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How to Draw Anime Bella Swan, Anime Bella Swan

Location Drawing Tutorials Anime Manga People How to Draw Anime Bella Swan, Anime Bella Swan

STEP 1. First, we are going to draw the basic guidelines for our anime bella drawing. It's best to draw these guides accurately or proportionally so you will have a better chance at drawing a duplicate of the tutorial.

STEP 2. Next, we will sketch the face shape as well as the hairline for the face. Take your time and make sure everything is aligned as close as possible to the guidelines. Don't tempt yourself to rush or it'll result with undesirable results.

STEP 3. Then, we will work on the facials for Bella, and as you can tell, I made the eyes slanted to give her a similar characteristic to the realistic version of her. The eyes took me forever during Livestream, mainly the left eye. Make sure you thicken the brows a bit so it is similar to the realistic Bella.

STEP 4. Let's work on the hair next, by starting with the two parting areas that form in the middle, then moving onto the long pieces that curl and flare at the sides. Take your time with this, and try to make each strange have an equal width.

STEP 5. Ok, this is probably an easy part because of the hair and the neck. Draw the chunk of hair to the right, and work you way to the neck,collar and shirt.

STEP 6. Lastly, add her bust, then the wrinkles at the front and the remaining arms. This is definitely an easy step!

STEP 7. With further clean up, proportion proofing, you should have something similar to this. Make sure you ink it to a desirable medium so you can color it afterwards. I had so much fun with this lesson and stay tuned for my other anime Twilight tutorials!

How to Draw a Chibi Ghost

Location Drawing Tutorials Anime Manga Chibis How to Draw a Chibi Ghost

STEP 1. The first thing to drawing a chibi ghost is making a large circle. This is going to be for the body, and the head.

STEP 2. Using a squiggle stroke, begin drawing out the actual shape of the ghost's head. There is a wispy trail behind the head like you see here. It almost looks like the top of a witches hat.

STEP 3. Now you can draw out the big oval shaped eyes, and then make the chibi style signature mouth. When that is done you can draw in the small fin shaped arms, and sketch in the blush marks on the cheeks.

STEP 4. Well folks, I'm sorry to say but this lesson is officially over once you have drawn out the rest of the body. I like ghost styles that have cone shaped tunnels for the end of the misty body. Once you have drawn in that part of the body you can erase the lines and shapes that you drew in one.

STEP 5. This is how your chibi ghost looks when you are all done. You can choose to color it in, or leave this drawing the way it is. I hope you had fun with drawing a chibi ghost.

Drawing Anime Eyes

Location Drawing Tutorials Anime Manga Eyes Drawing Anime Eyes

STEP 1. A member said that they would appreciate if I would include a snapshot of what I use to draw with. For this lesson I used four tools, a high polyester eraser, and three different pencils used for drawing and shading as well as creating darkened lines in certain areas.

STEP 2. This sketched diagram or tip shows you how the angle of a common anime eye should look from top to bottom. As you can see the eye slants a bit inward for added expression.

STEP 3. For this type of anime eye, the character is most likely feeling strain, confusion, sadness, or pain. The ends of the eyes squeeze in a pinched fashion to give off this type of expression.

STEP 4. When drawing or coloring in the eyes, you will almost always have to leave a spot or two uncolored. This is to add the shine or glare factor for the anime eye as I point out to you here in this example.

STEP 5. For a less intense glare effect, shade in the area to be whitened out but keep some of the color inside of the eye. This will end up looking like a faded part of the eye glare or shine.

STEP 6. Let's begin drawing anime eyes shall we? Since there is more than six eyes, you will need to make ten different top lid lines. Each one is different in shape, size, and thickness.

STEP 7. You will now sketch out or draw the shape of each anime eye like you see here. Some of the eyes have eyebrows and lids exposed as you see here depending on the expression that are giving off.

STEP 8. Lastly, draw in the pupils, glare shape, and color or shade in the eyes the way you see them here. You can choose to draw one or two eyes, or the whole set it all depends on the type of anime or manga eye you are looking for.

STEP 9. And this is the finished hand sketched sheet of sketching paper that I drew my anime eyes on. Did you enjoy this lesson or what? I hope so because I know I had a blast teaching you all the secrets to drawing anime eyes.

How to Draw a Scary Eye, Scary Eye

Location Drawing Tutorials People Eyes How to Draw a Scary Eye, Scary Eye

STEP 1. First, let's start with the guidelines that will proportion the eye perfectly. You'll want to have the middle guideline in the center where the pupil aligns with it. Sketch your guidelines quickly and lightly.

STEP 2. Then, let's sketch the upper lid nice and thick. You'll want thick lines for this since the eye is suppose to seem dark and eerie. The lashes should be curled upwards at the crease since we're drawing this eye from the front.

STEP 3. Swiftly sketch the lashes with a thick back-end so they look like roots, resulting in a more realistic appearance.

STEP 4. Proceeding onwards, let's lightly add in the pupil and iris. The pupil is going to be rather small and iris empty to create an empty and penetrating stare of this scary eye.

STEP 5. To close up the eye, we'll sketch in the tear duct and the lower lids. The second lid line is where the lower lashes will be placed.

STEP 6. Sketch the lower lashes in scarce areas leaving them a bit scattered and bare in some areas. We want this eye to look beautiful but painful at the same time. Shade beneath the eye for the similar effect of the preview pic.

STEP 7. With excess shading and further detailing, you should have something similar to this (just black and white). Go ahead and scan in your picture and use Photoshop to overlay a desired color. I hope you've enjoyed this lesson as much as I had creating it. Thanks for viewing and have fun!

How to Make Asian Eyes

Location Drawing Tutorials People Eyes How to Make Asian Eyes

STEP 1. This is more of a helpful tip that will enable you to understand the way that these types of eyes should be drawn. All you have to do here is enlarge the step, and read along. Once you are done you can proceed onto step two which is where you will begin your drawing process.

STEP 2. To start, begin drawing the top lid lines of each style asian eye you see here. As with all my eye drawings, the lids are a bot bolder then normal. These are both male, and female Asian eyes that you can make with ease.

STEP 3. Now you will begin drawing the shapes of the eyes in more detail. Once you have finished with this step, you will have nicely drawn eyes that is fit for a male and female character of your choice.

STEP 4. For your last drawing step, all you have to do is draw, and color in the eyebrows, and then draw the eyeballs themselves leaving behind a solid white piece for the eyes glare. Erase the lines and shapes if there is any, and then move to see how your Asian style eyes should look.

STEP 5. When you are done, your newly drawn eyes should look like the ones you see here. Now you just learned how to make Asian eyes with ease, and the best part is, they where easy to draw.

How to Draw Realistic Clothes

Location Drawing Tutorials Drawing Technique Realistic How to Draw Realistic Clothes

STEP 1. Alright, let's draw a shiny satin dress. I chose to make this a full body drawing so starting out with the basic forms of the body helped.

STEP 2. I sketched in the basic form of the dress during this step.

STEP 3. Erase the guidelines until your dress looks like just another regular white dress.

STEP 4. Sketch in the folds. Notice the aren't just random lines in random places. Each fold is influenced by the form or the body/dress.

STEP 5. Lightly hint at the shading during this step. Remember to keep it light.

STEP 6. You can now start adding the shading from darkest to lightest. It is easier to tackle this in sections. Folds in different sections move in different directions. So after finishing the torso section I moved on to the waist section.

STEP 7. After finishing the waist section I moved on to the last section.

STEP 8. And finally we have our finished dress. If your dress isn't looking shiny enough try making your darks darker and your lights lighter. Creating contrast is key here.

STEP 9. Finally, I will show you how to build a Victorian-style dress. So, start out with the basic forms of the body sketched out.

STEP 10. Next, sketch in the basic form of the dress. It helps to add in some guidelines to help you get the perspective right.

STEP 11. Gradually develop the dress. Keep the shapes basic and the lines light.

STEP 12. Keep developing the dress...

STEP 13. Once you have added all that you want to add outline the main parts of the dress.

STEP 14. Now it's is time to start shading in piece by piece. It is up to you light/dark you make each part of your dress.

STEP 15. Here is the result of my shading. You can add as many details as you want and keep on shading until your dress looks perfectly realistic.

STEP 16. I hope this two part tutorial has been helpful. for those of you who stumbled on this part first check out the first part where I show you how to draw other types of clothing. Remember to upload your drawings so that I can see them!

How to Draw a Fairy Girl

Location Drawing Tutorials Fantasy Fairies How to Draw a Fairy Girl

STEP 1. Draw a small round shape for the head, and then draw out the rest of the shapes for the upper body, waist, and bottom area. You will then add the guidelines or the face, arm, and leg.

STEP 2. Sketch out the shape of the fairy girl's face, and then draw the bangs. Notice how there is a longer piece of bang on the right side of her face which is parted by her elven ear. Draw in her ear as well like you see here.

STEP 3. Draw in her pretty eyes making sure that the lashes are sort of long. Detail the inside of her ear, and then draw the nose and mouth.

STEP 4. Draw the rest of the fairy girls hairstyle which for me is long, puffy, and tied near the ends with an elastic.

STEP 5. Draw the chest which is perking out and be sure to sketch in her top which looks to be painted on her body. Next, draw her extending arm and then draw in the arch of her back and the flat stomach. If you look to the left you can see her necklace and pendent that you have to draw in as well.

STEP 6. You are almost done with this tutorial, and as you can see her hand is the first thing that gets drawn in. Once her hand is sketched out, you can draw the strings for the straps to her top, her arm bands, and then the tied laces around her waist.

STEP 7. Now it's time to draw out her pretty skirt which is designed to look like a few tree, or flower leaves stitched together. Once you create your skirt design you can proceed onto step eight.

STEP 8. Look at what you created so far, a beautiful fairy that looks amazing. Now you can draw out her stunning legs and pointed feet. Make a thick line behind the legs to define pose and then draw straps on her ankles.

STEP 9. The final step. As you can see all you need to do is draw out her pretty fairy wings. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up her body.

STEP 10. You have completed this lesson on how to draw a fairy girl. Now choose the shades you will use to color her in. Thanks for joining me with this lesson on how to draw a fairy.

How to Draw Heart Hands

Location Drawing Tutorials Pop Culture Symbols How to Draw Heart Hands

STEP 1. Start by making the outlined shapes of the two hands you will be drawing like you see here. The middle should hold a form of a spade. Next, make the lines of the arms or wrists.

STEP 2. Now you can start sketching out the shapes of the hands starting with the upper part of the hands surface, and lightly sketch out the index fingers as they start to touch at the middle part of the index fingers.

STEP 3. Now continue to sketch out the under surface of the fingers which is the soft tissue part of the hands. Once this is done you can draw the thumbs, as well as the lining that extends into the inward part of the wrists. Next and lastly for this step, sketch in some nails, and then in the end you should already have the shape of a heart formed.

STEP 4. For the last drawing step all you need to do is sketch out the rest of the fingers, and be sure to add the wrinkles, crinkles, and soft tissue of the underside of the hands. Erase the guidelines that you drew in step one, and then you are all done.

STEP 5. Here is the finished product when your sketch is all cleaned up, a nice drawing of a set of heart hands. I hope you enjoyed this lesson, now you can add them to your sketch book. Comments: Post Comment

How to Draw Emo Love

Location Drawing Tutorials Anime Manga People How to Draw Emo Love

STEP 1. You are drawing two figures, and to start draw tow head shapes, the facial lining , and then the shapes of their bodies or torso's.

STEP 2. Here you will start sketching out the classic emo style hair cuts. For the boy he has short hair with a long side bang that hangs or covers the left side of his face. The girl has a long hair style, with bangs that rest just above her brow. When you have drawing out their hair styles, you can move to the next step.

STEP 3. Sketch out the shapes of their faces, and then draw in the eyes, eyebrows, and mouths. The faces are in chibi form to make this tutorial not only cuter, but easier too. Once the eyes are drawn on the girl, you can thicken the top eye line, and then add the bottom lining for the eye-liner on both faces. Draw the eyeballs, and then draw the cute bow in her hair, as well as the rest of her long hair.

STEP 4. Begin sketching out their shirts, including the sleeves and all. Once that is done you can then move to the next step. See how easy this lesson is.

STEP 5. Continue to draw the emo clothes, and then add the stripes on her sleeves, and on his scarf. Draw a spiked bracelet on his wrist, and the hands for both the boy and girl. Draw the bent legs and or knees, and then draw a necklace around her neck.

STEP 6. Here all you have to do is sketch out their pants, and or legs. I drew them to look like they are sitting on something. As you can see instead of skinny jeans, I drew them wearing a pair of baggy tripp style pants.

STEP 7. Sketch out the feet and or sneakers, and you are all done. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew n step one to prepare the cute couple for color.

STEP 8. You can now go to town and start coloring in your newly drawn couple. I hope you had fun learning how to draw emo love, step by step. Join me again for another fun filled tutorial.

How to Draw Anime Vampires

Location Drawing Tutorials Monsters Vampires How to Draw Anime Vampires

STEP 1. The first thing you need to do is draw the head shape, and then draw the neck, shoulders, torso, and leg guidelines. When you are done you should have a wired frame like mannequin.

STEP 2. Begin sketching out the shape of this anime vampire's face. Include the nose and smile too.

STEP 3. Instead of drawing the top part of the head, I want you to sketch out his long straight hair instead. Add some detailing strand lines at the ends of the hair. Lastly, draw the eyes.

STEP 4. Add more detailing to his hair, and then draw the fangs. As you can see the fang that is visible sort of looks like a triangle that is resting over the bottom lip. Sketch the vintage ruffled shirt color which is under the vest. Draw the sleeves and or arms too.

STEP 5. Finish drawing the sleeves, and make sure the cuffs are ruffled up too. Next draw the hands, and notice how the right hand is holding a wine glass. Sketch out the bottom part of the vest, and then add some crinkle to it. You will also draw the belt line.

STEP 6. Draw the buckle, pants, and knee high boots like you see here. All you have to do for detail is add some folds, creases, and definition to the belt buckle. Erase the guidelines and shapes you drew in step one to clean up this character.

STEP 7. Color in the vampire you see before you now that you are done with this tutorial that taught you to draw an anime vampire. You did some really great work today! Comments: Post Comment

How to Draw Christian Bale, Christian Bale

Location Drawing Tutorials People Portraits How to Draw Christian Bale, Christian Bale

STEP 1. Start with this cut off oval by drawing it lightly with a No. 2 pencil or my recommended 0.7mm mechanical pencil.

STEP 2. Draw the bisecting line to symmetrically place his features.

STEP 3. In this step, draw the partial crescent shape for his hairline and head mass.

STEP 4. These lines are great guides to draw a. the eyebrows, b. the eyes, c. the nose, and last d. the mouth. Observe closely where his features appear on the guidelines then draw them onto your guidelines as we continue the steps.

STEP 5. Now sketch in the eyebrows and eyes.

STEP 6. Sketch in the eyelids, irises, pupils, nose, ears, mouth, chin, and neck placement.

STEP 7. Draw in his hair fluff and shoulder placements. Your drawing is forming into Christian Bales. Can you see a hint of his likeness?

STEP 8. Okay, here's the challenge. Getting all his hair drawn. Just follow those curved lines and you should accomplish those features. I've put in the hair wisps on his eyebrows and facial hair. Draw short stubby lines to represent his beard and mustache growth. The long lines on the left side of his face, facing us, is the deep shadow.

STEP 9. I break most of my tutorials into two parts. One part is for those of you who want to do the line drawing. The second part is more detailed giving steps on how to complete the drawing in pencil, along with juicy tips. At this point, all the guidelines you have drawn should be erased.

STEP 10. You can see this outline is different from the lined drawing. Here your lines should be lighter so you can shade and add tone and value to your picture. The next steps will give some great information on tone, how to shade and what to use. If you follow these steps, you'll surprise yourself each time you draw. Don't be afraid to try and don't be ashamed of your work. You are creative, an artist, a sponge to absorb what is here for you.

STEP 11. Here are the tools I used. I really recommend them for you to use. You wonder how I can draw these, well tools make almost half of what you see. I didn't use as many pencils and blending stumps. Also in the second picture, those small curving arrows represent the direction you should follow with your blending tool.

STEP 12. Here is how the tools look. I used on Christian the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, 9B crayon, tissue, blending stump. In the next picture you'll see a White Gel Pen. I used that instead of Acrylic White Paint for fine white lines and shine in Christian's eyes.

STEP 13. Here's my new helper! The White Gel Pen with a fine point! Here's a great secret about a good mechanical pencil. Though you may buy them in different barrel sizes, like 0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm, etc., you can purchase different lead strengths--like 3H or F-Fine, HB, 2B, etc. 2B is the darkest.

STEP 14. For fine details like Christians eyebrows, irises or facial hair, drawing in the overhand position (like in the picture) is ideal. Shading in large areas on Christian's face with the 9B pencil on its side gets the job done quicker. Doing this underhand makes it easy.

STEP 15. Print out the shapes then shade them like in the example. If you say, "I can't do that picture," then this is ideal for you. It gives you control and you'll find the shapes quite beautiful! The next steps will finish the drawing. Following will be tips on tone, shading, highlighting, and more.

STEP 16. I used a different paper where my graphite applications were darker and my pencil glided over the surface quicker. I used straight lines to shade his face with a 9B pencil very lightly. I marveled at the great range on this paper -- real light to absolute dark. The 0.7mm mech pencil was used for his hair strands, facial hair, etc.

STEP 17. It's amazing how this picture still looks finished after blending with a tissue. Still, I did not randomly rub over his eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and hair scruff. Another thing, I don't draw small. I draw on an A4 (or 8-1/2 by 11) paper size (like typing or copy paper). I use almost all the paper to draw in the head and neck so the shading areas are large enough to avoid important features.

STEP 18. Here is the finished product. The darkness in his hair (all over), shadowed on left side of face (facing us), and neck are darkened with the 9B Crayon. This contrast is rich and bold much like the actor himself! Don't stop here, there's a highlight and Tone treat coming up!

STEP 19. Click on this picture to see how Tone, Shading, Texture, and Reflective Light affects Christian Bale, who is a profound actor in the film industry!

STEP 20.

Without highlights, your picture would have a flat appearance. Click on this picture to learn how to make your own picture POP out! I am closing out now. But you all have been wonderful and it has been a great pleasure to do this tutorial with you. Please fav, comment, and vote here. And I will definitely reply back soon or eventually. Love, peace, happiness, success, and more beautiful days to ya! *hug* *blowkiss*

Draw Anime Expressions

Location Drawing Tutorials Anime Manga Head How to Draw Anime Expressions

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