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Organs: Blood Lymph ducts Lymph nodes Spleen Thymus Tonsils Anatomy and Physiology: LYMPHATIC SYSTEM bodys immune or defense system against the invasion of foreign microorganisms. Drainage system Network of vessels and glands that assist in purifying the blood LYMPH VESSELS: Capillaries smallest lymphatic vessels, carry lymph fluid to the larger lymph vessels Valves Lymph ducts o Thoracic duct draining most of the body o Cistern chili large collection pouch at the beginning of the duct Empties into the LEFT SUBCLAVIAN VEIN o Right lymphatic duct drain into the RIGHT SUBCLAVIAN VEIN LYMPH NODES: small knobs of lymphatic tissue that are located along the route of the lymphatic vessels Functions: Removing impurities form the body Manufacturing lymphocytes Producing antibodies to fight disease SITES FOR LYMPH NODES Axillary o Becomes enlarged during infections of arms and breast; cancer cells from breasts may be present Cervical o Drains part of the head and neck Mediastinal o Assists in draining infection from within the chest cavity Inguinal o Drains area of the legs and lower pelvis ACCESORY LYMPH ORGANS Tonsils o Located on each side of the pharynx o Filter to protect the body from the invasion of bacteria o Aid in the production of WBC Spleen o Located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen o Important function within the embryo of forming all types of blood cells o Adult, forms only lymphocytes and monocytes o Filters out old red blood cells and stores some of the blood supply for the body o Not essential organ for life Thymus gland o Located in the upper portion of the chest or mediastinum o Assists the body with the immune function and the development of antibodies o Changes lymphocytes to T cells o Provide immunity within the cells

Suffixes Relating to the Lymphatic System -blast -cyte -cytosis -emia -globin -lytic -osis -penia -phage -phil -philia -poiesis -stasis Smbryonic, primitive germ cell Cell Abnormal condition of cells Blood condition Protein Destruction Abnormal, increase Decrease Eat, swallow To have an attraction for To have an attraction for Formation Standing still

Vocabulary Relating to the Lymphatic System Allergen Allergy Anaphylaxis Antibody Antigen AntigenAntibody reaction Atypical Cell Cytotoxic Helper cells Human immunodeficien cy Humoral immunity Immune response Immune system Immunoglobulin s Inflammatory response Killer cells Lymph Oppurtunistic infections Retrovirus Capable of resulting a hypersensitivity or allergy in the body Hypersensitivity to a substance in the environment or medication Severe reaction to an antigen Protein material produced in the body as a response to the invasion of a foreign substance Substance that is capable of inducing the formation of an antibody Combination of the antigen with its specific antibody to increase susceptibility to phagocytosis and immunity Abnormal Basic unit of the body T cells that are destructive to cells and can kill foreign invasion cells (T8 cells) T cells that help the B cells to recognize the antigens (T4 cells) Virus that causes AIDS Immunity that responds to antigens such as bacteria and foreign agents Ability of lymphocytes to respond to specific antigens Bodys defense mechanism to fight foreign organisms that produce disease Antibodies secreted by the B cells Non-specific immune response that occurs as a reaction to any type of bodily injury T cells that can kill by entrapping foreign cells, tumor cells, and bacteria ( T8 cells) Clear, transparent, colorless fluid found in the lymphatic vessels and the cistern chili Infectious diseases that are associated with AIDS since they are the result of the lowered immune system and resistance of the body to infections and parasites Virus, such as HIV, in which the virus copies itself using the hosts DNA

Common Disorders of the Lymphatic System Adenoiditis Lymphadenitis Peritonsillar abscess Tonsillitis Inflammation of the adenoid tissue of the nasopharynx Inflammation of the lymph glands Infection of the tissues between the tonsils and the pharynx (Quinsy sore throat) Inflammation of the tonsils Pathology of the Lymphatic System Acquired immune deficiency Disease that involves a defect in the cell-mediated immunity system

sysndrome AIDS-related complex Anaphylactic shock Edema Elephantiasis Epstein-Barr virus Hepatitis Hodgkins disease Kaposis sarcoma Lymphangioma Lymphoma Lymphosarcoma Mononucleosis Multiple sclerosis Non-hodgkins lymphoma Pneumocystis carnii Sarcoidosis Splenomegaly Systemic lupus erythematosus Thyoma

Early stage of AIDS Life-threatening condition resulting form the ingestion of food or medications that produce a severe allergic response Local condition in which the body tissue contain excessive amounts of tissue fluid Inflammation, obstruction, and destruction of the lymph vessels which results in enlarges tissue due to edema Virus which is believed to be the cause of infectious mononucleosis Serious, inflammatory disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus Can result in solid tumors in any lymphoid tissue. Sarcoma that can occur in an number of areas, but initially in the skin. Common in AIDS patients. Benign mass of lymphatic vessels Malignant tumor of the lymph nodes and tissue Malignant disease of the lymphatic tissue Acute infectious disease with a large number of atypical lymphocytes Autoimmune disorder of the CNC in which the myelin sheath of nerves is attacked Malignant, solid tumors of lymphoid tissue Pneumonia common in AIDS patient, caused by infection of a parasite Inflammatory disease of the lymph system in which lesions may appear in the liver, skin, lungs, lymph nodes, spleen, eyes, and small bones of the hands and feet Enlargement of the spleen Chronic autoimmune disorder of connective tissue that causes injury to the skin, joint, kidneys, mucous membranes, and nervous system Malignant tumor of the thymus gland Procedures Relating to the Lymphatic System

Lymphadenecto my Lymphoidectom y Splenopexy Tonsillectomy

Excision of lymph node Surgical excision of lymphoid tissue Artificial fixation of a movable spleen Surgical removal of the tonsils

Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests of the Lymphatic System Bone marrow aspiration CT scan ELISA Lymphangiogra m Western blot Removing a sample of bone marrow by syringe for microscopic examination Use of computerized tomography to diagnose disorders of the lymphoid organs Enzyme immunoassay test used to test blood for an antibody to the AIDS virus X-ray taken of the lymph vessels after the injecton of dye into the foot Test used as a backup to the ELISA blood test to detect the presence of the antibody to HIV in the blood

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