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I|||| |K

||||KI|| |I.
|||||/ K/K|/ M|H/KII
M|/||si I||M. ||'/
|||| K|. |II|||||

8ank of MaharashLra ls Lhe premler bank of MaharashLra operaLlng ln Lhe counLry of lndla
8eglsLered on 16Lh SepL 1933 wlLh an auLhorlzed caplLal of 8s 1000 lakh and commenced
buslness on 8Lh leb 1936 known as a common mans bank slnce lncepLlon lLs lnlLlal help Lo
small unlLs has glven blrLh Lo many of Lodays lndusLrlal houses AfLer naLlonallzaLlon ln 1969
Lhe bank expanded rapldly lL now has 1373 branches (as of 31 March 2008) all over lndla 1he
8ank has Lhe largesL neLwork of branches by any ubllc secLor bank ln Lhe sLaLe of MaharashLra
1he 8ank was founded by a group of vlslonarles led by Lhe LaLe v C kale and Lhe LaLe u k
SaLhe and reglsLered as 8anklng Company on 16 SepLember 1933 aL une 1he vlslon was Lo
reach ouL and serve Lhe common man and meeL all Lhelr banklng needs Successlve leadershlp
of Lhe 8ank and Lhe employees have endeavored Lo fulflll Lhelr vlslon 1oday 8ank of
MaharashLra has over 12 mllllon cusLomers across Lhe lengLh and breadLh of Lhe counLry served
Lhrough 1306 branches ln 23 sLaLes and 2 unlon LerrlLorles a Lruly pan lndla bank
M||estones |n the [ourney for nat|on bu||d|ng
8eglsLered on 16091933
Comm|tment stated |n the prospectus |ssued on 2110193S
SLeadlly Lo spread lLs buslness operaLlons all over MaharashLra and as opporLunlLy allows
ouLslde LhaL area offerlng varled servlces Lo Lhe general publlc whlle Lrylng Lo be useful Lo
Lrade commerce and lndusLry conslsLenLly wlLh hlgh sLandards of safeLy and efflclency"
1936 Commenced operaLlons on 08021936 ln une
1938 Second branch of Lhe bank was opened ln 1938 aL lorL 8ombay
1940 1hlrd branch came up aL ueccan Cymkhana une
1944 SLaLus as Scheduled 8ank obLalned
1946 ueposlLs crossed 8s Cne crore mark
lormed fully owned subsldlary 1he MaharashLra LxecuLor 1rusLee Company
llrsL branch ouLslde MaharashLra opened ln Publl (Mysore SLarLe now karnaLaka)
1949 Lxpanslon Lo A Pyderabad branch opened
1963 Lxpanslon Lo Coa an[lm 8ranch opened
1966 Lxpanslon Lo Madhya radesh lndore branch opened
LnLered ln Cu[araL 8aroda branch opened
1969 naLlonallsed alongwlLh 13 oLher 8anks
LnLry ln uelhl by openlng karolbagh branch on 191269
1974 ueposlL base crossed 8s 100 Crore mark
1976 MaraLhwada Crameena 8ank flrsL 888 esLabllshed on 26081976
1978 new Pead Cfflce bulldlng lnauguraLed by Ponble rlme MlnlsLer of lndla Shrl
Morar[l uesal
ueposlLs crossed Lhe flgure of 8s300 Crores
1979 Mahabank AgrlculLural 8esearch and 8ural uevelopmenL loundaLlon" reglsLered as
a publlc LrusL was esLabllshed for underLaklng research and exLenslon work and Lo
provlde more exLenslve servlces Lo farmers
198S 300Lh branch ln MaharashLra sLaLe was opened aL Lhe hands of Lhe Lhen rlme
MlnlsLer Mrs lndlra Candhl aL narlman olnL Mumbal
llrsL Advanced Ledger osLlng Machlne (ALM) was lnsLalled aL Lhe branch
Colden !ubllee ?ear CelebraLlons launched aL Lhe hands of ur Manmohan Slngh
Covernor 8eserve 8ank of lndla
1986 1hane Crameena 8ank sponsored
1987 1he 1000Lh branch of Lhe 8ank was lnauguraLed aL lndlra vasahaL 8lbwewadl une
aL Lhe ausplclous hands of urShankar uayal Sharma Lhe Ponourable vlce resldenL
of lndla
1991 Mahabank larmer CredlL Card was launched
LnLered ln Lo uomesLlc CredlL Card 8uslness
Maln lrame CompuLer lnsLalled
8ecame member of Lhe SWll1
199S ulamond !ubllee CelebraLlons ur C 8angara[an Lhe 88l Covernor was Lhe Chlef
ueposlLs crossed 8s 3000 crore mark
1996 Moved lnLo A" caLegory from Lhe earller C" caLegory AuLonomy obLalned
2000 ueposlLs crossed 8s 10000 crore mark
2004 ubllc lssue of Shares 24 owned by ubllc
LlsLed ln 8SL and nSL
200S 8ancassurance and MuLual lund dlsLrlbuLlon buslness sLarLed
2006 Crossed LoLal buslness level of 8s30000 Crore
8ranch C8S ro[ecL sLarLed
2009 LnLered ln Lo 73Lh year of dedlcaLed servlce Lo Lhe naLlon
AdopLed 73 underdeveloped vlllages for lnLegraLed overall developmenL
2010 100 C8S of branches achleved
1oLal 8uslness crossed 8s Cne lakh crore
Cpened 76 branches ln Lhe laLlnum ?ear Laklng Lhe LoLal Lo 1306

1o ensure qulck and efflclenL response Lo cusLomer expecLaLlons

1o lnnovaLe producLs and servlces Lo caLer Lo dlverse secLlons of socleLy

1o adopL laLesL Lechnology on a conLlnuous basls

1o bulld proacLlve professlonal and lnvolved workforce

1o enhance Lhe shareholders' wealLh Lhrough besL pracLlces and corporaLe governance

1o enLer lnLernaLlonal arena Lhrough branch neLwork

1o be a vlbranL forward looklng Lechnosavvy cusLomer cenLrlc bank servlng dlverse secLlons
of Lhe socleLy enhanclng shareholders and employees value whlle movlng Lowards global

ss|s| |ss,sss|||||t,

8anks 8ural uevelopmenL CenLres aL Padapsar and 8hlgwan are underLaklng valous
developmenLal acLlvlLles for Lhe beneflL of Lhe famers vl Lab Lo Land pro[ecL reuse /
rehablllLaLlon of Sallne Soll and advlce on sclenLlflc use of lnpuLs for opLlmum resulLs
1he Mahabank AgrlculLural 8esearch and 8ural uevelopmenL loundaLlon (MA8uLl) ls
acLlve ln socloeconomlc developmenL of vlllages by encouraglng farmers Lo Lake dlverslfled
acLlvlLles llke dalry LMu farmlng goaL rearlng grape culLlvaLlon horLlculLure and sclenLlflc
use of varlous lnpuLs llke ferLlllzers eLc 1he foundaLlon asslsLs farmers especlally small and
marglnal farmers ln recelvlng Llmely bank credlL
1he 8ank has esLabllshed llve Mahabank Self LmploymenL 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLes (MSL1l) one
each aL une Aurangabad nagpur naslk and AmravaLl 1hese provlde Lralnlng Lo rural
youLh and women for self employmenL A LoLal of 4603 candldaLes have been Lralned by Lhe
lnsLlLuLes so far

MSL1I Annua| 1ra|n|ng Schedu|e
Cramln Mahlla va 8alak vlkas Mandal (CMv8vM) an nCC formed ln 1989 by 8ank of
MaharashLra ls acLlvely lnvolved ln formaLlon nurLurlng of SPCs and faclllLaLlng llnkage Lo
8ank CredlL 1he CMv8vM also helps SPCs Lo markeL Lhelr producLs Lhrough Lwo sales
ouLleLs ln une ClLy named SAvl18l" CMv8vM asslsLs Lhe SPCs Lo secure quallLy raw
maLerlal and lnpuLs for Lhelr producLs and exLends markeLlng and sales supporL MaLured
SPCs are asslsLed Lo upgrade lnLo Small and Medlum LnLerprlses CMv8vM has been
declared as MoLher nCC by CovL of MaharashLra
1he Mahabank vldarbha SheLkarl !agruLl Abhlyan a [olnL efforL of 8ank of MaharashLra and
Panuman vyayam rasarak Mandal has reached ouL Lo more Lhan 3730 larmers ln dlsLress
ln slx dlsLrlcLs of vldarbha Lhrough counselllng and Lralnlng sesslons

ueposlL scheme
Savlng deposlL CurrenL deposlL 1erm deposlL

Savlng deposlL
Any lndlvldual can open savlngs bank accounL slngly or [olnLly S8 AccounL of mlnors can be
opened [olnLly wlLh naLural guardlan/legal guardlan 1he appllcanL should furnlsh ldenLlLy and
address proof as glven ln accounL openlng form (Cll for lndlvlduals) Lwo phoLographs An
number/lorm no 60/61 whlle openlng new accounL ln case Lhe cusLomer ls unable Lo glve any
documenLary proof of ldenLlLy address Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe bank Lhe accounL can be
opened wlLh Lhe lnLroducLlon from exlsLlng accounL holder who has been sub[ecLed Lo full k?C
procedure havlng saLlsfacLory operaLlons ln Lhe accounL for over slx monLhs
Mlnlmum balance ln Lhe accounL

Mlnlmum balance should be malnLalned ln Lhe accounL Cn CuA81L8L? AvL8ACL basls as
menLloned below

ln MeLro/ urban 8ranches 8s 1000/
Seml urban 8ranches 8s 300/
8ural 8ranches 8s 230/

lf quarLerly average mlnlmum balance ln Lhe accounL ls noL malnLalned servlce charges wlll be
levled once ln every quarLer

ueLalls of charges are glven under Servlce Charges" dlsplayed ln home page of webslLe Also
avallable ln all branches wlLh 8ranch Manager / uepuLy 8ranch Manager

Mlnlmum balance condlLlon ls noL appllcable for enslon and no lrllls caLegory accounLs

nomlnaLlon faclllLy ls avallable
8ank wlll pay lnLeresL on uAlL? 8CuuC1S ln Lhe accounL (le on dally balance) on slx monLhly
basls payable on 30 Lh !une and 31 sL uecember of every year resenL lnLeresL raLe ls 40 pa

CLher 8eneflLs
1 1he accounL holder/s can glve sLandlng lnsLrucLlons for Lransfer of funds from Lhe
accounL Lo any anoLher accounL/s make paymenL of elecLrlclLy bllls lnsurance
remlum 1elephone bllls Laxes loan lnsLallmenLs eLc Charges appllcable are furnlshed
ln Servlce Charges Schedule avallable ln every branch and also on 8anks webslLe
2 1elebanklng faclllLy SMS 8anklng faclllLy Moblle banklng faclllLy and lnLerneL 8anklng
are avallable
3 1uS ls noL appllcable for lnLeresL earned on Lhe accounL
4 lree Mahabank vlSA A1M/ueblL Card
3 ueposlL lnsurance Cover upLo 8s 100 lac

CurrenL deposlL
Any lndlvldual proprleLorshlp or parLnershlp flrm or a legal person le lnsLlLuLlon or a Company
or 1rusL CorporaLe 8odles CovernmenL / SemlCovernmenL ueparLmenLs a developmenLal
Agency formed by CovernmenL can open a CurrenL AccounL AppllcaLlon for openlng Lhe
AccounL should be Lendered ln AccounL openlng form prescrlbed by Lhe 8ank 1he appllcanL / s
should fulflll k?C norms by furnlshlng ldenLlLy and address proof Lwo phoLographs An
number / lorm no 60 / 61 whlle openlng new accounL as appllcable Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon of
appllcanL and as menLloned ln Lhe form
Mlnlmum 8alance ln Lhe accounL
Mlnlmum balance should be malnLalned ln Lhe accounL Cn CuA81L8L? AvL8ACL basls as
menLloned below

ln MeLro/ urban/ Seml urban 8ranches 8s 3000/

8ural 8ranches 8s 2000/

II quarter|y average m|n|mum ba|ance |n the account |s not ma|nta|ned serv|ce charges w|||
be |ev|ed once |n every quarter

ueLalls of charges are glven under Servlce Charges" dlsplayed ln home page of webslLe Also
avallable ln all branches wlLh 8ranch Manager / uepuLy 8ranch Manager
nomlnaLlon faclllLy ls avallable
no lnLeresL ls payable on Lhls accounL
Cther 8enef|ts
1 1he accounL holder/s can glve sLandlng lnsLrucLlons for Lransfer of funds from Lhe
accounL Lo any anoLher accounL/s make paymenL of elecLrlclLy bllls lnsurance
remlum 1elephone bllls Laxes loan lnsLallmenLs eLc Charges appllcable are furnlshed
ln Servlce Charges Schedule avallable ln every branch and also on 8ank's webslLe
2 1elebanklng faclllLy SMS 8anklng faclllLy Moblle banklng faclllLy and lnLerneL 8anklng
faclllLy are avallable
3 lree Mahabank vlSA A1M / ueblL Card
4 ueposlL lnsurance Cover upLo 8s100 lac
1erm depos|t
lndlvldual or Pul
Amount of Depos|t
Mlnlmum 8s 100/ Cr lm mullple Lhereof wlLh maxlmum of 8s 1 lakh ln one ?ear l e from
1sL Aprll Lo 31 sL March
1enure of the Depos|t
noL less Lhan 3 ?ears Maxlmum up Lo 10 ?ears
Interest kate
Sub[ecL Lo change by Lhe 8ank from Llme Lo Llme
1ypes of Depos|ts Interest ayment
1he ueposlLs can be accepLed under Lhe scheme ln Mlu8 / Clu8/lu8/Cu8
Accordlngly lnLeresL Lo be pald half yearly/ quarLerly/monLhly/ln lump sum on maLurlLy
Investment L|m|ts
Mlnlmum of 8s 100/ or ln mulLlple Lhereof wlLh maxlmum of 8s 100000/ ln one year le
from 1sL Aprll Lo 31sL March

1ax aspects
lnLeresL on Lhese Lerm deposlLs shall be llable Lo Lax under Lhe AcL

1he Lax on such lnLeresL shall be deducLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of secLlon
194A or secLlon 193 of Lhe AcL
remature w|thdrawa|
Not a||owed no Lerm deposlL shall be encashed before Lhe explry of flve years from Lhe
daLe of lLs recelpL

8ut ln Lhe evenL of Lhe deaLh of Lhe holder of a Lerm deposlL ln respecL of whlch a
nomlnaLlon ls ln force Lhe nomlnee or nomlnees shall be enLlLled aL any Llme before or
afLer Lhe maLurlLy of Lhe Lerm deposlL Lo encash Lhe Lerm deposlL
1ransferab|||ty Ieature
Can be Lransferred from one branch Lo anoLher branch of Lhe 8CM buL noL Lo any oLher
banks branch
Nom|nat|on Iac|||ty
Avallable as per our exlsLlng pracLlce ln Lhe 8ank
1rad|ng and |edg|ng
Not a||owed 1he Lerm deposlL shall noL be pledged Lo secure loan or as securlLy Lo any
oLher asseL even afLer compleLlon of 3 years
Loan Aga|nst Depos|t
noL allowed ln any case
Mode of no|d|ng
1 Slngle holder Lype
2 !olnL holder Lype deposlLs rovlded LhaL ln Lhe case of [olnL holder Lype deposlL Lhe
deducLlon from lncome under secLlon 80C of Lhe lncome 1ax AcL shall be avallable
only Lo Lhe flrsL holder of Lhe deposlL

A1M Servlces 81CS/nLl1
CredlL Card CaplLal MarkeL AppllcaLlon ( AS8A )
uLMA1 Servlces MAPAe18AuL ( Cn llne Share 1radlng laclllLy )
Mahabank SwasLhya ?o[na L aymenL 1axes
ulsLrlbuLlon of MuLual lunds
LxecuLors and 1rusLee Servlces

Corporate Governance
8oard of ulrecLors

Shrl v 8hardwa[ Ms kamala 8a[an Shrl A k andlL ur u S aLel
1op Management

!eclaalag eelapmeat.
1) L ayment of 1axes

L ayment of 1axes
LaymenL of Laxes ls onllne paymenL of 1ax uslng your 8CM AccounL Lhrough 8ank of
MaharashLras MahaconnecL le lnLerneL banklng faclllLy

uslng eaymenL faclllLy you can pay your Servlce 1ax Lxclse uuLy lncome 1ax 1uS 1CS
WealLh 1ax PoLel recelpL 1ax vA1 / Sales 1ax (SLaLe of MaharashLra )
L ayment rerequ|s|tes

?ou should have 8CM lnLerneL 8anklng faclllLy le user ld and passwords lssued by 8CM Lo use
MahaconnecL (lnLerneL 8anklng) faclllLy
?ou musL be reglsLered wlLh 1ax auLhorlLles and should have a valld An/1An (for ulrecL 1axes) or a
Assesses Code lssued by Lxclse uepL (for lndlrecL 1axes)
O Layment of D|rect 1axes
O LaymenL of lndlrecL (CenLral Lxclse Servlce) 1ax
O Layment of Sa|es 1ax ] VA1 (Maharashtra State)
2) Internet bank|ng
Why Internet 8ank|ng?
8ank of MaharashLra ls offerlng Lhe followlng servlces Lhrough lnLerneL 8anklng and you can
avall Lhese faclllLles from your place uslng lnLerneL connecLlvlLy lLs banklng made avallable aL
your doorsLeps
O AccounL 8alance Lnqulry
O 1ransacLlon PlsLory / SLaLemenL of AccounL
O vlew of AccounL deLalls for all Lypes of accounLs
O Mlnl SLaLemenL
O Cheque SLaLus Lnqulry
O Cheque 8ook Cuerles
O eaymenL of 1axes
now to App|y for Mahaconnect (Internet 8ank|ng) ?
uownload Lhe appllcaLlon form for lnLerneL 8anklng from bankofmaharashLraln or collecL Lhe
appllcaLlon from Lhe branch and submlL Lhe fllled ln appllcaLlon form Lo Lhe branch Cn
successful processlng of Lhe appllcaLlon you wlll recelve a user ld a logln password and a
LransacLlon password uslng Lhls user ld and passwords you can logln Lo MahaconnecL and
en[oy lnLerneL 8anklng faclllLy
now to Invoke Mahaconnect (Internet bank|ng) webs|te?
ConnecL Lo lnLerneL and open Lhe web browser on your compuLer 1ype
https]]wwwmahaconnect|n ln Lhe address bar of Lhe browser 1hls ls Lhe mosL secure way Lo
access lnLerneL 8anklng webslLe uon'L use any llnks provlded anywhere whlch clalms Lo Lake
you Lo 8ank of MaharashLra's lnLerneL 8anklng uon'L even use Lhe search englne resulLs
now to Log|n?
uL Lhe user ld and password provlded Lo you ln Lhe cusLomer ld and password flelds provlded
on logln page lf you are logglng ln for Lhe flrsL Llme Lhen Lhe sysLem wlll show you Lhe Lerms
and condlLlons documenL you need Lo accepL Lhe Lerms and condlLlons by cllcklng on 'l Agree'
llnk 1hen sysLem wlll force you Lo change Lhe lnlLlal logln and LransacLlon passwords Cn
successful logln you can vlew Lhe menu and llsL of your accounLs
Secur|ty 1|ps
O uo noL access your lnLerneL 8anklng accounL from a cyber cafe or a shared compuLer
O uo a proper Log off from Lhe lnLerneL 8anklng sesslon uo noL [usL close your browser
O uo noL cllck any llnk LhaL Lakes you Lo Lhe webslLe Always Lype ln Lhe correcL u8L
(hLLps//wwwmahaconnecLln) lnLo Lhe address bar of your browser
O ulsable Lhe AuLo CompleLe" funcLlon of your browser
O use leLLers numbers and speclal characLers ln your passwords Lo make lL complex and dlfflculL
for oLhers Lo guess
O uo noL share your lnLerneL 8anklng passwords wlLh anybody
O uo noL respond Lo any malls asklng for confldenLlal lnformaLlon llke ln password or accounL
O Always check Lhe lasL logln Lo your lnLerneL 8anklng accounL
Mob||e 8ank|ng MahaMob||e
8ank of MaharashLra provldes your accounL lnformaLlon on your Moblle phone Lhrough lLs new
Lechnology producL MahaMoblle ln our endeavor Lo provldlng laLesL Lechnology producLs
and more convenlenL banklng faclllLles Lhe 'MahaMoblle' ls one more Lechnology drlven
dellvery channel for you Lo faclllLaLe Moblle 8anklng" uslng Lhe 'MahaMoblle' you can do
your banklng LransacLlons llke enqulrles Lransfer of funds uLlllLy paymenLs eLc uslng your
moblle phone
Cnllne Shopplng / uLlllLy aymenL

8ank of Maharashtra Cn||ne Shopp|ng

lL ls deslgned Lo faclllLaLe Lhe 8ank's cusLomers Lo make paymenLs for goods and servlces
purchased onllne Lhrough MahaconnecL Mahabank's lnLerneL 8anklng faclllLy
Ava||ab|e to a||
all our neL banklng (exlsLlng new) users havlng LransacLlon rlghLs are ellglble Lo uLlllze
Lhls onllne faclllLy
S|mp|e conven|ent qu|ck and secure
CusLomers can make paymenLs for goods and servlces purchased onllne ln a slmple
convenlenL and seamless manner
Anyt|me anywhere
Slmple and easy Lo operaLe from home / offlce anyLlme anywhere
L|st of products and serv|ces (hLLp//wwwccavenuecom/ccavenuemall/8CM)

Mahabank's Ut|||ty 8||| ayment Serv|ces
Mahabank brlngs Lo you Lhe convenlence of paylng all your bllls from your deskLop!
?ou can pay your elecLrlclLy Lelephone moblle lnsurance bllls onllne and also subscrlbe Lo
magazlnes and make conLrlbuLlons Lo varlous charlLles all of Lhem onllne uslng Lhe Mahabank
Cnllne uLlllLy 8lll aymenL Servlce


1) A1M Serv|ces
1o report |oss ] to hot||st the A1M]Deb|t Card

A1M Serv|ce rov|der
(Card number accounL number should be furnlshed)

1o|| Iree
1800 209 3343

Cther ||nes

A1M Card Ce|| Mumba|
(1030 am Lo 330 pm) (Card number or a/c number Lo be furnlshed)
Genera| 1o|| free number (MAnASLVA 24x7)


Ior |ssues re|ated to A1M Card Serv|ces
Ior |ssues re|ated to non rece|pt of cash at the A1M
Ior app||cat|on re|ated quer|es
1o |odge any comp|a|nt through ema||
2) 1oll lree numbers

Cther 1o|| Iree Numbers
C|ty ] Locat|on
1o|| Iree Number
( W|th|n the State)
Ahmedabad 18002337903
8engaluru 18004238033
Pyderabad 18003434023
kolkaLa 18003433422
nagpur 18002334722
new uelhl 1800114747
1hane 1800223131

Contact us ] 8CM Internet 8ank|ng Customer Care ne|pdesk

SMSbased supporL lor Internet 8ank|ng Act|vat|on SMS AC1v Lo 9973494909
lor CLher lnLerneL 8anklng relaLed asslsLance SMS ASSlS1 Lo 9973494909 hone
numbers 18002334326 02027008600 All lndla 1oll free numbers Pelpdesk 1lmlng Pelpdesk
ls avallable 24 x 7 x 363 eMall us [ mahaconnecL[mahabankcoln

A|| Ind|a 1o|| Iree Number 18002334326
aaperfarm|ag assets.
8ank of Maharashtra net d|ps on h|gher NA prov|s|on|ng
Cur 8ureau
une !an 21
8ank of MaharashLra posLed a C3 l? 11 neL proflL of 8s 9023 crore a 20 per cenL dlp over Lhe
correspondlng quarLer of Lhe prevlous flscal (8s 112 crore) largely on accounL of hlgher
provlslonlng for nAs
uepreclaLlon of 8s 2824 crore on lnvesLmenLs (131 crore ln Lhe same perlod lasL year) and a
drop ln lLs Lreasury lncome Lo 8s 128 crore from 8s 3099 crore also lmpacLed Lhe boLLom llne
1he bank provlded 8s 11781 crore for nA provlslon coverage durlng Lhe quarLer ended
uecember 31 2010 agalnsL 8s 4666 crore ln C3 l? 10
1he coverage now sLands aL 6002 per cenL and wlll be 70 per cenL by SepLember 2011
Mr A S 8haLLacharya Chalrman and Managlng ulrecLor sald Lhe bank wlll focus on recoverles
and on developlng Lhe mldcorporaLe buslness segmenL
A separaLe cell has been esLabllshed ln Lhe CenLral Cfflce for Lhe purpose of loans from 8s 330
crore llve mlcro asseL recovery cells have been seL up ln Aurangabad LaLur nashlk SaLara and
Solapur Lo follow up on small accounLs of 8s 10 lakh and below
Cur currenL nAs sLand aL 8s 1377 crore and 64 per cenL of Lhese are loans below 8s 10 lakh
1hese flve cells recovered 8s 10 crore ln one week" Mr 8haLLacharya sald addlng LhaL Lhe
LargeL was Lo recover 8s 110 crore by March 2011
llve more such cells wlll be seL up as Lhe bank hopes Lo brlng Lhe nAs down Lo 8s 1000 crore
by SepLemberend he sald
uurlng Lhe quarLer under revlew 8oMs LoLal buslness crossed Lhe onelakh crore mark and
sLood aL 8s 10631498 crore on uecember 31 2010

alaace $leet.


( lo ctote)
30092011 30092010
CaplLal 106971 101832
8eserves and Surplus 311747 239243
ueposlLs 6937393 6166077
8orrowlngs 318404 267008
CLher LlablllLles
234807 134337
1C1AL 7909S22 6948739
Cash and 8alances wlLh
8eserve 8ank of lndla
426927 480633
8alances wlLh 8anks and
Money aL Call and ShorL
11281 16726
lnvesLmenLs 2132771 2171001
Advances 3004276 4036783
llxed AsseLs 66279 63299
CLher AsseLs 247988 178293
1C1AL 7909S22 6948739

IH/K| I|||

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