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2uneda khan

MlooJlxll 8eoeflts lo Alopeclo lofecteJ lotleots

rofessor aul Clbbons
Wrl 116 SclenLlflc WrlLlng for 8lologlcal Sclences
unlverslLy of Callfornla Merced

Among Lhe many dlseases LhaL lnhablL Lhls unlverse alopecla ls very common lmaglne waklng
up one mornlng Lo waLch your poslLlve mlndseL dlssolve as you Lake a glance aL Lhe bedroom mlrror A
masslve paLch of halr ls absenL from Lhe slde of your head 1he lndlvldual who undergoes such a
condlLlon wlll carry along devasLaLlng sympLoms excess negaLlvlLy Lowards one's self appearance sLress
ln mulLlple aspecLs of soclal llfe and palnful slde effecLs of LreaLmenL cremes [usL Lo name a few of Lhe
afLereffecLs (Karaman GC et al. 2006) 8esearchers have been engaglng ln an ongolng mlsslon whlch
lncludes surflng Lhe webslLes of famous dermaLologlsLs and surgeons ln order Lo galn lnslghL on proven
meLhods of effecLlve LreaLmenL 8ecenLly sLudles performed on androgeneLlc alopecla paLlenLs and
alopecla aeraLe paLlenLs have been successful ln ellmlnaLlng halr loss Lhrough Lhe uLlllzaLlon of mlnoxldll
creme 1hls creme ls a Loplcal sLlmulaLor whlch causes prollferaLlon aL Lhe base of Lhe halr" (Coddard
Anna 2011) Powever researchers have yeL Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhls medlclne has any long Lerm
beneflLs or noL (Coddard A 2011)
urpose of roposal
Keratin, a small monomer subunit links together in a polypeptide chain to Iorm the hair
Iollicles on every individuals` scalp. The healthy cycle oI hair growth that Iollows will consist oI
three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen (KauIman K., 2002). While the anagen and catagen
phases activate hair growth, telogen is the resting point; many hair Iollicles are not produced at
the latter stage (KauIman K., 2002), but a slight thinning may occur. The loss oI hair in patches
is known as alopecia; alopecia aerate and androgenetic alopecia are common Iorms oI this
disease. Alopecia aerate is an autoimmune disease which is caused by 'cytokines being released
Irom lymphocytes (Goddard A., 2011). This chemical is thereIore responsible Ior causing the
delay in hair growth. The aerate Iorm oI the condition is common in men and women, and is
caused mainly by stress-related Iactors. The hair Ialls out in massive clumps throughout this Iirst
Iorm oI the disease. The second important Iorm oI this condition is androgenetic, which
involves genetic hair loss due to the lineage oI Iamily members and genetic dispositions oI
genes. In particular, this Iorm oI alopecia consists oI the hormone 'androgen, which is a highly
activated stimulator oI hair loss (KauIman K., 2002). Hair thinning is a common symptom oI this
second signiIicant Iorm oI the condition (Karaman GC et al. 2006). Many researchers have
conducted various group and individual based experiments in order to educate Iellow Americans
about the psychological eIIects, medical treatments, and eIIects in both men and women that are
associated with this certain disease. Most important oI all, researchers and many dermatologists
are eager to discover or develop a treatment which will completely eliminate the alopecia
disease. Many studies have This lingering curiosity about gaining insight on the true eIIects oI
alopecia treatment methods, especially the utilization oI minoxidil, is the basis Ior the proposal that I lay
out today. I propose that a speciIied amount oI Iunds (which will be discussed later on in this proposal)
be allocated Ior me to venture into the scientiIic task oI examining the rate and quality oI hair growth
aIter application oI minoxidil has occurred.
ln order Lo experlmenLally measure Lhe long Lerm beneflLs of Lhls Loplcal creme a conLrol group
musL be esLabllshed AbouL 30 men and women wlll be selecLed from Lhe caLegory of alopecla aeraLe
and androgeneLlc alopecla paLlenLs 1he paLlenLs' wlll reporL Lo Lhe Sclence and Lnglneerlng 8ulldlng
locaLed aL unlverslLy of Callfornla Merced Pere Lhey wlll glve a brlef lnLervlew and undergo a
dlagnosLlc exam 1he paLlenL(s) wlll be quesLloned on wheLher Lhey recognlzed any form of halr
regrowLh slnce Lhe duraLlon of halr loss aLlenLs who reporL experlenclng a low percenLage of halr
regrowLh wlll be dlsmlssed from Lhe sLudy 1he alm ls Lo narrow down Lhe group ln order Lo efflclenLly
uLlllze Lhe Loplcal producL on paLlenLs who show a greaLer llkellhood of reaplng beneflLs uurlng Lhe
dlagnosLlc exam Lhe halr pull LesL wlll be performed ln whlch halr ls genLly pulled on 1he slgn of a
dlsease can be evldenL lf slx or more halrs can easlly be pulled ouL from Lhe scalp (Coddard A 2011)
1hls dlagnosLlc exam wlll be very helpful ln helplng me deLermlne whlch paLlenLs are lnfecLed severely
and need Lhe LreaLmenL
AfLer ellmlnaLlng Lhe paLlenLs sufferlng mlld alopecla Lhe remalnlng paLlenLs wlll be glven a
number LhaL Lhey wlll be expecLed Lo remember 8y use of Lhe lnLercom locaLed ln Lhe lounges of Lhe
Sclence and Lnglneerlng 8ulldlng each paLlenL wlll be called lnLo lab classroom 177 ln order of Lhelr
number upon arrlval Lhe paLlenL wlll be seaLed and 3 of mlnodlxll creme wlll be applled Lo all
lnfecLed areas on Lhe scalp LaLex gloves whlch are normally uLlllzed ln chemlsLry laboraLorles wlll be
used for Lhe experlmenL lollowlng appllcaLlon each paLlenL wlll be scheduled Lo meeL wlLh Lhe
dermaLologlsL afLer a monLh ln Lhls way a greaLer span of Llme wlll be avallable for Lhe mlnodlxll Lo
Lake effecL l hypoLheslze LhaL Lhe long Lerm beneflLs are llkely Lo occur more ln Lhe alopecla aeraLe
paLlenLs Lhan androgeneLlc paLlenLs who have geneLlc llnkages whlch may noL be reverslble
8y underLaklng Lhls experlmenL and monlLorlng lLs resulLs l plan Lo develop a consensus on
wheLher or noL more Lechnologlcal advancemenLs are necessary Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe spreadlng of alopecla
l am also curlous Lo dlscover lf androgenLlc paLlenLs can flnd a cure from Lhe dlsease regardless of Lhelr
geneLlc hlsLory l belleve LhaL by flndlng answers Lo Lhese experlmenLal quesLlons l wlll be educaLlng
fellow researchers ln my fleld abouL Lhe sLeps whlch need Lo be Laken Lo develop beLLer LreaLmenLs l
deslre Lo asslsL lndlvlduals ln plnpolnLlng a llfe LhaL Lhey can be conLenL wlLh and one's physlcal
appearance and healLh ls a aspecL LhaL needs Lo be sLable for LhaL Lo occur
ln plannlng ouL Lhe dlagnosLlc exam l wanL Lo measure whlch caLegory of paLlenLs wlll lndlcaLe
more halr loss My bellef LhaL slx or more halrs wlll shed easlly from Lhe head of 30 of alopecla
paLlenLs whlle l am noL so cerLaln abouL Lhe androgeneLlc paLlenLs 1hus Lhe observaLlon whlch l noLe
durlng Lhls halr pull LesL" wlll be ln relaLlonshlp Lo my hypoLhesls
l expecL or should l say l am confldenL LhaL my resulLs wlll be of some value Lo Lhe general
publlc PypoLheLlcally speaklng lf my predlcLlons are correcL abouL mlnoxldll causlng only mlld halr
regrowLh ln androgeneLlc paLlenLs Lhen communlLy members wlLh Lhls form of Lhe dlsease wlll be
cauLlous abouL buylng Lhe medlcaLlon ln Lhe fuLure Cverall Lhe resulLs of Lhe experlmenL shall be
beneflclal Lo oLhers

f) 8udgeL
,noxd Lxtra Strength nar kegrowth for ,en 5 10800
(a separaLe one wlll be used for women and one box lasLs up Lo 6 monLhs one
boLLle can be used on 3 paLlenLs mosL paLlenLs are expecLed Lo be men)
Minoxidil USP (5) Cream - Extra Strength (for women) $ 66.00
(this is the circular tube, 2 tubes are enough)
Latex Gloves 5 000
(wlll ask lab Lechnlclans lf we can use Lhem)
Estimated cost of Shipping items $ 15.00
1ota Cost 5 18400
Lay roposal
uocLors dermaLologlsLs and surgeons each possess someLhlng ln common Lhey all work hard
Lo dlscover LreaLmenLs Lo a save a person's llfe Alopecla more sclenLlflcally known as halr baldness
has been Lhe Loplc of sclenLlflc lnLeresL ln many research sLudles 8esearchers have uLlllzed Loplcal
cremes such as flnasLerlde Lo observe Lhe effecLs on halr regrowLh (1osLl A eL al 1999) CLher varlous
meLhods of LreaLmenL lnclude surglcal procedures where speclflc Lools are uLlllzed Lo carry ouL Lhe
resLoraLlon Lechnlque Lven Lhough mosL Loplcal cremes and surglcal procedures have been beneflclal
for fellow paLlenLs researchers are currenLly quesLlonlng lf Lhe Loplcal creme mlnodlxll (used Lo LreaL
halr loss) wlll resulL ln long Lerm beneflLs (Goddard A., 2011) ? l propose LhaL a fundlng of $ 18400
be allocaLed ln order for me Lo carry ouL an experlmenL Lo generaLe an answer Lo Lhe quesLlon above

Works Cited

1.) Goddard, Anna T. 2011. Hair Loss in an Adolescent. Journal oI Pediatric Health
Care, 25 (4) 261- 265.
2.) KauIman, Keith D2002. Androgenetic Alopecia.Molecular and Cellular
Endocrinology : 89-95.

3.) Karaman, GC, C. Dereboy, F Dereboy, E. Caraman. 2006. Androgenetic Alopecia:
Does its presence change our perceptions? International Journal oI Dermatology,
45 (5):565-568.
4)Tosti A. F. Camacho-Martinez R. Dawber . 1999. Management oI androgenetic
alopecia. Journal oI the European Academy oI Dermatology and Venereology,
12(3): 205-214.

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