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Directions: Important events in the life of Peter the Great of Russia are listed to right. Use your textbook and the Internet to research them. Then, place them in the boxes on the left in chronological order (with respective dates) and analyze the importance of each event. Focus your analysis on how each event affected Russias relation to other nations in Europe or the Near East and/or the Tsars power at home. List of Events

Formation of the Probrazhensky Guards: 1683 The formation of the Probrazhensky Guards was initially as a toy army for Peter as a child. As he grew older, foreign military strategists were hired to help him devise military plans, and these men eventually became recruited into his regime when the Probrazhensy Guards became a real army.

Peter co-rules with his half-brother, Ivan V. 1682 and 1696 During this time period, the real power was held by Peters sister, Sophia, and it wasnt until Ivan passed away that Peter was forced to take full control of the throne.

Battle of Azov: 1696 Russias success gained it access to the Black Sea as a major maritime force.

Peter travels with the Great Embassy: 1697-1698 The goal was to build-up and expand Russia's alliance with a few European countries against the Ottoman Empire in its attempt to acquire the northern coastline of the Black Sea, and to obtain military supplies and weapons.

The revolt of the Streltsky: 1698 As a result of discontent with the way they were treated, the Streltsky devised an uprising against Peter in which they hoped to reinstall Sophia as ruler of Russia.




Creation of a heavy tax burden on the poor to support the Great Northern War. 1700-1721 Peter the Great was forced to impose taxes amongst his people due to the fact that his military-related efforts took up 80-85% of the Russian expenses. Peter was at war for the majority of his reign.

The founding of St. Petersburg: 1703 After capturing a Swedish fortress on the Neva river, Peter declared it to be the place of his new city, Saint-Petersburg. Peter quickly moved the capital of Russia to St. Petersburg and in an attempt to catch up with Western Europe, pushed for the influences of westernizations through-out the city.

Battle of Poltava: 27 June 1709 A turning point in the war that proved disastrous for Sweden. Charles lost over 2,000 men and was forced to retreat into exhile. He found sanctuary with the Turks in the Ottoman empire, but they kept him for five years.

Battle on the Pruth: 1711 Due to a devastating loss, the Russians were forced to sign a treaty that implied their resignation of the fortresses in Azov and Tagenrog, the Black sea fleet and then to withdraw back to Russia.

Execution of Peters son, the Tsarevich Alexis: (1718) Due to suspected acts of treason against his father, Alexis was executed under his fathers command. This act showed other countries how cruel and/or power hungry Peter was, to the point where he would sacrifice his own son in the name of the state.

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