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Mothers Day: The Development

Treatment Act 1. The scene opens with a plain decorated Mothers Day card with the default message inside being stuffed into an envelope. We follow the envelope being carelessly tossed into a postbox. Act 2. Ren goes to wait for the bus at the bus stop beside the postbox with a rose in his hand. A little girl is already sitting there with her hands clasping something on her chest. Ren pays no mind. The little girl begins sniffling and soon after the noise starts to irritate Ren. Annoyed, Ren looks to find out what her problem is. Roux shows Ren the locket with a picture of her Mother inside. A tear drops on the picture. Ren feels sorry for Roux and wants to comfort her, the only thing he can think to do is to give the little girl the rose he was carrying. Ren hands his rose to Roux. Roux looks at Ren with large upset eyes and slowly take the flower and hugs him. Shocked at first Ren isn t sure how to react, but he eventually rubs the little girl on the head. He thinks about his own Mother and realises that he treats her as If she were dead already. Act 3. Inside A quaint house we stare at a door with an envelope sticking out. After a while knocking can be heard on the door. A little old lady comes and opens the door and lo and behold Ren stands there holding a bunch of roses a little girl and a happy grin, with a little girly suitcase at the doorstep with a rose attached to it.

The Step Outline:

Act 1. y Act 2. y y y y y Act 3. y y y y Inside house see door with envelope sticking out Knocking on door Little old lady opens door Ren appears with a bouquet of roses and roux for his mother Ren waits at bus top with little girl. Girl sobs Ren finds out she lost her Mother Ren gives Roux his rose she hugs him Ren thinks about his Mother Mothers Day card tossed into Postbox.

Detailed Step Outline: y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Opens with Mothers day card being put inside an envelope. Envelope being put inside post box (outside a flower shop) Sits down at bus stop with a little girl He peers over to what the little girl is holding and sobbing about Is shown her locket of her mother with a tear mark on it Now upset he decides to gives the girl a rose from his Lapel They pause as he holds the rose to her She looks at him with big upset eyes She takes the flower and hugs Ren He thinks about his mother Fade Inside a house staring at a door with a letter sticking out we hear a knock. A little woman goes to open the door Rene appears behind the door with flowers, little girl and girly suitcase with the rose attatched Fade out (Hugs his mother)

The Premise: Workaholic Ren finds out that Mothers day is a special day for more than one reason.

The Logline: Ren is a Workaholic who rarely spends time on himself let alone other people and Mothers day is coming up. What can make him realise the error of his ways before it s to late. The Synopsis: Workaholic Ren leads his usual busy life on one of the few important events, Mothers day. Can one meaningful encounter change someone life for the better.

By L Stewart

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