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General Information

Theme Name
Arthemia Premium

Theme URL

Arthemia Premium is a premium magazine style theme for Wordpress. Arthemia is unleashing the power of Wordpress to become a simple-yet-powerful CMS (content management system) with the automatic thumbnail generation feature and theme administration panel. A fresh and awesome blend of a blog and a magazine, for you. With numerous built-in features, Arthemia Premium is converting your boring and old-fashioned Wordpress blog to a stunning nicely-designed website, nearly as powerful as any CMS software available nowadays. If you are running an online magazine, a corporate website, or even a personal blog, Arthemia Premium is your one-stop answer for your all needs.

1.4 (Sep 6, 2008)

Michael Jubel Hutagalung

Author URL

thumbnails, newspaper, magazine, widgets, admin panel

Copyright and Term of License

Copyright 2008, Michael Jubel Hutagalung, use only as authorized. Please read this license carefully before using Arthemia Premium. By using this theme, you are bound to the terms of this license.

1-Site License
This license provides the non-transferable right to use Arthemia Premium on one (1) website. The product may be used by the licensee in any personal or commercial projects. They may not be resold or redistributed. You may not copy enclosed Arthemia Premium documentation or distribute it to other parties. You may customize Arthemia Premium for your own project. You must keep the "Arthemia Premium" credit in the footer.

5-Site License
This license provides the non-transferable right to use Arthemia Premium on five (5) websites. The product may be used by the licensee in any personal or commercial projects. They may not be resold or redistributed. You may not copy enclosed Arthemia Premium documentation or distribute it to other parties. You may customize Arthemia Premium for your own project. You must keep the "Arthemia Premium" credit in the footer.

Developer's Pack
Under this license, the theme may be applied to unlimited websites for the developer's purposes. It cannot be freely redestributed to the public or re-sold verbatim as Arthemia Premium. It may be modified for your own projects. The "Arthemia Premium" credit may be removed from the footer.

Minimum Requirements
1. 2. 3. 4. Wordpress 2.5 and up, A web hosting with PHP 4.3 and up with GD library installed, FTP access, and of course Arthemia Premium theme.

Installation Procedure
1. 2. 3. After purchase, you will get the download link by e-mail. Download and unzip the file. Upload the whole content to your web server that has Wordpress installed. If you do not have it installed yet, get the latest version and install it on your server. Do not change any file/folder name. The contents inside the zip file are organized according to where you need to upload them. To make everything easier, please consider doing the upload with an FTP client such as FileZilla. After upload, check that the folder arthemia-premium is uploaded to /wp-content/themes/ Check that the file popularity-contest.php is uploaded /wp-content/plugins/ Check that the folder 'wp-pagenavi' is in /wp-content/plugins/ Make the folder scripts and cache writable. These folders are located at /wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/. In FileZilla, you can do this by right-clicking the folder and select File Attributes. Type 777 in the value. Note: some web hosting prohibits 777 attributes for file and folders due to security reasons; therefore you should make it 755 writable. Try 777 first and check if the thumbnail is working well (you can check this after you finish the whole installation and configuration procedures.) Youre done with the pre-installation.

4. 5. 6. 7.



1. 2. Log in to your Wordpress blog. Deactivate ALL plugins that you already installed since some plugins might interfere with the theme. For first-run, it is suggested that you deactivate all the plugin to see that the theme is fully functional. After that, you can activate the plugin one-by-one and check if there are any conflicts. You can deactivate plugins by going to Dashboard >> Plugins. Activate the Popularity Contest plugin and the WP-Pagenavi Plugin. Activate these plugins only (for first-run). Go to Dashboard >> Design >> Themes and you will see Arthemia Premium as one of your theme. Activate the theme. Youre done with the installation.

3. 4. 5.

XML Import (optional)

1. 2. 3. 4. An XML file containing dummy posts and categories is included in the ZIP file (arthemia-premium.xml). You can use this file to add dummy contents to your blog. This is an optional step. To import XML, go to Dashboard >> Manage >> Import Browse the file and click Import. During the process, you will be asked if you want to download File Attachments. Choose the option to download Meta information of the dummy posts will be downloaded from the demo site to your site. You can edit all of those later. It is simply a starting point to make everything easier. After successful XML import, you will have 20 posts in your blog with some categories. Youre done.

5. 6.

Logo, Favicon, and Ad Banner Upload (optional may be done after configuration)
1. 2. Upload a logo image (exactly 190 x 90 pixels) to /wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/images/logo/. Logo file can be JPG, GIF, or PNG. Upload a favicon/bookmark icon to /wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/images/icons/. For cross-browser compatibility issue, you must have a compatible ICO file for bookmark icons. To generate ICO files, you can use this tool: Upload ad banners you /wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/images/ads/. Ads images can be JPG, GIF, or PNG. For best layout, banner sizes should be exactly 728x90 pixels (for header section), 468x60 pixels (for single-post section), and 300x250 for sidebar section.


Sidebar and Widgets (read this thoroughly!)

1. 2. 3. Go to Dashboard >> Design >> Widgets to add sidebar widgets. There are several sidebars available for you: Sidebar Top, Sidebar Left, Sidebar Right, Sidebar Bottom, Footer Left, Footer Center, and Footer Right. If you do not assign any widgets to one of the sidebars, the theme default widget will be displayed. This is the list of default widgets: a. Sidebar Top: no default (therefore a blank white spot with a grey top border will be displayed) b. Sidebar Left: monthly archive c. Sidebar Right: Michaels blogroll (my blog, colorlabs, etc) d. Sidebar Bottom: Tag cloud e. Footer Left : no default (if you leave this empty, the footer middle will be pushed to the left) f. Footer Middle: most commented widget g. Footer Right: most popular widget (do not forget to active Popularity Contest plugin) If you want to get rid of the default widgets, simply drag any widget available to the sidebars.


Theme Admin Panel

Go to "Arthemia Premium Option" in WP Admin Panel (Dashboard >> Design >> Arthemia Premium Option). Assign a category for headline posts as well as featured posts. Headline posts will be displayed in the top-left section of the front page. Featured posts will be displayed in the top-right section, wrapped in a scrolling carousel feature. 3. Assign a category for the video posts. Latest video will automatically displayed at the bottom of your blog. 4. Assign categories to be displayed in the middle category bar. The middle category bar is intended for 5 categories only. 5. Assign categories for category spoilers. Category spoilers are several categories to be featured showing the latest post in each category. This is located just below the featured section and middle category bar. 6. If you have uploaded any logo image, favicon/bookmark icon, and ad images, a list of file will be available in the admin panel. 7. If you have Google Adsense account, you can add ad banners from Google Adsense by completing the Adsense form. 8. If you have Google Feedburner and Google Analytics account, you can forward your feeds to Feedburner and add web statistics feature to your blog by completing the RSS and Statistics Settings. 9. To control number of post to be displayed in the list on the front page, go to Dashboard -> Settings > Reading and find "Blog pages show at most". Enter the value you want. (Even numbers are suggested if you are using the 2-column list.) 10. The theme is ready for you. 1. 2.

Colorful Categories
1. You can only assign one color per category. The order in the theme admin panel does not represent the category order in the front page. Categories are always sorted alphabetically. This is the web hex color code from the demo page; you can use this if you want to or use your own color. #2b9435, #e6ab07, #b7462c, #a5cc3a, #326abd. Those colors will be used to highlight category description. Therefore, please only use colors that still make black texts readable. And never leave these fields empty.


Thumbnail Assignment and Generation

1. 2. Before you start, make sure you have posts that have at least one image in it. (Images must be JPG). For first-run, select First Image for the thumbnail assignment settings. If thumbnail is displayed properly, you can try Post Custom Field. To use Post Custom Field, you can read the tutorial here: If you select First Image as thumbnail assignment option, posts that have no pictures will have a blank image box, so you may want to add them. (Add image in your posts). If you select Post Custom Field as thumbnail assignment option, posts that have no pictures will not be displaying any blank box. Extensive information about Thumbnail Assignment and Generation is described in the next chapter. (Uploading Images for Thumbnails)

3. 4. 5.

Headline and Featured Section

1. You have 2 layout options for the headline section. a. Square image will display a square post thumbnail on the left with its excerpt on the right. Featured post section will display 3 items. (Anyway, it is a carousel so the rest of featured posts will also be displayed). b. Wide image will display a wide image as thumbnail on the top with its excerpt on the bottom. Featured post section will display 5 items. (Again, its a carousel) To control total of featured item to scroll, add the value to Featured Items. You must enter a value to have the carousel feature working.


Latest Post and Column List Section

1. 2. In the front page, you will have your last post displayed along with its full content. (Or until you have the <!--more--> tag). You can customize the sizes of thumbnails for the latest post and the column list sections. In addition, you can also select to show/hide post excerpt in the column list section. There are also 2 options available for column list: one-column of two-column. Special notice: a. If you select First Image for thumbnail assignment, the latest post section will not be displaying any thumbnail. It will display the whole content of your post along with any images (and anything) in it. b. If you select Post Custom Field for thumbnail assignment, there will be a thumbnail displayed at top-left along with the WHOLE content. Please notice that anything (including all the images, video, etc) in the post will also be displayed. There is 95% probability the layout will break. The other 5% probability will occurs only if you do not have ANY images in the post or the image is located at the bottom of the post or after the <!--more--> tag. c. If you want to have Post Custom Field for thumbnail assignment but do not want a thumbnail to be displayed at the latest post section (and single post view because those 2 sections are both displaying identical content), you need to select the Hide Top-Left Thumbnail option. This setting is available at Single Post Page settings. For best layout, please only use the recommended values (recommended values is written in the theme admin panel). To control number of posts to be displayed in the list, you need to go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Reading >> Blog pages show at most. (Even numbers are suggested if you are using the 2-column list)


4. 5.

Category Spoiler and Sidebar Section

1. You can select to show/hide the category spoiler from sidebar. You can customize the thumbnail size and there is also an option to show/hide post excerpt. For best layout, please only use the recommended values (recommended values is written in the theme admin panel). All the widgets in the sidebar are configured at Dashboard >> Design >> Widgets. This section is explained in the previous chapter.


Single Post Page

1. 2. There are options to show/hide category bar, show/hide headline spoiler (mini-headline), and show/hide video and random post gallery. Special notice: a. If you select First Image for thumbnail assignment, the single post view will not be displaying any thumbnail. It will display the whole content of your post along with any images (and anything) in it, of course. b. If you select Post Custom Field for thumbnail assignment, there will be a thumbnail displayed at top-left along with the WHOLE content. There is 95% probability the layout will break. The other 5% probability will occurs only if you do not have ANY images in the post or the image is located at the bottom of the post. c. If you want to have Post Custom Field for thumbnail assignment but do not want a thumbnail to be displayed in single post view, you need to select the Hide Top-Left Thumbnail option. For best layout, please only use the recommended values (recommended values is written in the theme admin panel).


Archive and Search Page

1. 2. There are options to show/hide category bar, show/hide headline spoiler (mini-headline), and show/hide video and random post gallery. You can customize thumbnail sizes for archive and search page. Notice that this setting will also be applied to Author Page.

Author Page
1. 2. All settings from archive and search pages will be applied to author pages. Author pages will display a short biography of the author along with their blog posts. To edit short biography, you need to go to Dashboard >> Users and manage the author profile. Scroll down until you see Biographical Info field. Add the short bio there. Gravatar will be displayed as author photos. Therefore please check that authors have the same e-mail for Gravatar and for your blog.


Uploading Images for Thumbnails

These steps are already explained explicitly in previous chapter but you can use this to double-check. 1. Be sure you have at least PHP 4.3 with GD-library installed on your server. PHP 5 is better. GD library is something that can be installed by your web server admin. If you do not have this, please ask for that to your web administrator. 2. Start from a fresh copy and upload the theme at wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/. Do not change arthemia-premium to anything because it will break everything. 3. Make the folder scripts and cache writable (777 or 755). Try 777 first. These folder are located at /wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/ and /wp-content/themes/arthemia-premium/scripts/. You can do this using FTP or any online file manager from you web hosting company. 4. Add a custom field in the post. The custom field key MUST be 'Image' (letter cases are important). 5. Fill the custom field value with the path of your image. It MUST start with 'wp-content'. If you have the image located at then the key value of the custom field MUST be wp-content/uploads/2008/06/file_name.jpg (Notice there is no in the value) 6. You could skip number 4 and 5 if you choose the First-Image automatic generation. To have your thumbnail generated, simply add images in your post and the first-images will be used as thumbnails. 7. Read this: if you want to use Post Custom Field. 8. The script currently only supports JPG images.

Uploading Videos
1. 2. 3. Add a new custom field in the post. The custom field key MUST be 'Video' (letter cases are important). Fill the custom field value with source of the video. This feature is new and currently tested with YouTube videos only. Add the URL of YouTube videos to the value. Eg. You can also add static image to the video-box. This image will be displayed if visitors do not click the play button. Static images are taken from Post Custom Field, from the key Image, the same for post thumbnails.

If you have other questions, please visit: or simply drop us an e-mail at

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TimThumb is an open source automatic image resizing script developed by Tim McDaniels and is distributed under the MIT License. Feedburner Feedsmith plugin was originally developed by Steve Smith and is now available for download to all users Popularity Contest plugin by Alex King, WP-PageNavi plugin by Lester Chan. Video/Flash player (JW Video Player) by Jeroen Wijering. Google Analytics is a web tracking and statistics tool from Tracking codes are available to all Google Analytics user and can be downloaded from Google. All sample images are courtesy of its respective authors. Details about sample images can be read here. Wordpress template files and CSS stylesheets are originally developed by Michael Jubel Hutagalung.

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