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CCIS 2010 August 23-26, SJC-Brazil

Niara C.Palma1, Romulo Krafta2

UNISC Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa. Cruz do Sul, Brasil, 2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - PROPUR, Porto Alegre, Brasil,

Urban environment changes according to the needs of our society. These modifications are identified in characteristics such as building typology, intensity of urban occupation, soil use and spatial interaction. It is considered here the urban transformation, either spatial or of land use, as a result of the interaction among different levels of a complex system: individual decisions, urban subsystems (defined by social and economic interdependence) and urban macro system (interaction among subsystems), generating an ever changing process. Each decision is taken considering the existing urban structure and it limits the decisions of other agents by the use of space or the relations that are established, therefore assuming a systemic behavior. From these little changes, the attraction forces that modify the relations of the activities of a determined area with the city structure, causing unbalance in its development may behave as follows: cooperation among compatible activities; competition among incompatible activities. The analogy used reduces the urban system to an electric field of positive and negative charges, simulating the attractiveness of each urban activity located spatially. Growth and place of activities follow principles such as attractiveness, accessibility (Wingo 1961), rent-gap (Smith, 1982), agglomeration economy, synergetics (Haken, 1983) and social and economic interdependence. The concepts connected to the classical theories of activity location are reviewed taking for granted the complexity and self-organization theories. The objective of the Potential Change and Intraurban Attractiveness Model is to simulate the urban structures development dynamics that emerges from the constant spatial change and land use. This process constantly modifies the urban system through phenomena such as growth, competition for space, self-organization, the enslaving principle and social and economic relations. POTENCIAT is an Automaton Cellular, where each cell represents a space unit of urban soil. There, the activities are allocated based on the available information, which consists of: generating attractiveness by means of equal activities and their complementary ones; generating repulsion of incompatible attractivenesses; Each urban activity defines the complementarity and repulsion relations, as well as the capacity of expelling other activities from the system.
Keywords: Scientific Computing in Social and Human Sciences, Complexity science, land use, spatial interaction, systems emerging properties, self organization. References: [1] HAKEN. H.. Synergetics: A Introduction. New York, Springer-Verlag, Orrin. 1983 [2] WINGO, L., "Transportation and Urban Land". Baltimore: Jonh Hopkins for resources for the future.. 1961. [3] SMITH, N. "Gentrification and uneven development".(Economic Geography 58, pages 138-55) 1982

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