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Vektor dan Aplikasinya

Siswo Sumardiono

Unit Vectors in Rectangular Coordinate System


Vector Representation: A = Ax i + Ay j + Az k

The unit vectors i, j, and k should not be confused with the imaginary number i or j.
Magnitude or Absolute Value: A= A = A + A + A
2 x 2 y 2 z

The three basic laws of algebra obeyed by any given vector A, B, and C, are summarized as follows: Law Commutative Associative Distributive where k and l are scalars Addition A+B =B+A
A + (B + C ) = (A + B ) + C

Multiplication kA = A k

k(lA) = (kl)A

k(A + B ) = kA + k B

Example. A force has x, y, and z

components of 3, 4, and 12 N, respectively. Express the force as a vector in rectangular coordinates.

F = 3i + 4 j 12k

Example Determine the magnitude of the force in Example before.

F = 3i + 4 j 12k
F = (3) + (4) + (12)
2 2 2

= 13 N

Vector Operations to be Considered

Scalar or Dot Product AB Vector or Cross Product AxB Triple Scalar Product (AxB)C

When two vectors A and B are multiplied, the result is either a scalar or a vector depending on how they are multiplied. There are two types of vector multiplication: 1. Scalar (or dot) product: 2.Vector (or cross) product:



The dot product of the two vectors and is defined B B geometrically A the product of the magnitude of as and the projection of onto (or vice versa):

A B = AB cos AB

where is the smaller angle between


Consider two vectors A and B oriented in different directions.


Scalar or Dot Product

Definition: A B = AB cos

Computation: A B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz

First Interpretation of Dot Product: Projection of A on B times the length of B.


A cos

Second Interpretation of Dot Product: Projection of B on A times the length of A.


B cos


Some Implications of Dot Product


The vectors are parallel to each other and A B = AB

= 90

The vectors are to each other and AB = 0

Example. Perform several scalar operations on the following vectors: A = 2i 2 j + k B = 3i + 4 j + 12k

A= A + A + A
2 x 2 y 2 2 2 z 2

= (2) + (2) + (1) = 3

B= B +B +B
2 x 2 y 2 2

2 z 2

= (3) + (4) + (12) = 13

Example. Continuation.
A B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz = (2)(3) + (-2)(4) + (1)(12) = 10

A B = AB cos
AB 10 10 cos = = = = 0.2564 AB 3 13 39

= cos 0.2564 = 75.14 = 1.311 rad

1 o


A = (A X , A Y , AZ , )


B = (BX , B Y , BZ )


Review of Vector Analysis

A B = A XBX + A YB Y + A ZBZ
which is obtained by multiplying component
AB = B A


component by

A (B + C ) = A B + A C

A A = A = A2

e X ey = ey ez = e Z e x = 0

eX e x = e y e y = e Z ez = 1

Vector or Cross Product

Definition: A B = ( AB sin ) un
Computation: i A B = Ax Bx j Ay By k Az Bz

Cross Product AxB



Cross Product BxA



Area of parallelogram below is the magnitude of the cross product.


= 0o

Some Implications of Cross Product

The vectors are parallel to each other and AB = 0

= 90

The vectors are to each other and A B = ( AB ) un

Note that the cross product has the following basic properties: (i) It is not commutative:


It is anticommutative:

A B = B A

(ii) It is not associative:

A (B C) (A B ) C

A (B + C ) = A B + A C
(iii) It is distributive:

AA =0

(sin = 0)


A = (A X , A Y , A Z , ) and B = (BX , B Y , BZ )


ex A B = Ax Bx

ey Ay By

ez Az Bz

= (A yBz A zBy )ex + (A zB x A xBz )ey + (A xBy A yBx )ez

Example. Determine the cross product of the vectors

i A B = Ax Bx j Ay By k i j Az = 2 2 Bz 3 4 k 1 12

A B = [ (2)(12) (1)(4) ] i [ (2)(12) (1)(3) ] j + [ (2)(4) (2)(3) ] k = 28i 21j + 14k

Example Determine a unit vector perpendicular to the vectors

A B = ( 28) 2 + ( 21) 2 + (14) 2 = 37.70

A B 28i 21j + 14k un = = AB 37.70 = 0.7428i 0.5571j + 0.3714k

Triple Scalar Product

Definition: ( A B) C
Computation: Ax ( A B) C = Bx Cx Ay By Cy Az Bz Cz

Volume of parallelepiped below is the triple scalar product of the vectors.


Example Determine the triple scalar product of the vectors

A = 2i 2 j + k B = 3i + 4 j + 12k C = 3i + 5 j 6k
Ay By Cy

Ax ( A B) C = Bx Cx

Az 2 2 1 Bz = 3 4 12 Cz 3 5 6

= 2(24 60) + 2(18 36) + (15 12) = 168 108 + 3 = 273

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