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#ACT Occupy is Just the Beginning There are no leaders.

. The revolutionary dogma of this generation is Fight Club and V for Vendetta, not Marx. We prefer Malcom X to Martin Luther King. Revolution is eternal. The earth revolves around the Sun every day. That is why it is called revolution. You travel a great distance and end up in the same place. The people who want to maintain the status quo and return to normalcy are always the losers. They are fighting the primal laws of nature. No one can help them. We have a problem. The problem is that our world is very fucked up. When I say our world I mean the world of paying taxes, paying rent, paying interest, working your whole life to pay all of these debts, and at the end having nothing to show for it. Everyone caught in this trap is struggling to be free. In uncertain terms, you sold your soul to the devil, and now you are trapped in the eternal damnation of negotiating with some schmuck over the terms of repayment for a fraudulent loan that will end up costing you half your income, while the proceeds buy the creditor a new yacht. So, what is the problem? Money is fraud. Interest is fraud. Taxes are fraud. All of the bullshit on TV and in the Newspapers is fraud. Movies, TV, and the Internet are fraud. We live in a backwoods carnival where almost everything you see is a hustle and a scam. Money is counterfeit. There is no such thing as legitimate money. Money has value because if you don't pay taxes, the government will kidnap, torture, and kill you. You have to use their money, or they will kill you. Interest is fraud. Especially attached to counterfeit money. Once you take out a loan at interest you will never get out of debt. That is a mathematical and logical certainty. The only way to escape debt is to find a bigger sucker to borrow more money and give it to you. That is the economy. It is a pyramid scam. Is this all there is to life? Ripping people off in order to pay off the people who ripped you off. No. This is the narrow, meaningless, purposeless, and blind life that those who are trapped in it will try to convince you to live. So that you will borrow more money, and help them pay their debts. Fuck that. Get smart, get real, and tell these people to go fuck themselves. When they pull their heads out of their asses they will thank you. I have read some media airing faux complaints about #OWS not having any set goals. These claims are totally disingenuous, but #ACT does have goals. I hope the media is happy they asked.

The goals of #ACT: -Dissolution of the U.S. government as it stands -Dissolution of the U.S. military -Nullification of all fraudulent contracts -Abolition of interest -Abolition of the income tax -Abolition of counterfeit currencies -Arrest and trial of most politicians, corporate leaders, and their staff -Destruction of the party system both Republicans and Democrats -Destruction of organized crime operations (banks primarily, and everything they own) #ACT is about destroying everything that has been built during the past century. Creation and destruction are simultaneous. They are the same thing. #ACT is about creating a world ruled by humans, united in strength, free from fear, and living a life that is far beyond the grandiose imaginations of our idiot politicians and CEOs. This is not a call to arms. This is a call to think. This is a psychological war. It cannot be won with weapons. It can only be won with understanding. Know yourself. Know your enemy. That is the Art of War. This is war. It is a war that has been raging for an eternity. Study your history. You probably have many ancestors who fought and died in this war. The warrior culture is indomitable. We fight to the last man, we survive generations of slavery, then we raise new armies. We can never be defeated. As long as injustice reigns, we will be sharpening our knives, waiting for the signal to attack. This story is very very old. You may not understand, but before the genocide of Africa, and before the genocide of America, there was the genocide of Europe. The same war, the same tactics. Back then they would burn you at the stake, hang you from a cross, or cut off your limbs (or a thousand other diabolical tortures) if you didn't worship their god and pay them their taxes. They slaughtered our people generation after generation, killed our wise women and men, and destroyed our history, so that they could wipe out the memory of who we really are. Civilization did not begin 5000 years ago in the desert. The earliest recorded art still stands from over 30,000 years ago on the walls of caves in Europe. It took 2000 years of brutal tyranny to make us live like slaves. This tyranny made us believe in a false god, a false history, and a false law. It made us weak. We stopped standing up for right, and we bowed down to lies. We did this to survive. We were overwhelmed by an enemy that we did not understand. We did not understand how to lie, how to cheat, how to steal. These things were counter to our nature, and so we did not understand how or why they would be used against us.

For 2000 years we were duped because we are, to the core, people of honor, integrity, justice, and respect. We still are. But now we are wise enough to not assume that others share our fundamental moral nature. Know your history, know yourself. He who knows the past knows the future. Justice is inevitable. If I die in battle, and my enemy survives, he will only increase his suffering. I will be free. Do not fear anything of man. Man is nothing. Fear your maker. Fear the one that created the entire universe. The universe either created itself from nothing, or it was created by a being that created itself from nothing. This is a logical certainty. It is not some superstition. It is the bedrock of knowledge. Understand how something created all existence out of nothing, and then you will understand everything, and you will know neither fear nor want. Call a thief a thief. Call a liar a liar. Resist oppression. Destroy your enemies. Who is a friend and who is an enemy? Liars are always enemies. The truth is your friend. Those who seize what is free and sell it at a price are your enemies. Friends give freely of the gifts they have themselves received. Those who speak only of what is wrong are your enemies. Your friends will tell you what is right. The ignorant are your enemies. Knowledge is your friend. The petty are your enemies. Your friends are without limits. Seek truth within yourself. If you cannot find the truth in yourself, you will never find it elsewhere. This is a war. #ACT is the army. #ACT is not about sitting around, or getting people to like us on Fakebook, or tweet us on Twatter. #ACT is about seizing and defending ground, attacking our enemy at every vulnerable point, and occupying a world of peace, justice, and prosperity for ourselves and our people. Revolution is inevitable. #ACT is a manifestation of necessity. Victory is not in doubt. The battle was won before it began. #ACT is a law enforcement agency. The guiding light of #ACT is justice. Wherever criminals are, bring them to justice. Wherever you find the proceeds of crime, confiscate or

destroy them. Those are the rules. This duty requires moral rectitude of the highest order. Do not confuse justice with injustice. Only act when the evidence is clear. Never act out of anger, pride, or fear. Always tend towards forgiveness. Do not hand out any punishment that you would not want if you committed the same crime. #ACT is a law enforcement agency. We have no leaders. No bureaucracy. No courts. No juries. No lawyers. We are the executioners. You are responsible for your own actions. There is nowhere to hide. No fictions to hide behind. What is justice? Can it be just for a bank to print money and trade it for labor and land, and then tax people even on their wages, which are paid in counterfeit paper to start with? No. Justice says that those who trade something of no value for something with value are criminals. They are guilty. They are liars, thieves, tyrants, and con artists. All of the proceeds of their crimes are forfeit. Can it be just for people to kidnap, imprison, torture, and kill others, who have committed no crime? No. Justice says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The criminals will enjoy the fruits of their crimes. Can it be just that people are forced from their homes so that speculators can seize their land and sell it to others? No. Anyone who drives someone from their home should be driven from their own home and shunned by their community. These people are poisonous. Is it just that products made by slave labor should be bought and sold freely, as though they were not tainted with blood? No. Anyone who engages in such commerce forfeits all rights to their so called property. Is it just that a person should be paid a slave wage while their master lives in squalid wealth? No. The master does not work. The slave does. The wages must be proportionate to the labor performed. Wherever you find the proceeds of crime seize or destroy them. Stop the criminals wherever you find them. Confuse and disrupt their schemes. This crap that people call valuable is nothing. Set it on fire. Kindle a fire of lies, and let it rage until

only the truth remains. Every agent must act according to their own conscience. No one directs anyone else. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Do not place faith in the words of others. Watch their actions. Talking and Acting are diametrically opposed from each other. Those who talk the most act the least. Stay away from talkers. They are useless and will betray you. Study the omerta. Consider its operational necessity. Never take any profit work performed in the cause of justice. Justice is its own reward. Move in silence. Wait patiently and strike swiftly. Your only advantage over your enemy is moral. If you lose this, you have lost everything. Do not use the internet for operational purposes. Everything is tracked. If you do use the internet, use public wi-fi. Use a wi-fi card bought with cash. Use a computer that you do not use for any other purpose. Do not store these items in your home. Do not trust TOR and other anonymity services. They are easily breakable, if they are not honey pots to start with. Every networked electronic device has a unique id that is transmitted whenever you connect to the internet. This includes wi-fi, cell phones, and everything else. Never carry a cell phone with you during operations. They can be tracked even when not in use, and even when turned off. Never travel by car during an operation, unless appropriate precautions have been taken. Video surveillance is pervasive and license plates will be easily identified. Never wear the same clothes during multiple operations or use your regular clothing for operations. Use thrift stores. Throw away or re-donate clothing once it has been used. Learn to confuse biometric tracking devices. Use gloves or glue over your fingertips. More elaborate methods can be employed depending on operational necessities. Never use cash taken directly from a bank for operational purposes. The serial numbers on cash can easily be tracked to your account. Operate as far from your home as possible. Switch your zones of operation and operational tactics as frequently as possible. Avoid any discernible patterns in your operations. When you develop a new operational tactic, press it as hard as possible. Take your enemy by surprise.

Once you have exhausted a tactic, never use it again. Superior force does not when battles. Superior intellect does. Know your enemy. Know yourself. A piece of gum can be more powerful than a bomb. Use your imagination. Use your enemies' weapons against them. A security system is useless if it continually generates false alarms. A comrade killed by the enemy will rally the troops. A death by friendly fire is deeply demoralizing. Attack. Attack. Attack. Then move and lay low. Leave your enemy running furiously in circles, exhausting their energy. Act with moral purpose. Never compromise. Do not rely on deceit. This will confuse your enemy who understands nothing but deceit. Your enemy will continually be looking for the deception in your strategy, and drive themselves crazy looking for what does not exist. You cannot lose. Victory is guaranteed. There is no reason to lie or cheat. The more that you press this advantage, the more demoralized and desperate your enemies will become. What is victory? Victory is peace. War is peace? No. War will never lead to peace. But only war shows the path to peace. What is victory? Victory is truth. Truth is necessity. Truth is what must be and what cannot be changed. Truth demands peace, because war against necessity is futile. In war, both victory and defeat are truth. Both imply the cessation of war. Find the causes of war, and find the truth. The best method of investigation is active participation. Study life and nature through observation and participation in equal measure with a study of literature. Many valuable things can be learned from both, and careful study of each has a cumulative benefit. Knowledge is cumulative. The more you know, the more valuable every fresh piece of information will be. Study the masters. Study the Greek and Romans. Study the Indians. Study the Chinese. Study the Egyptians, Jews, and Muslims. Study the homeless on the street. Study politicians. Study professors. Study corporate executives. Everything is a learning experience for a willing student.

It is better to be wrong than to be right. If you are right, you gain nothing. If you are wrong, you have improved yourself doubly by eliminating false knowledge and gaining true knowledge. #ACT local. #ACT global. #ACT is individual. You are responsible for yourself. If the whole world is wrong, and you are the only one right, all the more weight on your shoulders. You do not need anybody else to do right. You will only be judged by your own actions. You are your own judge. You can't lie to yourself. Not forever. You will always find the truth. Nothing you do is hidden from your self. It does not matter who else is watching. You are watching, and your judgment is the most important. #ACT is global. We cannot expect from others what we cannot do ourselves. Set yourself up as an example of what is right, and the world will follow. You cannot lose. Even if not a single person follows your path, you will be right with yourself. The universe is big. You are small. Take responsibility for what is under your control. Do not worry about what is beyond your control. You are only responsible for your own actions. When the entire world follows these principles, our mission will be complete. This journey can only start with each individual. #ACT NOW. Tomorrow is too late. If you feel powerless, or afraid, you can only solve that problem by proving that you have strength, and that you have nothing to fear. If someone steals from you, take back in equal measure, and charge the criminal for the costs of enforcement. Some people say there should be balance in law, and then they spend all day in court with lies, and hide the true extent of their crimes, and still profit, only to go out and continue in their crimes. Do not be tricked by such people. True repentance is cessation of criminal activity, and this will never occur as long as criminality is profitable. If one in a hundred enforce the law, then the law enforcers must punish crime in a ratio of one hundred times the penalty to the crime committed. All money is crime. Those who print money and lend it at interest are the biggest criminals. Everyone else is merely their slaves. Anything derived from trade in money is the proceeds of crime. All of this is forfeit without measure.

When criminals counterfeit money it does no good to measure their punishment in monetary terms, since they can always print more money. As a result, punishments must be without measure until the original crime is ceased. Usury (lending money at interest) is a similar crime to counterfeiting. It must be punished without measure until the criminal activity is renounced. #ACT is inevitable. Everyone who knows history knows this to be true. Everything turns to dust. All of the plans and schemes of the powerful are nothing. Their demise is the product of their own actions. If you are afraid of war, recognize that war already has you. You are already on the field of battle. The greatest threat you face is your failure to recognize reality for what it is. Know yourself. Know your enemy. Peace.

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