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F1 09W71 08:00 A.M. - 12:00


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer Ior each oI the Iollowing questions. Mark only one
answer Ior each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter oI your choice on the answer sheet
provided. Use Pencil No. 2 only. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.


1. How many degrees north or south oI the Tropic oI Cancer is the Arctic Circle?
A. 23 27` South B. 23 27` North C. 44 06` North D. 44 06` South
2. Automatic device Ior steering a vessel by means oI control signals received Irom a gyro compass
is called .
A. gyro repeater C. gyropilot
B. automatic pilot D. gyroscopic steering
3. An indirect radar echo is caused by a reIlection oI the main lobe oI the radar beam oI the
observer`s vessel. Which oI the Iollowing is NOT a characteristic oI indirect echoes?
A. The indirect echoes usually appear in shadow sectors
B. They always appear on a bearing of 90 from the true bearing of the contact.
C. Their bearing is almost constant, even when the true bearing oI the contact changes
D. When plotted, their movements are usually abnormal
4. The greatest change oI weather condition occurs when:
A. wind shiIts Irom East through North to South
B. wind shiIts Irom East through West to South
C. wind shiIts Irom South through North to West
D. wind shifts from North through East to South
5. What is the area wherein the dredged materials are thrown or dumped?
A. wrecked ground C. hazardous ground
B. dumping ground D. spoil ground
6. What is the length oI a nautical mile?
A. 1,850 meters B. 5,280 meters C. 1,760 yards D. 6,076 feet
7. The interval between the sun`s upper limb being in the horizon and its center being 12H
below is called:
A. Civil twilight C. Astronomical twilight
B. Nautical twilight D. Observational twilight
8. The dividing meridian between zone descriptions 4 and 5 is .
A. 60H 00` E B. 67H 30` W C. 75H 00` E D. 60H 30` W
9. What is the light placed on or near the support oI a mainlight and having a special use in
A. Major light C. Minor light
B. General light D. Subsidiary lights
10. Physical checks oI gyro, azimuth circle and pelorus are the Iollowing EXCEPT:
A. alignment of the compass north to the fore and aft line of the ship
B. alignment oI peloruses with Iore and-aIt line oI the ship
C. synchronize gyro repeaters with master gyro
D. ensure azimuth circle and peloruses are in good condition
11. The bending oI a wave as it passes an obstruction is called .
A. reIraction C. diffraction
B. attenuation D. persistence
12. Two navigational hazards are located near to each other, but each marked by an individual cardinal
buoyage system. The buoys oI one cardinal system may be identiIied Irom the other system by .
A. the diIIering light colors
B. one system having odd numbers while the other system has even numbers
C. one system using horizontal bands while the other system uses vertical stripes
D. the difference in the periods of the light

13. The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast. This indicates .
A. you should stay to the north or east oI the buoy
B. you should stay to the west or south oI the buoy
C. the buoy is a major lighted buoy
D. nothing special for navigational purposes
14. When the Iaces oI the sextant shade glasses and mirrors are not parallel, the error is called:
A. centering error C. prismatic error
B. index error D. graduation error
15. What is there when the magnetic heading and the true heading coincides?
A. The variation is zero C. In the magnetic equator
B. None oI these D. The variation and deviation are equal
16. In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumbline distance NOT approximately the
same as the great circle distance?
A. The two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphere
B. The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere
C. The two points is near the equator, but in diIIerent hemisphere
D. One point is near the equator, one point is in a high latitude and both are near the 180

17. Isallobar is a .
A . line joining places having equal pressure
B . line joining places having equal temperature
C. line joining places having an equal height above sea level
D. line joining places having an equal change of pressure
18. A list oI light entry is a single light which show a long Ilash oI not less than:
A. 1.0 second duration C. 2.0 seconds duration
B. 1.5 seconds duration D. 3.0 seconds duration
19. What is the most elusive Iactor oI a magnetic compass which change with every direction
given to the ship`s heading?
A. Compass error C. Variation
B. Deviation D. Course error
20. This is a semi-circular deviation which is proportional to the sine oI the compass heading.
A. CoeIIicient C C. CoeIIicient E
B. CoeIIicient D D. Coefficient B
21. This reIers to relatively strong quasi-horizontal winds usually concentrated within a
restricted layer oI the atmosphere.
A. Front C. 1et stream
B. Gradient wind D. Geostropic wind
22. You have replaced the chart paper in the course recorder. What is NOT required to ensure
that a correct trace is recorded?
A. Test the electrical gain to the thermograph pens
B. Set the zone pen on the correct quadrant
C. Line the course pen up on the exact heading oI the ship
D. Adjust the chart paper to indicate the correct time
23. One oI the two stars pointing to Polaris in the Ursa Major is the:
A. Alioth B. Alphecca C. Dubhe D. Kochab
What is the color oI a west cardinal buoy?
A. Black bands with yellow bands above and below
B. Black and above and below yellow band
C. Black band below yellow band
D. Black band above yellow band
25. A pulse Ieature designed to eliminate sky wave is .
A. blink coding C. pulse architecture
B. phase coding D. Irequency architecture

26. What does 'NAVAREA means?

A. Worldwide navigational distress service
B. Worldwide navigational area service
C. Worldwide navigational warning service
D. Navigational Area
27. The horizontal direction oI a point on the celestial sphere is called .
A. azimuth angle C. prime vertical
B. zenith distance D. amplitude
28. What is the eIIect oI super reIraction?
A. Bend radar rays downward and increase radar range
B. Bend radar rays downward and decrease radar range
C. Bend radar rays upward and decrease radar range
D. Bend radar rays upward and increase radar range
29. To indicate a compass adjustment in progress which international code signal is hoisted?
A. Oscar Quebec C. Oscar Mike
B. Mike Sierra D. Charlie Alpha
30. What is the basis oI projection in making a gnomonic chart?
A. Cone tangent at one parallel
B. Plane tangent at one point
C. InIinite series oI cones tangent at selected parallels
D. Cylinder tangent at the equator
31. PreIerred channel buoys indicate the preIerred channel to transit by .
A. odd or even numbers
B. the color of their top band
C. the location oI the buoy in the channel junction
D. the buoy`s light rhythms
32. The tabulation data in the Nautical Almanac is Ior:
A. 4 days B. 3 days C. 2 days D. 1 day
33. You are navigating in dense Iog. Vessel A observes vessel B on her starboard side. Which vessel
has the right oI way?
A. Vessel A B. Vessel B C. Either oI the two D. Neither
34. What would you call the strength oI magnetic Iield at any point, measured in a direction parallel to
the Iield?
A. total intensity C. horizontal intensity
B. vertical intensity D. parallel intensity
35. Very Low Frequencies used by Omega is .
A. between 10 to 12 kHz C. between 10 to 14 kHz
B. between 12 to 14 kHz D. between 14 to 16 kHz
36. On the pole side oI the high pressure belt in each hemisphere, the pressure diminishes. The
winds along these gradients are diverted by the earth`s rotation toward the east and are
known as the.
A. horse latitudes C. geostrophic winds
B. doldrums D. prevailing westerlies
37. When planning a voyage, the navigator uses many inIormation sources that includes the Iollowing
A. Sailing Directions C. Notice To Mariners
B. Navigational Charts D. Light Lists
38. Equation oI time is 12 minutes. Find the LAN iI the LMT oI transit is tabulated at 12 hrs 12 mins.
at latitude 25 N, longitude 124 E.
A. 11h 56m C. 12h 16m
B. 12h 28m D. 12h 00m
39. Your vessel is at Lat. 24 36` N; Long. 110 56` E. From the nautical almanac, the GHA oI
the Sun is 86 25`. What is the meridian angle oI the Sun?
A. 162 39` E C. 016 21` E
B. 162 39` W D. 016 21` W

40. The vertex oI a great circle track is in Long. 109 E. An eastbound vessel would cross the
equator in Long. ?
A. 151 E B. 19 E C. 19 W D. 161 W
41. A vessel makes a Dlat oI 289.4 N and a Departure oI 203.2 nautical miles. Find the course
and distance?
A. Co 324 55`.5, Dist 353.6 C. Co 324 55`.5, Dist 300.1
B. Co 324 55`.5, Dist 380.0 D. Co 324 55`.5, Dist 343.2
42. You observed the rising sun bearing 087H PGC. II the latitude oI the place is 15H 20` N, What is
the declination?
A. 2H 53` 35 S C. 15H 18` 42.5 N
B. 15H 18` 42.5 S D. 2H 53` 35 N
43. At 0600 zone time, on 22 October, you depart Manila, Lat 14H 35.0` N, Long 120H 58.0` E (ZD-8).
You are bound Ior Los Angeles, Lat 33H 46.0` N, Long 118H 11.0` W, and you estimate your speed
oI advance at 20.2 knots. The distance is 6,385.9 miles. What is your estimated zone time oI
arrival at Los Angeles?
A. 0208, 4 November C. 1908, 3 November
B. 1008, 4 November D. 0208, 5 November
44. When the time oI the high water is known, the approximate time Ior low water can be determined
by adding or subtracting one Iourth oI a lunar day which is equivalent to:
A. 6h - 13m B. 6h - 33m C. 6h 45m D. 6h - 05m
45. While entering a harbor on a course oI 225H per gyrocompass, you take a bearing on a pair oI
range lights and get 220H per gyrocompass. The bearing on the chart is 217H T. The variation Ior
the area is 6H W and deviation is 2H W. What course would you steer per gyrocompass to make a
good true course oI 232H?
A. 229H pgc B. 243H pgc C. 240H pgc D. 235H pgc
46. You are in Long. 175 W and heading 270. Where do you change clocks?
A. 172 30` E C. 172 30` W
B. 165 30` E D. 180
47. Determine the great circle distance and initial course Irom LAT 33H 53.3` S, LONG 18H 23.1` E to
LAT 40H 27.0` N, LONG 73H 49.4` W?
A. 6,648.0 nm, 298.7H T. C. 6,750.8 nm, 304.5H T
B. 6,743.5 nm, 302.7H T D. 6,763.0 nm, 304.5H T
48. The area oI voyage planning that involves an operation carried out by the navigation oIIicers
which gathers relevant inIormation beneIiting the Iuture stages oI the passage plan is .
A. Planning B. Execution C. Monitoring D. Appraisal
49. The chart`s reIlects the latest Notice to Mariners used to update the chart.
A. corrected date C. edition date
B. print date D. summary oI correction date
50. The system oI curved isobars is which pressure is higher on the inside than on the outside is
A. Ridge of High Pressure C. Trough oI High Pressure
B. Trough oI Low Pressure D. Ridge oI Low Pressure
51. Which has the greatest eIIect on the amount oI gain required to obtain a Iathometer reading?
A. Salinity oI water C. Atmospheric pressure
B. Temperature oI water D. Type of bottom
52. Physical checks oI gyro, azimuth circle and pelorus are the Iollowing EXCEPT:
A. alignment of the compass north to the fore and aft line of the ship
B. alignment oI peloruses with Iore and aIt line oI the ship
C. synchronize gyro repeaters with master gyro
D. ensure azimuth circle and peloruses are in good condition
53. These are methods oI collision avoidance EXCEPT:
A. preserving course and altering speed C. preserving course, maintaining speed
B. altering course, maintaining speed D. simultaneous alternation oI course and speed

54. In working out in local apparent noon sight Ior your latitude, you subtract the HO Irom 90. The
90 represent the angular distance Irom:
A. the equator to the elevated pole
B. your horizon to your zenith
C. your zenith to the elevated pole
D. the geographical position oI the Sun to the elevated pole
55. What is a light similar to a group Ilashing light except that successive groups in a period having
diIIerent number oI Ilashes?
A. Composite Quick Flashing C. Composite Fixed Flashing
B. Composite Group Flashing D. Composite Occulting
56. When you are steering on a pair oI range lights and Iind the upper light is above the lower light
you should.
A. come leIt
B. come right
C. continue on the present course
D. wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line
57. Which statement about a gnomonic chart is CORRECT?
A. Meridians appear as curved lines converging toward the nearer pole.
B. Distance is measured at the mid-latitude oI the track line
C. Parallels, except the equator, appear as curved lines.
D. A rhumbline appears as a straight line
58. When the center oI the storm is packing with wind velocity oI about 60 to 100 kph, the warning
Ialls within the category oI:
A. Signal # 1 B. Signal # 2 C. Signal # 3 D. Signal # 4
59. You are using radar in which your own ship is shown at the center and the heading Ilash always
points at 0H. II bearings are measured in relation to the Ilash, what type oI bearings are produced?
A. Relative C. Compass
B. True D. Magnetic
60. Which oI the Iollowing statements is/are true?
I. Compass adjustment corrections are eIIective in all places.
II. Compass adjustment is a guarantee that corrections will remain eIIective Ior any length oI time
A. Neither I nor II C. I only
B. II only D. Both I and II
61. The tropical year diIIers Irom which year by 20 minutes?
A. Astronomical year C. Equinoctial year
B. Natural year D. Sidereal year
62. Which oI the Iollowing Ieatures is not indicated by special marks?
A. Well defined channel C. Spoil grounds
B. TraIIic separation D. Cable or pipelines
63. The Night Order Book includes the Iollowing EXCEPT:
A. minimum CPA C. ship's navigation policy
B. maintain ship's speed at all times D. Iix intervals
64. What is the angle at the observer between the magnetic north measured clockwise to the direction
oI the object being measured?
A. None oI these C. Magnetic course or bearing
B. True course oI bearing D. Compass course or bearing
65. What is the wind circulation around a high pressure center in the N. Hemisphere?
A. Clockwise and moving towards the high
B. Counterclockwise and moving toward the high
C. Clockwise and moving outward from high
D. Counterclockwise and moving outwards the high
66. This is an eIIect on radio bearing maniIested by a broadening and shiIting oI the minimum signal
due to polarization eIIect within an hour oI sunrise and sunset.
A. radio deviation C. strength oI signal eIIect
B. doppler eIIect D. night effect

67. On an admiralty chart, a line joining places oI equal variation is known as an Isogonic line. On
special charts, lines oI equal change oI variation may be printed. This is known as .
A. Isodynamic lines C. Aclinic lines
B. Isallogonic lines D. Isoclinic lines
68. Which oI these routeing measure comprising a designated area between the landmark boundary oI
a traIIic separation scheme and the adjacent coast, not normally to be used by through traIIic and
where local special rules may apply?
A. Separation Zone or line C. Inshore Traffic Zone
B. Ship`s Routeing D. TraIIic lane
69. The opposite oI the elevated pole is the .
A. nadir C. circumpolar pole
B. depressed pole D. centripetal pole
70. The path oI the celestial body during it`s revolution around the earth is called .
A. hour circle C. diurnal circle
B. declination D. amplitude
71. Tables oI tidal stream inIormation are given Ior certain reIerence denoted by:
A. a diamond shape with a letter inside C. dotted circle with a plus sign inside
B. a circle with an arrow inside D. an arrow indicating rate oI Ilood
72. When recording the wind direction in the weather log, you would report the .
A. direction the wind is blowing toward C. duration oI the maximum gust oI wind
B. direction the wind is blowing from D. wind chill Iactor
73. Which oI the Iollowing occurs when the sky is clear, the wind is light and the relative humidity is
high near sunset and at night?
A. Radiation fog C. Tropical air Iog
B. Frontal Iog D. Advection Iog
74. The DGPS provides accuracy within a range oI .
A. 300 meters B. 10 meters C. 150 meters D. 100 meters
75. The purpose oI the mariners compass is to indicate the direction oI the ships head and the Iore and
the aIt lines oI the ship is thereIore indicated by a mark on the compass bowl known as the .
A. True meridians C. Lubbers line
B. Geographic meridian D. Longitudinal centerline
76. This is the horizontal intensity component along a geographic true meridian or the earth magnetic
A. South intensity C. North intensity
B. North component D. South component
77. Using the principle oI optics, how much do two reIlecting surIaces make with each other when the
angle between the Iirst and the last direction oI a ray oI light had undergone two reIlections on the
same plane?
A. Equal B. HalI C. Twice D. Same
78. What is the diIIerence between the observed altitude and the computed altitude?
A. Position line B. Intercept C. ReIraction D. Dip
79. These are Iiles or multiple Iile structures driven into the bottom, on which are placed one or more
signboards that convey inIormation thru their colors, shape and lettering or number.
A. pillar buoys B. day beacons C. ranges D. lightships
80. A useIul method oI monitoring cross track tendency in both poor and good visibility is .
A. arpa mapping C. maneuvering board
B. parallel indexing D. all oI these
81. A single line oI position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)
A. assumed position C. Iix
B. estimated position D. running Iix
82. While voyage planning and navigating, a mariner must reIer to both texts and tables. Tables
includes the Iollowing EXCEPT:
A. Sailing Directions C. Sight Reduction
B. Light Lists D. Almanac
83. What is the energy created by the wind?
A. Kinetic B. Thermal C. Potential D. Mechanical

84. What is a region between two highs and two lows?

A. Secondary low C. Saddle
B. V-shaped low D. Parallel isobars
85. What is the most accurate way oI Iixing a vessel`s position using radar with mechanical cursor
A. Two bearings oI diIIerent target
B. A range and bearing oI one target
C. Two range of different targets
D. A range oI one target and bearing oI another target
86. The speed oI sound in water is approximately .
A. 1.5 times its speed in air C. 3.5 times its speed in air
B. 2.5 times its speed in air D. 4.0 times its speed in air
87. Magnets in the binnacles oI magnetic compasses are used to reduce the eIIect oI .
A. deviation B. variation C. local attraction D. all oI these
88. This is the tabulated interpolated Ior increments oI latitude, declination or hour angle.
A. Computed altitude C. True altitude
B. Apparent altitude D. Observed altitude
89. Which buoy is NOT numbered?
A. Green can buoy C. Red lighted buoy
B. Preferred channel buoy D. Green gong buoy
90. The point at which helm must be applied to achieve a required course is .
A. 10 degrees on wheel C. wheel over position
B. 10 degrees on rudder indicator D. all oI these
91. What is called the anti-clockwise change oI wind direction in a Irontal depression?
A. Veering C. ShiIting
B. Backing D. Changing
92. This is a cold wind blowing down a mountain slope, which is warmed by its descent, but is still
cool relative to surrounding air:
A. Ioehn wind C. anabatic wind
B. fall wind D. geostropic wind
93. The quadrantal error oI a radio bearing is caused by .
A. polarization at sunrise and sunset
B. not taking the bearing Irom the transmitting antenna
C. the signal passing over land beIore it reaches sea
D. the metal in a ship`s structures
94. II there is any doubt as to the proper operation oI a radar, which statement is TRUE?
A. Only a radar expert can determine iI the radar is operating
B. All radars have indicator lights and alarms to signal improper operation
C. A radar range compared to the actual range of a known object can be used to check the
operation of the radar
D. The radar resolution detector must be energized to check the radar
95. Which magnetic compass corrector(s) can be set while the vessel is on a heading oI magnetic
northeast or magnetic southeast?
A. Flinders bar C. Fore-and-aIt magnets
B. Heeling magnets D. Quadrantal spheres
96. In the celestial equator system oI coordinates oI what is equivalent to the co-latitude oI the Earth
system oI coordinates?
A. Co-altitude B. Zenith distance C. Polar distance D. Declination
97. When using a buoy as aid to navigation which oI the Iollowing should be considered?
A. The buoy should be considered to always be in the charted location
B. II the light is Ilashing, the buoy should be considered to be in the charted location
C. The buoy may not be in the charted position
D. The buoy should be considered to be in the charted position iI it has been Ireshly
98. Pre-departure check list includes the Iollowing EXCEPT:
A. weather report C. bridge standing order
B. navigational equipments D. passage plan


99. results Iorm projecting points on the surIace oI the Earth onto a tangent plane,
Irom a point on the surIace oI the Earth opposite the point oI tangency.
A. stereographic projection C. mercator projection
B. orthographic projection D. conic projection
100. A local wind known as 'Etesian is associated with what particular place in the world?
A. South America C. GulI oI Aden
B. Arabian GulI D. Aegean Sea



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