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Foems-CeI Ihe Messnge??

ChnIer 1-ChIdhood
O P^N-Math What`s THAT all about?
RANB0N: Nath was something I nevei unueistoou
It was a toituie that felt as if fiom the womb
I uespiseu it wheievei I went
Even when I saw the book besiue my beu
But one thing I uiun't notice befoie
Was that math coulu mean something moie
P,p, now that's an inteiesting concept
N, n, now theie's anothei concept
N coulu stanu foi Natalie, myself
P coulu mean my family oi someone else
The lettei in math means uniteu
This is an element I feel is extiemely exciting
Coulu this mean that math is not what it seems.
That these letteis aie somehow speaking to me.
Naybe math is tiying to convey a message that
Family is all that one has
Anu without the unity that family biings
Youi life will just be simple anu unclean.

O alileo`s Message
8AnuCM l don'L know why l found Lhls poem lnLrlgulng
Cnly LhaL lL spoke Lo me ln hlgh upbrlnglng
l also don'L know why l chose adolescence
1o be Lhls speclflc poem's speclal lnLenL
All l know ls Lhls poem ls an appeallng one
8ecause l know l'm noL Lhe only one
l know l'm noL Lhe only soul who wanLs Lo learn anoLher language
As Lo conLlnue on readlng books of LhaL forelgn language
8uL walL ls LhaL whaL Lhls poem ls Lrylng Lo convey
Cr ls Lhere a dlfferenL approach LhaL lL's Lrylng Lo communlcaLe
Maybe lL's dlscusslng Lhe llkes of raclsm
And how we as humans can never overcome LhaL
Pow sad LhaL we cannoL progress ln LhaL sense
1haL even when we're young lL Lakes affecL
Maybe LhaL's Lhls poem's prlmary message
1haL Lo our young ones we should connecL
So LhaL one day Cod forbld
Cne of Lhose klds could learn LhaL language
And read LhaL book of naLure Llll Lhe endlln
~The greatest book of nature can be read only by those who know the
language in which it is written. By alileo (1564-1642)

O "If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're
further along in life than most people. By Leonardo
wHFt l wAS FlvF YFARS 0l0 l uSF0 T0 THltK 0F HYSFlF
wHFt l wAS Fl6HT l HA0 THlS 0RFAH
THAT l w0ul0 F A Slt6FR llKF t0 0tF FlSF FF0RF
S0HFTHlt6 t0 0tF C0ul0 HAvF FvFR lHA6ltF0
HY H0H ASKF0 HF, tATlF, wHAT 00 Y0u wAtT T0 F
At0 THFt lT Su00FtlY HlT HF llKF A 0RFAH
l 0l0t'T wAtT ACT 0R Slt6
l 0l0t'T FvFt wAtT T0 TRY At utFXP0SF0 THlt6
At0 ACT lt A FlFl0 llKF t0 0tF FlSF
S0 THFt l l00KF0 uP At0 l C0ul0 FltAllY SFF
O "It doesn't make any sense... that's why I trust it!" By
Kate Winslet and a piece from Romeo and Juliet.
Why do I trust liIe, why do I trust man?
Is there a point to suddenly become grand?
What`s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet
Does this all mean I have to always be the real me
When I was young I wanted to be Peter Pan
To Ily like a plane, going high and Iast
I wanted to be in the little mermaid,
With Aerial and me swimming away
None oI these dreams made any sense
Since they all originated outta my head
But you see, liIe`s not what it`s supposed to be
Ya gotta live, ya gotta dream, ya got to even believe
You`ve got to encompass something unique.
Even iI it does originate Irom a simple dream.
O "It does not do to dwell on dreums und Iorget to live,
remember thut. ~J.K. Rowling, "The Mirror oI Irised,"
Horrg Potter ond the Sorcerer's Stone, 1qq,, spoken by the
churucter Albos ombledore
/s s ||i. | wss s|ws,s s i.ssms.
Kst t||s||s s|sat .ss||t,. jast s|ws,s |s m, sws mssts||t,
| |ms|ssi t|st ss,t||s wss ,sss|||s
I|st |l ,sa jast ,at ,sa. m|si ts |t. sss ssa|i is t||ss as|ms|ss||s
|.s sltss |l | ws.s ts s |ss| ts t|st ststs sl m|si
Wsa|i s.s.,t||s |s s\sst|, ss | |slt |t-l|ss!
|sssass sss l|sis t|st asas||, w|ss sss sss |ss| |s t|ms
I|s, .ss||ts t||ss t|st t|s m|si wss t.,|s ts ||is
| asss ws|| ss.s. |ssw w||| ws
|st|| ws |ssi s.s. ts t|s|i.t|ss ws|| sss
|t wsa|i |s |sts.sst|s wsa|ist |t. slts. s|| t|st t|ms
Is l|si sat s|| t|sss |ms|sst|.s ts|ss ws.s .ss||, s|| m|ss.
Hss. |ss.
O "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great,
some achieve greatness, and some have
greatness thrust upon them." 8y W||||am Shakespeare

Ive always believed that everyones special
Not because of talents, gifts, or even flaws
Ive found that God made everyone in His own image
And believed in this whole heartedly ever since
I personally believe everyone is born into greatness
No matter what the circumstances may be
Whether ones born in a castle in Cesars palace
Or a farm outside old Wisconsin
Everyone has the ability to become something worthwhile
All one needs is a little energy and determination
Because you see, everyone has a certain dream
To be the best that he or she can thrive to be
So why dont yall just get out there
And become the greatness that God planned for you to be!!

O "I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can
always trust to be dishonest.honestly. It's the
honest ones you want to watch out for, because
you can never predict when they're going to do
something incredibly.stupid." By Captain Jack
Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean )
When was a little girl was taught something
To essentially never lie about anything
was a good little girl for the most part
Until some wise-crack came and messed me up
Captain Jack was his name and nothen else
frankly was terrified, was just the way felt
Jack came up to me and said, "Listen darlen-
-you don't know anything, come follow me darlen..
said, "No Jack, you listen here!
'm not joinen you, no way! Sorry dear.
He eventually took one look back
And reminded me that the trip would last
The trip of un-caring, un-ending deceit
t sounded crazy, and yet it interested me
He asked again, "Are you sure my dear?
responded with, "Oh don't know Jack, 'll play by ear
He yanked me from my table then, no stop, no rest
couldn't believe my eyes, we hadn't even begun yet
From that day forward was a new-found woman
Full of adventures and pirate stories that were so driven
But one thing learned from my boy Jack
Was that the honesty thing would never last.
He was right...Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

O "I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine. He
shall be my squishy. Come here squishy!" By Dory
(Finding Nemo)
Oh squishy, my squishy, you'll never be gone
held you close for what felt was so long
remember the times when we were inseparable
'd play with you for hours, not knowing when to let
was a youngster then, nothing more
And yet the adventures we had, the stories we told
Felt like years and years had passed at a glance
Till realized was ]ust eight years old, no less
You will never be forgotten squishy, for that 'm
]ust hope we could meet again, this time with
Oh know the concept is terrifying, seeing each
other like that
But you were the one who said pretense is not a
thing that will last
guess we'll ]ust have to wait and see
What the new story will turn out to be
Between you and me my slimy friend
You were with me right up till the end
Goodbye my friend.

ChnIer 2-Ieennger sInge
O ~Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. By 1im Carrey

RAN00V: Tral's Wral peop|e say aooul |ove, lral's Wral peop|e say aooul lr|erds,
8ul ore lr|rg lrey dor'l urderslard |s lral lrey'|| oe lrere l||| lre erd.
Ver are supposed|y grealer, lrey're supposed|y lre oesl,
8ul ore lr|rg l've |earred |s lral lral's rol a|Ways lre case.
wrer l Was yourg ry r|rd Wor|ed d|llererl|y,
Tral rer Were lre ooss ard Worer Wor|ed d|screel|y,
8ul roW lral l've ralured lo a leerager,
l've rea||zed lral rer are rol as lrey seer.
Trey lry lo acl a|| Wea|lry ard ralure,
8ul lrulr |s lrey car'l corprererd Wral lrey've |earred.
3o l've |earred lo oe d|screle ard corcrele
l've |earred lo rol see lr|rgs as lrey seer.

O ~Either you're the one erasing or you're the one being erased. By 1im

I hated being myseIf when I was in 8
I was aIways the shy one, aIways going away,
But then I Iearned something about myseIf that was surprising,
That I never wouId've guessed without my friends reminding
That Iife's too short and you've got to get out
Or eIse you'II miss the great adventures in Iife and you'II fIip out
I never understood there meaning to that message
UntiI an encounter happened in one of the schooI passages
A girI Iooked at me and suddenIy asked,
"Why do you Iook so incredibIy sad?"
Confused I gave her a perpIexed Iook
And informed her she was misunderstood.
"I'm not sad, why do you say that?"
She repIied, "you Iooked so depressed, I never wouId have
So you see, you've gotta stand up and be proud of who you are
For anyone couId mistake you for someone that isn't you
You gotta make sure you're erasing the misused
Or you'II end up being the one misunderstood.

O "Life is short, and it is here to be lived. By Kate Winslet
You know, whcn I was 1` I didn`| wan| anv|hin
No| mv lricnds, no| mv lamilv
Vhcn I was 15 all I wan|cd was lamc, lor|unc, and moncv
Bu| whcn I |urncd 16, wcll, |ha| was |hc |imc lor mc
No| bccomin a womcn, bu| a human bcin
Bu| |ha| was mv problcm as a |ccn
I didn`| know who I was supposcd |o bc
So I walkcd around |hc housc, drcamin ol mv po|cn|ial bcin
Till I rcalizcd a piccc ol mc |ha| was no| sccin bu| bclicvin
You scc, lilc`s no| alwavs abou| lindin vour placc
Bccausc God`s o| |ha| in s|orcd alrcadv, so rclax, |akc vour pacc
Lilc`s |oo shor|, don`| was|c vour |imc
To us| lic around and lc| momcn|s dic
Ins|cad cmbracc vour lricnds and all whom vou lovc
Bccausc hcv, lilc`s |oo prccious lor vou |o us| inorc all |hc lun.

O "Huppiness cun be Ioond, even in the durkest oI times,
iI one only remembers to torn on the light. ~Steven
Kloves {screenpluy), Horrg Potter ond the Prisoner of
Azkobon, ooq, spoken by the churucter Albos
1he cencept el light is u pewetlul thing
1hut sheuld neet be tuken us u cuteless thing
Peeple den*t teulize the impuct thut it hus
Nhen ene is geing thteugh Bell thut*s teul bud
1hete wete se mung instunces in juniet high
Nhete l lelt l*d tuthet be high thun dtg
Bigh scheel cun be u puin in the uss
ll ene is net cutelul te net eetlups
1hete wete tee mung dutk stuges te tell
1hut wete se embuttussing und get. l neet lell
1hunks te lumilg und ltiends whe temembeted ene thing
1e tutn en the light let me belete l weuld ctinge
s seen us the light cume splushing buck en
l theught il the dutkness wus teleunt ut ull
en*t leek buck. mee letwutd. und be the best thut geu cun be
fet the light is uheud el geu. geu just gettu teuch und geu*ll see.

O "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or
terrified because of them, for the LORD your God
goes with you; he will never leave you nor
forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
00 Ihlj l'\0 I0l00 Ihl00jh00I N) I00 )0lI
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O "Do, or do not. There is no 'try!'" By Yoda (Star
I iemembei when these woids weie fiist spoken
By a little cieatuie that knew this message can nevei be bioken
I iemembei this tale was not iecent but long ago
And just happened to be somewheie fai, fai away
But I nevei foigot these woids fiom my little, gieen fiiend
That this point would seive me iight up to the end
To do is such a difficult task
When you'ie not quite suie which task is at hand
To just tiy something is so endeaiing
Howevei, my fiiend insists that doing is moie iewaiding
Because to just tiy something, well, that can go nowheie
But to do something, well, one can go anywheie
Indeed, to do is a fai bettei chance to get fai in life
Because you then piove to youiself you have nothing to hide
You'ie just being youiself, /43 eveiything you'ie capable of
(Not 973).

O "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is :89 to
love, and -0 loved in return." From Moulin Rouge
-.| 1,

ChnIer 3-Young AduIIhood
O Actors, movies, music, books, and pictures-What`s the point??
8^u00M: Your probab1y wonderng why 1'm dong a11 ths
Why 1'm ntegratng a11 ths, tryng to convey a message,
8ut you see, 1'm not 1ke most peop1e
Who ust take ther nspratons 1rom Mozart or Shakespeare,
1 have a certan qua1ty, a certan g1t,
1o see peop1e as not 1or ther ta1ent, but 1or ther tcs
What 1 mean s, 1'm not ust takng ths n1ormaton
8ecause t's coo1, t's hp, t's ammen
8ut nstead because 1 1nd that peop1e n 11e
uave certan qua1tes that are ntrgung, en1ghtenng
1'm a person who sees certan thngs
^nd 1nds them to nspre, to partake, to be1eve n,
So you see, 1'm not ust a1ter easy targets mnd you
^s one wou1d expect 1rom Jm Carrey or 0capro
8ut nstead, 1 1nd that the most ta1ented o1 them a11
^re the ones that cou1d teach you about the most mportant
1esson o1 a11.
1o enoy 11e and a11 ts beauty.

O My One and Only 1ohnny-True Love!!
Oh |ohnny, My |ohnny
My one and ony
Standng there wth your har so fy
Youre good to eat ke an appe pe
Fu of fe yet so ntrgung
Your work of art s so endearng
Your moves are ke wrtten pages
That w undoubtedy ve the ages
Lke Shakespeare and hs Romeo & |uet
You never know whats gonna happen next
It s truy obvous the gft that you have
But no one knew the taent woud be so grand!!
(Oh cmon, you guys KNEW I woud put THIS one!!
O ~I just want to be myself. By 1im Carrey

Oy vey, what a concept
To just be myself at a moments notice
It seems so hard now to grasp that reality
That all you need is authenticity and a bit of complexity
To find out who I am as a person
as never been such a notion
but now that Im no longer in my teens
It seems inevitable to realize my being
To be myself, what the hell does that mean?
Do I really now have to find the real me?
Oyy veyy
O A quick message from the One I love.
|/`!C\ ,| |..,. |. . |. , | | ||.V| .
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|. | | | .,|, |
! || , ||, , | |
,, ,| || | |
! | | |, | .| |
/ ,. || | ,
| || | | .|. ,.
! ||| || | | | ||
| | , | | | | ||
| | | || , | .| |
|. |, | || | | | | ||
| |.
,/ | | .|,

O ~Now, Bring Me That Horizon. By Captain 1ack Sparrow (Pirates of
the Caribbean)
Whoosh, what can l say, the ldea ls clear,
1he only thlng waltlng for me ls that whlch ls near
0r rather, what ls far away where l can't see,
lt's over the horlzon, ohh joyous mell
1o know l'm just -0333 my llfe now
l have nothlng else to say except~0RR W0Wll
1o acknowledge that ln the spec of just two years
l'll be out on my own, just waltlng to hear
My husband slng~Yo hol Yo hol
And my dream lsland just waltlng to show
But waltl 0o my eyes decelve me7
lt's the horlzon comen just over the enchanted sea.

O Because It 1ust Is.
kANDCM "nCL wa|ks through the f|re IAI1n |eaps over |t MAGIC happens
when you stop hop|ng and start know|ng" ) 8y I|m Carrey
!|-r-`s aa|||a |-|| |a ss,
B-`s ss|1 s|| ||-r- |s,
*|s| s aa||aa |a aa1-r|s|-
!|s| s|| aa a--1 |s |s||| |a tr-s|-
|| aa| |||- ss ||s| -ss
!a |s|- ||s| s1t|t- sa1 s|| ||raa| || |r--t||
Ka| aa s-- |||-`s aa| |s| || s--ms
a1 ||`s -|tam|a (as| ss 1-t-|t|a
| sa| |a -tj|ar- |||- |a ||- |a||-s|
a1 st||-t- s|| ||s| | tsa
Ka| aa s--, |||s ||r- ||s| |`m |r|a |a at-rtam-
a--ms |a |- s r-s| |ss| s| |sa1
|sa | 1a ||!.

O Blank page-Let yourself figure it out.

O "I don't have t|me to breathe |et a|one work on anyth|ng e|se" 8y Seth
oyyy l4nl eem iqe my i(e nley
)ul qoinq lo nce lo nce, never 4nvinq lime (or me
w4nl 4nened lo n l4e imer dny
w4en i(e n ovey, jul qoen oul lo nyI
we no i(e eem iqe jul nnol4er drive-0y
w4ere nol4inq mnqe ene jul drive, drive, drive
J mi l4oe dny 4en J 4nd il n lo mye(
wonderin nround, eein 4o J coud 4e
No i(e jul eem iqe n ncq o( reoni0iilie
0( 4ic4 J 4nve lo qel done or ee J'm creed~I`cq me!! tecue my
J l4i 4nl J'm ooqinq (ornrd lo l4e rel o( my i(eI
)ul crnmminq (or enm, orq, nol4inq o( deiq4lI
J on'l lnnd (or l4i mndne, J 4nve lo qel oul!
ul jul 4o in l4e He nm J uoed lo ecne noI!
wnil! J 4nve nn iden~you' ee, you' n ee
J' qel oul o( l4i me, nnd curry o(( lo en
mny0e l4ere J' (ind oul 4o J reny nm
Jnlend o( deninq il4 l4ee mee 4nnd 0y 4nnd.
A l4e 4ie (orqellinq 4o J nm.

O "ou gotta keep the funny |ntact" 8y Seth Macfar|ane
Flve years ago my oear abuela (granoma) oleo
|t seemeo as tbougb tbe wbole worlo arouno me was on lts sloe
None ot us knew wbat to oo ln tbls catastropbe
Lcept bolo eacb otber close, remlnolng tbat we're tamlly
8ut one tblng my granomotber always kept lntact
Lven tbrougbout ber gruellng torture wben tbe cancer came back
Was to never let go ot your sense ot bumor
Or else you'll eno up loslng wbo you truly are
| always kept tbat ln mlno untll llte blt
Llke a gruellng burrlcane, a tlrst |'ll aomlt
Part ot me was oeao, lost, ano yet, torever tree
Now | stlll teel ber presence very mucb lnsloe ot me,
|'ve notlceo tbrougb tbe years |'ve bao a slmllar sense ot bumor
very mucb to tbe one tbat belongeo to tbe woman | love
| can't belleve tbe woros ano wlt tbat comes outta me
Tbat's very mucb llke bers ln tbat we see tblngs oltterently
You gotta keep tbe tunny lntact man
Or else you'll lose sometblng tbat's very enoearlng
A part ot your soul ano all lts rlcbes.tlgure lt out.

O "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man
knows himself to be a fool." 8y W||||am Shakespeare

0ne fh1ng T`ve 1eaned fom be1ng a sfudenf af
Ts fhaf you don`f have fo acf a11 mafue-fhaf`s
uf one fh1ng T d1d pafake of
Was fhaf as a fufue un1o T have fo become
Tn nof usf knoW1ng fhe d1ffeence befWeen y1n and
0 even fhe Who1e ca1cu1us s1fuaf1on fhaf d1ves
peop1e 1nsane
Tf`s knoW1ng Whee you sfand as an 1nd1v1dua1 and
knoW1ng you 1ghfs
ecause soone o 1afe you`11 end up 1n fhaf f1ghf
ho, 1f Won`f 1nvo1ve you c1assmafes o even you
A1fhough fhaf 1asf suggesf1on 1s a fempf1ng measue
The f1ghf W111 be W1fh youse1f and you a1one
To fesf youse1f on Whaf you`ve 1eaned, and Whaf
you oWn
As a sfudenf and as a human be1ng
0h boy! L1fe 1s neve af a11 Whaf 1f seems!!
I1ghfs and aff1es and Was, 1f neve ends
hof unf11 Cod pufs h1s hand and b1ngs 1f a11 fo
1fs end
The f1ghf fhaf We W111 a11 evenfua11y have fo face
Ts daW1ng neae W1fh evey face and evey day
Am T fhe W1se man o fhe foo1?
And hoW do T fe11 Wh1ch one T`m 1n fune?

O "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ! In his mercy he has given us new
birth into a living hope through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead." 1 Peter 1:3
thank God every day for the life 've led
And that 've been blessed with everything have
thank God for sending His only son to us
And miraculously rising him from the dead
For the Lord God is powerful in many ways, that is given
But what could not be so obvious are the sins that are forgiven
People don't realize the sacrifice God gave
To have his people resurrected, not erased
That is why 've given my life over to my Lord God
Because want to thank him for everything he's done
And allowing myself to give my life over to him
Would enable me to pursue the life 'm trying to live!!

O "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But, you can either
run from it or learn from it." By Rafiki (Lion King)
Oh yes, the past can hurt, but not howd youd expect
When life throws you a set of knives, you dont know
how to react
Do you sway from it, trying to miss the hit
Or do you try to tackle it, absorb it, and just take it all
Life can be tricky at times that we all know
But how to get outta the battles, well, that God doesnt
So do I run from life, deviating the pain
Or do I instead embrace it, letting the pain take me
Imagine though if the world was like that, every bit
The devastation it would encounter as soon as
catastrophe would hit
Would this world last with such a complicated situation
Or would it stand tall and fight back against the grueling
We will never know will we?...

O "If you wanna make the world a better place,
take a look at yourself and then make a change."
By Michael Jackson (Man in the Mirror)
When Cod took the KIng oI Pop, nearIy dIed
dIdn`t know the Iove MIke shared was so dIvIne
t was onIy tIII aIter the taIent was taken Irom us
That Iearned he had a message wrItten Ior us
ThIs worId needed a desperate InspIratIon
And ]ackson was tryIng to convey that InspIratIon
Had nothIng to do wIth dancen, sIngIn, or even the
AIthough that`s what peopIe thought sInce MIke rareIy
The message was cIear-take the IIrst step and make that
And you`II see that In Cod`s perIect tIme, everyIhng wIII
be changed
8ut what Iearned very abruptIy though
Was that Cod was comen to take hIs souI
And once he was gone there was no one IeIt
To take that responsIbIIIty that ]ackson had IeIt
To take up the cross and be the IIrst one
To actuaIIy Iook at the mIrror and make that change
Does that mean that thIs worId was deceIved
When Cod took the onIy one abIe to beIIeveZ
8ut waIt, have those words In my hand
That MIke IeIt to take that IIrst stand
Does that mean that couId be the one
To take up the mantIe and make a dIIIerence oI
ThIs worId that`s In constant paIn
And It seems IIke It`s never goIng away
8ut wIth MIke`s heIp we couId nII do somethen
To stop thIs madness Irom eruptIng
We can do It.

O "This family, this life, this love makes me a lucky man
indeed." y Michael |. Fox (Lucky Man)
Ck. so you`ve ulreudy guessed ll
The messuge ls qulle cleur
No. I`m nol u mun. I`m u vomen
8ul lhls quole sllll brlngs u leur
Vhenever I reud lhls llllle shurk
Vrlllen by u llllle mun vllh u blg heurl
I ulvuys remember my ovn blesslngs
And hov lhose blesslngs |usl keep comlng
8elng u lucky mun-nov lhere`s u concepl
Thul muny cunnol ovn. only ponder of
8ul I`m forlunule lo suy lhul lhrev ull lhese deeds
My llfe deflnllely mukes me u lucky vomun lndeed

O The Point
You`c pobab1y Wondc1n Wha1`s 1hc po1n1
0! mak1n 1h1s 11111c. 1dd1c-b1111c book
You`c pobab1y Wondc1n Wha1 1h1s mcans
1ha1 1 1ook 1hc 11mc 1o ccap my mcmo1cs
u1 undcs1and. 1h1s Was a11 us1 a s1mp1c
1ha1 cx1s1cd so1c1y ou1 o! bocdom you scc
1ma1na11on 1s a poWc!u1 1oo1
1ha1 anyonc on ca1h cou1d usc
So 1y 1o !1nd ou1 Wha1 1hc po1n1 Was a11 abou1
0 you Won`1 ca1ch 1hc !un 1ha1 !ound 11s Way
F1uc 11 ou1.Sca!!

Work CIted Page
O All Jim Carrey quotes came Irom-
O All Johnny Depp quotes came Irom-
O All Leonardo ulCaprlo quoLes came from
O All Kate Winslet quotes came Irom-
O All SeLh Macfarlane quoLes came from
O All Movle quoLes came from hLLp//wwwgreaL
O All Parry oLLer quoLes came from CoL lL from
O All Shakespeare quoLes came from

O $ources oI whIch borrowed quotes Irom:
Math probIem p^n
8IbIe verses: 1 Peter 1:3, Deuteronomy 31:6
MIchaeI ]ackson`s (Man In the MIrror) $ong
8ookLucky Man. 8y MIchaeI ]. Foxpg. 258

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