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MCG4308 DGD #2

Question 1
For the spring-mass system shown in the diagram use x, the displacement of the mass from the spring unstretched length, as the coordinate of choice. In the diagram, l is the unstretched length of the spring. a) Derive the equation of motion using Newton's second law b) Derive the equation of motion using conservation of energy.

solution a) Using Newton First, draw a free-body diagram and remember the definition of the coordinate:

Spring force is Fspring = Kk $ x

Newton: F = m $ a which becomes: .. .. Fspring CFgravity = m $ a = m$x 2 Kk $ x Cm $ g = m$x The equation of motion is .. m$x Ck $ x = m $ g a) Using Conservation of energy . 1 Kinetic Energy is given by T := $m$ x 2 : 2 Potential Energy is given by sum of elastic and gravitational potential energies V = Vspring CVgravity

V :=

1 $k$x t 2 Km$g$x t : 2 (Why Kmgx instead of Cmgx ? For positive x (downwards), the system loses gravitational potential energy) d dt T CV = 0 so:

Conservation of energy implies simplify d dt T CV = 0

d x t dt

d x t dt2

Ck x t Km g = 0


Divide through by x t and bring constant term to the right hand side: (1.1) simplify . Cm $ g x d2 m x t Ck x t = m g dt2 This is the same equation of motion we got with Newton -- as it should be.


Question 2
For the spring-mass system shown in the diagram, use xd as the coordinate of choice. Note that xd t is the displacement from equilibrium. a) Derive the equation of motion using Newton's second law. b) Derive the equation of motion using the conservation of energy. c) Compare the equations you got to the answer you got in Question 1. Which is simpler? Why is gravity not present with this choice of coordinate?

solution a) Using Newton Draw a free-body diagram and remind yourself of the definition of the coordinate:

With this definition of coordinate the spring force is Fspring = Kk $ xs Cxd Since the definition of coordinate depends on the static equilibrium displacement xs , this value needs to be found. This is found from writing the static equilibrium force-balance equation: m $ g = k $ xs m g = k xs Newton: F = m $ a becomes: .. .. Fspring CFgravity = m $ a = m$xd 2 Kk $ xd Cxs Cm $ g = m$xd The equation of motion is .. m$xd Ck $ xd = m $ g Kk $ xs But using the equilibrium condition of equation (2.1), the right hand side becomes 0 and the equation simplifies to .. m$xd Ck $ xd = 0 a) Using Conservation of energy . 1 Kinetic Energy is given by T := $m$ xd 2 : 2 Potential Energy is given by sum of elastic and gravitational potential energies V = Vspring CVgravity 1 $ k $ xd Cxs 2 Km $ g $ xd : V := 2 From equation (2.1), we can solve for the value of xs as xs = solve (2.1), xs xs = mg k (2.2) (2.1)

Tell maple that xd is a function of time and that xs is given by equation (2.2) V := subs xd = xd t , (2.2), V 1 mg k xd t C 2 k Which can be expanded and simplified as expand (2.3)

Km g xd t


1 1 m2 g2 k xd t 2 C 2 2 k Equation (2.4) is of the form


1 $ k $ x2 CConstant and this constant will get differentiated out when writing d 2 conservation of energy in time. Conservation of energy implies d simplify T CV = 0 dt d x t dt d Divide through by xd t to clean up: (2.5) simplify . x
d .

d2 xd t dt2

Cxd t k = 0


d2 xd t dt2

Cxd t k = 0


This is the same equation of motion we got with Newton. c) The equations in this question are the same as those in question 1 with the exception of the mg constant term on the right hand side of the equations in Q1. This is due to the slightly different choice of coordinate as being a displacement from equilibrium. In this problem, because gravity only affects the position of the static equilibrium, by choosing the coordinate as a displacement from equilibrium, the presence of gravity disappears from equation of motion. In other words, for this problem: gravity 2sets location of equilibrium 2 choose coordinate as displacement from equilibrium 2no gravity in equation of motion. Here, it's the spring, not gravity, that is driving the motion. If coordinate is not chosen as displacement from equilibrium (question 1), gravity appears in equation of motion. If gravity drives the motion (like in a pendulum), then gravity will always appear in the equation of motion.

Question 3
Consider the simple pendulum shown in the figure. It is called a simple pendulum because all the mass is concentrated at the end of the string. For this system: a) Derive the equation of motion using Newton's method b) Derive the equation of motion using conservation of energy. Find the equivalent mass of the system. c) Use the small angle approximation to linearize the equation of motion and to find the equivalent stiffness. d) What is the natural frequency of vibration? what role does gravity play in the vibrations?

a) Newton's Method Given the kinematic constraints of the system (the string doesn't change length) the best choice of coordinate to describe the state of the system is the angle that the string makes with the vertical. Then Newton's second law can be written in terms of polar coordinates so now the forces acting on the point mass as well as the accelerations in polar coordinates are required in the r and direction.

This shows how gravity can be broken down into r and directions. Remember that in polar coordinates, the expressions for accelerations in the r and directions have special forms: . ar = r K r$ . .. . a = r$ C2$r$
.. 2

The kinematic constraint is that the length of the string stays constant to that r = r = 0, r = L. So Newton's second law in the r direction gives: Fr = m $ ar which becomes m $ g $ cos K T =K m$L$
. 2


Fr = m ar


m g cos KT = K L m Newton's second law in the direction gives

d t dt


K m $ g $ sin = m$L $ K g sin = m L m d2 t dt2 (3.3)


Equation (3.3) is the equation of motion that we want (it tells us how changes in time) and can be rearranged and cleaned up: .. g C $ sin = 0 L 2 g sin d t C =0 (3.4) 2 L dt Equation (3.2) does not help us solve for t as the tension in the string is not known. Rather, the proper procedure is to solve for t from equation (3.4) and then use that in equation (3.2) to find the tension in the string as a function of time. T = solve (3.2), T 2 d T = m g cos Cm L t (3.5) dt b) Energy Method - equation of motion and equivalent mass To use conservation of energy to write the equation of motion, first write the kinetic .and potential energies. Notice that the only velocity the mass has is in the direction and is given by v = L$. So the kinetic energy is . 1 T := $m$ L$ 2 2 2 1 d m L2 t (3.6) 2 dt From this expression it is easy to find the equivalent mass of this system -- equate T to the standard form for kinetic energy: . 1 2 T = $meq$ 2 2 2 1 d 1 d m L2 t = meq t (3.7) 2 dt 2 dt meq = solve (3.7), meq meq = m L2 Potential energy is due to gravitational potential energy. (3.8)

Taking datum from the bottom in the "swing" path of the mass: V := m$g$L$ 1Kcos t

m g L 1 Kcos t


This form of potential energy is not in the right form to find the equivalent stiffness of the system -- we need to linearize to get rid of the cos term to do that (see next part). However, with this form of potential energy, we can still find the (nonlinear) equation of motion using conservation of energy. The equation of motion is found from conservation of energy m L2 simplify (3.10) $ m$ L

d dt

T CV = 0 d t dt =0 (3.10)

d t dt

d2 dt2

Cm g L sin t

d2 t dt2

Cg sin t



Which is the same equation we got with Newton. Note that the energy method does not give you any information about the tension (which is a constraint force -- i.e. if you don't have it, the kinematics assumption made that L stays constant doesn't work anymore.) c) Linearize with the small angle approximation - equation of motion and equivalent stiffness The sine and cosine functions have their own Taylor/Maclaurin series about the origin: sin = taylor sin , = 0, 9 5 7 9 1 3 1 1 sin = K C K CO 6 120 5040 cos = taylor cos , = 0, 9 cos = 1 K
6 8 9 1 2 1 4 1 1 C K C CO 2 24 720 40320



For small values of , higher powers of becomes smaller and smaller numbers -- to see this try taking higher and higher powers of small numbers. The higher the power, the smaller the number: 0.52 = 0.25 0.53 = 0.125 0.54 = 0.0625 Because of this, the usual small angle approximation is to take only the the first terms in the taylor series so that for small sin z cos z 1 For our expression for the potential energy though, if we take cos z 1, then this gives us V = 0, which is clearly nonsense. So what we need to do is to take the first two terms of the taylor series for cos : cos z 1 K Using this, then the potential energy expression becomes V := subs cos t = 1K ,V 2
2 1 mgL 2 2


Clearly from equation (3.14), we can find the equivalent stiffness of the system as keq = m$g$L. Using the small angle approximation sin z in the equation of motion also gives us a linear equation of motion as

subs sin = t , (3.4) g t d2 t C =0 2 L dt d) Natural Frequency of vibration So we have shown that meq = m$L2, keq = m$ g$ L, from which we can deduce the natural frequency of the pendulum as keq n = meq n = n = subs meq = m$L2, keq = m$ g$ L, keq meq n = g L (3.17) keq meq (3.16) (3.15)

Alternatively, the natural frequency of vibration can be seen from the linearized equation of motion given in (3.15). In this problem, gravity is the restoring force and kind of acts like a linear spring to restore the mass back to its equilibrium position at the bottom of the swing. So, gravity appears directly in the calculation of natural frequency as seen in (3.17) and helps determine the natural frequency of the oscillations. Interestingly, the mass does not contribute at all to the frequency of oscillation.

Question 4
Consider the cylinder in the figure with radius R, mass M and moment of inertia IC about its mass centre. It rolls on a semicircular track of radius r without slipping. Its axle moves in a frictionless slot in a link. The link has mass m and inertia IL about its mass centre. (a) Derive the equation of motion of the cylinder. (b) What is the equivalent mass of this system?

No-slip kinematics . The translational velocity of the centre of the cylinder is L$. The tangential velocity of a point on the edge of the cylinder is then the vector sum of the velocity of the centre + the relative velocity of the edge to the centre. Because of the no-slip condition, thus must be zero. In other words vedge = vG Cvedge \G . . vedge =. L$KR$ = 0 . So the no-slip kinematic relationship we want is L$ = R$ . The easiest approach to deriving the equation of motion is to use the fact that the system is conservative. This gets us out of having to find the reactions forces between the link and the cylinder if we were to use Newton's method. So we need to find the kinetic and potential energy of the system. The kinetic energy is the sum of the translational KE of the centres of mass of the cylinder and link and then the sum of their rotational KEs about the centre of mass. So: KE :=
. 1 $ IC $ 2 2

. . 1 1 1 L . $M$ L$ 2 C $IL$ 2 C $m$ $ 2 2 2 2 2

1 I 2 C

d t dt

1 M L2 2

d t dt

1 I 2 L

d t dt

1 m L2 8

d t dt


Substitute the no-slip kinematic condition into the expression for kinetic energy and collect in terms of : . L . collect subs = $, KE , diff R 2 2 1 IC L 1 1 1 d C M L2 C IL C m L2 t (4.2) 2 R2 2 2 8 dt So from this we can actually find the equivalent mass of the system as (4.2) meq = . 2 $ 2 meq = IC L2 R


1 m L2 4


So that equation (4.3) can be used to write a short-hand, compact version of the kinetic energy as . 1 KE := $meq$ 2 2 2 1 d meq t 2 dt The potential energy is all gravitational potential energy: m$ g$ L PE := M$ g$ L$ 1 Kcos C $ 1 Kcos 2 1 M g L 1 Kcos C m g L 1 Kcos 2 This can also be collected and cleaned up 1 PE := MC $ m $ g$ L$ 1 Kcos t 2 MC 1 m g L 1 Kcos t 2




The equation of motion can then be found from the conservation of total mechanical energy, which means from

d dt which becomes simplify diff KE CPE, t = 0 1 d t 2 meq 2 dt


KE CPE = 0

d2 t dt2

C2 g L sin t

MCg L sin t

m =0


Dividing through by and collecting gives 2 $ (4.7) . collect , sin, L, g 2 MCm g L sin t C2 meq d2 t dt2 =0 (4.8)

Note that because of the sine term that this is a nonlinear equation. The same linearization trick used in the previous question can also be used here. Namely, use 2 cos z 1 K in the potential energy and sin z to linearize the equation of motion. So the potential 2 energy becomes 2 V = subs cos t = 1K , PE 2 2 1 1 V= MC m gL (4.9) 2 2 From which we can clearly see by comparing to the standard form for elastic potential energy that m keq = MC $g$L 2 1 keq = MC m g L 2 The equation of motion is also linearized as subs sin t = t , (4.8) 2 MCm g L t C2 meq The natural frequency of the linearized system is given as keq n = meq n = subs (4.10), (4.3), (4.12) MC n = IC L R
2 2


d2 t dt2



keq meq 1 m gL 2 1 m L2 4




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