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ABSTRACT Lilik Puji Restini, Registry number of Student (NIM) : 09200789, 2010.

Influential Factors on Mothers Behavior in Giving Mothers Milk SupplementalFood (MP-ASI) to Her 6-24 Month Old Baby. This study is aimed to identify the most dominant, influential factors on a mothers behavior in giving mothers milk supplemental-food (MP-ASI) to her 624 month old baby. This is a Cross Sectional Study on predisposition, possibility and motivation factors. The predisposition factors are her education level, job/profession, age, knowledge, behavior and family income as well. The possibility factors are her participation, health and service facilities available in the Community Children Health Post (Posyandu). The motivation factors are supports of the health officials and cadres of Posyandu, as well as her family. The samples of this study are mothers of 6-24 month old babies. 97 respondents are randomly taken from 271 mothers. This study is conducted for 6 months in the Community Health Centre (PUSKESMAS) of Mejayan, Madiun Regency. A statistic analysis is performed by using reduplication linier-regression analysis and t test experiment. The result of this study shows the predisposition factors that influence a mothers behavior (t counted-score > t table-score) are her education level, knowledge, behavior and family income. The predisposition factors that do not influence it (t counted score < t table score) are her job/ profession and age. R score is 0.387 or 38.7% influencing it. The possibility factors that do not influence it are mothers participation, health and service facilities available in Posyandu. R score is 0.086 or 8.6% influencing it. The motivation factors that do not influence it are supports of health officials and cadres of Posyandu , as well as her family . R score is 0.046 or 4.6% influencing it. It is concluded that the predisposition factors influence a mothers behavior in giving mothers milk supplemental-food (MP-ASI) to her 6-24 month old baby, but the possibility and motivation factors do not. The most dominant, influential factors are the predisposition factors. Therefore, it should be better to improve a mothers knowledge, behavior and motivation so that the mother is able to give mothers milk supplemental-food to her baby well.

Key Word : behaviour, mothers milk supplemental-food (MP-ASI)

ABSTRACT Farid Dimyati, Registry Number of Student (NIM) : 09200796.2010. Strategy to Improve Hospital Service and Income by Implementing Monetary Management Pattern of Local General-Service Board (PPK-BLUD) in Regional GeneralHospital of Caruban, Madiun Regency. This study is aimed to identify the influence of the PPK-BLUD implementation in improving the hospital service and income. This is a study with Kohort Design by using secondary data : the hospital service quality, the hospital income and the primer data of public satisfaction index. The hospital service quality is measured with components of home-stay treatment (home-stay treatment polyclinic-visit, Intensive Care Unit) and hospital-stay treatment (BOR, ALOS, TOI and BTO). The hospital income is measured with the income components of ticket, nutrient service, as well as the hospital equipment and service costs. The public satisfaction index is measured by distributing IKM questionnaires to 150 respondents. Data are collected during 6 months before and after the PPK-BLUD implementation. A statistic analysis is performed by using descriptive statistic and t test experiment. The result of this study shows that by using t test experiment, with the significance rate of 95%, the PPK-BLUD implementation influences the strategy to improve the hospital service (r counted after > r counted before the PPK-BLUD implementation), i.e. increasing home-stay treatment visit and hospital-stay treatment (BOR), the hospital income and the public satisfaction index, but not ALOS, TOI or BTO for hospital-stay treatment (r counted score after < r counted before the PPK-BLUD implementation) It is concluded that the PPK-BLUD implementation influences the increase of the hospital service and income. A state-owned hospital, therefore, should implement it soon. Key Word : Hospital, Monetary Management Pattern of Local General-Service Board (PPK-BLUD)

ABSTRACT Sri Rejeki Eka Dayanti, Registry Number of Student : 09200663. 2010. Influence of External and Internal Factors on Mouth and Tooth Polyclinic Visit Rate in Community Health Centre of Dolopo, Madiun Regency. This study is aimed to identify the influence of external and internal factors on Mouth and Tooth Polyclinic visit rate in the Community Health Centre (PUSKESMAS) of Dolopo, Madiun Regency. This is an analytic survey of Cross Sectional Study to study the dynamic relationship between its free variable and bound variable. The free variable is external and internal factors, such as human resources, ticket policies, infrastructures, marketing/advertisings, kinds of services, consumer behaviors, consumer distances to the provider and competitors. The bound variable is the Mouth and Tooth Polyclinic Visit Rate. The samples are patients visiting to the Mouth and Tooth Polyclinic in PUSKESMAS of Dolopo, Madiun Regency. 80 respondents are randomly taken from 109 patients. This study is conducted for one month. A statistic analysis is performed by using reduplication linier-regression analysis and t test experiment. When R2 comes closer to number 1, the free variable influences the bound variable. The result of this study shows that Adjusted R Square score is 0.291. It means that 29.1% external and internal factors influences the visit rate.70.9% other factors influences it. The model of regression analysis used in this study is good enough. It is concluded that the score of the external and internal factors influencing the visit rate is 29.1%. Therefore, it should be better to take use of the external and internal factors available in Mouth and Tooth Polyclinic so that the visit rate can be increased. Key Word : external and internal factors, visit rate.

ABSTRAK Wakhid Hasyim, Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Pemberian ASI Ekslusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sumbersari Madiun. Pemberian ASI Eksklusif merupakan salah satu upaya pemberian kekebalan pada bayi baru lahir agar terhindar dari penyakit. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan pemberian ASI eksklusif tidak terlaksana maksimal, salah satunya adalah pengetahuan. Pengetahuan ibu merupakan faktor yang sangat penting untuk membentuk perilaku terutama dalam bidang kesehatan anak. Semakin baik tingkat pengetahuan ibu maka kemungkinan besar ibu akan berperilaku menyusui bayi secara eksklusif.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sumbersari Madiun. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Posyandu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sumbersari Madiun mulai tanggal 1 Agustus 15 September 2011. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian analitik korelasi dengan rancangan potong lintang (cross sectional). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang mempunyai bayi 7 12 bulan yang aktif datang ke posyandu wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sumbersari Madiun. Dalam penelitian ini, pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner unutk mengetahui pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif dan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Uji hubungan antar variabel yang berbentuk skala ordinal dan nominal dengan hubungan uji korelasi statistik koefisien kontigency yang mempunyai tingkat signifikan p < 0,05 program Windows SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden mempunyai pengetahuan cukup yaitu sebanyak 42 responden (52,5%) dan sebagian responden tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif sebanyak 44 responden (55%). Hasil Uji korelasi statistik coefficient contingency diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,006 dan koefisien korelasi (r) 0,337, signifikansi p < shingga Ha diterima dan ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sumbersari Madiun tetapi hubungannya bermakna lemah. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperlukan penyuluhan kesehatan anak kepada responden (ibu) tentang ASI eksklusif sehingga diharapkan ibu termotivasi untuk memberikan ASI kepada bayinya secara eksklusif. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Ibu, ASI eksklusif, Bayi 7 12 bulan

ABSTRACT Wakhid Hasyim, Correlation Between Mothers Knowledge Level and Exclusive Mothers Milk Feeding in The Working Area of Sumbersari Community Health Centre (PUSKESMAS), Madiun Regency. Exclusive Mothers Milk Feeding is one of efforts in giving immunity to a newly-born baby. Exclusive mothers milk feeding is not performed well because of various factors. One of them is mothers knowledge of exclusive mothers milk (ASI Eksklusif). It is the most important factor in pediatrics. The better the mothers knowledge of it, the more exclusively she feeds her baby on her milk. This study is aimed to study any correlation between mothers knowledge level and exclusive mothers milk feeding in the working area of Sumbersari Community Health Centre, Madiun Regency. This study was conducted in the Community Children Health Post (Posyandu) in the working area of Sumbersari Community Health Centre, Madiun Regency, from August 1 to September 15, 2011. The type of this study is an analytical correlation study with cross sectional design. The respondents of this study are all mothers with 7 12 month old babies who regularly come to the Community Children Health Post (Posyandu) in the working area of Sumbersari Community Health Centre, Madiun Regency. In this study, prime data are collected by distributing questionnaires to study mothers knowledge of exclusive mothers milk and exclusive mothers milk feeding. The correlation between the ordinal, nominal-scaled variables is tested by using coefficient contingency statistic correlation with the rate of significancy p < 0,05 in the program of Windows SPSS 17. The result of this study shows that around 42 respondents (52,5%) have enough knowledge and feed their baby on exclusive mothers milk and 44 respondents (55%) do not. The result of coefficient contingency statistic correlation test says that the significancy rate is 0,006. The coefficient correlation (r) is 0,337. The rate of significancy is p < , so that Ha is accepted. It means that there is correlation between mothers knowledge level and exclusive mothers milk feeding in the working area of Sumbersari Community Health Centre (PUSKESMAS), Madiun Regency, but it is not so close. Based on the result of this study, pediatrics, especially exclusive mothers milk feeding, should be propagated to mothers with 7 12 month old babies. This is done in order that they are motivated to feed their babies on mothers milk exclusively.

Key Word : Knowledge, mother, Exclusive mothers milk, 7 12 month old babies.

Apkasindo (Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Indonesia) : the Indonesian Palm Oil Farmers Association. Ampi (AngkatanMuda Pembaharuan Indonesia) : the Indonesian Reform Youth Force. Amdal (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan) : the Envronmental Impact Analysis. ASI (Air Susu Ibu) : the Mothers Milk. Atas nama pemerintah : On behalf of the government. Akal sehat : Common sense.

BPK (Badan Pengawas Keuangan) : the Supreme Audit Agency. Bawaslu (Badan Pengawas Pemilu) : the General Elections Supervisory Agency. BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) : the Food and Drugs Monitoring Agency. BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) : the Students Excutive Board. BIN (Badan Intelegensi Nasional) : the National Intellegence Agency.

BPKP (Badan Pengawas Keuangan Pembangunan) : the Development Finance Controller Board. BMKG (Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika) : the Meteorolgy, Climatology and Geophysics Agency. BLT (Bantuan Langsung Tunai) : the Direct Cash Subsidy. BKKBN (Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional) : the National Family Planning Coordinating Board. BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) : the Central Statistics Agency. BOS (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah) : the School Operational Assistance. BNPB (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) : the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. BPLH (Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup) : the Environmental Management Board. BNSP (Badan Nasional Standard Pendidikan) : the National Education Standard Agency. BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) : the Investment Coordinating Board. Barang yang harus dimiliki : must-have item. BPPT (Badan Penilaian dan Penerapan Tehnologi) : the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology. BAZIS (Badan Amil Zakat dan Shodaqoh) : the Moslem Charitable Donations Board.

DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) : the House of Representatives. DPU (Dinas Pekerjaan Umum) : the Public Workers Agency.

DPD (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah) : the Regional Representatives Council. Dengan segala hormat Dekrit Presiden Dalam hitungan menit

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