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MOTIVATION LETTER I am Ayalnesh Geta, I have believed that mathematics is an important factor in a life and it is the language for

science and technology. All human activities in several fields such as information technology, economics, physics, social and others will run well if they are cited in a good mathematics framework. This circumstance stimulated me to attend department of applied mathematics and applied statistics. I took important courses of mathematics and statistics such as optimization, graph theory, numerical analysis, differential equations, regression analysis, multivariate analysis, Bayesian analysis, linear regression models, time series analysis , stochastic, survival data analysis and etc during my first and second degree studies. The title of my paper Statistical Analysis of Time to Recovery from Obstetric Fistula and its Determinants a Case Study of Yirgalem Fistula Centre that I had done to complete my second degree in applied statistics. Presently, I have been working as lecturer of department of statistics in Dilla University of Ethiopia. My responsibilities are teaching, conducting research individually or in a team and advising students for their research of first degree. Working as a statistics lecturer needs deep knowledge of fundamental mathematics and experiences in advanced research of applied statistics. Even though my undergraduate and M.Sc. have given me a strong background in the fundamentals of various mathematics and statistics, this is not enough for me to be a professional lecturer. I have to continue my study and attend different trainings like mathematical modeling to enrich my skills and broaden practical knowledge. Currently, our institution which one of the functions is to elaborate science and technology to the government of Ethiopia, has formulated its Long Term Plan known as the strategic plan on maximizing Science and Technology knowledge which directed toward the establishment of the Integrated National Development. This plan is including the development of mathematics and statistics in various fields such as economy, demography, agriculture, health and technology. I consider myself to be a good candidate for this mathematical modeling because I am young, energetic, hardworking, visionary, and motivated person who believes that I can do something for the benefit of my country to whom I have been working. I did my best with all maximum efforts I could give for my institution. But this is not enough. Frankly, I am not satisfied yet with what I did. I believe that I can do much better if I am trained and developed my knowledge.

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