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4 Ways to Get Freaking Huge

Time To Get Swole

Man, do I have some magical, mystical, mass building advice Ior you today. But I know
you`re extremely skeptical. You`re waiting Ior the bullcrap; to be let down by some cool
sounding training system with overly complicated mumbo jumbo, and exercises that suck.
Sorry, no Iail Ior you today.
I don`t hand out Iail. I`m not pushing an agenda. You want to get big Iast, then do the
1 - Stay with a Simple Routine
Listen, you have been searching Ior the ultimate routine Ior years. In Iact, you spend more
time reading about routines then perIorming routines. And each week you switch routines.
Ive found it, this week Im making the change to blah, blah, blah and will grow'
Enough with this Ioolishness. I`m about to carpet bomb your Iantasies, so you have been
warned. Brace yourselI. Here doesn`t matter what routine you use. Yes, you heard
me right. Doggcrapp, Max Stim, Dogg Stim, Max Crapp.whatever. Just pick something
and stick with it. And make sure the routine isn`t complicated. You don`t need complicated.
A simple routine Iocuses on progression oI weight using basic heavy compound liIts
O Squats
O DeadliIts
O Bench Press
O A Iorm oI the Overhead Press
E. T. C.
II you Iind that your routine has you doing giant sets, drop sets, or Iocusing on the dreaded
mind-muscle connection, run like the wind. And worse yet, iI it contains too many isolation
movements.well.FAIL. You don`t need training techniques or isolation movements, you
need to:
- Lift Heavy Ass Weights
LiIt heavy ass weight. Heavy ass weight makes muscles grow. Heavy ass weight can be in
any rep range, because it is heavy ass weight and is kicking your balls seven ways to
hat rep range should I use? FAIL! It doesn`t matter LiIt heavy ass weights!
hat should my rep speed be? FAIL! It doesn`t matter LiIt heavy ass weights!
Should I do cable crossovers before or after flyes, and should incline bench be performed
with a 22 degree angle, or a 24 degree angle? FAIL! It doesn`t matter LiIt heavy ass
hat split is the most effective for mass? FAIL! FAIL! FAIL!
But I dont want to lift heavy' So and so says that squats are bad for your knees, and my
mom is afraid and wants me to take up knitting.
Both so and so, and your mom (no oIIense to moms) can barely liIt a roll oI toilet paper to
wipe their own asses. II you want to look like your mom, listen to the training advice oI
your mom. II you want to pack on muscle, liIt heavy ass weight!
The end!
- Stop Bitching and Get Your Ass to the Gym!
I`m tired.
My toe hurts.
My right nut seems small today, maybe I shouldn`t train.
Want to know how to Iail? I mean epic Iail? Continue to make excuses, and avoid going to
the gym. Want to know how to succeed? Gird up your balls, shut the hell up, and get your
ass to the gym, 52 weeks a year. The end.
This isn`t complicated.
OI course your leIt nut hurts! You`re liIting weights. LiIting heavy ass weights will hurt
Irom time to time. Pain is part oI the equation. We aren`t collecting bottle caps here,
4 - Forget Your Damned Abs and Eat!
I want a six pack'
Bud, iI you think you can pack on muscle and carve out a six pack in the same month, you
need to lay oII the crack pipe.
This just in.iI you want muscle, you need to eat big. II you want to be a 220 mass
monster, but only weigh 120, you need to start eating like you weigh 220 pounds.
ow long should I bulk before I cut? FAIL! Eat until people at the gym start asking you
where you get your steroids Irom. Then, and only then can you start cutting.
Should my bulk be dirty or clean? FAIL! Grab a shovel and get to gettin`.
hole milk has fat' Almonds have fat' I cant eat fat' FAIL! Listen, drinking whole milk
and liIting heavy ass weights equals muscle mass.
Final Thoughts
1. LiIt heavy ass weight using heavy ass compound liIts.
2. Eat big.
3. Never miss a workout.
4. Stick with a basic routine.
Follow these 4 rules Ior two years and you will dramatically change your body. The end.

onday Workout
O Squats 3 sets x 10 reps
O Bench Press 3 sets x 10 reps
O Barbell Rows 3 sets x 10 reps
O Standing Dumbbell Curls 3 sets x 10 reps
O Sit Ups 3 Sets x 15 reps
Wednesday Workout
O Romanian DeadliIts 3 sets x 10 reps
O Seated Overhead Barbell Press 3 sets x 10 reps
O Dumbbell Shrugs 3 sets x 10 reps
O Seated or Standing CalI Raises 3 x 10 reps
O Hanging Leg Raises 3 sets x 15 reps
Friday Workout
O Squats 3 Sets x 10 reps
O Close Grip Bench Press 3 sets x 10 reps
O Pull Ups or Lat Pull Downs 3 sets x 10 reps
O Standing Barbell Curls 3 sets x 10 reps
O Crunches 3 sets x 15 reps
8eg ark 8eglnner 8ouLlne WorkouL
Forget the complex, and come back to the basics. The basics worked a long time beIore the
modern steroid era, and they continue to work today.
Reg Park beginner workout routine.
Workout A
Back Squats 55
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 55
Dips or Bench Press 55
Wrist Work 210
Calves 215-20
Workout B
Front Squats 55
Rows 55
Standing Press 55
DeadliIts 35 (2 warm-up sets and 1 'stabilizer set)
Wrist Work 210
Calves 215-20
Week 1: A, B, A
Week 2: B, A, B
Week 3: A, B, A
Week 4: B, A, B

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