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ELSONS Make Pneumatic Molding Machines provide you best and quick
service, because oI its sturdy construction and all major parts are made Irom
S.G. Iron and FG-260 Grade to reduce ware and tear, which minimize your
preventive maintenance time and gives you liIe long service. Machine
operating is easy to increase your productivity with related to minimum
maintenance. It has positive impact on production
Technical data PL-2 PL-3
Jolt Capacity in Kgs 280 350
Squeeze Force in Kgs 5000 72006.3kg/cm2
Pattern Drawn mm|inch| 205|8| 260|10|
Table Size |mm| 29 X 21 38 X25
Squeeze Stroke |mm| 76 100
Shipping Specifications PL-2 PL-3
Net Weight in Kg. 1200 1900
Gross Weight in Kg. 1500 2400
Case Dimensions in Ft. 8 X 3 X 4 10 X 5 X 5

Model Motor hp
No. of
Air Receiver
VC - R2 2 2 8.25 125 8.78 100
VC - R3 3 2 13.75 125 8.78 150
VC - 335 3 2 14.85 / 20 80 5.62 150 / 225
VC - 344 5 / 7.5 2 26 / 34 80 5.62 225
VC - 355 7.5 / 10 2 40 / 52.8 80 5.62 225
VC -
12.5 / 15 2 88 / 95 40 2.81 300
VC -
15 / 20 3 99 / 132 40 2.81 500

Vertical Water Cooled Compressor

We oIIer clients our high quality Vertical Water Cooled Compressor which is high
perIorming and eIIicient. Our Heavy Duty Vertical Water Cooled Compressor is equipped with
solid end connecting rods and has no bolts or nuts which get loose. This reduces maintenance
and prevents improper adjustment. These Vertical Water Cooled Compressors have a V- type
balanced construction which oIIers smooth, vibration Iree operation; hence no special
Ioundation is required. Our Vertical Water Cooled Compressors are equipped with copper
Iinned intercooler tubes Ior maximum heat removal between stages which makes them

Attributes :
O Robust overhung design crank shaIt oIIers reliability and easy maintenance
O Valve parts made Irom special alloy steel
O All critical casting parts have graded castings
O Cylinders have deep radial Iins oIIering better heat dissipation
O Reliable splash lubrication system on air cooled units
O SelI contained packages available
O Extensively used in small and medium industries

Applications :
O Dairy industries
O Paper mills
O Gas transmission & distribution
O "uarries
O Mining industries
O Road building machines


Motor NO. OF
Receiver MAX. Pressure Piston DISPL
IA 75L 25.0 18.50 1 10.60 300 125 8.78 131.0 3.70 3700
IA 75NL 25.0 18.0 1 10.60 300 125 8.78 131.0 3.70 3700
IA 75L 30.0 22.00 1 10.60 300 125 8.78 160.0 4.53 4530
IA 75NL 30.0 22.00 1 10.60 300 110 7.73 160.0 4.53 4530
IA 85L 40.0 30.00 1 18.85 533 100 7.03 215.0 6.10 6100
IA 85NL 40.0 30.00 1 18.85 533 100 7.03 215.0 6.10 6100
IA 87L 50.0 37.00 1 34.30 971 135 9.50 260.0 7.35 7350
IA 87NL 50.0 37.00 1 34.30 971 135 9.50 260.0 7.35 7350
IA 955L 40.0 30.00 1 34.30 971 60 4.22 275.0 7.80 7800
IA 955NL 40.0 30.00 1 34.30 971 60 4.22 275.0 7.80 7800
IA 97L 60.0 45.00 1 42.40 1200 110 7.70 330.0 9.34 9340
IA 97NL 60.0 45.00 1 42.40 1200 110 7.70 330.0 9.34 9340
IA 957L 60.0 45.00 1 42.40 1200 65 4.57 368.0 10.40 10400
IA 957NL 60.0 45.00 1 42.40 1200 65 4.57 368.0 1040 10400

May 1 1997 1200 AM

?ears ago lL was common for shops Lo have a cenLral power source LhaL drove all Lhe Lools Lhrough a
sysLem of belLs wheels and drlveshafLs 1he power was rouLed around Lhe work space by mechanlcal
means Whlle Lhe belLs and shafLs may be gone many shops sLlll use a mechanlcal sysLem Lo move
power around Lhe shop lLs based on Lhe energy sLored ln alr LhaLs under pressure and Lhe hearL of Lhe
sysLem ls Lhe alr compressor

?oull flnd alr compressors used ln a wlde range of slLuaLlonsfrom corner gas sLaLlons Lo ma[or
manufacLurlng planLs And more and more alr compressors are flndlng Lhelr way lnLo home workshops
basemenLs and garages Models slzed Lo handle every [ob from lnflaLlng pool Loys Lo powerlng Lools
such as nall guns sanders drllls lmpacL wrenches sLaplers and spray guns are now avallable Lhrough
local home cenLers Lool dealers and mallorder caLalogs

1he blg advanLage of alr power ls LhaL each Lool doesnL need lLs own bulky moLor lnsLead a slngle
moLor on Lhe compressor converLs Lhe elecLrlcal energy lnLo klneLlc energy 1hls makes for llghL
compacL easyLohandle Lools LhaL run quleLly and have fewer parLs LhaL wear ouL

Alr compressor Lypes

Whlle Lhere are compressors LhaL use roLaLlng lmpellers Lo generaLe alr pressure poslLlvedlsplacemenL
compressors are more common and lnclude Lhe models used by homeowners woodworkers mechanlcs
and conLracLors Pere alr pressure ls lncreased by reduclng Lhe slze of Lhe space LhaL conLalns Lhe alr
MosL of Lhe compressors youll run across do Lhls [ob wlLh a reclprocaLlng plsLon

Llke a small lnLernal combusLlon englne a convenLlonal plsLon compressor has a crankshafL a
connecLlng rod and plsLon a cyllnder and a valve head 1he crankshafL ls drlven by elLher an elecLrlc
moLor or a gas englne Whlle Lhere are small models LhaL are comprlsed of [usL Lhe pump and moLor
mosL compressors have an alr Lank Lo hold a quanLlLy of alr wlLhln a preseL pressure range 1he
compressed alr ln Lhe Lank drlves Lhe alr Lools and Lhe moLor cycles on and off Lo auLomaLlcally
malnLaln pressure ln Lhe Lank

AL Lhe Lop of Lhe cyllnder youll flnd a valve head LhaL holds Lhe lnleL and dlscharge valves 8oLh are
slmply Lhln meLal flapsone mounLed underneaLh and one mounLed on Lop of Lhe valve plaLe As Lhe
plsLon moves down a vacuum ls creaLed above lL 1hls allows ouLslde alr aL aLmospherlc pressure Lo
push open Lhe lnleL valve and flll Lhe area above Lhe plsLon As Lhe plsLon moves up Lhe alr above lL
compresses holds Lhe lnleL valve shuL and pushes Lhe dlscharge valve open 1he alr moves from Lhe
dlscharge porL Lo Lhe Lank WlLh each sLroke more alr enLers Lhe Lank and Lhe pressure rlses

1yplcal compressors come ln 1 or 2cyllnder verslons Lo sulL Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe Lools Lhey power
Cn Lhe homeowner/conLracLor level mosL of Lhe 2cyllnder models operaLe [usL llke slnglecyllnder
verslons excepL LhaL Lhere are Lwo sLrokes per revoluLlon lnsLead of one Some commerclal 2cyllnder
compressors are 2sLage compressorsone plsLon pumps alr lnLo a second cyllnder LhaL furLher
lncreases pressure

Compressors use a pressure swlLch Lo sLop Lhe moLor when Lank pressure reaches a preseL llmlLabouL
123 psl for many slnglesLage models MosL of Lhe Llme Lhough you donL need LhaL much pressure
1herefore Lhe alr llne wlll lnclude a regulaLor LhaL you seL Lo maLch Lhe pressure requlremenLs of Lhe
Lool youre uslng A gauge before Lhe regulaLor monlLors Lank pressure and a gauge afLer Lhe regulaLor
monlLors alrllne pressure ln addlLlon Lhe Lank has a safeLy valve LhaL opens lf Lhe pressure swlLch
malfuncLlons 1he pressure swlLch may also lncorporaLe an unloader valve LhaL reduces Lank pressure
when Lhe compressor ls Lurned off

Many arLlculaLedplsLon compressors are oll lubrlcaLed 1haL ls Lhey have an oll baLh LhaL splash
lubrlcaLes Lhe bearlngs and cyllnder walls as Lhe crank roLaLes 1he plsLons have rlngs LhaL help keep Lhe
compressed alr on Lop of Lhe plsLon and keep Lhe lubrlcaLlng oll away from Lhe alr 8lngs Lhough are
noL compleLely effecLlve so some oll wlll enLer Lhe compressed alr ln aerosol form

Pavlng oll ln Lhe alr lsnL necessarlly a problem Many alr Lools requlre olllng and lnllne ollers are ofLen
added Lo lncrease a unlform supply Lo Lhe Lool Cn Lhe down slde Lhese models requlre regular oll
checks perlodlc oll changes and Lhey musL be operaLed on a level surface MosL of all Lhere are some
Lools and slLuaLlons LhaL requlre ollfree alr Spray palnLlng wlLh oll ln Lhe alrsLream wlll cause flnlsh
problems And many new woodworklng alr Lools such as nallers and sanders are deslgned Lo be ollfree
so Lheres no chance of foullng wood surfaces wlLh oll Whlle soluLlons Lo Lhe alrborne oll problem
lnclude uslng an oll separaLor or fllLer ln Lhe alr llne a beLLer ldea ls Lo use an ollfree compressor LhaL
uses permanenLly lubrlcaLed bearlngs ln place of Lhe oll baLh

A varlaLlon on Lhe auLomoLlveLype plsLon compressor ls a model LhaL uses a oneplece
plsLon/connecLlng rod 8ecause Lhere ls no wrlsL pln Lhe plsLon leans from slde Lo slde as Lhe eccenLrlc
[ournal on Lhe shafL moves lL up and down A seal around Lhe plsLon malnLalns conLacL wlLh Lhe cyllnder
walls and prevenLs alr leakage

Where alr requlremenLs are modesL a dlaphragm compressor can be effecLlve ln Lhls deslgn a
membrane beLween Lhe plsLon and Lhe compresslon chamber seals off Lhe alr and prevenLs leakage

Compressor power
Cne of Lhe facLors used Lo deslgnaLe compressor power ls moLor horsepower Powever Lhls lsnL Lhe
besL lndlcaLor ?ou really need Lo know Lhe amounL of alr Lhe compressor can dellver aL a speclflc

1he raLe aL whlch a compressor can dellver a volume of alr ls noLed ln cublc feeL per mlnuLe (cfm)
8ecause aLmospherlc pressure plays a role ln how fasL alr moves lnLo Lhe cyllnder cfm wlll vary wlLh
aLmospherlc pressure lL also varles wlLh Lhe LemperaLure and humldlLy of Lhe alr 1o seL an even playlng
fleld makers calculaLe sLandard cublc feeL per mlnuLe (scfm) as cfm aL sea level wlLh 68 degrees l alr aL
36 relaLlve humldlLy Scfm raLlngs are glven aL a speclflc pressure30 scfm aL 90 psl for example lf
you reduce pressure scfm goes up and vlce versa

?ou also may run across a raLlng called dlsplacemenL cfm 1hls flgure ls Lhe producL of cyllnder
dlsplacemenL and moLor rpm ln comparlson wlLh scfm lL provldes an lndex of compressor pump

1he cfm and psl raLlngs are lmporLanL because Lhey lndlcaLe Lhe Lools LhaL a parLlcular compressor can
drlve When chooslng a compressor make sure lL can supply Lhe amounL of alr and Lhe pressure LhaL
your Lools need

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