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NED University Uf Engineering And


Design and Fabrication of a Solar Water Heater

Members: Mubammad Ali Sbaukat Rao {]
Mubammad )awad Qasim
Humair Nadeem
Waqar Sami


1o deslgn a Solar WaLer PeaLer for karachl capable of provldlng approxlmaLely 100 kg of waLer aL 70C per day

O lagram
O aslc componenLs
O aslc worklng of Lhe sysLem
O ppllcaLlon

O 1op Class Cover (12 mm)
O 1hln Copper SheeL
O copper 1ubes 373''
O Wooden ox
O 1hermopol



ln Lhls Solar WaLer PeaLer sysLem waLer aL amblenL LemperaLure enLers Lhrough an lnleL as menLloned ln Lhe dlagram lL
passes Lhrough Lhe lumlnum Lubes and geL ouL from Lhe ouLleL wlLh Lhe deslred LemperaLure

1op glass cover havlng an efflclency of 99 allows Lhe solar radlaLlons Lo geL ln and sLrlke on lumlnum plpes and
copper plaLe aLLached Lo lL 1he Lop surface of Lhls Copper plaLe and lumlnum plpes are coaLed wlLh a black palnL 1hls
black palnL wlll absorb solar radlaLlons solar absorpLlon of Lhls palnL ls 93

s Lhe solar radlaLlon sLrlkes on a Lhln copper sheeL Lhere wlll be heaL Lransfer beLween Copper plaLe and lumlnum
Lubes Lhrough conducLlon whlch wlll proceed Lo Lhe convecLlve heaL Lransfer beLween lumlnum Lubes and waLer
flowlng lnslde Lhem

1he llaL laLe collecLor has concenLraLlon 1 whlch uLlllzes Lhe cheapesL source of renewable energy avallable le solar
energy lrom Lhe analysls of Lhe monLhly average dally and hourly global solar radlaLlon daLa Lhe prospecLs of solar
energy uLlllzaLlon are very brlghL karachl recelves abouL 1930 M!m2dl of solar lsolaLlon wlLh an annual LoLal of 7000
M!m2 1he lnflux of global solar radlaLlon ls very conslsLenL and has a varlaLlon of only 228 ln Lhe lasL 27 years LxcepL
for Lhe monsoon monLhs solar radlaLlon lncldence ls very encouraglng from Lhe appllcaLlon polnL of vlew

Conslderlng Lhe currenL energy crlses of world especlally aklsLan we need Lo work more and more on renewable
source ln order Lo meeL our lndusLrlal and household energy requlremenL lurLhermore Lhe energy converLed by llaL
plaLe collecLor ls very cheap wlLh furLher lower Lhe manufacLurlng cosL of lndusLrles ln order Lo compeLe wlLh Lhe world


ppllcaLlon of llaL plaLe collecLor ls wlde few of Lhem are as under

O omesLlc PoL waLer requlremenL
O lr CondlLlon
O lndusLrlal rocess heaL requlremenL
O Plgh LemperaLure requlremenL lnlLlal heaLlng Lhrough lL Lhen uslng gas
O PeaLlng of swlmmlng pools
O Commerclal use hoLels clubs eLc

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