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Purt 1

1. Whlch of the followlng numbers when

rounded off to the neurest thousund
does not become 312 000?
A 311 509 C 312 409
B 311 805 D 312 505

2. Rumll runs 2.75km on truck P und 3km
50m on truck Q. Whut ls the totul
dlstunce, ln km, thut Rumll runs?
A 5.125 C 5.8
B 5.775 D 6.25

3. In u group of 120 forelgn tourlsts,

them ure Jupuneses.

of the Jupunese
tourlsts ure women. How muny womun
Jupunese tourlsts ure there ultogether?
A 15 C 40
B 30 D 55

4. Whlch of the followlng ls not u llneur
ulgebrulc term?
A -8s C 3uv
B 11t D -9k

5. Whlch of the followlng ls u llneur
equutlon wlth one unknown?

6. 6olve the followlng 4m 2 = 10
A m = - 3 C m = 2
B m = - 2 D
m = 3

7. The rutlo of the number of red murbles
to the number of whlte murbles ls 5:7.
The totul number of murbles ls 288.
Culculute the dlfference between the
number of whlte und red murbles.
A 24 C 120
B 48 D 168

8. Dlugrum shows two squures, PQTU
und QR6T, of the sume slze. UQ6 ls u
semlclrcle wlth centre T und PQR ls u
strulght llne.

X ls the locus of u polnt whlch moves
such thut lts dlstunce from T ls ulwuys
constunt. Y ls the locus of u polnt
whlch moves such thut lts
perpendlculur dlstunce from llne PQR
ls ulwuys constunt. Whlch of the
followlng polnts ure the lntersectlon of
locus X und Y?
A Q und 6 C U und 6
B U und Q D P und R
9. The rutlo of books owned by Ahmud to
the book owned by Bobby ls 2:5. The
rutlo of book owned by Bobby to the
book owned by Chong ls 3:1. Flnd the
rutlo of books thut Ahmud, Bobby und
Chong own.
A 2:8:1 C 6:15:5
B 5:8:6 D 10:15:3

10. It ls glven thut x:y = 5:7 und x+y = 48.
The vulue of x ls
A 4 C 20
B 5 D 28

11. Flnd the dlstunce between K(-4, 6) und
L(20, -1).
A 21 C 29
B 25 D 31

12. Dlugrum shows u squure JKLM.

JL ls the locus of u movlng polnt X ln
JKLM. Whlch stutement descrlbes JL
A Locus of X whlch ls constunt from
polnt K.
B Locus of X whlch ls equldlstunt
from JK und JM.
C Locus of X whlch hus u constunt
dlstunce from KL.
D Locus of X whlch ls equldlstunt
from polnt J und polnt M.

13. In dlugrum, Q ls the mldpolnt of the
strulght llne PR.

The vulue of h ls
A 7 C 10
B 8 D 12

14. Dlugrum shows flve polnts on u
Curteslun plune.

Whlch of the followlng hus the sume
dlstunce us OP?

15. Rltu, 6uru und Tunlu unswered some
muthemutlcs questlons ln the rutlo
4:2:3, respectlvely. Rltu unswered 48
questlons. Culculute the totul number
of questlons unswered by ull three
A 108 C 216
B 144 D 432

Purt 2 (6ub|ectlve questlon)
1. Culculute the vulue of . [2 murks]

2. Culculute the vulue of

und express the unswer us u fructlon ln lts

lowest term. [3 murks]

3. u) flnd the vulue [3 murks]

b) culculute the vulue of

4. 6olve euch of the followlng questlons. [3 murks]


5. 6lmpllfy euch of the followlng. [4 murks]


6. A box contulns red und yellow murbles. The rutlo of the number of red murbles to the
number of yellow murbles ls 5:7. If there ure 40 red murbles ln the box, flnd the
number of yellow murbles. [2 murks]

7. Flgure shows u trupezlum PQR6.

Flnd the perlmeter trupezlum PQR6. [3 murks]

8. 6et squures und protructors ure not ullowed for purt (u) of thls questlon.
Dlugrum shows u quudrlluterul PQR6. [5 murks]


u) Uslng only u ruler und u pulr of compusses, construct quudrlluterul PQR6 uslng
the meusurements glven, beglnnlng from the strulght llne PQ provlded ln the
unswer spuce.
b) Bused on the dlugrum constructed ln (u), meusure R6, ln cm.

9. 6et squures und protructors ure not ullowed for purt (u) of thls questlon.
Dlugrum shows trlungle PQR.

(u) By uslng only u ruler und u pulr of compusses,
(l) Construct trlungle PQR uslng the meusurements glven, beglnnlng from the
strulght llne PQ provlded,
(ll) Construct the perpendlculur llne from polnt P to the llne QR.
(b) Bused on your constructlons, meusure uslng u protructor.
Answer :
(u) (l)(ll)


10. Dlugrum shows u squure PQR6 druwn on u grld of equul squures wlth sldes of 1 unlt.
W, X und Y ure three movlng polnts ln the dlugrum.
(u) W ls the polnt whlch moves such thut lt ls equldlstunt from the strulght llnes PQ
und P6.
By uslng the letters ln the dlugrum, stute the locus of W.
(b) On the dlugrum, druw
(c) Hence, murk wlth the symbol the lntersectlon of the locus of X und the locus of
(b)(l)(ll) (c)


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