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our Alpha participants ENEH AND ENDRE 2011. SEPTEMBERDECEMBER

There are some really important changes that happened in the last six months and we would like to tell you all about it. One of my favorite is that we held an Alpha course again this fall (this year we did the Student Alpha). We started out with one small group and they have become a cohesive community by the end. On our Holy Spirit-day most of our guests were touched. They opened up to worship God, felt at home, experienced happiness and peace. Some started

to pray regularly. It looks like this little group will stay together and continue their faith journey as a discussion group. I am very grateful for th Alpha, because this is the most creative part of ministry, and through this tool, people are getting closer to God. Thinking about mission in this last period, 1 Thessalonians 2:8. meant a lot to me. What I discovered is that if we have Jesus in our life, and we share our lives with others, we share Jesus too. Therefore I now try to build relationships in which I am able to share Christ through my whole life.

we give thanks to God for for the participants of the Alpha course for the creative ideas in the community which help to live out our vision for Ezra's new words and development for the new appartment we are living in for the church's new office space

our vision:
Our vision is to become a worshipping community of missional people that goes beyond itself and seeks to be a blessing to its immediate neighbourhood and to the whole city of Budapest.

about talipont:
Tali pont is a reformed church in the heart of Budapest that was planted in order to reach out to young adults.

prayer requests
please pray that so that we use the new churh space for God's glory that our Alpha participants would grow in faith and commit themselves to Jesus for our future plans, that we might reach others with the gospel that Eneh would get better financial needs that came with the new apartment so that we can talk about the problems in our family

the churchs new office space

Our community continues to look for ways to be a blessing wher we are. This fall we started an experimental children's playgroup for the kids at the playground nearby. We have got good feedback from both the parents and the children, so now we are doing this once a month. In this Christmas season, members of our church hand out small gifts to those, who work there, to appreciate their service for the community which is particularly hard in these weeks. In the Advent season we organized an Advent Crafts event, which was a great success. Many young Moms showed up, who not yet belong to our church thanks to Eneh's invitation. This is particulary something we celebrate. All these programs are aimed to show the love of God to our neighbours, and we are happy for every little success. (It is astonishing to me, that compared to how small our church is a maximum of 30 people would be there on a given Sunday how big an impact we have. Now that all that is going on, we really feel that

we need more workers. We hope God will nd workers to His harvest.) We are renting a small ofce place from the local government now, but still in the process of refurbishing it. Doing all the administrative work for this, I'm constantly meet my own limits. (For example when the architect and the contractor have a disagreement and I should settle the dispute.) We hope we will be able to start to use it early next year. And that we will be able to use it in a way, that contributes to the welfare of the neighbourhood. Our plans for the future are just starting to take shape, but I am committed to organize my life in a way that I would regularly meet with nonchristians (a home beer brewery perhaps?). And I would also like to emphasize the discipling in our home groups, so we would grow together in Gods grace.

Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest eld. Matthew 9:37-38.

get involved

Prayer: This is the most important thing you can do for us. We would like to rely on God, not on ourselves. Financial support: since Tali pont is a very young community, it needs support in order to thrive. If God leads

you to, please support us. Your gift may be given as a one-time gift, or as a pledge given over a period of time.

(Account Name: Jozsefvarosi Reformatus Egyhazkozseg Comment: Talalkozasi Pont, Account Number: 12001008-00116615-00100009 IBAN: HU17 1200 1008 0011 6615 0010 0009 SWIFT: UBRTHUHB Raiffeisen Bank)

The biggest thing in our family's life has been that we moved to a different appartment. It is closer to Grund, where we hold our services, and is more spacey. We really like this new place. Eneh is now closer the the Moms she got to know, and I enjoy this sketchy neighbourhood. It is great to live in our new home, although it puts a greater responsibility nancially both on us, and our community. We felt led by God to make this decision in the face of uncertainty. So please please pray for us, so that we may be able to pay all our bills, and if you are led by God, support us nancially too. Ezra is very healthy, and grows day by day in body and soul. He is full of energy, and he repeats every

word we say (which is scary at times). It is still the teething, that continues to be a problem, and makes our life more difcult. The nights are especially hard for us. But now it seems like we will grow out of it soon. Enehs back is much better now, her feet doesnt hurt as much as it did, but she often feels sick before or after eating. Now we are trying to gure out what may be the cause. Our familys spiritual and emotional life is very rhapsodic. Sometimes we feel alright, but there are some hard times too. We are currently in a crisis, so it is very important for us to pray for us. We are thankful for your ongoing support throughout 2011 and wish you a happy new year!

contact information
Endre Samson Kiss
Mobil: 06 30 548 41 78 E-mail:

Eneh Kiss
Mobil: 06 30 826 60 18 E-mail:


Thank you for reading our newsletter and following how God works in and around us!

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