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Antoinettes Angels
In Loving Memory of Antoinette Archer

If you would like to apply for assistance

from the Antoinettes Angels fund, please

review these criteria to see if you are

eligible to apply. You must:

be a CURRENT client receiving

counseling from The Umbrella

be independent from the abuser

demonstrate a financial need

complete an application packet

For more information, please contact

your Umbrella Advocate at


c/o The Umbrella Program P.O. Box 658 Ansonia, CT 06401

The Umbrella Program is a program of Birmingham Group Health Services

A D M I N S T E R E D T H R O U G H T H E U M B R E L L A P R O G R A M 24-hour hotline: 203-736-9944 Phone: 203-736-2601 ext. 381 Fax: 203-736-2910 E-mail:

About Antoinettes Angels

What gets funded? The Antoinettes Angels Fund provides financial resources for services or needs that are frequently unfunded, including: Job Training Education Daycare/Childcare Permanent Housing How Are Funds Granted? Women receiving services through The Umbrellas domestic violence shelter are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the Antoinettes Angels Fund. Interested persons must complete a written application, specifying the need for funds. The application is then reviewed by a team of volunteers and staff who determine the funding awards.
The inability to access training or education can stall a familys progress toward safety and independence.

Antoinettes Angels is a special fund

that was established by Walter Archer

in memory of his wife, Antoinette. This

fund assists women and children staying

with, or receiving services from,

The Umbrella Program.

Both Walter and Antoinette have been

A Womans Story:

dedicated advocates for women and

children, working to ensure that women

and their children are able to

re-establish their lives, free from

Jan e t i s a you ng moth er tryin g to live in de p e n dently fo r the fir st time in h e r life. Afte r fleein g an ab usive marri ag e, Ja n e t ca me t o l i ve a t t h e Umb re l l a . J a n e t wa s a bl e t o a t t e n d j o b t r a i n i n g a n d se cur e s t a bl e e mpl o yme n t t ha t wo u l d l e a d t o a n e w c a r e e r .

domestic violence, by providing funds to

enable them to escape their abusers, to

T h e o n e p r o b l e m: Ja n e t wa s n o t e l i g i b l e for assi stan ce fo r ch ild ca re b e cau se sh e w o r k e d n o n -t ra di t i o n a l h o u r s. Ja net was a t risk of lo sin g her job .

become self sufficient, and to acquire

safe housing and employment.

The Umbrella is thankful for all of the

Wi th h e l p fr o m t h e A n t o i n e t t e s A n g e l s fu n d, Ja n e t wa s a b l e t o p l a ce h e r ch i l d in a safe, secure chil dca r e facilit y, keep h e r j o b a n d co n t i n ue he r j o u rn e y o n t h e p a t h t o wa r d a s a f e , vi o l e nc e f r e e l i f e for h e rsel f an d h e r ch ild ren. Wi th o u t t h i s fun d, i t wo u l d n o t h a ve b een p o ssi ble for Ja n e t to foll ow t h ro u g h wi t h h e r dre a m t o st a rt a n e w l i fe i n de p e n de nt o f h e r a b us i ve p a rt n e r.

support that Walter & Antoinette

Archer have given to The Umbrella and

for sharing their gifts with others.

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