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Letter of Motivation

l Jteom of polotloq ooJ tbeo l polot my Jteom

vloceot voo Coqb

1he world ls so small LhaL we ofLen flnd ouL we know Lhe same person or we are from Lhe same
place yeL lL ls so blg Lo be explored Slnce l was a kld l have been dreamlng of Lravelllng Lo and llvlng
ln dlfferenL places When l know Lhe unlverslLy whlch l am currenLly sLudylng aL offers lLs sLudenLs
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo sLudy abroad for a semesLer l Lake Lhe chance wlLh full of exclLemenL
1here are more Lhan 80 parLner lnsLlLuLes all over Lhe world and lL ls noL an easy Lask Lo choose Lhe
one LhaL really sulLs my dream and my currenL condlLlon Llvlng my llfe l belleve whaL l choose Loday
wlll affecL my fuLure 1hls ls why l am reasonably careful wlLh my cholce of sLudy abroad 1o come Lo
Lhls cholce l follow my lnLulLlon and my loglcal way of Lhlnklng
l was ralsed ln an Aslan counLry and aL Lhe momenL l am sLudylng ln Lurope l deslre Lo llve ln
dlfferenL conLlnenLs so Lhere are Lhree cholces lefL Afrlca Amerlca and AusLralla l choose AusLralla
because Lhls conLlnenL has many muLual agreemenLs wlLh my home counLry lndonesla 1hls ls a
good sLarL for my fuLure career 8esldes l have never been Lhere even Lhough Lhls conLlnenL ls
relaLlvely near from lndonesla
AusLralla ls unlque and very dlverse lL has all Lhlngs LhaL naLure could offer mounLalns heaLhs
ralnforesLs beaches reefs and even deserL lL has several mulLlculLural clLles whlch are home Lo
culLurally dlverse clLlzens l am eager Lo llve and sLudy ln one of Lhe besL places Lo llve
lurLhermore l selecL AusLralla because from educaLlonal perspecLlve Lhls counLry has a good
lnLernaLlonal repuLaLlon ln lL lL ls also famous for lLs hlgh quallLy of educaLlonal sysLem l speclflcally
selecL CrlfflLh unlverslLy because lL offers exLenslve and very lnLeresLlng courses LhaL wlll
complemenL Lhe sLudy from my home degree ln addlLlon CrlfflLh 8uslness School has obLalned
lnLernaLlonal accredlLaLlon LhaL proves lL ls Lhe besL place for me Lo broaden Lhe scope of my currenL
l belleve Lhls ls Lhe mosL sulLable place for me Lo broaden my knowledge and Lo galn llfe
experlences Cueensland LogeLher wlLh CrlfflLh unlverslLy offer me Lhe besL comblnaLlon of
excellenL sLudy opporLunlLles and lncredlble llfe experlences 8y havlng Lhese experlences l hope l
can develop my personal and professlonal skllls As sald by Lhe famous 8uddha All LhaL we are ls
Lhe resulL of whaL we have LhoughL" l Lhlnk CrlfflLh unlverslLy ls Lhe besL cholce for me and my
fuLure and lndeed lL wlll be

kenang lna verslggl Subud
l8MS 471403

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