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Family-related Problems: Teenage Motherhood

In our society, the family is regarded as one of the primary agents of socialization. It functions as protection and aid to individuals especially when confronting stressful demands of daily life (Macionis, 1996). Sadly, the socialization function of the family are less pronounced today since the adults (parents) are not readily available for their childrens care. Because the nature of the family changes as more parents spend time at work than supervising kids at home, family-related problems occur. One of these problems not alien to our country is the rise in the number of teenage pregnancy.

This problem may be due to a number of different factors. Firstly, because of improvements in health and nutrition among the population, the age of beginning menstruation and thus suspectibility to becoming pregnant has gone down over the years (Neubeck & Neubeck , 1999). Therefore, the size of the population at risk for pregnancy has grown. Also, in the era of globalization and declining adult supervision, exposure to media and peer group influence confuses how adolescents should respond to different scenarios.
Madison Sheena Nazareno Vejerano (08B1904) SP 1107 Reflective Portfolio Assignment Univerisiti Brunei Darussalam

The article I have chosen suggests that two of the main factors that may lead to this problem in our nation is the free and easy behaviour and too much socializing happening among youngsters now. Social ethics that were practiced before are no longer being practiced today (Rohani HAH,2008). Teens are likely to engage in sex based on the number of risk factors which includes having a boyfriend or girlfriend, permissive parental values, poor school performance and alcohol and drug use.

Also, there is still a widespread lack of knowledge and misinformation regarding birth control measures among adolescents. The government tries to curb this problem by increasing awareness, but of course sex education remains a controversial subject even today. The teenage population are often embarrassed and scared to discuss such issues and using contraceptive measures may appear inconvenient especially when such measures are not affordable to such young groups.

Another explanation may be due to unplanned sexual intercourse cases which include date rape or acquaintance rape. These situations wherein the teenage female are sexually coerced is of great issue to feminists
Madison Sheena Nazareno Vejerano (08B1904) SP 1107 Reflective Portfolio Assignment Univerisiti Brunei Darussalam

the world over. Statistics show that most of unmarried teenage pregnancies are fathered by adults who appear to be manipulative and dominant. This patriarchy and unequal sexual autonomy pose great threats to young female teens. Though abortion may be a hidden option, considering one may be lifethreatening. Also, serious health problems are found among many young mothers and their infants. Consequently, the probability of living in hardship is quite high teenage motherhood decreases the possibility of finishing school and securing a job. For those who are fortunate, family and friends may help an adolescent mother cope with the new stress but this help could only go so far. The newfound pressures of parenting may cause serious psychological stress,too.

Overall, this issue implies that despite strict cultural values, our teenagers are indeed sexually active. This is a fact that most adults turn a blind eye on. Although, teenage pregnancy has not yet become a major concern to our nation, prevention would help tackle the rising number in the statistics of teenage pregnancy. Secondly, the cost associated with teenage pregnancies and its aftermath is equally important,too. Lastly, preventing teenage pregnancy is not a job for a single institution and should involve the

Madison Sheena Nazareno Vejerano (08B1904) SP 1107 Reflective Portfolio Assignment Univerisiti Brunei Darussalam

family, teachers and all relevant institutions and voluntary social support groups (Rohani HAH, 2008).

Madison Sheena Nazareno Vejerano (08B1904) SP 1107 Reflective Portfolio Assignment Univerisiti Brunei Darussalam

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