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Griffin Armament / Hearing Protection LLC.
allgnmenL condlLlons Lo be meL 1he procedure for LhaL ls
as follows loosen Lhe compensaLor Z Lurn lnserL Lhe
addlLlonal half moon shlm ln beLween Lhe shlm sLack and
Labbed washer on Lhe slde of Lhe suppressor exh|b|t|ng the
most c|earance and carefully LlghLen Lhe compensaLor
conflrmlng Lhe shlm remalns ln Lhe proper locaLlon reclock
Lhe compensaLor Lo proper orlenLaLlon and recheck
suppressor allgnmenL lf allgnmenL ls now near perfecL or
vlsually perfecL you have successfully lnsLalled your
compensaLor and now have a suppressor ready weapon
18 lf allgnmenL ls noL perfecL conLlnue Lo aLLempL a soluLlon lf
no soluLlon ls posslble lL ls probable LhaL your barrel Lhread
was bad from Lhe facLory ln Lhls evenL you may have Lo
have Lhe barrel reLhreaded for suppressor use We
recommend AuCC flrearms ln Sylvanla Chlo for suppressor
Lhread work 1hey are locaLed on Lhe lnLerneL aL

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13 Add Lhe mlnlmum quanLlLy of Lhln peel washers requlred Lo
geL Lhe flash hlder Lo LlghLen hand LlghL aL abouL Lhe 9 or 10
oclock poslLlon ,ake sure you p|ace the th|n washers
beh|nd the tabbed washer Lhls wlll provlde Lhe greaLesL
lnsurance agalnsL damage Lo Lhe very Lhln washer shlms and
also Lhe correcL orlenLaLlon of Lhe Labbed washer (or sound
suppressor over lnserLlon sLop)
14 1lghLen Lhe compensaLor Lo approxlmaLely 33 fooL lbs (or
abouL 23 oclock poslLlons from hand LlghL Lo Lhe wrench
LlghLened and Llmed conflguraLlon) lf Lhe compensaLor ls
noL a Llmed properly add or deleLe Lhln washers as
necessary Lo obLaln proper Llmlng
13 Check LlghL by loosenlng and reLlghLenlng hand LlghL ?ou
may have Lo add shlms and reLlghLen Lhe compensaLor as
Lhe shlms may flaLLen ouL lnlLlally reduclng Lorque necessary
over Lhe long Lerm Lo secure Lhe compensaLor
16 lf you have a suppressor Lo mounL Lo Lhe compensaLor do so
aL Lhls Llme vlsually conflrm allgnmenL by placlng whlLe
paper ln Lhe breach and looklng Lhrough Lhe suppressor
bore parallel Lo Lhe walls of Lhe barrel bore on all sldes
comparlng clearance Lo elemenLs of Lhe suppressor bore
17 ln some cases allgnmenL may be obvlously ouL of Lrue due
Lo producLlon barrel Lhread lnadequacles ln Lhese cases a
slngle very Lhln 001" Lhlck shlm from Lhe peel washer can
be cuL ln half uslng a sclssors and used Lo force beLLer

M4-SD II Tactical Compensator Installation

1 unload your Ar13 ln accordance wlLh lLs manufacLurer's user
2 8emove Lhe bolL carrler group and charglng handle from Lhe
upper recelver
3 llxLure Lhe upper recelver ln a vlse uslng a polymer vlse
4 use a " wrench Lo remove Lhe muzzle accessory
3 8emove Lhe exlsLlng peel or crush washer (do noL reuse)
6 Crab Lhe provlded and new peel washer ln a seL of pllers
(preferably a seL of pllers wlLh smooLh [aws so you don'L
damage Lhe Lhln layers of Lhe washer)
7 8LlnC CA8LluL nC1 1C 8u8n ?Cu8SLLl Pold Lhe washer
over Lhe burner on a sLove or Lhe flame of a Lorch unLll one
slde of Lhe washer glows red for several seconds
8 urop Lhe washer on a sLeel surface such as a baklng sheeL or
hang lL on Lhe bllnd muzzle Lhreads of Lhe weapon Lo alr
cool do noL waLer quench
9 WalL 310 mlnuLes Lo cool
10 1he peel washer should now be separable lnLo one Lhlck
washer and 1320 Lhln washer shlms
11 lace Lhe Labbed washer over Lhe 1/2x28 Lhreads on Lhe
barrel and LlghLen Lhe flash hlder 1hls Labbed washer ls also
Lhe sound suppressor over lnserLlon sLop and ls able Lo be
lnsLalled ln rlghL or lefL handed conflguraLlons (rlghL hand
conflguraLlon ls wlLh Lhe Lab faclng Lo Lhe rlghL e[ecLlon
porL slde of Lhe weapon and vlse versa)
12 lf Lhe muzzle devlce hand LlghLens aL Lhe 9 or 10 C'clock
poslLlon proceed Lo sLep 14 lf lL does noL you wlll need Lo
use some of Lhe 002" shlms from Lhe peel washer Lo creaLe
proper Llmlng condlLlons for accepLable mounLlng Lorque Lo
be generaLed prlor Lo derlvlng approprlaLe devlce Llmlng
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