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No programmer

Why is FlexAB leveraged by Software Developers?

Less Standardized and
The business Integrated rule is defined by the class structure to be created and by the rules and validations to be placed in each object, this way of creating an application is not dependent on the person which performs it, as it is the code creation. The applications are ?open?; any trained person can understand a palliation created directly by another person. Because there exists a previously Development done base work, a Standard Time interface ready to be used, there is no need to begin with the database structure development, it is object-oriented.

It is not necessary to hire highly specialized personnel to manage programming languages. All the applications can be generated by providing the current staff with functional training.


Una sola


Con una sola plataforma de soluciones de Lgica de Negocios, Bases de Datos, Gestin de Contenidos, Gestin Documental, y Colaboracin.


Quick going back: To sin modify an application does not generate a waste of weeks and weeks of codes, it is just a redefinition of a class and the creation of the new and necessary ones.

Cambio de diseo

Dueos de la



Las Aplicaciones creadas con FlexAB tienen un sello nico que identifica quien es su dueo (o creador) protegiendo de copias los desarrollos. Esto posibilita la comercializacin de clases entre desarrolladores de software, adems de proteger las aplicaciones contra cambios no deseados de terceros.

"One hundred percent

All the applications have the Reutilization same structure, and are objectoriented. The classes defined in an application can be exported and used in other ones, taking with them their definitions of attributes, methods, validations, etc.



The applications are one hundred per cent object-oriented, with a much faster transition from the real life to the definition of classes than having to break the real life down into tables, keys, and relations.

Un solo desarrollo
todas las


Since the applications are object-oriented created, in order to modify or enhance the application it is only necessary to define the new classes and configure how they interact with the others.



Las aplicaciones desarrolladas con FlexAB quedan automticamente protegidas contra copias ilegales. El mismo sistema de licenciamiento de FlexAB es reutilizado por los desarrolladores para proteger sus creaciones.

Proteccin y

Generada la aplicacin y su lgica de negocios, automticamente se puede comenzar a cargar datos por medio de su interfaz de Windows, interfaz WEB por medio de un Browser, Interfaz WAP por medio de cualquier dispositivo PDA, e Interfaz Mobile por medio de telefona celular con capacidad WAP. Todas sus aplicaciones son automticamente mviles.


High System
Building Speed
All the aforementioned factors increase the speed for the application creation.


The same application generation, as it is standardized, automatically generates the system documentation, both the internal one and that of the users.

Document in

Seguir programando o F l e x A B


Faster Staff

Staff training is much faster and less expensive. "People with not a necessarily programming profile: It is not necessary to have highly trained staff as regards programming languages, since there can be an application generation by training staff with functional orientation.


No espere resultados distintos haciendo lo mismo

by AppliWare


How to Become an Appliware's Partner

Appliware is not an application developer. We believe that applications should be developed by those who have the specific knowledge on a solution and contribute that value-added to the tool they choose for the development. For that reason, Appliware encourages the creation of alliances with development companies or business consultants willing to use FlexAB as the tool for their solutions. Advantages of being a FlexAB Solution Integrator (SI) The advantages of being one of the official FlexAB integrators are: Access to discussion forums Regular product updates Promotion of the Solutions developed in Appliware's Website. Access to joint promotion in showrooms and events.

Pods estar ac

El tiempo que ahorrs utilizando FlexAB, lo vas a aprovechar en las cosas que ms te gustan.

At your applications' base


FlexAB es un entorno de desarrollo para crear aplicaciones sin programacin, con la flexibilidad de orientada a objetos, y utilizando robustas bases de datos relacionales.
FlexAB permite a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones de software mediante una interfaz orientada a objetos, sin necesidad de programar y sin necesidad de preocuparse opr tablas, relaciones o interaccin entre los datos. FlexAB reduce notablemente los tiempos de desarrollo y de mantenimiento (TCO). Adems, FlexAB presenta otra gran ventaja al eliminar la

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Qu es FlexAB?

Reduzca los costos de desarrollo, deployment, mantenimiento, y escalabilidad de sus aplicaciones de software

necesidad de programar frontends para que los usuarios finales utilicen las aplicaciones, ya que provee interfaces personalizables en Win32, WEB y WAP, o permite crear una propia. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas con FlexAB son flexibles y escalables, permitiendo generar una base de frameworks reutilizables en futuros proyectos, reduciendo an mas los tiempos de desarrollo e implementacin.

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