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complex carbohydrates: starch we should focus on them found in complex plant products wheat, rice, legumes fiber made of same things as starch but with unbreakable bonds complex carb-undigestible no calories important for health purposes soluble/insoluble fibers o insoluble protects your intestines, found in grain (whole wheat) products o soluble protects from heart disease by lowering cholesterol, helps against diabetes, found in legumes, oats and some fruits glycogen pancreas (guard for blood glucose), after meal, blood glucose level rises, releases insulin, continues to fall as long as insulin is available. as blood glucose level drops, so does insulin level. glucagon when glucose is gone, when blood glucose level is falling. signals the liver, who is storing excess glucose (glycogen), to release it; pancreas monitors. once glucose > fat, fat cant go back to glucose. not all tissues can use the fat, which is why you need blood glucose levels to be stable. space out carbs and eat the right kind COMPLEX CARBS gradual slow rise SWEETENERS swings No RDA on carbs or fiber Never run out of glucose, just carbs, because body will convert protein if necessary Simple Mono and disaccharides Sweeteners 90-95 percent are in the form of sweeteners

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saturated fat LDL liver has tendency to turn sat fat into LDL (bad kind) saturated fats are also more closely associated with animal fats we describe the fat by the majority of saturation every form of fat in the diet has some saturated, some mono and some polyunsaturated. The predominant one gets the name cholesterol is only found in animal products avoid cholesterol because of it too much LDL releases cholesterol HDL removes released cholesterol and brings it back to the liver Monounsaturated fats lower ldl and dont change or raise the hdl Omega three and sixes Omega three help prevent against heart disease Hdls can help prevent issues like plaque aroundthe ehart Substitute fish for red meatn Cant get all omega threes from flax. Veggieheads dont really need em Major source of energy Carries fat sol vitamins Precursor for things that the body needs to build Dont really need cholesterol since the body can make it Hydrogenation liquid oil to solid fats. o Doesnt spoil o Stays in product without separating o Saturating the unsaturated fats o Transfats created. Unsaturated by definition Act like saturated fats Lower hdl and raise ldl Fried products! Dietary are saturated or unsaturated, body fats are simplex or compound (phospholipids) Emerging factor- things that can or will be risks o CRP

o homocystine

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need essential amino acids 20, 11 we can make, 9 need to be consumed no storage for protein or amino acids

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