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Luis Fernando Real Enrique Wong Composition and Rhetoric Legalization of narcotics 8 December 2010

Two faces of drugs legalization; Holland and United States

Drugs have being a huge problem in society because all the related problems. In this essay I am going to face the differences between two countries that have opposite strategies about drugs consuming. I am analyzing taxes, drug trafficking, heavy drugs and restrictions in its use, according USA and Holland policies. One of the biggest industries in the world are drugs, so Holland has decided to be more tolerant about it and become beneficed of the taxes it can provide to the administration. It is reflected in many works that improved Dutch s quality of life. In the other hand, United States of America fights hardly against sell and consuming drugs, it uses a big part of the nation budget. Drug trafficking generates violence and it develops in social problems like poverty, insecurity and even prostitution so it is better to eliminate it. There are two different ways to do it. For example USA helps other countries governments to control the crops and the entry of all kind of drugs. In this case dealers become aggressive and more ingenious to get their goals. But Holland just worries about the regularization in its territory, it means less costs for the government. In this country the drugs commercialization is not violent at all and responds to laws created especially for manage this process. Marihuana is the less dangerous drug because it is natural so it is better to human health than other kind like cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines. Holland is permissive with cannabis to prevent their citizens to consume heavy drugs that would make worst their conditions. Instead, United Stated do not allowed any kind of drugs, so it represents the same risks for consumers and dealers to commercialize heroin than marihuana.

Holland has a restriction in drugs use, so it is able to control the amount of product sold, it benefits its society to become moderated consumers and not abuse of this kind of substances. Although USA has lost control of consumers and traders because they look for get the biggest amount they can to be provided for a long time. It incites not only the normal use but an abused of these dangerous substances. The risks are the same for a small volume than a huge quantity so there is not worth it to traffic with tiny portions. As a conclusion I can tell the differences between two opposite policies about drugs in many aspects that become important to increase or decrease the quality of life of their citizen. I am sure Holland has adopted the best alternative of drugs restriction because its government is more able to control the effects and it is even benefited for this business. United Stated of America, instead, invests a lot of money struggling drugs and its society is not so developed and it is not even closer to reach the same quality of life than Dutch have.

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