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Ateneo Student Catholic Action Tranisition Seminar

TRANSITION AND EVALUATION SEMINAR MODULE Transitioning is a passage from one phase to another. Every year, student organizations undergo a transitioning between the outgoing set of officers with that of the newly-elected ones. It is a vital aspect of organization development because: It makes sure there is growth for the succeeding year Builds up on past successes and failures, i.e. not starting from scratch Allows for a clearer understanding of the various roles and structures which minizes the difficulties of the incoming set of officers. In the context of AtSCA, transitioning allows the Executive Boards (EB) to not only continue the systems established or the projects implemented, but also for a continuity in the aspect of formation for the members. The Transition-Evaluation Seminar (TrEvSem) will be held simultaneously with the Evaluation Seminar at the end of the terms of the outgoing Executive Board. Hence, this module will be a merger of both Transitions and Evaluations. The event will include the following: Membership Deliberations Evaluations Transitioning (to be discussed below) Note that the whole event will take place in the context of a prayer. Thus, the following steps are deemed necessary for proper evaluations and transitioning. Before the Event 1. Before the EB Deliberations for the incoming EB, each member of the outgoing EB must refine their corresponding roles in the Code of Internal Procedures (CIP). 2. After the announcement of the official list of the incoming Executive Board, an individual consultation must be scheduled with the succeeding officer for the following schoolyear. Durign the Event (duration: 1 day) The transitioning will involve three parts: (1) focusing on the projects, and (2) clarification on the structure and various roles as the Executive Board, especially as formators, and (3) formal transition ceremony. A. Projects and Systems 1. The outgoing officer reports on the projects and systems implemented for the previous year.

Ateneo Student Catholic Action Tranisition Seminar

a. Must include the description of the project, strengths, weaknesses and recommendations. b. There will be a follow-up Q&A from the rest of the officers. i. Note: It is highly encouraged that the incoming officer ask as much as possible. 2. After the rounds of reporting, the incoming and outgoing officers much meet as a pair to discuss how to better improve the project for the following year. a. The outgoing officer can only do as much as recommend and never impose. b. In the event that the outgoing officer is also an incoming officer, it it recommended that the outgoing officer first discuss with his/her successor before proceeding to meet with the person whose position he/she will take the following year. 3. After the meet-up, the whole Executive Board, both incoming and outgoing are to consolidate all efforts and reach a concensus. a. The incoming officer will always have the final decision when it comes to the suggestions. b. All changes will be placed at the CIP. B. Formation 1. After the consolidation of the roles, the outgoing President facilitates the all the Executive Board for the clarification of roles. a. The outgoing officer reads a summary of the roles and functions of his/her office based on both the Constitution and the CIP. b. The incoming officers will then ask topics regarding the formative responsibilities of each role. Note that this is not limited only to the incomingoutgoing pair; any member of the EB can help out with the clarification of roles. 2. The outgoing President then clarifies the structure of the EB, with its functions as a whole. a. Specify role of the Coordinators and the moderators b. Specify role of the Officers c. Specify role of the EB in general and its relation to FFC, COA, the communities, and other external organizations such as SLB, the PeaceMakers, etc. C. Formal Closing 1. All officers will evaluate the organization as a whole, with the following aspects: a. Three Pillars b. Community c. Externals d. Organization in general

Ateneo Student Catholic Action Tranisition Seminar

2. Each member of the outgoing EB will make a speech in front of the whole community regarding their sentiments for the year that has been. 3. The audience may give feedback after each speech. 4. The outgoing officer must also hand out a parting gift to the incoming officer with whatever he/she deems best. a. The Coordinators give a parting gift to the incoming Coordinators b. Each cell will give a parting gift to the incoming cell leaders 5. The incoming President will then give a speech on behalf of the incoming EB. The following flow is proposed to maximize transitioning and evaluations: Arrival, clean-up, settling down Opening Prayer Membership Deliberations Reporting of Projects and Systems Formation Meeting Transition Ceremony Closing Prayer Note also that the event is not only for proper transitioning, evaluations and deliberations, but also to build the community, past and future. Other members of the organization are invited with the exception on the Membership Deliberations, where only the outgoing EB can participate and the incoming EB as observers. Please make sure to allot a considerable amount of time for other aspects such as sleep, eating and community building activities. After the event 1. Keep communication with the incoming and outgoing officers. 2. The incoming officers must trust and believe in the Lord in undertaking all tasks.

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