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What is Homeopathy Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine, which enables the body to heal itself.

Homeopathic prescribing takes into account the persons physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Homeopathy can treat acute symptoms such as colds, flus, headaches, etc, but can also effectively treat long-standing symptoms. However, it is important to see a professional in these cases. It is based on the Law of Similars, where the chosen remedy will bring on similar symptoms in a well person, (like treats like). Homeopathic remedies are made from plant, animal and mineral substances. The original substance is highly diluted. They do not cause side effects, but sometimes symptoms may get slightly worse before getting better. It is very important that the correct remedy is administered. If the wrong remedy or potency is given, symptoms may get much worse, or be suppressed. Remedies are safe to take during pregnancy, using matching remedy and potency. Dosage Remedies are administered in minute doses and prescribing follows a principle of minimum dose. Remedies must be taken away from food, mint, coffee and other strong substances. Do not eat or drink or wash teeth 15 mins before and after taking a remedy, unless in emergency. Recommended doses 6c, 30c in tablet form. Or dissolve one tablet in small bottle of water and take teaspoon/sip as needed, shaking or stirring vigorously beforehand. This means that you start with the lowest dose, wait for improvement and if this occurs do nothing else. In severe cases, repeat the dose frequently but as soon as there is improvement, stop. If symptoms return, give another of the same dose. If symptoms change, change the remedy to match the new symptoms. If there is no change and symptoms continue, give the next level of dose. Examples: severe pain from headache, repeat dose every five mins. Flu, three of four times a day. For symptoms that are recurring over a long period, a professional homeopath should be seen. If there is uncertainty about self-prescribing or prescribing in general, remember using lowest dose. If in doubt dont and ask a professional. Contents: Section one: Ailments and suitable remedies. Bruises, strains, sprains, fractures. Bites and stings. Shock. Burns, scalds, sunburn. Cold and flu. Digestive complaints. Hayfever. Headaches.

Section two: Materia Medica remedy descriptions.

Bruises, Sprains, Strains and Fractures

Arnica: For any kind of injury where there is bruising and swelling. For shock, after initial injury. Will reduce swelling and bruising. Useful where person is restless and is in denial after injury saying they are well when they are not. Can be applied locally as ointment or taken as tablet. Bryonia: Stitching pain, worse for slightest movement, better for pressure. Person wants to be left alone, irritable. Calc Phos: Bones are slow to mend, to be taken after symphytum when bone has set. Will speed up healing and strengthen. Joint pain, especially in feet, with coldness, cramping and aching. Hypericum: Shooting pains. Nerve pains. Inflammation. Worse for cold. Worse for pressure. Use after Arnica every few minutes if needed. Ruta: Useful for strain and overuse of joints and muscles, ligaments and tendons including eyes, periosteum (outer layer of bones). Bruising with aching. Worse in cold weather. Worse for first movement, better with continued movement. But rest the joint. Examples: tennis elbow, rsi, whiplash, eyestrain, shin bone. Can be applied as ointment or taken as tablet. Rhus Tox: Strain and overuse of joints, muscles, characterised by stiffness, trembling and aching. Sore, bruised sensation. Worse for cloudy/wet weather. Better for continued movement. Can be applied as ointment or taken internally. Symphytum: When bone has been set, this will help to speed up healing of broken bones and fractures.

Bites and Stings

Ledum: For insect or animal stings or bites. Pricking, stinging pains. Better for cold applications. Puncture wounds, such as splinter, nail, knife. Antiseptic. Can also be applied locally as tincture. Apis: Bites, stings. A lot of swelling, heat and redness. Worse for heat. Better for cold applications. Urtica Urens: Allergic reactions to bites, stings. Pricking pain. Burning. Better for rubbing.

Arnica: As a result of physical injury, fear of being touched, say they feel ok when they are not. Give as soon as possible and repeat as necessary. Aconite: Physical and mental shock, fear of death, panic attack (rapid breath, short of breath, palpitation). restlessness, trembling. Opium: Effects of fear, fright, sudden effects. Will be in shock like aconite but also a dreamy state spaced out that they cannot get out of. Carbo Veg: Person is cold, clammy, may have blue tinge, faintness, better for fanning cold air.

Burns, Scalds, Sunburn

Determination of level of burn 1st degree superficial with redness of skin and pain. (calendula, hamamelis (witch hazel), urtica urens). 2nd degree blistering and redness with pain. (clean wound, apply calendula, urtica urens or cantharis tablets). 3rd degree charring and dead skin. Run under cold water for at least 15 mins esp if chemical burn or submerge in cold water. Hospital, cantharis, causticun, arsenicum, phosphorus (for electrical burns). Prevention protect skin from the sun, cover up and use sunscreen. Small burns place under warm water. Severe burns hospitalise. General - Keep away from air. Use sterile dressing. Wrap in cling film. Prevent dehydration. Drink glass water every half hour. Use shock remedies as appropriate aconite, arnica, carbo veg, opium.

Belladonna: Red, hot, throbbing injury, burning and dry heat. Thirstless. Hot face with cold body. Sunburn. Suggestion, three doses 10 15 mins apart. Wait for improvement and give again if symptoms return. *Never been well since sunstroke. Carbo Veg: Heat exhaustion. Collapse and weakness. Cold clammy skin, nausea. Fainting. Calendula: 1st degree burns with no blistering. Can be applied topically. Cantharis: Sunburn or burns that blister. Burning pain. Better for cold. Use cold compress. Take as soon as possible. Causticum: 3rd degree burns. Old burns. Repeated burns. Blisters. Burning pains. Soreness at site of old burns. Glonoin: Sunstroke. Red face. Pounding, bursting, intense headache. May not want to talk, may be confused. Worse for heat. Better for cold and pressure. Eg. Icepack. Stronger effect than belladonna. Kali Bich: Deep burns. Bone burns. Affecting mucous membranes. Slow to heal. Pulsatilla: Sunburn with heat rash. Sol: Sunburns easily. Never well since severe sunburn. Itching, red skin. Chill after exposure to sun. Heatstroke. Urtica Urens: Mild sunburn. Scald. Prickly heat. Stinging pain. Use tincture diluted 1:3 in boiled, cooled water. Or tablet form.

Colds and Flu

Aconite: Initial onset of cold or flu within first 24 hrs ideally. Sudden onset of colds or flu after exposure to dry, cold wind or chill. A lot of sneezing. Unbearable pain if present. Bursting, throbbing headache. Thirst for cold drinks. Better for rest and fresh air. Worse, for touch and evening/night. Allium Cepa: Streaming eyes and nose. Watery discharge, which burns (lips, nose). Sneezing. Sore throat. Worse stuffy room, evening. Better fresh air, cold room. Belladonna: Sudden onset of cold or flu, beginning stages. Intense heat/fever alternating with chills. Red face. Large pupils. Profuse sweating on body but dry face. Frequent sneezing, can be with nosebleeds, runny nose. Eyes sensitive to light. Throbbing headache. Tickly throat, dry throat, dry mouth without thirst. Better for rest, darkness, warmth. Worse light, cold, 3pm to midnight. Bryonia: Brought on by change in weather cold to warm. Dryness. Stuffy nose. Fever with chill without sweating. A cold settles on chest. Dry cough worse for deep breath. Pain in head. Thirsty for large quantities. Worse for slightest movement. Better for pressure on sore parts. Person does not want to be disturbed. Irritable, child will ask for something and then refuse it. Euphrasia: Bland, watery discharge from nose, that does not burn. Cough during the day with mucous. Streaming eyes, with burning tears. Frequent sneezing. Sore throat. Worse in evening, light, lying down. Better during day. Eupatorium: Chill followed by heat and sweating with thirst for cold drinks. Intense bone pain, bruised, aching feeling all over body. Aching eyes. Skin feels sore. Fever with nausea, vomiting. Restlessness and feeling depressed or sad during the illness. Worse cold, open air, movement, smell of food, periodically. Better for sweating, warmth, rest. Gelsemium: Slow onset. Exhaustion. Aching muscles. Shivering up and down. Sensation of heaviness, soreness. Dry, hot fever with thirstlessness. Burning throat. Chilliness. Worse change of weather dry to cold and damp, exertion, 10am. Better open air, urination, sweating, alcohol. Pulsatilla: Changeable symptoms. Thick, greenish, bland, nasal discharge. Alternates with profuse and watery discharge in fresh air. Sneezing. Lost sense of taste and smell. Skin dry and hot alternating with paleness. Worse for heat. Better for fresh air.

Digestive complaints: (colic, food poisoning, diarrhoea, vomiting) Colic: Colic is a name used for any kind of pain/spasm affecting children or adults in any part of the
digestive system such as stomach, intestine, gallbadder, kidney. Arg Nit: Anticipatory anxiety. Diarrhoea and/or vomiting, brought on by anxiety. Green, smelly stool. Flatulence. Bloating. Arsenicum: Burning, cramping pains in abdomen. Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhoea with faintness and weakness. Burning after diarrhoea. Heartburn. Feels cold. Food poisoning. Thirsty for small sips of water. Cannot bear smell or sight of food. Despair of recovery. Worse for bad meat, watery fruit, ice cream. Worse for cold drinks and food. Better for warmth, warm drinks and warmth applied externally. Better for company. Arsenicum can be used for same pains, even without vomiting and diarrhoea. Bryonia: Stitching pains. Bursting feeling. Unable to move. Heaviness. Irritable. Worse for pressure on abdomen. (normally bryonia is better for pressure.) Worse for movement. Berberis: Renal and gallstone colic. Radiating pains. Sticking, burning pains. Gurgling or bubbling sensation in kidney area. Worse for movement, jarring. Carbo Veg: Bloating and rumbling. Offensive wind. Cramping pains, bending double. Tight clothing around waist aggravates. Burning pains in stomach and rectum extending to spine. Feeling cold. Slow digestion. Food aggravates. Diarrhoea. Weakness and collapse. Worse for wine, coffee, bad meat. Better passing wind. Better warmth. Chamomila: Pains brought on by anger, by coffee. Babies, irritable, angry. Dont know what they want. Babies will scream, will want to be carried. May put their legs up and arch their back. Gas and bloating from food. Menstrual colic. May vomit bile. Chelidonium: Gallstone colic with pain under right scapula. Pain in liver area that radiates outward and towards intestines. Severe pain around umbilical area. Pinching and cutting pains. Cross and irritable temperament. Colocynthis: Pain comes in waves. Hard, cutting, stabbing or cramping pains. Writhing with pain. Flatulence. May vomit. Better for bending double. Babies bring their legs up. Often brought on by anger, humiliation, indignation. Made worse by eating fruit. Better for pressure. Ipecac: Nausea. Persistent vomiting often, accompanying other complaints. Nausea not relieved by vomiting/not able to vomit. Cramping pains with diarrhoea. Worse movement, night, smell of food, eating. Mag Phos: will be good as general pain reliever if not exact remedy. Much better for heat and better for pressure. Belching does not relieve. Nux Vomica: Nausea and/or vomiting, brought on by over indulgence. Food lying in stomach. Stomach sensitive to pressure. Cramping pains. Ineffectual urging. Thirstless. Headache due to stomach upset. Feel tense and irritable. Worse for eating. Worse coffee, stimulants, rich food but desires these. Better for vomiting but hard to do so.

Podophyllum: Rumbling and gurgling followed by diarrhoea. Painless, profuse, watery or green or brown diarrhoea. Early morning diarrhoea. Exhaustion as a result of diarrhoea. Diarrhoea accompanied by flatulence. Worse for water, food, hot weather, 4pm. Better hot applications, bed.

Allium cepa: Sore, red eyes. Thin watery discharge from nose that burns. A lot of sneezing especially in morning and in a warm room. Worse in a warm room. Worse spring and August. Better cold room. Better fresh air. Arsenicum: Burning eyes. Dry eyes or burning tears. Swelling around eyes. Thin, watery discharge from nose that burns. Nose feels blocked. Sneezing frequently. Eyes sensitive to light. Dry cough, wheezing breath. Worse for cold and outdoors. Better for warm applications. Nat mur: Watery, burning discharge from eyes and nose. Violent sneezing. Nasal discharge alternates with blocked nose. Sore eyes, sensitive to light. Worse for sunshine, warm stuffy rooms. May be worse or better by the sea. Pulsatilla: Thick, bland, nasal discharge. Watery in open air. Sense of smell and taste lost. Worse for stuffy room. Better for fresh air. Sabadilla: Persistent, violent sneezing with runny nose. Dry, itching, tickly nose. Red, burning eyelids. Sensation of lump in throat or itchiness in throat. Very sensitive to odors, especially flowers. Worse for cold air. Better for heat and open air. Sulphur: Eyes red, swollen, watery and itchy. Itching nose. End of nose is dry. Sneezing with offensive catarrh. Worse for heat and warm rooms. Better for cold, fresh air.

Belladonna: Sudden, intense headache. Bursting, throbbing pain. Burning, shooting pain. Affecting eye forehead, temples and back of head. Face is red and hot. Eyes look shiny with dilated pupils. Scalp very sensitive. Worse for sun, light, noise, during period, tying up hair. Better Stillness, wrapping head tightly, darkness, rest. Bryonia: Bursting pain behind eyes extending to back of head. Tends to be left sided. Scalp sensitive to slightest touch. Face is flushed and heavy. Drowsiness. Starts in morning and lasts all day. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation. Person does not want to be disturbed. Worse for slightest movement. Worse for company. Worse for sun, stooping and warm rooms. Better for rest, pressure, cold applications. Calc Phos: Headache caused by mental exertion. Headaches in children and teenagers. Change of weather. Shooting pains. Feeling of fullness in heat. Pressure in head. Heaviness. Worse for movement, pressure, cold wind, eating, stooping. Better for cold water on face, being alone, lying still. Iris: (iris versicolour) Migraines, with blurred vision and pain on right side. Dull, throbbing or shooting pain on right temple and forehead. Alternating sides of head. Nausea and vomiting (bitter). Vertigo. Worse left side. Worse periodically. Worse evening and night. Worse mental exhaustion., rest, hot weather. Better Gentle, continued motion. Gelsemium: Headache like tight band around head, starting at back of head and extending. Visual disturbances. Bruised sensation. Heaviness, especially around eyes. Frequent urination. Pupils dilated. Thirstless. Periodic headache. Sore neck and shoulders. Worse movement, light, noise, lying flat. Better lying high on pillow. Better sleep. Better urination. Nux Vomica: Headache brought on by overindulgence, overwork, lack of exercise. Gastric problems. Sorem bruised sensation. Pain in head like nail. Dizziness. Eyes sensitive to light. Worse alcohol, rich food, coffee, overwork. Worse cold. Worse constipation. Better warmth. Better getting up out of bed. Better wrapping head. Pulsatilla: Sore, bruised, throbbing pain. Extending to teeth and face. Affecting right temple and right eye. Burning tears in right eye. Nausea and vomiting. Worse for sun, overwork., eating. Better fresh air, firm pressure, gentle walking.

Emotional symptoms: Anxiety during fever and when cold Fear of crowds, death, during labour/pregnancy Shocked looking Scream with pain Physical symptoms: Ailments from shock, cold Unbearable pains Heat alternating with chills Burning thirst

Argentum Nitricum (Arg Nit, Silver Nitrate)

Emotional symptoms: Mental strain, exhaustion, anticipatory anxiety. Fear of exams, public speaking, uncertainty, surprises. Anxiety so high that actually affects these events (self fulfilling prophesy) Panic attacks Physical symptoms: Affecting digestive system. Diarrhoea with green, smelly, watery stool. Vomiting may accompany. Indigestion, with flatulence, worse after eating, better belching. General symptoms: Better; Fresh air Worse; Heat, sugary foods

Arnica Montana (Arn)

Emotional symptoms: Shock as a result of physical trauma, denial of illness, fearful of being touched, forgetful after injury. May say they are fine when they are clearly not, after accident. Apathetic, prostrated. Physical symptoms: Acts on soft tissues. Bruises with swelling, aching muscles, restlessness. Use for sprains with bruising and swelling, joint pain, head injuries after fall or bang with a lump appearing, fractures in the first stage with bruising and swelling, dental treatment, childbirth bruising, jet lag. General symptoms: Worse for touch, cold, damp weather, lying on injured part. Better for open air, lying with head low Can be used internally as tablet, but also as cream or tincture. NEVER apply to open wounds

Allium cepa (All C, Red onion)

Red onion produces symptoms of burning and streaming eyes and nasal catarrh. The homeopathic remedy will treat these symptoms. There is no emotional picture with this remedy.

Arsenicum Album (Ars)

Emotional symptoms: Anger Anxiety Despair of getting well Fear of being alone, death, Irritable Restless Fastidiousness, tidiness. Physical symptoms: Burning pains (very characteristic) Prostration out of proportion to the problem. Chilliness. Burning discharges. General symptoms: Craves small sips of cold drinks, but makes worse. Worse after midnight. Worse cold food and drinks. Worse damp. Worse watery fruit. Better warmth Better lying down. Useful for food poisoning, upset stomach, hayfever, burns, cold and flu, anxiety, insomnia.

Apis (honey bee)

Emotional symptoms: Busyness. Restlessness. Home/family orientated. Jealous/possessive/overprotective of family. Physical symptoms: Swelling. Burning pains. Stinging pains. Redness. Allergic reaction. General symptoms: Worse heat. Worse hot applications. Worse pressure applied to affected area. Better for cold applications. Useful for beestings, urticaria, nettle stings, cystitis, swollen joints.

Belladonna (bell - deadly nightshade)

Emotional Symptoms: Angry Anxious Agitated Confused Delirious Restless Screaming (pain) Sensitive to noise, light and touch Tearful during fever. Physical symptoms: Red hot skin Dilated pupils Sudden onset Rapid course Thirsty except when fever Throbbing pain High temperature sometimes with hallucination (eg. In children) Sensitive to light and noise Useful for colds, flu, burns, headache, high fever, teething.

Berberis please refer to natures materia medica Robin Murphy

Bryonia (bry wild hops)

Emotional symptoms: Irritable (bear with sore head) Want to be left alone Want to lie still Preoccupied with business while sick Fear of poverty Linear thinking Physical symptoms: Dryness Dry cough Stitching, bursting pains Thirst Illness comes on slowly Aggravated by change in weather Worse for movement Better for pressure Useful for headaches, sprains, joint pains, colds and flu, stomach pain.

Calc Phos (calcium phosphate)

Emotional symptoms: Discontent Complaining Irritable whining children Lack of energy, sluggish Bored Worse for mental exertion Physical symptoms: Growing pains Weak teeth Slow growth Fontanels slow to close in babies Convalesence Anaemia Headaches in children Healing of broken bones Teething Cramps in feet Coldness in feet

Calendula (marigold)
Heals wounds and cuts externally as ointment and internally as potentised remedy

Cantharis (Spanish fly)

Similar to apis and arsenicum as has burning pains and restlessness Rapid onset of inflammation Burning, unquenchable thirst Worse for coffee Worse for cold drinks Useful for 2nd degree burns, cystitis.

Carbo veg (wood charcoal)

Emotional symptoms: Acute shock Mental exhaustion Mental weakness Loss of memory Claustrophobia Indifference and apathy Physical symptoms: Weakness and exhaustion Bloating and wind Poor circulation Loss of body fluids

Causticum (caust - potassium hydrate)

Emotional symptoms: Sympathetic Sensitive to injustice Feel the hurt of others easily Cry easily at sad news Gloomy and pessimistic in grief Anxious Absent minded Poor memory Irritable Depressed Fear of being alone at night Fear of dark Physical symptoms: Burning pains Blisters Burns (3rd degree) Cold Stiffness Paralysis Watery discharges Clumsy Left side more affected General symptoms Worse for clear dry weather Worse for coffee Worse for cold, draughts Worse for fresh air Better for heat Better for cold drinks Better in mild wet weather Useful for arthritis, burns, cystitis (ineffectual urge to urinate, feeling of not finished), joint pain, sore throat with hoarseness.

Chamomila (chamomile)
Emotional symptoms: Great irritability and anger Complaints from anger Anger and irritable from pain Dislikes company, being touched Very sensitive to pain Screaming child Baby desires to be carried Baby will cry if put down or held still Child may throw things Baby may cry Physical symptoms: One cheek red, the other pale Hot High fever with sweat Thirsty Diarrhoea from cold or anger Sweating Tickling cough Vomits easily General symptoms: Worse from fresh air, cold, damp Worse evening, before midnight Worse coffee, tea Useful for teething babies, toothache, insomnia, labour pain, earache, diarrhoea.

Please see natures materia medica Robin Murphy for more information. Emotional symptoms: Restless, constantly moving around Despondent Physical symptoms: Severe umbilical pain Cutting pains in bowel with rumbling Sharp aching pain of lower right scapula Jaundice Lethargy

Colocynthis (bitter cucumber, bitter apple)

Emotional symptoms: Indignation Irritable Angry, especially when questioned Restless Nervous Scream with pain Does not want to talk Physical symptoms: Cramping, twisting, griping pains, making person move Pains that grow in intensity Vomiting and diarrhoea at intense stage of pain Watery, yellow stool, may have blood Flatulence General symptoms: Worse for cold and damp Worse for eating and drinking Worse for rest Worse for anger and indignation Better for bending double Better for hard pressure Better for heat Better for coffee Useful for colic, sciatica.

Eupatorium boneset
Emotional symptoms: Sad Depressed during illness Moaning during fever Restless during illness Physical symptoms: Sore, bruised sensation in bones (more marked than bryonia) Aching back Aching eyeballs Chills in back, followed by fever Craving for cold food and drinks Useful for flu, epidemic flu, headaches.

Euphrasia (eyebright)
Emotional symptoms: Does not want to talk Sadness Disinterest Poor memory Confusion, better for cold bath. Physical symptoms: Watery, stinging burning tears Gritty eyes Bland, watery, nasal catarrh Daytime cough with mucous Eye inflamed General symptoms: Better for open air Better from darkness Worse daylight Worse wind Useful for conjunctivitis, hayfever.

Emotional symptoms: Ailments from bad news/excitement Weakness Depressed/cannot cry Fearful, public speaking/crowd/death causing them to seize up Sluggish Want to be left alone Physical symptoms: Weakness Exhaustion Heaviness Slow onset of complaint Dry fever Cannot move for heaviness Thirstless Trembling General symptoms: Worse for weather change Worse for movement Better for urination Better for alcohol Useful for flu, anticipatory anxiety, headache (esp. premenstrual), diarrhoea from anxiety.

Glonoine (nitroglycerine)
Emotional symptoms: Confused Forgetful Not willing to talk Sensation time passing slowly Physical symptoms: Red face Red eyes Bursting, hammering pains Hot flushes Faint General symptoms: Over exposure to sun Worse for sun Worse for heat Worse for jarring Worse period Worse for walking Better for cold compress Better for pressure Useful for sunstroke, hot flushes, headache.

Hypericum (st johns wort)

Emotional symptoms: Shock from injury and pain Physical symptoms: Pains from nerve rich injuries Shooting pains Sensitive to touch and pressure Worse for pressure Use after arnica

Emotional symptoms: Anxiety during fever Complaints from anger or frustration Capricious difficult to look after when ill Physical symptoms: Red face on one side Dark ringed eyes with pale face Bruised feeling with headache Periodic recurrences of complaints Persistent, violent nausea, which accompanies complaints Sweats hot or cold Cramping, griping pains Fast breathing, dry, spasmodic cough Useful for colic, headache, asthma, labour, morning sickness.

Iris (blue flag)

Emotional symptoms: Despondency Restless at night Fear of illness Irritable Physical symptoms: Headache with blurred vision (migraine) Headache mainly on right side Headache with vomiting Periodical Worse evening and night Worse hot weather Worse rest Please see Natures Materia Medica Robin Murphy for further information

Kali Bich
Emotional symptoms: Listless Indifference to business affairs Aversion to exertion Sadness Better after eating Talkative Physical symptoms: Chilliness Illness after getting cold Stringy, sticky mucous affecting mucous membranes Wandering joint pains General symptoms: Worse for beer Worse on waking Worse for cold Worse after eating Useful for sinusitis, croupy cough, slow to heal burns, headaches that recur, joint pain.

Ledum (wild rosemary)

Antiseptic Wandering pains Puncture wounds (eg hands and feet) Bites and stings Joint pain Worse for heat Worse for movement Better for cold compress

Mag Phos
Cramping pains Shooting pains Worse for cold Better for pressure Better for warmth Useful for pain relief; colic, cramp, earache, headache, period pain, toothache, teething, sciatica Dissolve in warm water, sip frequently until pain is relieved.

Nat Mur
Emotional symptoms: Illness after emotional trauma Suppressed emotion Ailments from grief Absent minded Depressed but cannot cry Prefers to be alone Sensitive Mind dwelling on past hurts Dislikes fuss Physical symptoms: Dryness Oily skin White discharges Thirst for large quantities General symptoms: Worse for consolation Worse for heat of sun, dampness Better open air Better sweating Better rest Better pressure Better deep breathing Better talking Useful for colds, hayfever, cold sores, tickly cough, headache, prickly heat, insomnia.

Nux Vomica
Emotional symptoms: Anger (explosive) Argumentative Irritable Impulsive Over exertion (work and leisure) Desire for stimulants Poor concentration Physical symptoms: Ailments from overindulgence Insomnia Cramping pains Worse for coffee, alcohol Worse for cold Worse light, noise, smells Better for lying down Better for heat Useful for indigestion, colds, hangover, hayfever, constipation.

Please see Natures Materia Medica Robin Murphy for more information

Emotional symptoms: Affectionate Anxious Baby desires to be carried Jealous Shy Tearful Moody Clingy Physical symptoms: Shifting symptoms from parts of body Symptoms rise to a pitch then cease Yellow Greenish bland discharges Coldness Burning, stitching pains Numbness Heaviness General symptoms: Worse for warm air Worse in evening Worse for rest Worse for eating (rich foods) Worse before menses Better for cold, fresh air Better for gentle movement Better for sitting up Better for pressure Better after crying Useful for colds, flu, styes, coughs, food poisoning (meat and fish), hayfever, headache, mumps, labour pain.

Rhus Tox (poison ivy)

Emotional symptoms: Anxious Sad Tearful Restless Irritable Confusion Fear of flying ( having to keep still) Physical symptoms: Damaged ligaments Restless (never comfortable in any position) Aching, soreness, stiffness Pains from overdoing General symptoms: Worse for initial movement but then better Worse for cold and damp Better for massage of affected area Better for heat Better for change of position Useful for joint pain and stiffness, repetitive stain injury, flu, insomnia, eczema, mumps, chicken pox

Ruta Grav
Emotional symptoms: Dissatisfaction Suspicious Argumentative Weary Physical symptoms: Joints, tendons, ankles, wrists, cartilages, skin, periosteum Bruised, sore, aching Restlessness (not as marked as rhus tox) Weariness with pain Overuse General symptoms: Worse for lying on affected part Worse for overexertion Worse for cold and damp Better for warmth Better for movement Better for lying on back Useful for back pain, eyestrain, injuries, joint pain, sprains, tennis elbow, ganglions, broken nose. Causes blood to go to uterus (do not use in early pregnancy)

Emotional symptoms: Miserable Timid Easily startled Thinking produces headache and sleeplessness Fixed ideas about self Physical symptoms: Spasmodic sneezing Watery eyes Itching, tickling nose Vertigo with sensation of things turning around each other, better for resting head on table. General symptoms: Worse for cold air Worse periodically Worse for perfume and string odors Worse mental exertion Better open air Better for heat Better for quick motion

Please see Natures Materia Medica Robin Murphy for more information.

Symphytum (comfrey, boneset)

Injuries to bone and cartilage. Painful old injuries Sticking pain Fracture Eyeball injury (and surrounding bones) Use after arnica and where pain persists. Will assist with bone healing.



Materia Medica

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