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Math Lesson Plan 4-6 Days Unit 2 Concept 4 Objective: Skill: Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

1.6.C.1.b Solve a given word problem based on addition or subtraction situation

Real world problems can be solved using multiple strategies. What questions can be answered using subtraction and/or addition? What strategy is helpful to decide if a solution makes sense (is reasonable)? Answer to word problems need to make sense; when joining, the answer gets larger, when separating or comparing the answer gets smaller. Word problems can be answered using different strategies, including identifying words that help to recognize whether a number is being composed or decomposed; traditional algorithms; drawing pictures; acting out; counting on; counting backwards; etc.


Error Intervention
IF students have difficult time deciding between addition and subtraction THEN consider having students model and act out the word problem to determine the underlying function. IF students have a difficult time deciding between addition and subtraction THEN consider reviewing and re-teaching trigger words, such as left, remaining, altogether, in all, etc. IF students are able to determine which function to use, but are unable to correctly solve the problem THEN consider reviewing and re-teaching students how to construct a number sentence.

Vocabulary: addition sentence, subtraction sentence, word problem, plus, equals, add, put together, sum, in all, altogether, addend, count on, forward, total, minus, subtract, take apart, difference, left, remaining, subtrahend, minuend, count back, backwards Daily: Review Calendar, Problem of the Day, Spiral Review Activities:
Joining Groups - SF Grade 1 Lesson 2-1 (p. 45A) Teacher tells a joining story, and students act out the events. Then students use manipulatives (train car and counters) to represent the joining story. Separating Groups - SF Grade 1 Lesson 2-7 (p. 61A) Teacher tells a separating story and students acts out the events. Then students use counters (train car and counters) to represent the separating story. Choose an Operation - SF Grade 1 Lesson 2-12 (p. 71A) Teacher tells joining and separating stories, and the students determine which operation to use to solve the problems. Drawing Conclusions About a Math Story - SF Grade 1 Lesson 2-12 (p. 71B) Teacher records math stories (joining or separating) on the board, and students help pick out the trigger words that tell what operation to use. Add of Subtract? - SF Grade 1 Lesson 2-12 (p. 71B) Teacher narrates separating or joining problems, and students tell the operation that is needed and how they know. Students use counters and/or paper and pencil to show their thinking. MW exploring word problems MW word problem key words

MW write expressions pictures MW write expression word problems MW addition word problems MW subtraction word problems MW mixed word problems SF Grade 1 TE Lesson 2-6 (pp. 57A-58) SF Grade 1 TE Lesson 4-4 (pp. 133A-134) SF Grade 1 TE Lesson 4-8 (pp. 143A-144)

Lesson Summary and/or Assessment: CIRCLE ONE class share-out multiple choice journal entry bcr

other: _________________________________

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