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DRUG STUDY Generic name Ampicillin Sodium Brand name ampitrex action dosage ccontraindication I.M.

Hypersensitivity to penicillins, cephalosporins, imipenem, or other beta-lactamase inhibitors. Adverse reaction CNS: lethargy, hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, agitation, depression, fatigue, dizziness, seizure CV: vein irritation, thrombophlebittis, heart failure EENT: blurred vision, itchy eyes GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, entrocolitis, gastritis GU: vaginitis, nephropathy,interstitial nephritis Hematologic: anemia, eosinophilia,purpura Muculoskeletal: arthritis exacerbation Respiratory: wheezing, dyspnea, hypoxia,apnea Skin: rash,urticaria,fever, diaphoresis other: pain at injection site, superinfection, hyperthermia Nursing responsibilities Watch for sign and symtoms of hypersensitivity reaction. Monitor for seizures when giving high doses. Frequently measure patient's temperature and check for signs and symptoms of superinfection, especially oral or rectal candidiasis. Monitor for bleeding tendency or hemorhage.

Destroys bacteria by 5 ml inhibiting bacterial injection cell-wall synthesis during microbial multiplication

Lidocaine xylocaine hydrochlori de

Suppresses automaticity of ventricular cells, decreasing diastolic depolarization and increasing ventricular

Hypersensitivityto drug,its components or other amide local anesthetics heart failure,

CNS: anxiety, confusion, difficulty speaking, dizziness, hallucinations, lethargy, paresthesia, light-headedness, fatigue,drowsiness, headache, persistent sensory,motor or

Monitor vital signs and ECG continuously. Watch for cardiac depression Evaluate level of consciousness closely

fibrillation thershold. Produces local anesthesia by reducing sodium permeability of sensory nerves, which blocks impulse generation and conduction.

cardiogenic shock, second or thirddegree heart block, intraventicular block in absence of a pacemaker wolff-parkinsonwhite or adamsstrokes syndrome severe hemorrhage,shock, or heart block local infection at puncture site septicemia

autonomic deficit of lower spinal segment,septic meningitis,seizure CV: bradycardia,hypotension,new or worsening arrhythmias,cardiac arrest EENT: diplodia,abnormal vision GI: nausea,vomiting, dry mouth GU: urinary retension Metabolic: methemoglobinemia Respiratory: suppressed cough reflex,respiratory depression, respiratory arrest Skin: rash, urticaria, pruritus, erythema, contact dermatitis, cutaneous lessions, tissue irritation, sloughing and necrosis Others: fever,edema, infection, burning, stinging, tenderness and swelling at injection site,anaphylaxis

Watch for adverse reactions, particularly anaphylaxis. Stay alert for seizures. Monitor neurologic status for lower spinal segment deficits. Give supportive oxygen therapy, as indicated and prescribed. Monitor electrolyte, blood urea, nitrogen and creatine levels. Assess topical site for adverse reactions.

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