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Wireless Data Communication

In Todays Electronic communication take important role. Using Todays Communication technology the data transmission and reception from one Place to another is easy and fast. In our project we have two sections, one is transmitter another one Receiver and in transmitting section we have AT89C52 Microcontroller, PC and LCD. In receiver section we have another AT89C52Microcontroller and LCD At the time when data will transfer from the transmitter a predefined code will be Added with every eight bit data and when this data receive by the receiver this code Will be decode by the receiver and generate the exact data that will be displayed On LCD. In this project Wireless Encoding and decoding are using one of the techniques Called cipher text technique. Encryption is any procedure to convert plaintext into Cipher text. Decryption is any procedure to convert cipher text into plaintext.

Block Diagram:

Block Diagram

1. Electrical design schematics. 2. Soldered Custom PCB. 3. Writing controller program.

4. Debugging the program .

Tools Required:
1. KiCAD 2. Microcontroller IDE

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