order
8lologlcally naLure endowed respondenL wlLh a mlxed (nelLher conslsLenLly and caLegorlcally female nor conslsLenLly and
caLegorlcally male) composlLlon 8espondenL has female (xx) chromosomes Powever respondenL's body sysLem naLurally produces
hlgh levels of male hormones (androgen) As a resulL respondenL has amblguous genlLalla and Lhe phenoLyplc feaLures of a male
ulLlmaLely we are of Lhe vlew LhaL where Lhe person ls blologlcally or naLurally lnLersex Lhe deLermlnlng facLor ln hls gender
classlflcaLlon would be whaL Lhe lndlvldual llke respondenL havlng reached Lhe age of ma[orlLy wlLh good reason Lhlnks of hls/her
sex 8espondenL here Lhlnks of hlmself as a male and conslderlng LhaL hls body produces hlgh levels of male hormones (androgen)
Lhere ls preponderanL blologlcal supporL for conslderlng hlm as belng male Sexual developmenL ln cases of lnLersex persons makes
Lhe gender classlflcaLlon aL blrLh lnconcluslve lL ls aL maLurlLy LhaL Lhe gender of such persons llke respondenL ls flxed
8espondenL here has slmply leL naLure Lake lLs course and has noL Laken unnaLural sLeps Lo arresL or lnLerfere wlLh whaL he was
born wlLh And accordlngly he has already ordered hls llfe Lo LhaL of a male 8espondenL could have undergone LreaLmenL and Laken
sLeps llke Laklng llfelong medlcaLlon26 Lo force hls body lnLo Lhe caLegorlcal mold of a female buL he dld noL Pe chose noL Lo do
so naLure has lnsLead Laken lLs due course ln respondenL's developmenL Lo reveal more fully hls male characLerlsLlcs
ln Lhe absence of a law on Lhe maLLer Lhe CourL wlll noL dlcLaLe on respondenL concernlng a maLLer so lnnaLely prlvaLe as one's
sexuallLy and llfesLyle preferences much less on wheLher or noL Lo undergo medlcal LreaLmenL Lo reverse Lhe male Lendency due Lo
CAP 1he CourL wlll noL conslder respondenL as havlng erred ln noL chooslng Lo undergo LreaLmenL ln order Lo become or remaln as
a female nelLher wlll Lhe CourL force respondenL Lo undergo LreaLmenL and Lo Lake medlcaLlon ln order Lo flL Lhe mold of a female
as socleLy commonly currenLly knows Lhls gender of Lhe human specles 8espondenL ls Lhe one who has Lo llve wlLh hls lnLersex
anaLomy 1o hlm belongs Lhe human rlghL Lo Lhe pursulL of happlness and of healLh 1hus Lo hlm should belong Lhe prlmordlal
cholce of whaL courses of acLlon Lo Lake along Lhe paLh of hls sexual developmenL and maLuraLlon ln Lhe absence of evldence LhaL
respondenL ls an lncompeLenL27 and ln Lhe absence of evldence Lo show LhaL classlfylng respondenL as a male wlll harm oLher
members of socleLy who are equally enLlLled Lo proLecLlon under Lhe law Lhe CourL afflrms as valld and [usLlfled Lhe respondenL's
poslLlon and hls personal [udgmenL of belng a male
ln so rullng we do no more Lhan glve respecL Lo (1) Lhe dlverslLy of naLure and (2) how an lndlvldual deals wlLh whaL naLure has
handed ouL ln oLher words we respecL respondenL's congenlLal condlLlon and hls maLure declslon Lo be a male Llfe ls already
dlfflculL for Lhe ordlnary person We cannoL buL respecL how respondenL deals wlLh hls unordlnary sLaLe and Lhus help make hls llfe
easler conslderlng Lhe unlque clrcumsLances ln Lhls case
As for respondenL's change of name under 8ule 103 Lhls CourL has held LhaL a change of name ls noL a maLLer of rlghL buL of [udlclal
dlscreLlon Lo be exerclsed ln Lhe llghL of Lhe reasons adduced and Lhe consequences LhaL wlll follow28 1he Lrlal courL's granL of
respondenL's change of name from !ennlfer Lo !eff lmplles a change of a femlnlne name Lo a mascullne name Conslderlng Lhe
consequence LhaL respondenL's change of name merely recognlzes hls preferred gender we flnd merlL ln respondenL's change of
name Such a change wlll conform wlLh Lhe change of Lhe enLry ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe from female Lo male
WPL8LlC8L Lhe 8epubllc's peLlLlon ls uLnlLu 1he ueclslon daLed !anuary 12 2003 of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL 8ranch 33 of
Slnlloan Laguna ls Alll8MLu no pronouncemenL as Lo cosLs
SC C8uL8Lu


and kLLL DCGMCC knC (M|nor)

Gk No 170340


CulSuM8lnC* Chalrperson
1lnCA and

!une 29 2007
x x


cralawChallenged vla peLlLlon for revlew on cerLlorarl ls Lhe CcLober 27 2003 ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals (CA) ln CA
C8 Cv no 78124 whlch afflrmed Lhe SepLember 4 2002 ueclslon of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL (81C) of 8uLuan ClLy
8ranch 3 granLlng Lhe prayer of respondenLs CarllLo l kho (CarllLo) Mlchael kho Mercy nona kholorLun and Peddy
Molra khoSerrano for Lhe correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhelr blrLh cerLlflcaLes as well as Lhose of CarllLos mlnor chlldren kevln
and kelly uogmoc kho

cralaw1he undlspuLed facLs are as follows

cralawCn lebruary 12 2001 CarllLo and hls slbllngs Mlchael Mercy nona and Peddy Molra flled before Lhe 81C of 8uLuan
ClLy a verlfled peLlLlon for correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLry of 8uLuanClLy Lo effecL changes ln Lhelr respecLlve
blrLh cerLlflcaLes CarllLo also asked Lhe courL ln behalf of hls mlnor chlldren kevln and kelly Lo order Lhe correcLlon of
some enLrles ln Lhelr blrLh cerLlflcaLes

cralawln Lhe case of CarllLo he requesLed Lhe correcLlon ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe of Lhe clLlzenshlp of hls moLher Lo llllplno
lnsLead of Chlnese as well as Lhe deleLlon of Lhe word marrled opposlLe Lhe phrase uaLe of marrlage of parenLs because
hls parenLs !uan kho and Lplfanla lnchoco (Lplfanla) were allegedly noL legally marrled

1he same requesL Lo deleLe Lhe marrled sLaLus of Lhelr parenLs from Lhelr respecLlve blrLh cerLlflcaLes was made by
CarllLos slbllngs Mlchael Mercy nona and Peddy Molra

cralawWlLh respecL Lo Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLes of CarllLos chlldren he prayed LhaL Lhe daLe of hls and hls wlfes marrlage be
correcLed from Aprll 27 1989 Lo !anuary 21 2000 Lhe daLe appearlng ln Lhelr marrlage cerLlflcaLe

1he Local Clvll 8eglsLrar of 8uLuan ClLy was lmpleaded as respondenL

cralawCn Aprll 23 2001 CarllLo eL al flled an Amended eLlLlon ln whlch lL was addlLlonally prayed LhaL CarllLos second
name of !ohn be deleLed from hls record of blrLhand LhaL Lhe name and clLlzenshlp of CarllLos faLher ln hls (CarllLos)
marrlage cerLlflcaLe be correcLed from !ohn kho Lo !uan kho and llllplno Lo Chlnese respecLlvely

As requlred Lhe peLlLlon was publlshed for Lhree consecuLlve weeks ln Mlndanao ually aLrolCA8ACA a newspaper of
general clrculaLlon afLer whlch lL was seL for hearlng on AugusL 9 2001

ln a leLLer of !une 18 2001 addressed Lo Lhe Lrlal courL Lhe clLy clvll reglsLrar sLaLed her observaLlons and suggesLlons Lo
Lhe proposed correcLlons ln Lhe blrLh records of CarllLo and hls slbllngs buL lnLerposed no ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe oLher

Cn Lhe scheduled hearlng of Lhe peLlLlon on AugusL 9 2001 only Lhe counsel for respondenLs appeared as Lhe Cfflce of
Lhe SollclLor Ceneral (CSC) had yeL Lo enLer lLs appearance for Lhe clLy clvll reglsLrar 1he Lrlal courL Lhus reseL Lhe
hearlng Lo CcLober 9 2001Cn SepLember 14 2001 Lhe CSC enLered lLs appearance wlLh an auLhorlzaLlon Lo Lhe clLy
prosecuLor of 8uLuanClLy Lo appear ln Lhe case and render asslsLance Lo lL (Lhe CSC)

Cn !anuary 31 2002 respondenLs presenLed documenLary evldence showlng compllance wlLh Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal
requlremenLs of Lhe peLlLlon 1hey also presenLed LesLlmonlal evldence conslsLlng of Lhe LesLlmonles of CarllLo and hls
moLher Lplfanla uurlng Lhe same hearlng an addlLlonal correcLlon ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLes of CarllLos chlldren was
requesLed Lo Lhe effecL LhaL Lhe flrsL name of Lhelr moLher be recLlfled from Marlbel Lo Marlvel

8y ueclslon of SepLember 4 2002 Lhe Lrlal courL dlrecLed Lhe local clvll reglsLrar of 8uLuan ClLy Lo correcL Lhe enLrles ln
Lhe record of blrLh of CarllLo as follows (1) change Lhe clLlzenshlp of hls moLher from Chlnese Lo llllplno (2) deleLe !ohn
from hls name and (3) deleLe Lhe word marrled opposlLe Lhe daLe of marrlage of hls parenLs 1he lasL correcLlon was
ordered Lo be effecLed llkewlse ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLes of respondenLs Mlchael Mercy nona and Peddy Molra

AddlLlonally Lhe Lrlal courL ordered Lhe correcLlon of Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLes of Lhe mlnor chlldren of CarllLo Lo reflecL Lhe
daLe of marrlage of CarllLo and Marlvel uogmoc (Marlvel) as !anuary 21 2000 lnsLead of Aprll 27 1989 and Lhe name
Marlbel as Marlvel

WlLh respecL Lo Lhe marrlage cerLlflcaLe of CarllLo and Marlvel Lhe correcLlons ordered perLalned Lo Lhe alLeraLlon of Lhe
name of CarllLos faLher from !ohn kho Lo !uan kho and Lhe laLLers clLlzenshlp from llllplno Lo Chlnese

eLlLloner 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes appealed Lhe 81C ueclslon Lo Lhe CA faulLlng Lhe Lrlal courL ln granLlng Lhe
peLlLlon for correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe sub[ecL documenLs desplLe Lhe fallure of respondenLs Lo lmplead Lhe mlnors
moLher Marlvel as an lndlspensable parLy and Lo offer sufflclenL evldence Lo warranL Lhe correcLlons wlLh regard Lo Lhe
quesLloned marrled sLaLus of CarllLo and hls slbllngs parenLs and Lhe laLLers clLlzenshlp

eLlLloner also faulLed Lhe Lrlal courL for orderlng Lhe change of Lhe name CarllLo !ohn kho Lo CarllLo kho for non
compllance wlLh [urlsdlcLlonal requlremenLs for a change of name under 8ule 103 of Lhe 8ules of CourL

8y Lhe assalled ueclslon of CcLober 27 2003 Lhe CA denled peLlLloners appeal and afflrmed Lhe declslon of Lhe Lrlal

1he CA found LhaL 8ule 108 of Lhe 8evlsed 8ules of CourL whlch ouLllnes Lhe proper procedure for cancellaLlon or
correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLry was observed ln Lhe case

8egardlng CarllLos mlnor chlldren kevln and kelly Lhe appellaLe courL held LhaL Lhe correcLlon of Lhelr moLhers flrsL
name from Marlbel Lo Marlvel was made Lo recLlfy an lnnocuous error

As for Lhe change ln Lhe daLe of Lhe marrlage of CarllLo and Marlvel albelL Lhe CA conceded LhaL lL ls a subsLanLlal
alLeraLlon lL held LhaL Lhe daLe would noL affecL Lhe mlnors flllaLlon from leglLlmaLe Lo llleglLlmaLe conslderlng LhaL aL
Lhe Llme of Lhelr respecLlve blrLhs ln 1991 and 1993 Lhelr faLher CarllLos flrsL marrlage was sLlll subslsLlng as lL had been
annulled only ln 1999

ln llghL of CarllLos legal lmpedlmenL Lo marry Marlvel aL Lhe Llme Lhey were born Lhelr chlldren kevln and kelly were
llleglLlmaLelL followed Lhe CA wenL on Lo sLaLe LhaL Marlvel was noL an lndlspensable parLy Lo Lhe case Lhe mlnors
havlng been represenLed by Lhelr faLher as requlred under SecLlon 3 of 8ule 3 of Lhe 8evlsed 8ules of CourL

lurLher Lhe CA ruled LhaL alLhough CarllLo falled Lo observe Lhe requlremenLs of 8ule 103 of Lhe 8ules of CourL he had
complled noneLheless wlLh Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal requlremenLs for correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLry under 8ule 108 of
Lhe 8ules of CourL1he peLlLlon for correcLlon of enLry ln CarllLos blrLh record lL noLed falls under leLLer o of Lhe
enumeraLlon under SecLlon 2 of 8ule 108

ln Lhe presenL peLlLlon peLlLloner conLends LhaL slnce Lhe changes soughL by respondenLs were subsLanLlal ln naLure
Lhey could only be granLed Lhrough an adversarlal proceedlng ln whlch lndlspensable parLles such as Marlvel and
respondenLs parenLs should have been noLlfled or lmpleaded

eLlLloner furLher conLends LhaL Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal requlremenLs Lo change CarllLos name under SecLlon 2 of 8ule 103 of
Lhe 8ules of CourL were noL saLlsfled because Lhe Amended eLlLlon falled Lo allege CarllLos prlor Lhreeyear bona flde
resldence ln 8uLuanClLy and LhaL Lhe LlLle of Lhe peLlLlon dld noL sLaLe CarllLos allases and hls Lrue name as CarllLo !ohn
l khoeLlLloner concludes LhaL Lhe same [urlsdlcLlonal defecLs aLLached Lo Lhe change of name of CarllLos faLher

1he peLlLlon falls

lL can noL be galnsald LhaL Lhe peLlLlon lnsofar as lL soughL Lo change Lhe clLlzenshlp of CarllLos moLher as lL appeared ln
hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe and deleLe Lhe marrled sLaLus of CarllLos parenLs ln hls and hls slbllngs respecLlve blrLh cerLlflcaLes as
well as change Lhe daLe of marrlage of CarllLo and Marlvel lnvolves Lhe correcLlon of noL [usL clerlcal errors of a harmless
and lnnocuous naLure8aLher Lhe changes enLall subsLanLlal and conLroverslal amendmenLs

lor Lhe change lnvolvlng Lhe naLlonallLy of CarllLos moLher as reflecLed ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe ls a grave and lmporLanL
maLLer LhaL has a bearlng and effecL on Lhe clLlzenshlp and naLlonallLy noL only of Lhe parenLs buL also of Lhe offsprlng

lurLher Lhe deleLlon of Lhe enLry LhaL CarllLos and hls slbllngs parenLs were marrled alLers Lhelr flllaLlon from leglLlmaLe
Lo llleglLlmaLe wlLh slgnlflcanL lmpllcaLlons on Lhelr successlonal and oLher rlghLs

Clearly Lhe changes soughL can only be granLed ln an adversary proceedlng oboyokowe v kepobln explalns Lhe tolsoo
J ette

x x x 1he phllosophy behlnd Lhls requlremenL lles ln Lhe facL LhaL Lhe books maklng up Lhe clvll
reglsLer and all documenLs relaLlng LhereLo shall be prlma facle evldence of Lhe facLs Lhereln
conLalned If the entr|es |n the c|v|| reg|ster cou|d be corrected or changed through mere
summary proceed|ngs and not through appropr|ate act|on where|n a|| part|es who may be
affected by the entr|es are not|f|ed or represented the door to fraud or other m|sch|ef wou|d
be set open the consequence of wh|ch m|ght be detr|menta| and far reach|ngx x x (Lmphasls

ln kepobln v voeonlo however Lhls CourL ruled and has slnce repeaLedly ruled LhaL even subsLanLlal errors ln a clvll
reglsLry may be correcLed Lhrough a peLlLlon flled under 8ule 108

lL ls undoubLedly Lrue LhaL lf Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of a peLlLlon ls noL for Lhe correcLlon of clerlcal
errors of a harmless and lnnocuous naLure buL one lnvolvlng naLlonallLy or clLlzenshlp whlch ls
lndlspuLably subsLanLlal as well as conLroverLed afflrmaLlve rellef cannoL be granLed ln a
proceedlng summary ln naLure nowever |t |s a|so true that a r|ght |n |aw may be enforced
and a wrong may be remed|ed as |ong as the appropr|ate remedy |s used 1h|s Court adheres
to the pr|nc|p|e that even substant|a| errors |n a c|v|| reg|stry may be corrected and the true
facts estab||shed the part|es aggr|eved by the error ava|| themse|ves of the
appropr|ate adversary proceed|ng

x x x x
WhaL ls meanL by approprlaLe adversary proceedlng? 8lacks Law ulcLlonary deflnes adversary
proceedlng as follows

Cne havlng opposlng parLles conLesLed as dlsLlngulshed from an ex parLe appllcaLlon one of
whlch Lhe parLy seeklng rellef has glven legal warnlng Lo Lhe oLher parLy and afforded Lhe laLLer
an opporLunlLy Lo conLesL lL x x x (Lmphasls lLallcs and underscorlng supplled)

cralaw1he enacLmenL ln March 2001 of 8epubllc AcL no 9048 oLherwlse known as An AC1 Au1PC8lZlnC 1PL Cl1? C8
MunlClAL ClvlL 8LClS18A8 C8 1PL CCnSuL CLnL8AL 1C CC88LC1 A CLL8lCAL C8 1?CC8APlCAL L88C8 ln An
Ln18? Anu/C8 CPAnCL Cl ll8S1 nAML C8 nlCknAML ln 1PL ClvlL 8LClS1L8 Wl1PCu1 nLLu Cl !uulClAL C8uL8 has
been consldered Lo lend leglslaLlve afflrmaLlon Lo Lhe [udlclal precedence LhaL subsLanLlal correcLlons Lo Lhe clvll sLaLus
of persons recorded ln Lhe clvll reglsLry may be effecLed Lhrough Lhe flllng of a peLlLlon under 8ule

1hus Lhls CourL ln kepobln v 8eoemetltoobserved LhaL Lhe obvlous effecL of 8epubllc AcL no 9048 ls Lo make posslble
Lhe admlnlsLraLlve correcLlon of clerlcal or Lypographlcal errors or change of flrsL name or nlckname ln enLrles ln Lhe clvll
reglsLer leavlng Lo 8ule 108 Lhe correcLlon of subsLanLlal changes ln Lhe clvll reglsLry ln approprlaLe adversarlal

When all Lhe procedural requlremenLs under 8ule 108 are Lhus followed Lhe approprlaLe adversary proceedlng
necessary Lo effecL subsLanLlal correcLlons Lo Lhe enLrles of Lhe clvll reglsLer ls saLlsfled1he perLlnenL provlslons of 8ule
108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL read

SLC 3 lottles When cancellaLlon or correcLlon of an enLry ln Lhe clvll reglsLrar ls soughL Lhe
clvll reglsLrar and a|| persons who have or c|a|m any |nterest wh|ch wou|d be affected thereby
sha|| be made part|es to the proceed|ng

SLC 4 -otlne ooJ poblnotloo upon Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lhe courL shall by an order flx
Lhe Llme and place for Lhe hearlng of Lhe same and cause reasonable noLlce Lhereof Lo be glven
Lo Lhe persons named ln Lhe peLlLlon 1he courL shall also cause Lhe order Lo be publlshed once
ln a week for Lhree (3) consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce

SLC 3 Opposltloo 1he c|v|| reg|strar and any person hav|ng or c|a|m|ng any |nterest under Lhe
enLry whose cancellaLlon or correcLlon ls soughL may wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from noLlce of Lhe
peLlLlon or from Lhe lasL daLe of publlcaLlon of such noLlce flle hls opposlLlon LhereLo
(Lmphasls and underscorlng supplled)

1here ls no dlspuLe LhaL Lhe Lrlal courLs Crder seLLlng Lhe peLlLlon for hearlng and dlrecLlng any person or enLlLy havlng
lnLeresL ln Lhe peLlLlon Lo oppose lL was posLed as well as publlshed for Lhe requlred perlod LhaL noLlces of hearlngs
were duly served on Lhe SollclLor Ceneral Lhe clLy prosecuLor of 8uLuan and Lhe local clvll reglsLrar and LhaL Lrlal was
conducLed on !anuary 31 2002 durlng whlch Lhe publlc prosecuLor acLlng ln behalf of Lhe CSC acLlvely parLlclpaLed by
crossexamlnlng CarllLo and Lplfanla

WhaL surfaces as an lssue ls wheLher Lhe fallure Lo lmplead Marlvel and CarllLos parenLs rendered Lhe Lrlal shorL of Lhe
requlred adversary proceedlng and Lhe Lrlal courLs [udgmenL vold

A slmllar lssue was earller ralsed ln 8otno v coott of Appeos1haL case sLemmed from a peLlLlon for correcLlon of enLrles
ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe of a mlnor !une Salvaclon Maravllla Lo reflecL Lhe name of her real faLher (Armando CusLllo) and
Lo correspondlngly change her surname1he peLlLlon was granLed by Lhe Lrlal courL

8arco whose mlnor daughLer was allegedly faLhered also by CusLllo however soughL Lo annul Lhe Lrlal courLs declslon
clalmlng LhaL she should have been made a parLy Lo Lhe peLlLlon for correcLlonlallure Lo lmplead her deprlved Lhe 81C
of [urlsdlcLlon she conLended

ln dlsmlsslng 8arcos peLlLlon Lhls CourL held LhaL Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe order of hearlng under SecLlon 4 of 8ule 108
cured Lhe fallure Lo lmplead an lndlspensable parLy

1he essenLlal requlslLe for allowlng subsLanLlal correcLlons of enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLry ls LhaL
Lhe Lrue facLs be esLabllshed ln an approprlaLe adversarlal proceedlng1hls ls embodled ln
SecLlon 3 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourL whlch sLaLes

SecLlon 3lottles When cancellaLlon or correcLlon of an enLry ln Lhe clvll reglsLer ls soughL Lhe
clvll reglsLrar and all persons who have or clalm any lnLeresL whlch would be affecLed Lhereby
shall be made parLles Lo Lhe proceedlng

x x x x

undoubLedly 8arco ls among Lhe parLles referred Lo ln SecLlon 3 of 8ule 108 Per lnLeresL was
affecLed by Lhe peLlLlon for correcLlon as any [udlclal deLermlnaLlon LhaL !une was Lhe daughLer
of Armando would affecL her wards share ln Lhe esLaLe of her faLherx x x

?eL even Lhough 8arco was noL lmpleaded ln Lhe peLlLlon Lhe CourL of Appeals correcLly
polnLed ouL LhaL Lhe defecL was cured by compllance wlLh SecLlon 4 8ule 108 whlch requlres
noLlce by publlcaLlon x x x

x x x x
1he purpose preclsely of SecLlon 4 8ule 108 ls Lo blnd Lhe whole world Lo Lhe subsequenL
[udgmenL on Lhe peLlLlon1he sweep of Lhe declslon would cover even parLles who should have
been lmpleaded under SecLlon 3 8ule 108 buL were lnadverLenLly lefL ouL x x x

x x x x

verlly a peLlLlon for correcLlon ls an acLlon lo tem an acLlon agalnsL a Lhlng and noL agalnsL a
person1he declslon on Lhe peLlLlon blnds noL only Lhe parLles LhereLo buL Lhe whole world An
lo tem proceedlng ls valldaLed essenLlally Lhrough publlcaLlonubllcaLlon ls noLlce Lo Lhe whole
world LhaL Lhe proceedlng has for lLs ob[ecL Lo bar lndeflnlLely all who mlghL be mlnded Lo make
an ob[ecLlon of any sorL agalnsL Lhe rlghL soughL Lo be esLabllshedlL ls Lhe publlcaLlon of such
noLlce LhaL brlngs ln Lhe whole world as a parLy ln Lhe case and vesLs Lhe courL wlLh [urlsdlcLlon
Lo hear and declde lL

cralawClven Lhe above rullng lL becomes unnecessary Lo rule on wheLher Marlvel or respondenLs parenLs should have
been lmpleaded as parLles Lo Lhe proceedlnglL may noL be amlss Lo menLlon however LhaL durlng Lhe hearlng on
!anuary 31 2002 Lhe clLy prosecuLor who was acLlng as represenLaLlve of Lhe CSC dld noL ralse any ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe
nonlncluslon of Marlvel and CarllLos parenLs as parLles Lo Lhe proceedlng

arenLheLlcally lL seems hlghly lmprobable LhaL Marlvel was unaware of Lhe proceedlngs Lo correcL Lhe enLrles ln her
chlldrens blrLh cerLlflcaLes especlally slnce Lhe noLlces orders and declslon of Lhe Lrlal courL were all senL Lo Lhe
resldence she shared wlLh CarllLo and Lhe chlldren

lL ls also well Lo remember LhaL Lhe role of Lhe courL ln hearlng a peLlLlon Lo correcL cerLaln enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLry ls
Lo ascerLaln Lhe LruLh abouL Lhe facLs recorded Lhereln

WlLh respecL Lo Lhe daLe of marrlage of CarllLo and Marlvel Lhelr cerLlflcaLe of marrlage shows LhaL lndeed Lhey were
marrled on !anuary 21 2000 noL on Aprll 27 1989Lxplalnlng Lhe error CarllLo declared LhaL Lhe daLe Aprll 27 1989 was
supplled by hls helper addlng LhaL he was noL marrled Lo Marlvel aL Lhe Llme hls sons were born because hls prevlous
marrlage was annulled only ln 1999Clven Lhe evldence presenLed by respondenLs Lhe CA observed LhaL Lhe mlnors
were llleglLlmaLe aL blrLh hence Lhe correcLlon would brlng abouL no change aL all ln Lhe naLure of Lhelr flllaLlon

WlLh respecL Lo CarllLos moLher lL bears noLlng LhaL she declared aL Lhe wlLness sLand LhaL she was noL marrled Lo !uan
kho who dled ln 1939 Agaln LhaL LesLlmony was noL challenged by Lhe clLy prosecuLor

1he documenLary evldence supporLlng Lhe deleLlon from CarllLos and hls slbllngs blrLh cerLlflcaLes of Lhe enLry Marrled
opposlLe Lhe daLe of marrlage of Lhelr parenLs moreover conslsLed of a cerLlflcaLlon lssued on november 24 1973 by
SL !oseph (8uLuan ClLy) arlsh prlesL Lugene van vughL sLaLlng LhaL !uan kho and Lplfanla had been llvlng LogeLher as
common law couple slnce 1933 buL have never conLracLed marrlage legally

A cerLlflcaLlon from Lhe offlce of Lhe clLy reglsLrar whlch was appended Lo respondenLs Amended eLlLlon llkewlse
sLaLed LhaL lL has no record of marrlage beLween !uan kho and Lplfanla under Lhe clrcumsLances Lhe deleLlon of Lhe
word Marrled opposlLe Lhe daLe of marrlage of parenLs ls warranLed

WlLh respecL Lo Lhe correcLlon ln CarllLos blrLh cerLlflcaLe of hls name from CarllLo !ohn Lo CarllLo Lhe same was properly
granLed under 8ule 108 of Lhe 8ules of CourLAs correcLly polnLed ouL by Lhe CA Lhe cancellaLlon or correcLlon of enLrles
lnvolvlng changes of name falls under leLLer o of Lhe followlng provlslon of SecLlon 2 of 8ule 108chanroblesvlrLuallawllbrary

SecLlon 2cralawLnLrles sub[ecL Lo cancellaLlon or correcLlon upon good and valld grounds Lhe
followlng enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLer may be cancelled or correcLed (a) blrLhs (b) marrlages (c)
deaLhs (d) legal separaLlon (e) [udgmenLs of annulmenL of marrlage (f) [udgmenLs declarlng
marrlages vold from Lhe beglnnlng (g) leglLlmaLlons (h) adopLlons (l) acknowledgmenLs of
naLural chlldren ([) naLurallzaLlon (k) elecLlon loss or recovery of clLlzenshlp (l) clvll
lnLerdlcLlon (m) [udlclal deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (n) volunLary emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and
(o) changes of name (Lmphasls and underscorlng supplled)

Pence whlle Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal requlremenLs of 8ule 103 (whlch governs peLlLlons for change of name) were noL
complled wlLh observance of Lhe provlslons of 8ule 108 sufflces Lo effecL Lhe correcLlon soughL for

More lmporLanLly CarllLos offlclal LranscrlpL of record from Lhe urlousCollege ln 8uLuanClLy cerLlflcaLe of ellglblllLy from
Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon and voLer reglsLraLlon record saLlsfacLorlly show LhaL he has been known by hls flrsL name
onlyno pre[udlce ls Lhus llkely Lo arlse from Lhe dropplng of Lhe second name

1he correcLlon of Lhe moLhers clLlzenshlp from Chlnese Lo llllplno as appearlng ln CarllLos blrLh record was also
properCf noLe ls Lhe facL LhaL durlng Lhe cross examlnaLlon by Lhe clLy prosecuLor of Lplfanla he dld noL deem flL Lo
quesLlon her clLlzenshlp Such fallure Lo oppose Lhe correcLlon prayed for whlch cerLalnly was noL respondenLs faulL
does noL ln any way change Lhe adversarlal naLure of Lhe proceedlngs

Also slgnlflcanL Lo noLe ls LhaL Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLes of CarllLos slbllngs unlformly sLaLed Lhe clLlzenshlp of Lplfanla as
llllplno1o dlsallow Lhe correcLlon ln CarllLos blrLh record of hls moLhers clLlzenshlp would perpeLuaLe an lnconslsLency
ln Lhe naLal clrcumsLances of Lhe slbllngs who are unquesLlonably born of Lhe same moLher and faLher

CuLslde Lhe amblL of subsLanLlal correcLlons of course ls Lhe correcLlon of Lhe name of CarllLos wlfe from Marlbel Lo
Marlvel 1he mlsLake ls clearly clerlcal or Lypographlcal whlch ls noL only vlslble Lo Lhe eyes buL ls also obvlous Lo Lhe
undersLandlng conslderlng LhaL Lhe name reflecLed ln Lhe marrlage cerLlflcaLe of CarllLo and hls wlfe ls Marlvel

Aproposls o v kepobln whlch held LhaL changlng Lhe appellanLs ChrlsLlan name of Slnclo Lo Senclo amounLs merely Lo
Lhe rlghLlng of a clerlcal error 1he change of name from 8eaLrlz Labayo/8eaLrlz Labayu Lo LmperaLrlz Labayo was also
held Lo be a mere lnnocuous alLeraLlon whlch can be granLed Lhrough a summary proceedlng 1he same rullng holds
Lrue wlLh respecL Lo Lhe correcLlon ln CarllLos marrlage cerLlflcaLe of hls faLhers name from !ohn kho Lo !uan khoLxcepL
ln sald marrlage cerLlflcaLe Lhe name !uan kho was unlformly enLered ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLes of CarllLo and of hls

JnLkLICkL Lhe eLlLlon ls DLNILD1he ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals ls Alll8MLu

SC C8uL8Lu

Gk No 174680 March 24 2008

VIC1CkIA C 1AAG et|t|oner

1hls ls a peLlLlon for revlew on cerLlorarl seeklng Lhe reversal of Lhe ueclslon
of Lhe CourL of Appeals daLed 29 May
2006 and lLs 8esoluLlon
daLed 28 AugusL 2006 ln CAC8 S no 79203

1he anLecedenLs are as follows

Cn 13 !anuary 2001 respondenL hereln lellcldad A 1ayagCallor flled a peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon over Lhe esLaLe of lsmael 1ayag
8espondenL alleged ln Lhe peLlLlon dockeLed as Speclal roceedlng
no 3994 (S 3994) LhaL she ls one of Lhe Lhree (3) llleglLlmaLe chlldren of Lhe laLe lsmael 1ayag and LsLer C Angeles
1he decedenL was marrled Lo peLlLloner hereln vlcLorla C 1ayag buL Lhe Lwo allegedly dld noL have any chlldren of Lhelr

Cn 7 SepLember 2000 lsmael 1ayag dled lnLesLaLe leavlng behlnd Lwo (2) real properLles boLh of whlch are ln Lhe
possesslon of peLlLloner and a moLor vehlcle whlch Lhe laLLer sold on 10 CcLober 2000 preparaLory Lo Lhe seLLlemenL of
Lhe decedenLt`s esLaLe eLlLloner allegedly promlsed Lo glve respondenL and her broLhers 10000000 each as Lhelr
share ln Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale Powever peLlLloner only gave each of Lhem half Lhe amounL she promlsed

8espondenL furLher averred LhaL on 20 november 2000 peLlLloner has caused Lhe annoLaLlon of 3 SepLember 1984
affldavlL execuLed by lsmael 1ayag declarlng Lhe properLles Lo be Lhe paraphernal properLles of peLlLloner 1he laLLer
allegedly lnLends Lo dlspose of Lhese properLles Lo Lhe respondenLt`s and her broLherst` pre[udlce

eLlLloner opposed Lhe peLlLlon asserLlng LhaL she purchased Lhe properLles sub[ecL of Lhe peLlLlon uslng her own
money She clalmed LhaL she and lsmael 1ayag goL marrled ln Las vegas nevada uSA on 23 CcLober 1973 and LhaL Lhey
have an adopLed daughLer Carmela 1ayag who ls presenLly resldlng ln Lhe uSA lL ls allegedly noL Lrue LhaL she ls
plannlng Lo sell Lhe properLles eLlLloner prayed for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe sulL because respondenL falled Lo sLaLe a cause
of acLlon

ln a MoLlon
daLed 31 AugusL 2001 peLlLloner relLeraLed her sole ownershlp of Lhe properLles and presenLed Lhe
Lransfer cerLlflcaLes of LlLle Lhereof ln her name She also averred LhaL lL ls necessary Lo allege LhaL respondenL was
acknowledged and recognlzed by lsmael 1ayag as hls llleglLlmaLe chlld 1here belng no such allegaLlon Lhe acLlon
becomes one Lo compel recognlLlon whlch cannoL be broughL afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe puLaLlve faLher 1o prevenL furLher
encroachmenL upon Lhe courLt`s Llme peLlLloner moved for a hearlng on her afflrmaLlve defenses

1he MoLlon was denled ln an Crder
daLed 3 Aprll 2003 eLlLlonert`s moLlon for reconslderaLlon was llkewlse
denled ln an Crder
daLed 16 !uly 2003

1he appellaLe courL ln a ueclslon
daLed 29 May 2006 upheld Lhe denlal of peLlLlonert`s moLlon and dlrecLed Lhe
Lrlal courL Lo proceed wlLh Lhe case wlLh dlspaLch 1he CourL of Appeals ruled ln essence LhaL Lhe allegaLlon LhaL
respondenL ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld sufflces for a cause of acLlon wlLhouL need Lo sLaLe LhaL she had been recognlzed and
acknowledged as such Powever respondenL sLlll has Lo prove her allegaLlon and correspondlngly peLlLloner has Lhe
rlghL Lo refuLe Lhe allegaLlon ln Lhe course of Lhe seLLlemenL proceedlngs

1he CourL of Appeals denled reconslderaLlon ln a 8esoluLlon
daLed 28 AugusL 2006

ln her eLlLlon
17 daLed SepLember 2006 peLlLloner asserLs LhaL respondenL should noL be allowed Lo prove her
flllaLlon ln Lhe seLLlemenL of lsmael 1ayagt`s esLaLe lf followlng Lhe case of Dyqooono v coott of Appeos
clalm of flllaLlon may no longer be proved ln an acLlon for recognlLlon wlLh more reason LhaL lL should noL be allowed Lo
be proved ln an acLlon for Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe decedenLt`s esLaLe 1hus peLlLloner clalms respondenL may no
longer malnLaln an acLlon Lo prove LhaL she ls Lhe llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL afLer Lhe laLLert`s deaLh

unforLunaLely Lhe Lwopage CommenL
daLed 17 Aprll 2007 falls Lo shed any more llghL on Lhe presenL conLroversy

1he 8eply
daLed 3 SepLember 2007 relLeraLes Lhe argumenLs ln Lhe peLlLlon

1he maln lssue ln Lhls case ls decepLlvely slmple As crafLed by Lhe CourL of Appeals lL ls wheLher respondenLt`s
peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon sufflclenLly sLaLes a cause of acLlon conslderlng LhaL respondenL
merely alleged Lhereln LhaL she ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL wlLhouL sLaLlng LhaL she had been acknowledged
or recognlzed as such by Lhe laLLer 1he appellaLe courL held LhaL Lhe mere allegaLlon LhaL respondenL ls an llleglLlmaLe
chlld sufflces

8ule 79 of Lhe 8ules of CourL provldes LhaL a peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon musL be flled by oo
lotetesteJ petsoo ln 5oqoloslo v loJoyog
Lhe CourL deflned an lnLeresLed parLy as one who would be beneflLed by
Lhe esLaLe such as an helr or one who has a clalm agalnsL Lhe esLaLe such as a credlLor 1hls lnLeresL furLhermore musL
be maLerlal and dlrecL noL merely lndlrecL or conLlngenL

Pence where Lhe rlghL of Lhe person flllng a peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon ls dependenL on a facL
whlch has noL been esLabllshed or worse can no longer be esLabllshed such conLlngenL lnLeresL does noL make her an
lnLeresLed parLy Pere lles Lhe compllcaLlon ln Lhe case whlch Lhe appellaLe courL had noL dlscussed alLhough lLs
dlsposlLlon of Lhe case ls correcL

LssenLlally Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon ls a sulL for Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe lnLesLaLe esLaLe of
lsmael 1ayag 1he rlghL of respondenL Lo malnLaln such a sulL ls dependenL on wheLher she ls enLlLled Lo successlonal
rlghLs as an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL whlch ln Lurn may be esLabllshed Lhrough volunLary or compulsory

volunLary recognlLlon musL be express such as LhaL ln a record of blrLh appearlng ln Lhe clvll reglsLer a flnal [udgmenL a
publlc lnsLrumenL or prlvaLe handwrlLLen lnsLrumenL slgned by Lhe parenL concerned
1he volunLary recognlLlon of an
llleglLlmaLe chlld by hls or her parenL needs no furLher courL acLlon and ls Lherefore noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe llmlLaLlon LhaL
Lhe acLlon for recognlLlon be broughL durlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe puLaLlve parenL
!udlclal or compulsory recognlLlon
on Lhe oLher hand may be demanded by Lhe llleglLlmaLe chlld of hls parenLs and musL be broughL durlng Lhe llfeLlme of
Lhe presumed parenLs

eLlLlonert`s Lhesls ls essenLlally based on her conLenLlon LhaL by lsmael 1ayagt`s deaLh respondenLt`s
llleglLlmaLe flllaLlon and necessarlly her lnLeresL ln Lhe decedenLt`s esLaLe whlch Lhe 8ules requlre Lo be maLerlal and
dlrecL may no longer be esLabllshed eLlLloner however overlooks Lhe facL LhaL respondenLt`s successlonal rlghLs
may be esLabllshed noL [usL by a [udlclal acLlon Lo compel recognlLlon buL also by proof LhaL she had been volunLarlly
acknowledged and recognlzed as an llleglLlmaLe chlld

ln Dyqoooqno v coott of Appeos sopto Craclano uyguangco clalmlng Lo be an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL flled
a complalnL for parLlLlon agalnsL Lhe laLLert`s wlfe and leglLlmaLe chlldren Powever an admlsslon was ellclLed from
hlm ln Lhe course of hls presenLaLlon of evldence aL Lhe Lrlal LhaL he had none of Lhe documenLs menLloned ln ArLlcle
of Lhe 1930 Clvll Code Lo show LhaL he was Lhe llleglLlmaLe son of Lhe decedenL 1he wlfe and leglLlmaLe chlldren
of Lhe decedenL Lhereupon moved for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe case on Lhe ground LhaL he could no longer prove hls alleged
flllaLlon under Lhe appllcable provlslon of Lhe Clvll Code

1he CourL applylng Lhe provlslons of Lhe lamlly Code whlch had Lhen already Laken effecL ruled LhaL slnce Craclano was
clalmlng llleglLlmaLe flllaLlon under Lhe second paragraph of ArLlcle 172 of Lhe lamlly Code le open and conLlnuous
possesslon of Lhe sLaLus of an llleglLlmaLe chlld Lhe acLlon was already barred by Lhe deaLh of Lhe alleged faLher

ln conLrasL respondenL ln Lhls case had noL been glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo presenL evldence Lo show wheLher she had
been volunLarlly recognlzed and acknowledged by her deceased faLher because of peLlLlonert`s opposlLlon Lo her
peLlLlon and moLlon for hearlng on afflrmaLlve defenses 1here ls as yeL no way Lo deLermlne lf her peLlLlon ls acLually
one Lo compel recognlLlon whlch had already been foreclosed by Lhe deaLh of her faLher or wheLher lndeed she has a
maLerlal and dlrecL lnLeresL Lo malnLaln Lhe sulL by reason of Lhe decedenLt`s volunLary acknowledgmenL or
recognlLlon of her llleglLlmaLe flllaLlon

We flnd Lherefore LhaL Lhe allegaLlon LhaL respondenL ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL sufflces even wlLhouL
furLher sLaLlng LhaL she has been so recognlzed or acknowledged A moLlon Lo dlsmlss on Lhe ground of fallure Lo sLaLe a
cause of acLlon ln Lhe complalnL hypoLheLlcally admlLs Lhe LruLh of Lhe facLs alleged Lhereln
Assumlng Lhe facL
alleged Lo be Lrue le LhaL respondenL ls Lhe

decedenLt`s llleglLlmaLe chlld her lnLeresL ln Lhe esLaLe as such would deflnlLely be maLerlal and dlrecL 1he appellaLe
courL was Lherefore correcL ln allowlng Lhe proceedlngs Lo conLlnue rullng LhaL torespondenL sLlll has Lhe duLy Lo
prove Lhe allegaLlon (LhaL she ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL) [usL as Lhe peLlLloner has Lhe rlghL Lo dlsprove lL
ln Lhe course of Lhe seLLlemenL proceedlngst

WPL8LlC8L Lhe lnsLanL peLlLlon ls uLnlLu 1he ueclslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals daLed 29 May 2006 and lLs 8esoluLlon
daLed 28 AugusL 2006 are Alll8MLu no pronouncemenL as Lo cosLs

SC C8uL8Lu

komme| Iac|nto Dantes S||ver|o
kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Gk No 174689 Cctober 22 2007

Cn november 22 2003 8ommel !aclnLo uanLes Sllverlo flled a peLlLlon for Lhe change of hls flrsL name from 8ommel
!aclnLo" Lo Melly" and sex of blrLh from male" Lo female" ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL of Manlla
Cn !une 4 2003 Lhe Lrlal courL rendered ln favor of peLlLloner as lL would be more ln consonance wlLh Lhe prlnclple of
[usLlce and equlLy 1haL graLlng Lhe peLlLloner would brlng much awalLed happlness on Lhe parL of Lhe peLlLloner and her
flance and Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhelr dreams Cn AugusL 18 2003 Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes Lhru Lhe offlce of Lhe
SollclLor Ceneral flled a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl ln Lhe CourL of Appeals lL alleged LhaL Lhere ls no law allowlng Lhe change
of enLrles ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe by reason of sex alLeraLlon

WheLher or noL a person born male would be enLlLled Lo change of gender on Lhe clvll reglsLrar and afLerwards be legally
capaclLaLed Lo enLered lnLo marrlage wlLh anoLher man

no Sex reasslgnmenL ls noL a ground for change of gender 1here ls no law presenL LhaL allows such ln our counLry
nelLher may enLrles ln Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe as Lo flrsL name or sex be changed on Lhe ground of equlLy 1he remedles
peLlLloner seeks lnvolve quesLlons of publlc pollcy Lo be addressed solely by Lhe leglslaLure noL by Lhe courLs As Lo
conLracLlng marrlage our law allows only male and female wlLh Lhe maln reason of procreaLlon Sex reasslgnmenL
sclenLlflcally has noL yeL made one compleLely lnLo female wlLh Lhe compleLe funcLlon for reproducLlon

Lee v 1ambago
S44 SCkA 393 |

Compl al nanL Ma nuel L Lee cha r ged r es ponde nL AL L y 8eglno 8 1ambago wlLh vlolaLlon of noLarlal
Law and Lhe LLhlcs of L he l egal pr of es s l on f or noL a r l z l ng a wl l l L haL l s al l eged L o be spurlous ln
naLure ln conLalnlng forged slgnaLures of hls faLher Lhe decedenL vlcenLe Lee Sr and Lwo oLher wlLnesses ln Lhe sald
wlll Lhe decedenL supposedl y bequeaLhed hl s enLl re esLaLe Lo hl s wl fe Llm Pock Lee save for a parcel of land
whlch he devlsed Lo vlcenLe Lee !r and Llena Lee halfslbllngs of complalnanL 1he wlll was purporLedly execuLed and
acknowledged before respondenL on !une 30 1963

Compl al nanL however pol nLed ouL L ha L L he r es l dence ce r L l f l caL e o f L h e L e s L a L o r n o L e d
l n L h e a c k n o w l e d g m e n L o f L h e w l l l w a s d a L e d ! a n u a r y 3 1 9 6 2 lurLhermore Lhe
slgnaLure of Lhe LesLaLor was noL Lhe same as hls s l g n a L u r e a s d o n o r l n a d e e d o f d o n a L l o n whl ch
supposedl y conLal ned hl s purporLed sl gnaLure Compl al nanL averred LhaL Lhe s l gna L ur es of hl s
deceas e d f a L her l n L he wl l l and l n L he deed of donaLlon were ln any way enLlrely and dlameLrlcally
opposed from one anoLher ln all anglesComplalnanL also quesLloned Lhe absence of noLaLlon of Lhe resldence
cerLlflcaLes of Lhe purporLed wlLnesses noynay and Cra[o Pe al l eged L haL L hel r s l gnaL ur es ha d l l kewl s e
been f or ged a nd merely copled from Lhelr respecLlve voLers' affldavlLs C o m p l a l n a n L f u r L h e r
a s s e r L e d L h a L n o c o p y o f s u c h purporLed wl l l was on fl l e l n Lhe archl ves dl vl slon of Lhe
8ecords ManagemenL and Archl ves Cffl ce of Lhe naLl onal Comml ssl on for CulLure and Lhe ArLs (nCCA)

Was Lhe wlll spurlous?
?es Lhus 1ambago vlolaLed Lhe noLarlal Law and Lhe eLhlcs of legal professlon 1 h e l a w p r o v l d e s f o r
c e r L a l n f o r m a l l L l e s L h a L m u s L b e f ol l owed l n L he ex ecuL l on of wl l l s 1he ob[ e cL of
s ol emnl L l es surroundlng Lhe execuLlon of wllls ls Lo close Lhe door on bad falLh a nd f r aud L o av ol d
s ubs L l L uL l on of wl l l s and L es L amenL s and L o guaranLee Lhelr LruLh and auLhenLlclLy A noLarlal wlll as Lhe
conLesLed wlll ln Lhls case ls requlred by law Lo be subscrlbed aL Lhe end Lhereof by Lhe LesLaLor hlmself ln addl Ll on
l L shoul d be aLLesLed and subscrl bed by Lhree or more cr e dl bl e wl L nes s es l n L he pr es ence of L he
L es L aL or and of one anoLher 1he wl l l l n quesLl on was aLLesLed by onl y Lwo wl Lnesses Cn Lhls
clrcumsLance alone Lhe wlll musL be consldered vold 1hls l s l n cons onance wl L h L he r ul e L ha L a cL s
ex ecuL ed agal ns L L he provl sl ons of mandaLory or prohl bl Lory l aws shal l be vol d excepL when Lhe law
lLself auLhorlzes Lhelr valldlLy 1he Clvll Code llkewlse requl res LhaL a wl l l musL be acknowl edged before a
noLary publ l c by Lhe LesLaLor and Lhe wlLnesses An acknowledgmenL ls Lhe acL of one who has execuLed a deed
l n gol ng before some compeLenL offlcer or courL and declarlng lL Lo be hls acL or deed lL lnvolves an exLra sLep
underLaken whereby Lhe sl gnaLory acLual l y decl ares Lo Lhe noLary publlc LhaL Lhe same ls hls or her own free acL
and deed 1he acknowledgmenL ln a noLarlal wlll has a Lwofold purpose (1) Lo safeguard Lhe LesLaLor's wl shes
l ong afLer hl s deml se and (2) Lo as s ur e L ha L hl s es L aL e l s adml nl s L er e d l n L he manne r L haL he
lnLends lL Lo be done A cursory examlnaLlon of Lhe acknowledgmenL of Lhe wlll ln quesLlon shows LhaL Lhls parLlcular
requlremenL was nelLher sLrlcLly nor subsLanLlally complled wlLh lor one Lhere was Lhe consplcuous absence of a
noLaLl on of Lhe resl dence cerLl fl caLes of Lhe noLarl al wlLnesses noynay and Cra[o ln Lhe acknowledgmenL
Slmllarly Lhe noL a L l on of L he L es L a L or ' s ol d r es l dence c er L l f l ca L e l n L he s ame acknowledgmenL was
a clear breach of Lhe law 1hese omlsslons by respondenL lnvalldaLed Lhe wlll

GR No. 182795, June 5, 2008

!etitioners are settlers in a certain parcel of land situated in the Brgy. Manggahan, !asig City.Their dwellings have either
been demolished as of the time of filing of the petition, or is about tobe demolished pursuant to a court judgment.
!etitioners claim that respondents hold fraudulent and spurious titles. Thus, the petition for writ of amparo. -rule on writ of
amparo: is a remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation
by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee or of a private individual or entity. The writ shall cover
extralegal killings or disappearances.

WON the writ of amparo is a correct remedy for the petitioners.

No. RD: The writ of amparo does not cover the cause of the petitioners. The threatened demolition of a dwelling by a
virtue of a final judgment of the court is not included among the enumeration of rights covered by the writ. Also, the factual
and legal basis for petitioners claim to the land in question is not alleged at all in the petition

Gk No 178920 Cctober 1S 2007
Mana|o vs Ca|deron

llve armed men forclbly enLered olllng reclncL 76A of 8arangay lnagbayanan LlemenLary School and poured
gasollne over a balloL box 1hey flred several rounds of ammunlLlons aL Lhe premlses seLLlng lL ablaze

ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon LhaL ensued several eyewlLnesses ldenLlfled some of peLlLloners as Lhe perpeLraLors of Lhe school
burnlng 1he lnvesLlgaLlon also ylelded LhaL all slx peLlLloners who are all members of Lhe n falled Lo Llmely respond
Lo Lhe lncldenL AcLlng on Lhe reporLs Lhe n hlerarchy lssued Lhree successlve memoranda puLLlng Lhe eLlLloners under
resLrlcLlve cusLody 1he memoranda provlded (1) LhaL all movemenLs of Lhe eLlLloners wlLhln Lhe camp should be monlLored (2)
LhaL when slLuaLlon warranLs Lhelr movemenL ouLslde camp Lhey should be properly escorLed on oneonone basls and (3) LhaL
a logbook should be malnLalned Lo record Lhelr place of desLlnaLlon name of escorL LsLlmaLed 1lme of ueparLure and LsLlmaLed
1lme of 8eLurn Lo SLaLlon eLlLloners Lhus lnsLlLuLed Lhls acLlon praylng LhaL a wrlL of habeas corpus be lssued and LhaL Lhe
CourL ad[udge Lhelr resLrlcLlve cusLody sLaLus as lllegal

1he Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral (CSC) manlfesLed LhaL by a Memorandum Crder Lhe ulrecLor of n 8eglonal Cfflce
has recalled Lhe assalled resLrlcLlve cusLody order embodled ln Lhe Lwo Memoranda ln vlew of Lhe recall lLls prayed
LhaL Lhe peLlLlon be dlsmlssed on ground of mooLness

1 Should Lhe CourL dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon on Lhe sole ground of mooLness Lhe assalled orders havlng been recalled?
2 Are eLlLloners unlawfully deLalned or resLralned of Lhelr llberLy under Lhelr resLrlcLlve cusLody sLaLus?

l 1he SC 8y Way Cf LxcepLlons uecldes MooL lssues
1he release of peLlLloners by respondenLs ln a peLlLlon for habeas corpus does noL auLomaLlcally abaLe a declslon on
Lhe case Slmllarly a recall of Lhe cusLody order challenged by peLlLloners wlll noL necessarlly call for a dlsmlssal on Lhe
ground of mooLness alone AlLhough Lhe general rule ls mooLness of Lhe lssue warranLs a dlsmlssal Lhere are well
deflned excepLlons
1he mooL and academlc prlnclple ls noL a maglcal formula LhaL can auLomaLlcally dlssuade Lhe courLs ln resolvlng a case
CourLs wlll declde cases oLherwlse mooL and academlc lf flrsL Lhere ls a grave vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon second Lhe
excepLlonal characLer of Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhe paramounL publlc lnLeresL ls lnvolved Lhlrd when consLlLuLlonal lssue
ralsed requlres formulaLlon of conLrolllng prlnclples Lo gulde Lhe bench Lhe bar and Lhe publlc and fourLh Lhe case ls
capable of repeLlLlon yeL evadlng revlew 1he resLrlcLlve cusLody of pollcemen under lnvesLlgaLlon ls an exlsLlng pracLlce
hence Lhe lssue ls bound Lo crop up every now and Lhen 1he maLLer ls capable of repeLlLlon or suscepLlble of recurrence lL beLLer
be resolved for Lhe educaLlon and guldance of all concerned

ll 1here ls no lllegal 8esLralnL ln Lhe 8esLrlcLlve CusLody and MonlLored MovemenLs of ollce Cfflcers under lnvesLlgaLlon Cnly lf Lhe
CourL ls saLlsfled LhaL a person ls unlawfully resLralned of hls llberLy wlll a peLlLlon for habeas corpus be granLed and Lhe
person deLalned released from conflnemenL

1he peLlLlon on lLs face falled Lo convlnce Lhe courL LhaL peLlLloner's are acLually and unlawfully deLalned and
resLralned of Lhelr llberLy lor Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus Lo lssue Lhe resLralnL of llberLy musL be ln Lhe naLure of an
lllegal and lnvolunLary deprlvaLlon of freedom of acLlon More lmporLanLly Lhe prlme speclflcaLlon of an appllcaLlon for
a wrlL of habeas corpus ls an acLual and effecLlve and noL merely nomlnal or moral lllegal resLralnL of llberLy eLlLloners
are noL lllegally and lnvolunLarlly deprlved of Lhelr freedom of acLlon llrsLly Lhe assalled memoranda decreelng Lhe
monlLorlng of Lhelr movemenLs cannoL by any sLreLch of Lhe lmaglnaLlon be consldered as a form of curLallmenL of
Lhelr freedom guaranLeed under our ConsLlLuLlon lL ls evldenL LhaL peLlLloners are noL acLually deLalned or resLralned of
Lhelr llberLles WhaL was ordered by Lhe n ls LhaL Lhelr movemenLs lnslde and ouLslde camp be monlLored

lL ls crysLalclear LhaL peLlLloners are free Lo go ln and ouL of Camp vlcenLe Llm as Lhey please Secondly Lhe resLrlcLlve
cusLody complalned of by peLlLloners ls aL besL nomlnal resLralnL whlch ls beyond Lhe amblL of habeas corpus lL ls
nelLher acLual nor effecLlve resLralnL LhaL would call for Lhe granL of Lhe remedy prayed for lL ls a permlsslble
precauLlonary measure Lo assure Lhe n auLhorlLles LhaL Lhe pollce offlcers concerned are always accounLed for
lourLhly 8epubllc AcL (8A) no 6973 (ulLC AcL of 1990) as amended by 8A no 8331 (n 8eform and 8eorganlzaLlon
AcL of 1998) clearly provldes LhaL members of Lhe pollce force are sub[ecL Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllnary machlnery
of Lhe n 1he sald law provldes LhaL Lhe chlef of Lhe n shall have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo place pollce personnel under resLrlcLlve
cusLody durlng Lhe pendency of a grave admlnlsLraLlve case flled agalnsL hlm or even afLer Lhe flllng of a crlmlnal complalnL grave ln
naLure agalnsL such pollce personnel (Lmphasls supplled)

lL can be gleaned from Lhe memoranda lssued by Lhe n hlerarchy LhaL an lnvesLlgaLlon ls belng conducLed on Lhe
reporLed lnvolvemenL of pollce personnel ln Lhe flre LhaL guLLed Lhe lnagbayanan LlemenLary School LvldenLly Lhe
n ls well wlLhln lLs auLhorlLy Lo relleve peLlLloners from Lhelr former poslLlons and place Lhem under LlghL waLch aL
leasL unLll Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe sald lnvesLlgaLlon

Clearly placlng pollce offlcers faclng a grave admlnlsLraLlve case under resLrlcLlve cusLody ls a dlsclpllnary measure
auLhorlzed under Lhe n law 1hus peLlLloners clalm LhaL Lhelr resLrlcLlve cusLody ls an lllegal pracLlce noL
sancLloned by any exlsLlng provlslon of our consLlLuLlon and laws ls noL Lrue lL musL necessarlly fall

LasLly peLlLloners conLend LhaL by placlng Lhem under resLrlcLlve cusLody Lhey are made Lo suffer lesser rlghLs Lhan
Lhose en[oyed by prlvaLe clLlzens 1he CourL held LhaL alLhough Lhe n ls clvlllan ln characLer lLs members are sub[ecL Lo
Lhe dlsclpllnary auLhorlLy of Lhe Chlef hlllpplne naLlonal ollce under Lhe naLlonal ollce Commlsslon CourLs cannoL
by ln[uncLlon revlew overrule or oLherwlse lnLerfere wlLh valld acLs of pollce offlclals 1he pollce organlzaLlon musL
observe selfdlsclpllne and obey a chaln of command under clvlllan offlclals

Llse wlse sLaLed pollce offlcers are noL slmllarly slLuaLed wlLh ordlnary clvll servlce employees 1he n has lLs own
admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllnary mechanlsm dlfferenL from Lhose of oLher governmenL employees ln sum peLlLloners are
unable Lo dlscharge Lhelr burden of showlng LhaL Lhey are enLlLled Lo Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL prayed for 1he peLlLlon
falls Lo show on lLs face LhaL Lhey are unlawfully deprlved of Lhelr llberLles guaranLeed and enshrlned ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
no unlawful resLralnL ls folsLed on Lhem by Lhe n auLhorlLles under Lhe quesLloned memoranda

1he ulLlmaLe purpose of Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus ls Lo relleve a person from unlawful resLralnL 1he wrlL cannoL and wlll
noL lssue absenL a showlng LhaL peLlLloners are deprlved of Lhelr llberLy nelLher can lL relleve peLlLloners who are pollce
offlcers from Lhe valld exerclse of prescrlbed dlsclpllne over Lhem by Lhe n leadershlp

WPL8LlC8L Lhe peLlLlon ls uLnlLu uuL CCu8SL and ulSMlSSLu
Gk 174680 March 24 2008

Cn 13 !anuary 2001 respondenL hereln lellcldad A 1ayagCallor flled a peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon over Lhe esLaLe of lsmael 1ayag 8espondenL alleged ln Lhe peLlLlon dockeLed as Speclal roceedlng
no3994 LhaL she ls one of Lhe Lhree (3) llleglLlmaLe chlldren of Lhe laLe lsmael 1ayag and LsLer C Angeles 1he decedenL
was marrled Lo peLlLloner hereln vlcLorla C 1ayag buL Lhe Lwo allegedly dld noL have any chlldren of Lhelr own Cn 7
SepLember 2000 lsmael 1ayag dled lnLesLaLe leavlng behlnd Lwo (2) real properLles boLh of whlch are ln Lhe possesslon
of peLlLloner and a moLor vehlcle whlch Lhe laLLer sold on 10 CcLober 2000 preparaLory Lo Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe
decedenL's esLaLe eLlLloner allegedly promlsed Lo glve respondenL and her broLhers 10000000 each as Lhelr share ln
Lhe proceeds of Lhe sale Powever peLlLloner only gave each of Lhem half Lhe amounL she promlsed 8espondenL furLher
averred LhaL on 20 november 2000 peLlLloner has caused Lhe annoLaLlon of 3 SepLember 1984 affldavlL execuLed by
lsmael 1ayag declarlng Lhe properLles Lo be Lhe paraphernal properLles of peLlLloner 1he laLLer allegedly lnLends Lo
dlspose of Lhese properLles Lo Lhe respondenL's and her broLhers' pre[udlce eLlLloner opposed Lhe peLlLlon asserLlng
LhaL she purchased Lhe properLles sub[ecL of Lhe peLlLlon uslng her own money She clalmed LhaL she and lsmael 1ayag
goL marrled ln Las vegas nevada uSA on 23 CcLober 1973 and LhaL Lhey have an adopLed daughLer Carmela 1ayag
who ls presenLly resldlng lnLhe uSA lL ls allegedly noL Lrue LhaL she ls plannlng Lo sell Lhe properLles eLlLloner prayed
for Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe sulL because respondenL falled Lo sLaLe a cause of acLlon ln a MoLlon daLed 31 AugusL 2001
peLlLloner relLeraLed her sole ownershlp of Lhe properLles and presenLed Lhe Lransfer cerLlflcaLes of LlLle Lhereof ln her
name She also averred LhaL lL ls necessary Lo allege LhaL respondenL was acknowledged and recognlzed by lsmael 1ayag
as hls llleglLlmaLe chlld 1here belng no such allegaLlon Lhe acLlon becomes one Lo compel recognlLlon whlch cannoL be
broughL afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe puLaLlve faLher 1o prevenL furLher encroachmenL upon Lhe courL's Llme peLlLloner
moved for a hearlng on her afflrmaLlve defenses

WPL1PL8 8LSCnuLn1'S L1l1lCn lC8 1PL lSSuAnCL Cl LL11L8S ClAuMlnlS18A1lCn SulllClLn1L? S1A1LS A CAuSL
Cl AC1lCnCCnSluL8lnC 1PA1 8LSCnuLn1 ML8LL? ALLLCLu 1PL8Lln 1PA1SPL lS An lLLLCl1lMA1L CPlLu Cl 1PL
uLCLuLn1 Wl1PCu1 S1A1lnC 1PA1 SPL PAu 8LLn ACknCWLLuCLu C8 8LCCCnlZLu AS SuCP 8?1PL LA11L8

?es 1he allegaLlon LhaL respondenL ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL sufflces even wlLhouL furLher sLaLlng LhaL she
has been so recognlzed or acknowledged A peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon musL be flled by an
lnLeresLed person ln Sagulnsln v Llndayag Lhe CourL deflned an lnLeresLed parLy as one who would be beneflLed by Lhe
esLaLe such as an helr or one who has a clalm agalnsL Lhe esLaLe such as a credlLor 1hls lnLeresL furLhermore musL be
maLerlal and dlrecL noL merely lndlrecL or conLlngenL LssenLlally Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon ls a sulL for Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe lnLesLaLe esLaLe of lsmael 1ayag 1he rlghL of respondenL Lo malnLaln
such a sulL ls dependenL on wheLher she ls enLlLled Lo successlonal rlghLs as an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL whlch
ln Lurn may be esLabllshed Lhrough volunLary or compulsory recognlLlon volunLary recognlLlon musL be express such as
LhaL ln a record of blrLh appearlng ln Lhe clvll reglsLer a flnal [udgmenL a publlc lnsLrumenL or prlvaLe handwrlLLen
lnsLrumenL slgned by Lhe parenL concerned 1he volunLary recognlLlon of an llleglLlmaLe chlld by hls or her parenL needs
no furLher courL acLlon and ls Lherefore noL sub[ecL Lo Lhe llmlLaLlon LhaL Lhe acLlon for recognlLlon be broughL durlng
Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe puLaLlve parenL !udlclal or compulsory recognlLlon on Lhe oLher hand may be demanded by Lhe
llleglLlmaLe chlld of hls parenLs and musL be broughL durlng Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe presumed parenLs 8espondenL ln Lhls
case had noL been glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo presenL evldence Lo show wheLher she had been volunLarlly recognlzed and
acknowledged by her deceased faLher because of peLlLloner's opposlLlon Lo her peLlLlon and moLlon for hearlng on
afflrmaLlve defenses 1here ls as yeL no way Lo deLermlne lf her peLlLlon ls acLually one Lo compel recognlLlon whlch
had already been foreclosed by Lhe deaLh of her faLher or wheLher lndeed she has a maLerlal and dlrecL lnLeresL Lo
malnLaln Lhe sulL by reason of Lhe decedenL's volunLary acknowledgmenL or recognlLlon of her llleglLlmaLe flllaLlon We
flnd Lherefore LhaL Lhe allegaLlon LhaL respondenL ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL sufflces even wlLhouL furLher
sLaLlng LhaL she has been so recognlzed or acknowledged A moLlon Lo dlsmlss on Lhe ground of fallure Lo sLaLe a cause
of acLlon ln Lhe complalnL hypoLheLlcally admlLs Lhe LruLh of Lhe facLs alleged Lhereln Assumlng Lhe facL alleged Lo be
Lrue le LhaL respondenL ls Lhe decedenL's llleglLlmaLe chlld her lnLeresL ln Lhe esLaLe as such would deflnlLely be
maLerlal and dlrecL 1he appellaLe courL was Lherefore correcL ln allowlng Lhe proceedlngs Lo conLlnue rullng LhaL
respondenL sLlll has Lhe duLy Lo prove Lhe allegaLlon (LhaL she ls an llleglLlmaLe chlld of Lhe decedenL) [usL as Lhe
peLlLloner has Lhe rlghL Lo dlsprove lL ln Lhe course of Lhe seLLlemenL proceedlngs"

Gk NC 166676 September 12 2008

Cn uecember 11 2003 !ennlfer Cagandahan flled a eLlLlon for CorrecLlon of LnLrles ln 8lrLh CerLlflcaLe before Lhe 81C
of Laguna She alleged LhaL she was born on !anuary 13 1981 and was reglsLered as a female ln Lhe CerLlflcaLe of Llve
8lrLh buL whlle growlng up she developed secondary male characLerlsLlcs and was dlagnosed Lo have CongenlLal
Andrenal Pyperplasla (CAP)She Lhen alleged LhaL for all lnLeresLs and appearances as well as ln mlnd and emoLlon she
has become a male person 1hus she prayed LhaL her blrLh cerLlflcaLe be correcLed such LhaL her gender be changed
from female Lo male and her flrsL name be changed from !ennlfer Lo !eff 1he 81C granLed Cagandahan's peLlLlon 1he
Cfflce of Lhe SollclLor Ceneral flled a peLlLlon for revlew under 8ule 43 seeklng a reversal of Lhe rullng of Lhe 81C

W/n 1PL 18lAL CCu81 L88Lu ln C8uL8lnC 1PL CC88LC1lCn ClLn18lLS ln 1PL 8l81P CL81lllCA1L Cl CACAnuAPAn
1C CPAnCLPL8 SLx C8 CLnuL8 l8CM lLMALL 1C MALL Cn 1PL C8Cunu Cl PL8MLulCAL CCnul1lCn knCWn AS
CAP Anu PL8 nAML l8CM!LnnllL8" 1C !Lll"

no 1o Lhe person wlLh CongenlLal Andrenal Pyperplasla (CAP) belongs Lhe human rlghL Lo Lhe pursulL of happlness and
of healLh and Lo hlm should belong Lhe prlmordlal cholce of whaL courses of acLlon Lo Lake along Lhe paLh of hls sexual
developmenL and maLuraLlon ln Lhe absence of evldence LhaL respondenL ls an lncompeLenL and ln Lhe absence of
evldence Lo show LhaL classlfylng respondenL as a male wlll harm oLher members of socleLy who are equally enLlLled Lo
proLecLlon under Lhe law Lhe CourL afflrms as valld and [usLlfled Lhe respondenL's poslLlon and hls personal [udgmenL of
belng a male As for respondenL's change of name under 8ule 103 Lhls CourL has held LhaL a change of name ls noL a
maLLer of rlghL buL of [udlclal dlscreLlon Lo be exerclsed ln Lhe llghL of Lhe reasons adduced and Lhe consequences LhaL
wlll follow 1he Lrlal courL's granL of respondenL's change of name from !ennlfer Lo !eff lmplles a change of a femlnlne
name Lo a mascullne name Conslderlng Lhe consequence LhaL respondenL's change of name merely recognlzes hls
preferred gender Lhe CourL flnds merlL ln respondenL's change of name Such a change wlll conform wlLh Lhe change of
Lhe enLry ln hls blrLh cerLlflcaLe from female Lo male

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