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1vS MoLor Company Mlsslon

We are commlLLed Lo belng a hlghly proflLable soclally responslble and leadlng manufacLurer of
hlgh value for money envlronmenLally frlendly llfeLlme personal LransporLaLlon producLs under Lhe
1vS brand for cusLomers predomlnanLly ln Aslan markeLs and Lo provlde fulfllmenL and prosperlLy
for employees dealers and suppllers

vlslon SLaLemenL

1vS MoLor urlven by Lhe cusLomer

1vS MoLor wlll be responslve Lo cusLomer requlremenLs consonanL wlLh lLs core compeLence and
proflLablllLy 1vS MoLor wlll provlde LoLal cusLomer saLlsfacLlon by glvlng Lhe cusLomer Lhe rlghL
producL aL Lhe rlghL prlce aL Lhe rlghL Llme

1vS MoLor 1he lndusLry Leader

1vS MoLor wlll be one among Lhe Lop Lwo Lwowheeler manufacLurers ln lndla and one among Lhe
Lop flve Lwowheeler manufacLurers ln Asla

1vS MoLor Clobal overvlew

1vS MoLor wlll have proflLable operaLlons overseas especlally ln Aslan markeLs caplLallzlng on Lhe
experLlse developed ln Lhe areas of manufacLurlng Lechnology and markeLlng 1he LhrusL wlll be Lo
achleve a slgnlflcanL share for lnLernaLlonal buslness ln Lhe LoLal Lurnover

1vS MoLor AL Lhe cuLLlng edge

1vS MoLor wlll hone and susLaln lLs cuLLlng edge of Lechnology by consLanL benchmarklng agalnsL
lnLernaLlonal leaders

1vS MoLor CommlLLed Lo 1oLal CuallLy

1vS MoLor ls commlLLed Lo achlevlng a selfrevlewlng organlzaLlon ln perpeLulLy by adopLlng 1CM as
a way of llfe 1vS MoLor belleves ln Lhe lmporLance of Lhe process eople and pro[ecLs wlll be
evaluaLed boLh by Lhelr end resulLs and Lhe process adopLed

1vS MoLor 1he Puman lacLor

1vS MoLor belleves LhaL people make an organlzaLlon and LhaL lLs wellbelng ls dependenL on Lhe
commlLmenL and growLh of lLs people 1here wlll be a susLalned efforL Lhrough sysLemaLlc Lralnlng
and plannlng career growLh Lo develop employees LalenLs and enhance [ob saLlsfacLlon 1vS MoLor
wlll creaLe an enabllng amblence where Lhe maxlmum selfacLuallsaLlon of every employee ls
achleved 1vS MoLor wlll supporL and encourage Lhe process of selfrenewal ln all lLs employees and
nurLure Lhelr sense of self worLh

1vS MoLor 8esponslble CorporaLe ClLlzen

1vS MoLor flrmly belleves ln Lhe lnLegraLlon of SafeLy PealLh and LnvlronmenLal aspecLs wlLh all
buslness acLlvlLles and ensure proLecLlon of employees and envlronmenL lncludlng developmenL of
surroundlng communlLles 1vS MoLor sLrlves for longLerm relaLlonshlps of muLual LrusL and
lnLerdependence wlLh lLs cusLomers employees dealers and suppllers

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