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Arnaud Pags is een 30 jarige grafisch vormgever/ schilder/ illustrator die nog altijd werkt vanuit zijn thuis

en geboorte stad Parijs. Hij is een kunstige duizendpoot die op zowat alle ondergronden en materialen zijn werk maakt. Ik stel hem even aan jullie voor.


- How do you make your work, what is the process? First i make a drawing. Then i scan it. And after, i do all the rest with photoshop. Photoshop is my main tool since 5 years. But before i was 100% into traditional painting, with acrylic and inks. Since a few time, i try more and more to make a mix between photohsop and traditional painting. - What programs/methods do you use to make your work? Theres no programms or methods. I just try to do my best to make the best drawing as possible. Each time, for each project and each customer. I really try to push the things forward on each project. Thats my only program. - What or who are your inspirations and what artists do you admire? Well, as an artist ive been influenced by others artists when i began to draw. Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Fernand Lger, Pablo Picasso but also french modern artists as Philippe Druillet, Moebius or Enki Bilal These guys are still very important for me. - Why do you work in the style that you work in? Its a difficult question. In fact i dont know. I know that i love to draw what i draw. But i would not say why. And i know that its 100% my personal style, nobody else is doing that. One of the most difficult thing, is to do a real personal work. Theres so much good drawers that are just doing the same stuff than others artists. Its a pity. They think that copycat is art but they are wrong. - Can you live from the work that you produce? Yes i do. Its my business you know. Sometimes my pockets are full of money, really much more than the average salary man, sometimes they are empty. But money will always be less important than art. - Are you happy with were you are at this point in your life? Yes i am. But i would like to do really much more in the coming years. Its only the begining. - What is your utopical project? In other words if money and time weren't issues what would you do or make? I would make a huge exhibition mixing paintings, sculpture, video and music. I would also release a book and a magazine inspired by the exhibition. And a lot of merchandising, toys, tee-shirts, posters etc etc

- Can you introduce yourself? My name is Arnaud Pags. Im a french graphic designer & numeric painter. Im from Paris, and i live and work in this beautifull city. - How did it all started for you? With magazines. My first drawings were published by magazines. After that, ive made my first exhibitions. Magazines were an easy way to earn a few money and to get some credibility. - Where and what did you study to become who you are? Well, teachers at school they always wanted to make me draw in a certain kind of way. In a academic way. But it was really boring. And thats a fact that i was more interested by developing my own style than by learning how to draw a horse or an apple for example. So, i have just spent one year at the art school. The most important thing is not the technic side. You can be at the same time the best drawer in the world and the worst artist. Most important thing is what is inside you. And how you find the key to express it. Its a personal process. You must become your own teacher. That being said, art school is important to learn the technic but in my case it was just a lost of time. - Do you got any 'funfacts' or notable experiences that you want to share with us about your study? One of the teacher that i had at the art school came to one of my opening last year. But he didnt remembered that i was his pupil several years before. He said to me: waoo its just great ! In which art school did you learned to do that ?. - If you start to work do you have some sort of a ritual? Yes, i drink a huge black coffee. Then i start working. - Where do you get your inspiration? From everything around me. Inspiration for me is like a mega computer working hard behind the scene. And then you have an idea. And you start working on this idea to build your drawing. But you never know exactly from where this idea is coming from.

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