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3 Cnlon
4 Clnger
Carllc dllaLes Lhe muscles of blood vessels whlch helps ln lowerlng blood pressure lL conslsLs of a compound called
adenoslne whlch helps ln vaso dllaLlon and ls also a muscle relaxanL AlLhough boLh raw and cooked garllc can beneflL
blood pressure raw garllc ls more poLenL and beneflLs fasLer Carllc also lnLerferes wlLh Lhe formaLlon of blood cloLs and
helps ln reduclng cholesLerol lL noL only helps lower Lhe rlsk of colon gasLro lnLesLlnal LracL and sLomach cancers buL
also lmproves lmmunlLy and prevenLs gas formaLlon 1o geL Lhese numerous effecLs of garllc all you have Lo do ls flnely
chop 34 cloves of raw garllc and gulp lL down wlLh warm waLer or [usL exLracL Lhe [ulce and drlnk lL And donL worry
abouL Lhe sLrong smell of garllc eople belleve LhaL garllc resulLs ln body odour buL lLs noL Lrue
Sources hLLp//wwwlndlanfoodforevercom/foodgulde/hyperLenslonhLml
nea|th Lffects of Gar||c
LLLLn 1A11LLMAn Mu AlberL LlnsLeln College of Medlclne of ?eshlva unlverslLy 8ronx new ?ork
Carllc has long been used medlclnally mosL recenLly for lLs cardlovascular anLlneoplasLlc and anLlmlcroblal properLles
Sulfur compounds lncludlng alllcln appear Lo be Lhe acLlve componenLs ln Lhe rooL bulb of Lhe garllc planL SLudles show
slgnlflcanL buL modesL llpldlowerlng effecLs and anLlplaLeleL acLlvlLy SlgnlflcanL blood pressure reducLlon ls noL
conslsLenLly noLed 1here ls some evldence for anLlneoplasLlc acLlvlLy and lnsufflclenL evldence for cllnlcal anLlmlcroblal
acLlvlLy Slde effecLs generally are mlld and uncommon Carllc appears Lo have no effecL on drug meLabollsm buL
paLlenLs Laklng anLlcoagulanLs should be cauLlous lL seems prudenL Lo sLop Laklng hlgh dosages of garllc seven Lo 10
days before surgery because garllc can prolong bleedlng Llme
1he rooL bulb of Lhe garllc planL ls used medlclnally lL can be used fresh dehydraLed or as a sLeamdlsLllled oll
Carllc has a hlgh concenLraLlon of sulfurconLalnlng compounds 1he LhlosulflnaLes lncludlng alllcln appear Lo be Lhe
acLlve subsLances ln garllc Alllcln ls formed when alllln a sulfurconLalnlng amlno acld comes lnLo conLacL wlLh Lhe
enzyme allllnase when raw garllc ls chopped crushed or chewed urled garllc preparaLlons conLalnlng alllln and allllnase
musL be enLerlc coaLed Lo be effecLlve because sLomach acld lnhlblLs allllnase 8ecause allllnase also ls deacLlvaLed by
heaL cooked garllc ls less powerful medlclnally 1he anLlmlcroblal hypollpldemlc anLloxldanL and anLlLhromboLlc
effecLs LhaL have been aLLrlbuLed Lo garllc are LhoughL Lo be relaLed Lo alllcln and oLher breakdown producLs 1he
anLlneoplasLlc effecLs may be relaLed Lo Lhe sulfur compounds or Lo oLher unknown componenLs
Uses and Lff|cacy
Carllc has been sLudled exLenslvely ln vlLro ln anlmal and human cllnlcal Lrlals and ln epldemlologlc evaluaLlons for lLs
mulLlple medlclnal properLles 1he quallLy of human Lrlals has been varlable maklng comparlsons among Lhe Lrlals
dlfflculL Some Lrlals are noL well bllnded some are only of shorL duraLlon some have only small numbers of paLlenLs
and many are noL well conLrolled ln addlLlon many dlfferenL garllc preparaLlons have been used wlLh unpredlcLable
release of acLlve lngredlenLs
LlluLCWL8lnC LllLC1S
Many randomlzed cllnlcal Lrlals have sLudled Lhe effecLs of garllc on llpld levels 8esulLs from Lwo meLaanalyses
conducLed ln 19933 and 19944 of garllc's effecL on LoLal cholesLerol show a slgnlflcanL reducLlon ln LoLal cholesLerol
levels (9 Lo 12 percenL) compared wlLh placebo Slnce Lhen addlLlonal beLLerdeslgned Lrlals have been publlshed wlLh
confllcLlng resulLs38 A meLaanalysls publlshed ln 20009 LhaL lncluded Lhese Lrlals concluded LhaL garllc ls superlor Lo
placebo ln reduclng LoLal cholesLerol levels buL LhaL Lhe exLenL of Lhe effecL ls modesL (4 Lo 6 percenL) A more recenL
meLaanalysls10 of placeboconLrolled Lrlals uslng sLandardlzed drled garllc powder showed slgnlflcanL reducLlons ln
LoLal cholesLerol levels (192 mg per dL 030 mmol per L) lowdenslLy llpoproLeln cholesLerol levels (67 mg per dL 020
mmol per L) and Lrlglycerlde levels (211 mg per dL 024 mmol per L) aL elghL Lo 12 weeks Lhese reducLlons were noL
susLalned aL slx monLhs of LreaLmenL 1hls dlfference ln reducLlon may be due Lo dlfferences ln Lhe sLudles (le shorLer
or longer followup perlods fewer longLerm sLudles LlmedependenL effecLs of garllc11 or nonadherence ln Lhe sLudles
of longer duraLlon)
A Luropean Lrlal12 comparlng garllc wlLh a commerclal llpldlowerlng drug (bezaflbraLe a flbrlc acld derlvaLlve noL
avallable ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes) found Lhem Lo be equally effecLlve ln decreaslng llplds Lo a sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL exLenL
Cne Lrlal13 of garllc exLracL LreaLmenL ln chlldren wlLh hypercholesLerolemla found no adverse effecLs buL also no
slgnlflcanL beneflclal effecL on llpld levels A Lrlal LesLlng garllc's effecL on llpld levels sponsored by Lhe naLlonal CenLer
for ComplemenLary and AlLernaLlve Medlclne ls underway14
An1lP?L81LnSlvL LllLC1S
1he anLlhyperLenslve effecLs of garllc have been sLudled buL remaln conLroverslal ln a 1994 meLaanalysls13 assesslng
Lhe effecL of garllc on hyperLenslon Lhree Lrlals showed slgnlflcanL reducLlons ln sysLollc blood pressure (77 mm Pg
greaLer reducLlon) and four Lrlals showed reducLlons ln dlasLollc blood pressure (3 mm Pg greaLer reducLlon) wlLh garllc
LreaLmenL compared wlLh placebo ln a more recenL meLaanalysls10 23 placeboconLrolled Lrlals were analyzed Cnly
Lhree Lrlals showed a sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL reducLlon ln dlasLollc blood pressure (2 Lo 7 percenL) and one showed a
sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL reducLlon ln sysLollc blood pressure (approxlmaLely 3 percenL) ln paLlenLs LreaLed wlLh garllc
compared wlLh placebo
A recenL revlew10 of 10 Lrlals assesslng Lhe effecL of garllc on LhromboLlc rlsk showed modesL buL slgnlflcanL decreases
ln plaLeleL aggregaLlon wlLh garllc compared wlLh placebo buL mlxed resulLs on flbrlnolyLlc acLlvlLy and plasma vlscoslLy
were reporLed 1he same revlew analyzed 12 Lrlals of garllc supplemenLaLlon ln dlabeLlc and nondlabeLlc adulLs only
one Lrlal showed a slgnlflcanL decrease ln glucose levels ln nondlabeLlc paLlenLs who Look garllc when compared wlLh
placebo ALheroscleroLlc plaque volume reducLlon ln humans also has been noLed ln Lwo Lrlals comparlng garllc
LreaLmenL wlLh placebo1618 Cne observaLlonal sLudy19 showed LhaL regular garllc powder lnLake weakened age and
pressurerelaLed lncreases ln aorLlc sLlffness
Lpldemlologlc evldence prlmarlly from caseconLrol and some cohorL sLudles has shown a decreased rlsk of sLomach
and colon cancer wlLh Lhe hlgh consumpLlon of garllc and oLher alllum vegeLables (eg onlons leeks shalloLs chlves)
buL many of Lhese sLudles were noL well conLrolled112021 ln one cohorL sLudy garllc supplemenLaLlon dld noL confer
Lhe same proLecLlve beneflL11 buL Lhere are no sLudles assesslng Lhe use of parLlcular garllc supplemenLs and cancer
An1lMlC8C8lAL LllLC1S
Small sLudles have shown LhaL garllc exerLs anLlmlcroblal acLlvlLy agalnsL gramposlLlve and gramnegaLlve bacLerla
vlruses fungl and paraslLes2 1oplcal and dleLary garllc LradlLlonally has been used ln Lhe LreaLmenL of lnfecLlons
parLlcularly dlgesLlve resplraLory and dermaLologlc lnfecLlonsranglng from dlarrhea and vaglnlLls Lo colds and warLs
buL few good cllnlcal sLudles supporL Lhls use
Source hLLp//wwwaafporg/afp/2003/0701/p103hLml
8educe 8lood ressure and CholesLerol
8elng a deLoxlfler lemongrass conLalns clLral LhaL removes excess cholesLerol urlc acld Loxlns and faLs from Lhe body
1hls sLlmulaLes blood clrculaLlon LhroughouL Lhe body urlnklng a glass of ClLrallfe lemongrassherbal Lea everyday helps
Lo reduce blood pressure
1he llnk beLween lemongrass and cholesLerol was lnvesLlgaLed by researchers from Lhe ueparLmenL of nuLrlLlonal
Sclences unlverslLy of Wlsconsln who publlshed Lhelr flndlngs ln Lhe medlcal [ournal Llplds ln 1989 1hey conducLed a
cllnlcal Lrlal lnvolvlng 22 people wlLh hlgh cholesLerol who Look 140mg capsules oflemongrass oll dally Whlle
cholesLerol levels were only sllghLly affecLed ln some of Lhe parLlclpanLscholesLerol was lowered from 310 Lo 294 on
averageoLher people ln Lhe sLudy experlenced a slgnlflcanL decrease ln blood faLs 1he laLLer group characLerlzed as
responders experlenced a 23polnL drop ln cholesLerol afLer one monLh and Lhls poslLlve Lrend conLlnued over Lhe
course of Lhe shorL sLudy AfLer Lhree monLhs cholesLerol levels among Lhe responders had decreased by a slgnlflcanL
38 polnLs Cnce Lhe responders sLopped Laklng lemongrass Lhelr cholesLerol reLurned Lo prevlous levels lL should be
noLed LhaL Lhls sLudy dld noL lnvolve a placebo group whlch ls usually used Lo help measure Lhe effecLs of Lhe agenL
belng sLudled (ln Lhls case lemongrass oll)
8oll 1/4 kllo of Lanlad rooLs urlnk 3 Llmes a day 1hls ls good for hlgh blood pressure Makes Lhe blood normal
Lemongrass 1ea kec|pe
O 8 large sLalks of fresh lemongrass wlLhouL leaves
O 4 x 230ml cups of waLer
O 3 Lablespoon of pure naLural honey (add more lf you prefer sweeLer)
O 2 Lablespoon of lemon [ulce llme or calamansl (ad[usL amounL Lo sulL your LasLe)
1 CuL off Lhe knob aL Lhe boLLom parL of Lhe sLalk
2 Wash lL ln waLer and peel off Lhe flrsL layer of Lhe sLalk LhaL may have Lurned brown
3 use a pesLle or Lhe blunL slde of a heavy knlfe and brulse Lhe sLalks especlally aL Lhe LhlckesL and [ulclesL parL of
Lhe sLalk Lo spllL lL open 1hls helps Lo release Lhe [ulce when bolllng
4 uL Lhe lemongrass sLalks ln Lhe waLer and brlng lL Lo a boll When Lhe waLer sLarLs Lo boll Lurn Lhe flame down
and slmmer for abouL 20 mlnuLes 1he waLer should Lake on a llghL yellowlsh Llnge
3 LeL lL cool Lo room LemperaLure and add 3 Lablespoons of pure naLural honey
6 Add 2 Lablespoons of lemon [ulce (opLlonal) ?ou can drlnk lL warm or chllled

Lemongrass Nutr|t|ona| Va|ue
1 cup of Lemongrass (about 67g)conta|ns
O roLeln 12 g
O hyLosLerols 43 mg
O 1oLal Calorles 663
O 1oLal CarbohydraLe 17 g
O 1oLal laL 03 g
O vlLamlns A C 86 nlacln lolaLe 8lboflavln and several mlnerals lncludlng Calclum lron Magneslum
hosphorus oLasslum Zlnc Copper Manganese and Selenlum
Lemongrass Cancer 1reatment kecommendat|on
1he lemongrass aroma smells greaL and ls really relaxlng 8ecause lL ls a naLural sedaLlve lL ls besL Lo Lake lL before golng
Lo bed or Laklng a nap durlng Lhe day
Lemongrass [u|ce rec|pe
1Washa sheaf of lemongrass CuL Lhe leaves an lnch long 1he ldeal ls Lo have a planL ln your own backyard !usL so you
are sure LhaL no pesLlcldes are used l always soak my frulLs and vegeLables ln waLer wlLh a llLLle vlnegar lL's Lhe mosL
naLural way Lo rld your produce of unwanLed chemlcals or whaLhaveyous
2 uunk Lhe cuL lemongrass leaves Lo bolllng waLer LeL sLand for 3 mlnuLes
3 LeL Lhe concocLlon cool
4 our ln some calamansl l always use 10 or more per 2 llLers of lemongrass [ulce
3 Add honey Lo LasLe
6 8efrlgeraLe
A naLurally occurrlng planL compound found ln onlons may reduce hlgh blood pressure lf consumed regularly accordlng
Lo a new sLudy conducLed by researchers aL Lhe unlverslLy of uLah and publlshed ln Lhe !ournal of nuLrlLlon

8esearchers sLudled 22 adulLs wlLh hyperLenslon and 19 adulLs wlLh prehyperLenslon glvlng Lhem each elLher a placebo
or a 730mllllgram supplemenL of querceLln each day 1he blood pressure of Lhe paLlenLs wlLh hyperLenslon who were
glven querceLln decreased by approxlmaLely 7 mmPg sysLollc and 3 mmPg dlasLollc relaLlve Lo Lhose who had been
glven Lhe placebo Among Lhe prehyperLenslon paLlenLs nelLher Lhe placebo nor querceLlnsupplemenLed groups
experlenced a slgnlflcanL change ln blood pressure
1he sLudy was randomlzed and doublebllnd meanlng LhaL nelLher researchers nor paLlenLs knew who was recelvlng a
placebo and LhaL Lhls had been randomly deLermlned
Some of Lhe Many PealLh 8eneflLs of Clnger 8ooL

1) Alds ln ulgesLlon erhaps Lhe besL herb for dlgesLlon glnger rooL prevenLs lndlgesLlon and abdomlnal
cramplng Clnger also helps break down proLelns aldlng Lhe dlgesLlon process

2) AllevlaLes Plgh 8lood ressure Clnger lmproves and sLlmulaLes clrculaLlon and relaxes Lhe muscles
surroundlng blood vessels faclllLaLlng Lhe flow of blood LhroughouL Lhe body

3) 1reaLs nausea and Mornlng Slckness Clnger has been wldely shown Lo prevenL as well as LreaL moLlon
slckness Clnger rooL relaxes Lhe sLomach and relleves Lhe feellng of nausea

4) Lowers LuL CholesLerol Clnger rooL exLracL can help reduce Lhe levels of LuL (bad) cholesLerol ln Lhe body reduclng
Lhe rlsk of developlng hearL dlsease

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