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L.D.College of Engineering M.E.

sem II Subject : Mobile Computing Practical list Topic: WML and WMLScript 1) Write a currency converter program(Eg if you supply rupees, it converts it into US $) 2) Prepare a home page for a company and provide three links office details, staff, sales report. If you click on office details, it shows office address. If you click on staff , new card should appear that shows staff details in ascending order of the firstname and within that lastname. If you click on sales report, it should show sales details. 3) Prepare the advertisement for a phone company. Prepare four decks with images and appropriate text. Use different time interval between display of decks. 4) Provide the list of countries and if you click on any of them, show capital of the country along with the flag. 5) Get the employee service record. Show three textboxes on the screen where user can enter data. First textbox for FIRST NAME, the restriction on data should be first letter capital, other letters can be capital or small, maximum 10 characters. Second textbox for LAST NAME, the restriction on data should be first letter capital, other letters can be capital or small, maximum 10 characters. SERVICECODE First two letters(Capital) , next 4 numbers and last two letters(small). Provide PRINT option and on choosing PRINT it should show all the details together on screen. 6) Take the student details. Student name- only alphabets Percentage Numbers Date of Birth ddmmyyyy Email Check his percentage and determine the class. Percentage > 67 Distinction. Percentage > 60 and percentage<67 first class. Percentage <60 and percentage >=50 second class. Percentage <50 and percentage>=40 Pass class Else fail. When OK is pressed, show name , age and his class on the screen. 7) A word count game. Enter a sentence. Enter a character. Enter a word. Find out the total occurrences of a given character from a sentence. Find out the total occurrences of a given word from a sentence.

8) Enter a date. Check whether the date is valid or not. Apply validations for date, month,year). 9) Ask a person to guess a number. After he finishes entering a number, generate a random number. If both the numbers match, announce the price otherwise display a message try once more. 10) Write a WML deck that shows the food menu with items and price. Write another WML deck that shows drinks menu with items and price. Allow user to select food items and drink items. After selection confirm with the user that generate bill? If user says yes, show all the items selected and total bill. Provide soft keys for selection. 11) Create a portfolio deck. Provide hyperlinks. Student1 Student2 Student3 If you click on any of the hyperlink, his/her photo along with her brief data should be displayed. 12) Show the jumbled word on the screen for 30 seconds. Allow the user to guess the word and total no of characters. If it goes correct show the next word. If user guesses it right, repeat it five times. Whenever user makes a wrong guess , still the game countinues but 5 marks deducted from score. For correct guess, give 10 points. At the end of five turns show the score. 13) _omp_t_r Allow the user to guess the missing characters. Guesses should be equal to number of blanks. If user guesses it correctly, give 10 points. And show the next word. 13) Develop a calculator for basic binary operators (+,-,*,/). 14) Design a scheduler for the day. Time Appointment 10.0 am Meeting 2.0 pm Guest Lecture 4.30 pm Project presentation Ask user to buzz an alert at that time.

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