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oshua MaLos 91 lood 1echnology

Anorex|a Nervosa

Some phys|ca| symptoms of anorex|a nervosa |nc|ude
*Lxcesslve welghL loss
*ScanLy or absenL mensLrual perlods
*1hlnnlng halr
*ury skln
*Cold or swollen hands and feeL
*8loaLed or upseL sLomach
*Low blood pressure
*Abnormal hearL rhyLhms
4 common behav|ours assoc|ated w|th anorex|a nervosa
1 ulsLorLed lmage of self 1hey Lhlnk Lhey're over welghL when Lhey are noL
2 8efuslng Lo eaL
3 8efuslng Lo acknowledge Lhe serlousness of Lhe lllness
4 Cbsesslvecompulslve behavlour
now d|etary pract|ces may be ab|e to prevent or cure anorex|a nervosa
8y followlng dleLary guldellnes people wlLh anorexla mlghL be able Lo sLop rapld welghL
loss because Lhey are geLLlng Lhe correcL nuLrlLlonal needs lL wlll also make Lhem feel
beLLer 8ecause Lhey are geLLlng Lhe nuLrlLlonal foods Lhey requlre Lhey wlll feel less
Llred and less depressed aL Lhelr dlsLorLed self body lmages 1he dleLary guldellnes lf
followed also wlll sLop over exerclslng 1hls wlll Lhen also conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe sufferer
feellng less Llred and sLop dramaLlc welghL loss lL can prevenL anorexla nervosa lf Lhe
guldellnes are followed people wlll noL sllp lnLo under eaLlng or sklpplng meals whlch
wlll help prevenL Lhls dlsease and oLher eaLlng dlsorders such as bullmla
Wn anorex|a nervosa |s apparent |n ado|escents
Anorexla nervosa ls apparenL ln adolescenLs because lL has become lncreaslngly popular
Lo dlsplay lmages of exLremely Lhln good looklng women ln Leenage magazlnes
1eenagers seelng Lhls look up Lo Lhese people and whaL Lo be exacLly llke Lhem
lncludlng Lhelr welghL 1hen because everyone else ls dolng Lhls Lhey Lhlnk LhaL lL ls
almosL compulsory Lo be Lhln lf you wanL Lo be lncluded ln Lhe cool group"
!oshua MaLos 91 lood 1echnology
esponse to quest|on |n a teen magaz|ne
Anorexla nervosa ls more common ln glrls Lhan boys because female models are all
exLremely Lhln Seelng Lhls Lhe glrls wanL Lo look llke Lhese good looklng models so Lry Lo
become Lhln as well 1hen Lhey can geL obsesslve or compulslve abouL lL and Lhls can
lead Lo anorexla nervosa
Clrls are also seen Lo care more abouL whaL oLher glrls look llke ln Lhelr groups saylng Lo
someone LhaL Lhey can'L be ln Lhelr group because Lhey're overwelghL or ugly 8oys ln
general are less [udgemenLal so Lhere ls noL such a greaL need Lo look llke models Lo Lry
and flL ln Also Lhe male models are noL exLremely Lhln Lhey are usually very muscular
alLhough Lhls can lead Lo some boys Laklng exLreme meLhods Lo Lry and galn muscle
Anorexla ls lncreaslng ln amongsL boys 1hls ls because boys also now see people belng
made fun of lf Lhey are overwelghL 1hey are so worrled abouL belng bullled or Leased
LhaL Lhey Lry Lo lose welghL excesslvely 1hey eaL less and over exerclse ln order Lo Lry
and lose welghL 1hls ls whaL causes anorexla nervosa and why lL ls beglnnlng Lo become
more common ln young females as well as males

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