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What is a Priority Queue?

Priority Queues Stores prioritized elements

• No notion of storing at particular position

Returns elements in priority order

• Order determined by key

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

What’s so different? What’s it good for?

Stacks and Queues Order of returned elements is not FIFO or
LIFO (as in queue or stack)
• Removal order determined by order of
inserting Random access not necessary (as in
sequence) or desirable
• User chooses exact placement when inserting Examples
and explicitly chooses removal order • Plane landings managed by air traffic control
Priority Queue • Processes scheduled by CPU
• Order determined by key • College admissions process for students
• Key may be part of element data or separate —What are some of the criteria?
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

College Admissions Key Student selection process

Student submits: Simple scheme
• Personal data (geography, is parent alum?,
activities?) • Collect applications until due date
• Transcript • Sort by keys
• Essays • Take top k students
• Standardized test scores
More realistic
• Recommendations
• Prioritize applications as they come in
Admissions agent:
• Accept some top students ASAP
• Each datum converted to number
• Formula converts to single numeric key • Maybe even change data/key as you go
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Priority Queue ADT Keys, Comparitors and Total Orders

insertItem(k,e): insert element e with key k Key type needs comparison operator (returns
boolean) with following properties:
extractMin( ): return element with minimum
key and remove from queue • Reflexive: k ≤ k
• Antisymmetric:
minElement( ): return (look at) min element (k1 ≤ k2) && (k2 ≤ k1) → k1 = k2
minKey( ): return minimum key • Transitive:
((k1 ≤ k2) && (k2 ≤ k3) → k1 ≤ k3
size( ): return number of elements
These properties guarantee consistent, total
isEmpty( ): size == 0? ordering
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Implementing PQ with
Abstracting Comparitors Unsorted Sequence
Allows for different types of comparison
• e.g. Numeric vs.
vs. lexicographic (for strings) Each call to insertItem(k,
insertItem(k, e) uses insertLast(
insertLast( )
to store in Sequence
Several approaches possible
• O(1) time
• Build PQ object to know about specific key
type and comparison Each call to extractMin(
extractMin( ) traverses the entire
• Build key object to know about comparison sequence to find the minimum, then
• Build separate comparitor object for each type removes element
of comparison
• O(n) time
Book argues for #3, but I also recommend #2
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Implementing PQ with
Sorted Sequence
Sorting Using a PQ

Elements begin in arbitrary order in a

Each call to insertItem(k,
insertItem(k, e) traverses sorted sequence
sequence to find correct position, then does
insert Move elements from sequence into PQ

• O(n) worst case Extract elements from PQ and reinsert into

sequence in priority order
Each call to extractMin(
extractMin( ) does removeFirst(
removeFirst( )
• O(1) time
Analysis depends on implementation choices
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Analyzing Queue Efficiency
Selection Sort
for Sorting

PQ sorting using unsorted sequence

N insertElement(
insertElement( ) operations followed by N Insert all n items in input order
extractMin( ) operations
Extract by selecting min item n times

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Insertion Sort Sort Analysis

Sel. Sort Ins. Sort

foreach element, Ei, in S O(n)

PQ sorting using sorted sequence i=n-
Σ O(1)
PQ.insert(E i=0

while !PQ.empty() O(n)

i=n-1 i=n-

Sequentially insert items into sequence in PQ.extractMin

() ΣO(i) Σ O(1)
i=0 i=0

sorted order
Extract items easily from sorted sequence i=n-
i=n-1 i=n-
O(n) + ΣO(1) + ΣO(i) = O(n) + O(n) + O(n2) = O(n2)
i=0 i=0

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap Heap Example

Binary tree-
tree-based data structure
• Complete in the sense that it fills up levels as 10
completely as possible
• Height of tree is O(logn)
logn) 15 20
Stores elements with keys
19 17 25 30
All nodes satisfy the heap property:
• The key value at a node is less than or equal to
the key value of the node’s children 31 32 22 21 35

Allows insertItem(
insertItem( ) and extractMin( extractMin( ) in
logn) time
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

PQ Quiz Show! Heap, or Not a Heap?

g c
Heap, or Not A Heap?

h i e
(no paper necessary)
p n q w k f

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap, or Not a Heap? Heap, or Not a Heap?

f c

j v k f

n k w z q m j r

s x p m y s p v

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap, or Not a Heap? Inserting into Heap

Create new node as “last” element

Insert key/element into new node
3 5
Bubble node upward until heap property is
20 32 6 8
while (!isRoot
(node) &&
(node.key < node.parent.key))
swap(node, parent)
(just pseudocode - can’t do it exactly like this in Java)
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap Insert Example Bubble Upward

10 10

15 20 15 20

19 17 25 30 19 17 7 30

31 32 22 21 35 7 31 32 22 21 35 25

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Bubble Upward Bubble Upward

10 7

15 7 15 10

19 17 20 30 19 17 20 30

31 32 22 21 35 25 31 32 22 21 35 25

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap Insert Analysis Extracting from Heap

Copy element from root node

New node always inserted at lowest level Copy element/key from last node to root node
Node bubbles upward Delete last node
• up to root in worst case Bubble root node downward until heap
• path length to root is O(logn
logn) property satisfied
while (!isExternal
(node) &&
Total time for insert is O(logn
(node.key > node.smallestChild
swap(node, node.smallestChild
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap Extract Example Copy Extracted Element

15 10 15 10

19 17 20 30 19 17 20 30

31 32 22 21 35 25 31 32 22 21 35 25

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Move last node to root Bubble Downward

7 7
25 10

15 10 15 25

19 17 20 30 19 17 20 30

31 32 22 21 35 31 32 22 21 35

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Bubble Downward All done

7 7
10 10

15 20 15 20

19 17 25 30 19 17 25 30

31 32 22 21 35 31 32 22 21 35

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

Heap Extract Analysis Sort Analysis
Heap Sort

foreach element, Ei, in S O(n)

PQ.insert(E Σ O(logi
Again, each swap takes constant time i=0

while !PQ.empty() O(n)

Maximum swaps is path length from root to PQ.extractMin
leaf i=0

i=n-1 i=n-
→ Total work is logn
logn * O(1) = O(logn
logn) O(n) +2 ΣO(logi
logi) < O(n) + 2 ΣO(logn
i=0 i=0

= O(n) + 2n*O
logn) = O(

(showing θ (nlogn
logn) is a bit harder)
Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science
Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

In-class Exercise

What does the heap look like after the

following sequence of insertions:

5 30 2 15 7 45 20 6 18

Johns Hopkins Department of Computer Science

Course 600.226: Data Structures, Professor: Jonathan Cohen

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