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Bibliographie de Matthieu Richelle (mise jour le 26 novembre 2011) LIVRES (MONOGRAPHIES) 1. La Bible et larchologie, avec une prface dA.

. Millard (clairages; Vaux-sur-Seine/Clon dAndran: Edifac/Excelsis, 2011). 2. Le Testament dlise: Texte massortique et Septante en 2 Rois 13.10-14.16 (Cahiers de la Revue Biblique 76; Pend: Gabalda, 2010). LIVRES (DITS) 1. La Bible en questions, vol. 1: Je dcouvre (Croire-Pocket 25; Paris: Croire-Publications, 2011). 2. La Bible en questions, vol. 2: Je veux savoir (Croire-Pocket 26; Paris: Croire-Publications, 2011). ARTICLES 1. Ebed Father of Gaal, Ebez, Ebron, Edrei Town in Bashan, Edrei Town of Naphtali, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 7 (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, en prparation). 2. Darkon, Dathema, Dead Sea, Dung Gate, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 6 (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, sous presse). 3. Syriac Language, in Lexham Bible Dictionary (online, en prparation). 4. Un triptyque au cur du livre de Miche (Mi 4-5), VT (2012), paratre. 5. Des yeux pour voir, des oreilles pour entendre. Comparaison entre un motif biblique et une formule msopotamienne, ZAW 124/1 (2012), sous presse. 6. 7. Corner Gate, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 5 (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2012, sous presse). Chephar-Ammoni, Cherith, Brook of, Chesalon, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, vol. 4 (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2011) sous presse. 8. Littrature juive canonique et extra-canonique dans la Gloire des Rois (Kebra Nagast), in R. Gounelle et B. Mounier (ed.), La littrature apocryphe chrtienne et les critures juives (Histoire du Texte Biblique; Prahins: ditions du Zbre, 2011) sous presse. 9. Notes pigraphiques : lostracon n3 de Tell el-Mazar, Semitica 54 (2011), sous presse. 10. La structure littraire de lHistoire Primitive (Gn 1.1-11.26) dans son tat final, BN (2011), sous presse. 11. La pierre angulaire dEsae 28 la lumire de loracle contre lEgypte (Es 19), ZAW 123 (2011) 437-440.

12. Le premier chapitre de la Gense lu dans le contexte du Proche-Orient ancien, in L. Jaeger (ed.), De la Gense au Gnome: Perspectives bibliques et scientifiques sur lvolutio (Clan dAndran/Nogent-sur-Marne, Excelsis/Editions de lIBN, 2011) 9-44. 13. Une ccit ordinaire. Analyse narrative de 2 Rois 6.8-23, ThEv 10/1 (2011) 1-13. 14. lie et lise, auriges en Isral. Une mtaphore militaire oublie en 2 R 2,12 et 13,14, RB 117/3 (2010) 321-336. 15. Les conqutes de Hazal selon la recension lucianique en 4 Rgnes 13,22, BN 146 (2010) 19-25. 16. (with M. Weigl) Hisban Ostracon A1: New Collation and New Readings, ADAJ 53 (2009) 127-138. 17. Comment la chronologie basse dIsrael Finkelstein est-elle reue parmi les archologues?, Hokhma 96 (2009) 37-56. 18. La structure et linterprtation dOse 11, Positions Luthriennes 56/2 (2008) 233-242. 19. Lpigraphie nord-ouest smitique et son intrt pour ltude de lAncien Testament, ThEv 7/2 (2008)135-172. RECENSIONS MAJEURES 1. Review of P. Hugo, Les deux visages dlie: Texte massortique et Septante dans lhistoire la plus ancienne du texte de 1 R 17-18 (OBO 217; Fribourg/Gttingen, 2006), RB 116/3 (2009) 451457. 2. Review of R. Tappy/P. Kyle McCarter (ed.), Literate Culture and Tenth-Century Canaan: The Tel Zayit Abecedary in Context (Winona Lake, 2008), RB 117/1 (2010) 126-131. 3. Review of S. Ahituv, Echoes from the Past: Hebrew and Cognate Inscriptions from the Biblical World (Jerusalem, Carta, 2008), Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 10 (2010) online. 4. La fiabilit de lAncien Testament en question: La rception acadmique du livre de K. Kitchen, On the Reliability of the Old Testament, ThEv 6/2 (2007) 137-150. RECENSIONS 5. Review of I. Finkelstein A. Mazar, The Quest for the Historical Israel. Debating Archaeology and the History of Israel (ed. by Brian B. Schmidt; Archaeology and Biblical Studies 17; Atlanta: SBL, 2007), AUSS 48/2 (2010) 318-321. 6. Review of D.T. Lamb, Righteous Jehu and His Evil Heirs. The Deuteronomists Negative Perspective on Dynastic Succession (OTM; Oxford: OUP, 2007), Themelios 36/1 (2011) online. 7. Review of E.H. Cline, A Short Introduction to Biblical Archaeology (Oxford: OUP, 2009), Trinity Journal 32 NS (2011) 100-101.

8. Review of T.S. Hadjiev, The Composition and the Redaction of the Book of Amos (BZAW 393; Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2009), Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 11 (2011) online. 9. Review of J. Lunde, Following Jesus, the Servant King. A Biblical Theology of Covenantal Discipleship (Biblical Theology for Life; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010), TGC Reviews online. 10. Review of D. Timmer, A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation and Spitiruality in the Book of Jonah (IVP, 2011), TGC Reviews online. 11. Review of J. G. McConville/S. N. Williams, Joshua (THOTC; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), JETS 54/2 (2011) 379-81. 12. Review of J.A. Dearman, The Book of Hosea (NICOT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010), Themelios 36/3 (2011) forthcoming. 13. Review of C. Nihan M. Bauks (ed.), Manuel dexgse de lAncien Testament (Genve: Labor et Fides, 2008), Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 10 (2010) online. 14. Review of J.N. Oswalt, The Bible Among the Myths (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009), Themelios 35/1 (2010) 46-48. 15. Review of S. Tuell, Ezekiel (NIBC; Peabody: Hendrickson, 2009), Themelios 35/1 (2010) 4849. 16. Review of T. Longman R. Dillard, Introduction lAncien Testament (Clon dAldran: Excelsis, 2008), ThEv 9/2 (2010) 191-94. 17. Review of J.H. Walton, The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate (Downers Grove: IVP, 2009), ThEv 9/2 (2010) 194-95. 18. Review of P. Abadie, Lhistoire dIsral entre mmoire et relecture (Lectio Divina; Paris: Cerf, 2009), ThEv 9/3 (2010) 299-301. 19. Review of F.M. Fales, Guerre et paix en Assyrie (Confrences de lEPHE; Paris: Cerf, 2010), ThEv 9/3 (2010) 301-303. 20. Review of R. Beylot, La Gloire des Rois ou lHistoire de Salomon et la reine de Saba: Introduction, traduction et notes (Apocryphes : collection de poche de lAELAC; Brepols, 2008), Apocrypha 20 (2009) 272-274. 21. Review of G.K. Beale, We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008), Themelios 34/2 (2009) 222-223. 22. Review of M.G. Hasel, Military Practice and Polemic: Israels Laws of Warfare in Near Eastern Perspective (Berrien Springs, 2005), ThEv 7/1 (2008) 89-90. 23. Review of P.S. Alexander J.-D. Kaestli (ed.), The Canon of Scripture in Jewish and Christian Tradition (PIRSB 4: Lausanne: ditions du Zbre, 2007), Apocrypha 19 (2008) 305-307.

COMMUNICATIONS LORS DE COLLOQUES 1. Epigraphical News from the Lands of Moab and Ammon (with M. Weigl), ASOR Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 18-21 November 2009. 2. Littrature juive canonique et extra-canonique dans la Gloire des Rois (Kebra Nagast), Troisime colloque international sur la Littrature Apocryphe Chrtienne, Strasbourg, 13-16 January 2010. 3. Le Dieu crateur au dbut de la Gense, colloque du Rseau des Scientifiques Evangliques, 23 January 2010. 4. Le Kebra Nagast et la question des sources utilises, Journe dtude ISEO : Les glises dthiopie, Institut Catholique de Paris, 21-22 October 2010. 5. Reassessment of the Samaria Ostraca, Biblical Archaeology Study Group, Tyndale Fellowship, Tyndale House, Cambridge, 6 July 2011. 6. The Structure and Theology of Micah 4-5, ETS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 16 November 2011. 7. New Readings in Tell el-Mazar Ostracon No3, ASOR Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 17 November 2011. 8. Jehu in the Most Ancient Edition of the Deuteronomistic History, SBL Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 21 November 2011.

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