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Name_______________________ Theme 6, Week 3: Skills Assessment 1. What is the frogs problem in The Red-Eyed Tree Frog?

He needs to find something to eat. He needs to find a place to sleep. He needs to find a new home. 2. How did the frog solve his problem? He found a new home. He found a moth and ate it. He found a place to sleep. 3. Why wont the frog eat the caterpillar? It is too pretty. It is his friend. It is poisonous. 4. What makes the frog jump? an iguana a snake a katydid 5. Which word has a long a vowel team? hat rain game 6. Which word has a long a vowel team? play late track

7. Which word matches this picture? sail sale fail 8. Which word matches this picture? pay play pain 9. Which word means more than one? dog cat hens 10. Which word means more than one? boys father girl Comprehension Skill: Making Predictions Read each passage and predict what will happen next. 11. It is evening in the forest. A mouse comes out of its nest. It sees a nut. It will go to sleep. It will eat it. It will play. 12. A boy wakes up. He gets dressed and eats breakfast. He gets on a bus. He will go to school. He will go to sleep. He will watch TV. 13. A woman holds a cup of coffee. She walks fast. She slips on a marble. She drinks her coffee. She spills her coffee. She has breakfast. 14. A girl finishes her homework. She plays and eats dinner. It is night. She goes out and plays. She eats breakfast. She goes to bed.

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