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Caravaggio Taedor de lad, 1595-96 Lute Player San Petersburgo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Caravaggio Taedorde lad (detalle) 1595-96 San Petersburgo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

a celebracin del Ao Dual EspaaRusia 20II trae al Museo del Prado una seleccin de ms de 170 obras de la gran coleccin enciclopdica del Herrnitage, el mayor tesoro artstico de Rusia: desde valiosas piezas de arqueologa, como el oro de Siberia, hasta orfebrera de Europa, como las joyas de la casa Faberg; y en Bellas Artes, desde las pinturas y esculturas de Tiziano y Bernini, hasta el siglo xx con Picasso y Kandisky. El Herrnitage, a la vez un palacio y un museo, est formado por un conjunto de edificios a orillas del ro Neva, Fue comenzado por Pedro 1 el Grande (r. 1682-1725), el zar que fund la ciudad de San Petersburgo (1703) tomando Pars y msterdam como modelos, y posteriormente ampliado por sus sucesores hasta la Revolucin de 1917. Especialmente importantes para su desarrollo fueron Catalina 11 la Grande (r. 1762-96), que construy el Pequeo Hermitage y el Viejo Herrnitage para albergar las colecciones imperiales de arte (1771-87), yel nieto de sta, Nicols 1 (r. 1825-55), que aadi el Nuevo Hermitage. Sus fondos, que fueron nacionalizados tras la Revolucin de 1917, provienen en su mayora, de las colecciones de estos tres zares, cuyos retratos abren la exposicin. Uno de los aspectos que hacen del Herrnitage un museo nico es su coleccin de piezas arqueolgicas de oro, armas y

Claude Monet El estanque en Montgeron, 1876 The Pondat Montgeron San Petersburqo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage r-tuseurn, St. Petersburg

adornos de los nmadas escitas de Eurasia (s. v. al s. III a. C.) y las joyas del siglo IV a. C. de la Coleccin Siberiana de Pedro 1, expuestas aqu en un mbito especial. La exposicin muestra adems una importante seleccin de pinturas, dibujos y esculturas de los siglos XVI al XX que ilustran la riqueza, el origen y la evolucin de la coleccin de! Hermitage. Este Museo cuenta con e! mejor conjunto de pintura holandesa y flamenca de! siglo XVII (Rembrandt, Hals y Rubens, todos representados en la muestra) fuera de los Pases Bajos, creada gracias a la pasin de Pedro e! Grande por e! arte de los holandeses. Sus sucesores, especialmente Catalina la Grande y Alejandro 1, adems de realizar encargos concretos a artistas renombrados, como Chardin y Thorvaldsen, compraron importantes colecciones de arte, como la del comerciante berlins Gotzkowski o la de J osefina Bonaparte. Consiguieron as impresionantes conjuntos de pintura italiana -entre los que destacan e! San Sebastin, de Tiziano, y El taedor de lad, de Caravaggio-, espaola 01elzquez, El Greco y Ribera), y francesa (Poussin y Watteau). En escultura e! Hermitage destaca por su coleccin de terracotas --como e! xtasis de santa Teresa de Bernini- y de esculturas neoclsicas de Antonio Canova. Los zares coleccionaban, adems, joyas y valiosas piezas de artes decorativas occidentales -como e! Ramo de aciagos de la casa F aberg-



Broche de cinturn con ataque de un

monstruo a un
caballo, Siglos IV-III a. C Belt buckle with a monster attacking a horse 4th to 3rd


Peter rs Siberian Collection San Petersburgo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage Museum, St, Petersburg

y orientales. La orfebrera china y las joyas indias de los siglos XVII al XIX, adornadas con piedras preciosas y esmaltes de colores, son consecuencia de la fascinacin por Oriente durante este periodo. En un mbito distinto, en la sala e, se puede disfrutar la coleccin de arte del siglo XIX y de las vanguardias europeas que ingresaron en la coleccin del Herrnitage ya en el siglo xx. Tras la Revolucin de I9I7, cuando se nacionalizaron las grandes colecciones de arte imperiales y privadas de Rusia, el Herrnitage, como museo estatal, seleccion cuidadosamente obras de artistas como Friedrich, Ingres y Rodin para cubrir los vacos existentes en sus colecciones. La carencia de obras impresionistas de Monet o Renoir y de las vanguardias europeas -Picasso, Matisse o van Dongen- se subsan en I948, tras la disolucin del Museo Estatal del Arte Occidental de Mosc, formado principalmente a partir de las colecciones de arte de dos moscovitas, Sergui Schukin e Ivn Morzov. Desde entonces el Hermitage ha continuado adquiriendo obras de arte contemporneo como el Cuadrado negro de Malvich, que ingres en la coleccin en 2002.


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CONTINA EN PLANTA 1 (Acceso por las escaleras mecnicas

y ascensor)


FOTOGRAFAS No se permite de fotografas, CATLOGO





ACCESO A LA EXPOSICiN Aforo limitado. Imprescindible retirada de pase horario de acceso a la exposicin al adquirir la entrada en las taquillas 1 a 6. Acceso por la Puerta de los Jernimos. No se admiten grupos VENTA DE ENTRADAS General: 12 Reducida: 6 Esta tarifa ser de aplicacin durante todo el horario y das de apertura. Reducciones y exenciones, con acreditacin, segn la resolucin vigente. Informacin, reservas y venta anticipada: 902 10 70 77 HORARIO De martes DE LA EXPOSICiN a domingos y festivos:

El desalojo de las salas comienza minutos antes del cierre. Das de cierre: 25 diciembre 2011 y 1 enero 2012


la realizacin ni filmaciones


AUDIOGuAS 3.50 Disponibles en espaol, ingls, francs, alemn, italiano y ruso. Audiogua combinada de la exposicin y de la Coleccin: 5.00

09.00 h - 20.00 h Lunes: 10.00 h - 20.00 h

(Slo se puede visitar la exposicin, el resto del Museo permanecer cerrado). La taquilla y el acceso permanecen abiertos hasta una hora antes del cierre.

Conserve su entrada y pase horerio. le solicitar en el acceso a la exposicin. Rogamos no utilicen el telfono mvil durante la visita. La informacin contenida en este folleto puede sufrir modificaciones posteriores derivadas de la reorganizacin de los servicios. Disculpen las molestias que esto pueda ocasionarles

Coorganizada por:

-Tbe State Hennitage Museum En el marco de:




Con el patrocinio



Fundacin 88VA



Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn Retrato de un estudioso, 1631 Portrait of a Scholar San Petersburgo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Caravaggio Lute Player (detail) 1595-96 San Petersburgo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

pain-Russia Year 20II brings to the Museo del Prado a graup of more than 170 works from the great collection of the Hermitage Museum, the jewel ofRussia's cultural heritage, They mnge from rare and precious archaeological items including Scythian gold from Siberia to the decorative arts ofEurape, with jewelled items from the house ofFaberg, and European art frorn paintings and sculptures by Titian and Bernini to twentieth-century masters such as Picasso and Kandinsky, The Hermitage, which was built both as a palace and a museum, comprises an architectural complex on the banks of the River Neva, It was begun by Peter the Great (reigned 1682-1725), the Tsar who founded the city of Saint Petersburg in 1703 taking Paris and Amsterdam as models, and was subsequently enlarged by his successors up to the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917. Among the key figures in its history were Catherine the Great (reigned 1762-96), who built the Small Hermitage and the Old Hermitage to house the imperial art collections (1771-87), and her grandson Nicholas I (reigned 1825-55), who added the New Hermitage. The museum's holdings, which were nationalised after the 1917 Revolution, largely derive from the collections of these three monarchs, whose portraits open the exhibition. One of the unique features of the Hermitage is its collection of ancient gold objects.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini El xtasis de santa Teresa, h.1647 The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa San Petersburgo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Displayed here in a special room, ir includes gold ornaments made by the Scythian nomads ofEurasia (fifth to third centuries BC), as welI as fourth-cenrury BC jewelIery from the Siberian Collection ofPeter the Great. The exhibition also includes an important section devoted to fifteenth- to twentiethcentury European paintings, drawings and sculpture, which reveals the richness, origins and evolution of the Hermitage's colIection. Reflecting Peter the Great's passion for art, the Hermitage has the finest colIection of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish painting outside HolIand, includingworks by Rembrandt, Hals and Rubens. His successors, particularly Catherine the Great and Alexander 1, commissioned works from leading artists such as Chardin and Thorvaldsen also acquired important colIections including those of the Berlin merchant Gotzkowski andJosephine Bonaparte. As a result they assembled a major colIection of 1talian painting -with masterpieces like Titian's Saint Sebastian and Caravaggio's Lute Player- Spanish paintings (Velzquez, El Greco and Ribera) and others by French artists including Poussin, and Watteau. The Hermitage also has a large colIection of sculptures which includes numerous seventeenth-century terracottas -like Bernini's The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa- and an important colIection ofNeo-classical sculpture, represented here with works by Canova.



Henri Matisse Juego de bolas, 1908 Game of Skittles San Petersburqo, Museo del Hermitage The State Hermitage

si. Petersburg Succession H.Matisse/ VEGAP/2011

The Tsars also collected decorative arts frorn Europe -like F aberg' s Cornflowers and Oats in a Vase- and Asia. Chinese and Indian seventeenth and eighteenth-century jewels adorned with precious stones and coloured enamelled reflect Russia's fascination with the East. On the firsr fioor in Room C are the works by European avant-garde artists. Theyentered the Hermitage's collection in the twentieth century following the nationalisation of the great Russian imperial and private collections after the 1917 Revolution. As a State museum, the Hermitage was able to make a careful selection of works by artists such as Friedrich, Ingres y Rodin in order to fill existing gaps in its collection. The lack of works by Impressionists such as Monet and Renoir and by European avant-garde artists (picasso, Matisse and Van Dongen) was remedied in 1948 with the closure of the State Museum ofWestern Art in Moscow, which had housed works formerly in the collections of two Muscovite collectors, Sergei Shuckin and Ivan Morozov. Since that date the Hermitage has continued to acquire modern art including Malevich's Black Square, which entered its collection in 2002.





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CONTINUES IN FLOOR 1 (Access by lift and escalator)

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ENTRY TO THE EXHIBITION Limited entry numbers. It is essential to obtain a timed entry pass when acquiring a ticket at ticket desks 1 to 6. Entry via the Jernimos Entrance. Groups are not allowed TICKET PRICES General ticket: 12 Reduced price ticket: 6 These prices are invariable throughout the duration 01 the exhibitian. Reduced price and free tickets are available in accordance with the Museum's regulations and on presentatan of relevant proof 01 status. Informatian, reservations and pre-booked tickets: 902 10 70 77 EXHIBITION OPENING TIMES Tuesdays to Sundays and public holidays: 9am to 8pm Mondays: 10am to 8pm Cexhibition only: the rest 01 the Museum is closed). The ticket desks

The public must leave the galleries 10 minutes belore closing time. Closed: 25 December 2011 and 1 January 2012 PHOTOGRAPHY Photography and filming are not allowed inside the exhibition CATALOGUE AUDIOGUIDES 37,50 3,50

Available in Spanish, English, French, German, ltalian and Russian. Combined audioguide for the Exhibition and Permanent Collection: 5,00

Please keep your ticket and timed entry pass. You must show them on entry to the exhibition. Please do not use mobile telephones inside ttie exhibition. The information in this leaflet may be subject to changes depending on the t-toseum's schedules. With apologies
far any resulting inconvenience.

and entrance close one hour before

the exhibition closes.





Tbe State Hennitage Within the framework:

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