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Semester Question Bank Advanced Network Infrastructure Administration: AN 2.3.19 B. Sc.

ITM 3rd Semester: Network Engineering Unit1(Each Question Carries 6/7 Marks) Q1. Why do you require a DHCP Server? Describe the steps involved in installing and authorizing the DHCP service. Q-2. What do you mean by a DHCP scope? List the corresponding features (with a brief description for each feature) associated with the New Scope wizard. Q-3. What is the use of reservation in a DHCP service? Discuss how to create a reservation. Q-4. Discuss how to manage DHCP from a command line. List the steps involved in using the DHCP commands interactively at the command prompt. Q-5. What is super scope? Briefly discuss the concept of superscope and write down the steps involved in creating a superscope. Q-6. Briefly discuss the concepts of DNS Dynamic Updates with DHCP. Q-7. Describe the stages of a DHCP lease process with a suitable diagram. Q-8. What is Audit Logging? Discuss how to locate and analyze DHCP audit logs in Windows 2003 Server. Q-9. Discuss how to verify the DHCP Client configuration for troubleshooting. Q-10. Discuss how to verify the DHCP Server configuration for troubleshooting. Unit2(Each Question Carries 6/7 Marks) Q-11. What is Routing? Explain how to use the Routing and Remote Access feature in Windows server 2003. Q-12. Where do you find RRAS? Discuss the major concepts related to configuration of RRAS. Q-13. What is a Routing Table? How many types of routes are found in a Routing table? Give a brief description of these routes. Q-14. What do you mean by Static Routing? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Static Routing? Q-15. What is Demand-Dial Routing? List the four commands that are unique to the demand-dial interface shortcut menu with a brief description. Q-16. How to deploy a Demand-Dial Router-to-Router Configuration? Discuss the features. Q-17. What is Network Address Translation? Describe the difference between ICS and NAT. << 1 >>

Q-18. How to troubleshoot NAT? Discuss at least 5 troubleshooting points. Q-19. Give an overview of Routing Information Protocol (RIP). Discuss RIP as a dynamic routing protocol. Q-20. Give an overview of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Discuss OSPF as a dynamic routing protocol. Q-21. What is the function of a DHCP Relay Agent? Describe the steps involved in configuring any DHCP Relay Agent. Q-22. How to create a packet filter? Discuss the concept prior to writing the creation steps. Q-23. Prepare a list of six authentication protocols (should be in order from most secure to least secure). Describe very briefly all these protocols each with two or three lines. Q-24. What do you understand by a Remote Access Policy? Write a short note over concepts related to Remote Access Policy. Q-25. Prepare a check list of minimum of six points (each with a brief description) for troubleshooting Remote Access Connections. Q-26. What is VPN? Explain the following two types of VPNs : a) Remote Access VPN b) Router-to-Router VPN Q-27. Prepare a check list of minimum six points (each with a brief description) for troubleshooting Remote Access VPNs. Q-28. Prepare a check list of minimum six points (each with a brief description) for troubleshooting Router-to-Router VPNs. Unit3(Each Question Carries 6/7 Marks) Q-29. Describe the use of Network Security Protocols. Mention five different protocol paradigms with purpose and example for network security. Q-30. What is the function of secedit command? Give brief descriptions and comments for the following settings for secedit command: a) configure b) analyze c) import d) export e) validate f) overwrite g) mergepolicy Q-31. What is IPSec? Discuss the uses and working principle of this complex protocol.Q-32. Describe the IPSec negotiation process with a suitable diagram. Q-33. Prepare a check list of minimum of seven points (each with a brief description) for making your IPSec policy work. Q-34. How to determine: << 2 >>

a) Whether your IPSec blocking rules are working? b) Whether Kerberos is being used for authentication? Q-35. What is a network counter? Give a list of five helpful counters with property and description. Q-36. How to start the Performance Console? Which three counters are automatically started on executing perfmon.exe? What are the major reasons for choosing the performance console over task manager? Q-37. The first problem to gauge in troubleshooting connectivity to the internet is to decide whether the problem is network related or name resolution related. Briefly focus over the following troubleshooting points: (a) Identifying connectivity Issues (b) Identifying Name Resolution Issues Q-38. How to verify the DHCP Server? Give at least three reasons and discuss for which DHCP information might not be delivered to the client. Q-39. Discuss the diagnosing and resolving issues related to service dependency in a Windows 2003 Server. Q-40. Discuss the use of Service Recovery Options to diagnose and resolve service related issues in a Windows 2003 Server. -----The End-----

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