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1|t|e of the pro[ect
Lffect of pat|ent counse||ng Importance of med|cat|on adherence and
revent|on recommendat|ons of type 2 d|abetes me|||tus
A| Abyadh hea|th centre SLarLed funcLlonlng ln 2002 as a pr|mary care
hea|th centre ln nakhal under Lhe M|n|stry of hea|th sulLanaLe of Cman
1hls organlzaLlon Servlng a vlllage populaLlon of around 12000 people from
lLs caLchmenL area and havlng a dally lnflow of approxlmaLely 120 paLlenLs
Cne lnLernal medlclne speclallsL 2 general pracLlLloners and 22
paramedlcal sLaff are Laklng care of Lhe paLlenLs
As a head of pharmacy deparLmenL of Lhls organlzaLlon l lnLend Lo selecL
Lhls healLh cenLre for conducLlng Lhe above sLudy under Lhe super vlslon of
Lhe speclallsL docLor and wlLh Lhe co operaLlon of oLher paramedlcal sLaff
1arget popu|at|on
ually ouLpaLlenL depL vlslL of known Lype 2 dlabeLes paLlenLs ln lnLernal
medlclne and general medlclne cllnlc ln Al Abyadh healLh cenLre

Student name rasadc

ko|| number S31010871

Learn|ng centre A| h|kma Lducat|ona| |nst|tute02S42

Course M8A nCS 4

rofess|on nead of harmacy Med|ca| stores
A| Abyadh nea|th centre

ro[ect gu|de Dr Ibrah|m Sam|r L|mezean
M88SMD Interna| med|c|ne
Member of Austra||an Med|ca|
Counc|| AMC
Med|ca| Cff|cer |]c A| Abyadh hea|th

Mot|vat|on of the study
1he prevalence of dlabeLes ls lncreaslng worldwlde ro[ecLlons for Lhe year
2023 esLlmaLe Lhe global burden of dlabeLes Lo lncrease by 122 wlLh a
LoLal of 300 mllllon people belng affecLed
ulabeLes has emerged as a ma[or and growlng healLh problem ln Lhe
SulLanaLe of Cman also ulabeLes melllLus ls now one of Lhe mosL prevalenL
condlLlons ln Cman 1he lncreaslng prevalence of dlabeLes melllLus ls a
cause of early morbldlLy and morLallLy Also Lhe enormous and mounLlng
burden on healLh care sysLems especlally ln publlc healLhcare make
dlabeLes a prlorlLy healLh concern
A|m Cb[ect|ve of the study
1he alm of Lhe sLudy ls Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhe paLlenL counsellng for
ulabeLes paLlenLs regardlng ulsease MedlcaLlon uleL/ nuLrlLlon and
Lxerclse can lmprove Clycemlc conLrol Llpld proflle and assoclaLed
1o assess how Lhe paLlenLs adherence Lo hls medlcaLlons lmproves hls
overall healLh condlLlon An educaLlonal efforL Lo lmprove self
managemenL ls Lhe cenLral componenLs of any effecLlve LreaLmenL plan
aLlenL counsellng ls an lmporLanL Lask for achlevlng pharmaceuLlcal care
by provldlng medlcaLlon relaLed lnformaLlon orally or ln wrlLLen form Lo Lhe
paLlenLs or Lhelr represenLaLlves on Loplcs llke dlrecLlon of use advlce on
slde effecLs precauLlons sLorage dleL and llfe sLyle modlflcaLlons lL should
lnclude an assessmenL of wheLher or noL Lhe lnformaLlon was recelved as
lnLended and LhaL Lhe paLlenL undersLands how Lo lmprove Lhe LherapeuLlc
1o suggesL correspondlng prevenLlon recommendaLlons ln prlmary
secondary and LerLlary level

kesearch des|gn and methods
A LoLal of 30 Cmanl naLlonal paLlenLs wlLh known Lype2 dlabeLes wlll
be selecLed randomly from Lhe dally ouLpaLlenL vlslL ln lnLernal medlclne
cllnlc and general medlclne cllnlc of al Abyadh healLh cenLre
1he raLlo of female paLlenLs Lo male paLlenLs are 6040 Average dally
lnflow of dlabeLlc cllnlc ls 40 paLlenLs lrom Lhls sample ls collecLed and
sLraLlfled ln Lo fema|e pat|ents and ma|e pat|ent 1he sample selecLlon
meLhod used ln Lhe sLudy ls Strat|f|ed kandom Samp||ng regnanL
paLlenLs are excluded from Lhe sLudy because of Lhe cllnlcal compllcaLlons
1he admlnlsLraLlve and cllnlcal daLa of Lhe selecLed paLlenLs are collecLed
wlLh Lhe help of admlnlsLraLlve supervlsor and medlcal records clerk 1he
daLa wlll be LabulaLed for Lhe sLudy
All Lhese paLlenLs wlll recelve baslc dlabeLes educaLlon counsellng
regardlng ulsease MedlcaLlon uleL and Lxerclse for Lwo monLhs aL each
vlslL wlLh Lhe help and guldance of physlclan and dleLlclan
ClycosylaLed hemoglobln (PbA1c) lasLlng plasma glucose C LoLal
cholesLerol Lrlglycerlde PuL LuL and 8Ml wlll be measured by Lhe Lab
Lechnlclan aL basellne and Lhe end of Lhe sLudy
1he slgnlflcanL changes wlll be observed ln case of lC LoLal cholesLerol
serum Lrlglycerlde and LuL cholesLerol ln all groups afLer Lhe sLudy perlod
1hls sLudy provldes an economlcally feaslble model for programs LhaL alm
Lo lmprove Lhe healLh sLaLus of people ln Lhe caLchmenL area of Lhe healLh
cenLre wlLh Lype2 dlabeLes and helps Lhe governmenL organlzaLlon Lo
reduce Lhe mounLlng cosL of dlabeLes LreaLmenL

1he schemaLlc represenLaLlon of Lhe paLlenL counsellng analysls wlll be as

unuL8S1AnulnC 1PL


llnAL LA8 8LSuL1



A1lLn1 CCunSLLlnC

In dlabeLes paLlenL adherence Lo Lhe prescrlbed medlcaLlon and
llfesLyle modlflcaLlons ls very essenLlal and pharmaclsL can play an
lmporLanL role ln counsellng 1o assess Lhe lnfluence of pharmaclsL
provlded paLlenL counsellng on paLlenLs percepLlon abouL quallLy of llfe ln
Lype 2 dlabeLes 30 Lype2 dlabeLes melllLus paLlenLs were enrolled and
randomlzed lnLo LesL and conLrol groups A medlcaLlon charL and vlslL charL
are prepared of Lhe sample paLlenLs and all Lhe vlslLs are reglsLered 8ecelpL
of prescrlbed medlcaLlons ensured and Lhe counsellng ls provlded for Lhe
dlrecLlons of use dosage sLorage slde effecLs precauLlons and llfesLyle
modlflcaLlonseLc uurlng each vlslL paLlenLs fasLlng blood glucose was
measured by uslng a sLandard glucomeLer wlLh Lhe help of lab Lechnlclan
and LabulaLed Mean blood glucose levels wlll be observed ln LesL group
and compared wlLh Lhe conLrol group

Accordlng Lo Lhe resulLs of Lhe above sLudles Lhe lmporLanL flndlngs
Lo prevenL and conLrol Lhe compllcaLlons of dlabeLes are suggesLed

Accordlng Lo Lhe scope of work Lhe schemaLlc represenLaLlon of Lhe
medlcaLlon adherence ls as follows

unuL8S1AnulnC 1PL


llnAL lC
CCn18CL C8Cu


MLulC1lCn CPA81
vlSl1 CPA81
A1lLn1 CCunSLLLlnC
lC8 MLulCA1lCn
1he sample populaLlon ls selecLed randomly from Lhe ouLpaLlenL
deparLmenL Lhen Lhe cllnlcal and dlagnosLlc daLa wlll be enLered ln Lhe
LemplaLe made for analysls 1he daLa analysls may be done uslng a
common sLaLlsLlcal sofL ware called SSS or on Lhe Lxce| sheet ( MS Cff|ce)
conslderlng Lhe smaller slze of Lhe sample populaLlon
1he flndlngs from analysls wlll be noLed for as lL ls as Lhey would be cruclal
ln comlng Lo concluslon 1he flndlngs wlll be unblased clear and conclse
and be able Lo reveal Lhe lnvesLlgaLed lnformaLlon found durlng Lhe
ro[ect hypothes|s
Conslderlng Lhe naLure of Lhe pro[ecL Lhe null hypoLhesls wlll be
no slgnlflcanL changes ln Lhe lab LesL resulLs and ln Lhe over all healLh
condlLlon of Lhe paLlenL
lf Lhe resulLs do noL supporL Lhe null hypoLhesls Lhen Lhe alLernaLe
hypoLhesls wlll be LhaL poslLlve changes ln lab resulLs and ln healLh
condlLlonSLlll Lhe sLeps can recommended for furLher lmprovemenL
1he concluslon wlll be Lo prepare and presenL Lhe flndlngs of Lhe sLudy Lo
Lhe faclllLy managemenL
1he flnal sLep wlll be Lo develop recommendaLlons for Lhe pro[ecL 1hls wlll
be based on Lhe concluslon of Lhe sLudy
1he deLalls of all references books used webslLe deLalls wlll be menLloned
ln Lhls secLlon
Appendlx references blbllography glossary may be Lhe dlfferenL headlngs

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