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28 dcembre 2011 e

Abraham, Ralph H. Adobe systems incorporated Adobe systems incorporated Adobe systems incorporated Adobe systems incorporated Albitz, Paul Ambler, Scott Jeries, Ron Ambler, Scott W. AMS AMS Anderson, E. Apple computer Atkinson, Laurence V AVS AVS AVS AVS Balew, Joli Balter, Roland Bank, Randolph E. Barnes, John Bellavoine, Claude Belleudy, Serge Bernadou, M. Bertrand, Patrice Blue sky research Bonjour, Michel Boutherin, Bernard Buerger, David Burger, Ralf Burger, Ralf Buzzi-Ferraris, Guid Chandra, Rohit / Dagum, Leonardo / Kohr, Dave

La Bible PC Partial dierential equation toolbox : For use with MATLAB The WEB empowerment book Postcript language. Tutorial and cookbook Postscript language reference manual Postscript language reference manual Postscript language reference manual DNS and BIND Agile modeling : eective practices for extreme programming and the unied process The elements of UML 2.0 style Intructions for preparation of papers and monographs. AMS-Latex version 1.2 Intructions for preparation of papers and monographs. AMS-TeX version 2.1 Lapack users guide Macintosh HyperCard Script language guide. The HypertalkTM language An introduction to numerical methods with Pascal Animating AVS data visualizations AVS developers guide AVS module reference AVS users guide Degunking your Mac Construction des syst`mes dexploitation rpartis e e PLTMG : a software package for solving elliptic partial dierential equations. Userss guide 6.0 programmer en Ada 95 Quest-ce quun ordinateur ? Eudora 1.4.1 Modulef, une biblioth`que modulaire dlments nis e ee Prsentation des normes graphiques GKS e Users guide TEXTURES Java : de lesprit ` la mthode a e Scuriser un rseau Linux e e latex for scientists and engineers Antivirus sur PC Virus Scientic C++ Parallel programming in openMP

1988 2002 1995 1988 1989 1990 1992 1998 2002 2005 s.d. s.d. 1992 1988 1983 1992 1992 1993 1992 2004 1991 1990 2000 1969 1994 1988 1986 1988 1999 2003 1990 1989 1989 1993 2001

Christiansen, Tom Claviez, Jacques COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL COMSOL Coombes, Kevin R. Cooper, Doug Costales, Bryan Cray research Inc. Deitel, H. M. Deitel, H. M. Delannoy, Claude Delannoy, Claude Della Dora, Jean Delwiche, Lora Desgraupes, Bernard Dewhurst, , S. C. Dill, Dan Dill, Dan Dongarra, J. J. Dornsfest, Rael Dubesset, Michel Eicher, Catherine Feiler, J. Brandeis, Pierre / Leroy, Franois c / Guillemin, Jean Ferris, Michael C. / Mangasarian, Olvi L. / Wright, Stephen J. Foxley, Eric Frisch, Aeleen Gander, Walter Garvan, Frank Gaylord, Richard J.

Perl cookbook ResEdit 2.1 diteur de ressources : mode demploi, syst`me 6.x, e e syst`me 7 e Comsol multiphysics : scripting guide Version 3.2 Comsol multiphysics : quick start and quick reference Version 3.2 Comsol multiphysics : model library Version 3.2 Comsol multiphysics : modeling guide Version 3.2 Comsol multiphysics : users guide Version 3.2 Chemical engineering module : module library Version 3.2 Chemical engineering module : users guide Version 3.2 Comsol script : users guide Version 1.0 Comsol installation guide : Version 3.2 Dierential equations with MATLAB TM Standard Pascal Sendmail MIPSpro 7 Fortran 90 commands and directives reference manual SR-3907 3.0.1 C++ JAVA Programmer en langage C++ Programmer en langage C Computer algebra and parallelism The little SAS book Latex apprentissage, guide et rfrence ee Programmer en C++ Implementing matrix mechanics in Mathematica : determination of Clebsch-Gordon coecients by matrix diagonalization Interactive TEX, Mathematica documents Version 1.31 for Mathematica version 2.0 Linpack users guide Mac OS X ` 200% a Fortran le langage normalis e Mises en oeuvre et ralits de la GPAO e e Rfrence compl`te Mac OS X ee e

1998 1992 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2000 1983 1997 1997 1998 1999 1998 1997 1989 1996 2003 1990 1991 1991 1979 2003 1991 1984 2002

Linear programming with MATLAB

Unix for super-user Les bases de ladministration syst`me e Les bases de ladministration syst`me e Solving problems in scientic computing using MAPLE and MATLAB The Maple book Computer simulations with mathematica. Explorations in complex physical and biological systems

1985 2003 1997 2002 1995

Geist, Al Gilbert, Jean Charles Golgolab, Ardeshir Gomez, Claude Gomez, Claude Goossens, Michel Goossens, Michel Goossens, Michel Gray, Alfred Grtzer, George a Gropp, William Haralambous, Y. Harrington, Jan L. Hecht, Frdric e e Heller, Dan Herger, Douglas Hertzog, Raphal e Hertzog, Raphal e Hertzog, Raphal e Higham, Desmond J. Hopgood, F. R. A. Huen, Jean-Michel Hunt, Craig INRIA Jepson, Brian / Rothman, Ernest E. Jepson, Brian / Rothman, Ernest E. Johnson, Eric F. Kendall, Kenneth E. / Kendall, Julie E. Knuth, Donald E. Kattan, Peter Knuth, Donald E. Knuth, Donald E. Knuth, Donald E. Knuth, Donald E. Knuth, Donald E. Krauss, Thomas P. Lamport, Leslie Land, A. H.

PVM : parallel Virtual Machine La dierentiation automatique de fonctions reprsentes par des e e programmes Mailleur 3D automatique pour les gomtries complexes e e Calcul formel Mode demploi. Exemples en MAPLE Vol. 4 Engineering and scientic computing with Scilab The LATEX companion LATEX companion The LATEX graphics companion Modern dierential geometry of curves and surfaces with Mathematica Math into LATEX An introduction to LATEX and AMS-LATEX Using MPI Fontes et codages ClarisWorks companion EMC2 un logiciel ddition de maillages et de contours bidimene sionnels X view programming manual for version 11 of the X window system Vol. 7 Turbo Pascal 5 par la pratique Debian Debian Etch Debian Lenny MATLAB guide Le Syst`me graphique GKS e Guide local (LA)TEX du LORIA millsime 1998 e TCP/IP : network administration Cours MODULEF 1990 Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks Mac OS X Panther pour les Unixiens Advanced X window applications programming Systems analysis and design Computer modern typefaces MATLAB guide to nite elements : an interactive approach Metafont the program TEX the program TEX and Metafont new directions in typesetting The Metafont book The TEXbook Signal processing TOOLBOX Latex Fortran codes for mathematical programming

1994 1991 1989 1995 1999 1994 2001 1997 1999 1996 1994 2004 1998 1990 1990 1989 2004 2008 2009 2000 1986 1998 1998 1990 2004 2004 1990 2005 1986 2007 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1994 1986 1973

Lee, Lisa Lon, Louis e Lignelet, Patrice / Meinadier, J.-P. Lutz, Mark Mackie, R. I. Maeder, Roman E. Malek-Madani, Reza Mathews, John H. Mercouro, Wladimir Metcalf, Michael Metcalf, Michael Metzler, Mark Microsoft corporation Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft corporation corporation corporation corporation corporation

Microsoft corporation Microsoft corporation Microsoft corporation Microsoft corporation Microsoft corporation Moreau, Robert Nemeth, Evi Niederst, Jennifer Nikoukhah, R. Nikoukhah, R. Nowakowski, Claude Nye, Adrian Nye, Adrian Nye, Adrian

Le Macintosh Linux sur PC-Pentium Manuel complet du langage FORTRAN 90 et FORTRAN 95 : calcul intensif et gnie logiciel e Programming Python Object-oriented methods and nite element analysis Programming in mathematica Advanced engineerings mathematics with Mathematica and Matlab Vol. 1 Numerical methods using MATLAB Les ordinateurs : structure et fonctionnement des syst`mes infore matiques Fortran 90 explained Fortan 95/2003 explained Textures Users guide Version 1.7 Microsoft Excel. Guide de lutilisateur Le numero 1 des tableurs version 5.0 Microsoft Excel. Guide de lutilisateur de Microsoft Microsoft PowerPoint. Guide de lutilisateur. Version 4.0 . Microsoft Query. Guide de lutilisateur. Version 1.0 Microsoft Word Aide-mmoire pour Apple Macintosh version 4 e Microsoft Word. Aperu. Le numro 1 des traitements de texte. c e Version 6.0 Microsoft Word. Editeur dquations e Microsoft Word. Guide de lutilisateur. Programme de traitement de texte pour les ordinateurs Apple MacIntosh. Version 5.0 Microsoft Word. Guide de lutilisateur. Le numro 1 des traitee ments de texte. Version 6.0 Microsoft Word. Mise en route. Versions 4.2 et 4.3 avec exemples dutilisations conjointes Microsoft Word. Mise en route. Programme de traitement de texte pour les ordinateurs Apple MacIntosh. Version 5.0 Ainsi naquit linformatique : les hommes, les matriels ` lorigine e a des concepts de linformatique daujourdhui UNIX system administration handbook HTML prcis et concis e LMITOOL : a package for LMI optimization in Scilab SCICOS a dynamic system builder and simulator. Users Guide Version 0.1 Biblioth`que mathmatique en C e e X protocol reference manual for version 11 of the X window system Vol. 0 X toolkit intrinsics programming manual OSF/motif 1.1 edition for X11, release 5 Vol. 4 Xlib programming manual for version 11 of the X window systems Vol. 1

1996 1997 1996 2001 2001 1991 1998 1999 1980 1992 1992 1995 1993 1993 1994 1993 1988 1993 1992 1992 1993 1992 1992 1982 1989 2003 1996 1996 1986 1990 1992 1990

Nye, Adrian Nye, Adrian Oestereich, Bernd OReilly, Tim / Todino, Grace Open software foundation Open software foundation Open software foundation Perry, Bruce W. Perspective for sofware developers Pinon, Bruno c Quercia, Valerie Quinn, Michael Raerty, Jim Rand, R. H. Riet, Jean-Marie Rolland, Christian Roy, Yves Ryan, Barbara F. Sabbah, Claude SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. Schwartz, Randal /Phoenix, Tom Schweizer, Philippe Schweizer, Philippe Scilab group Scilab group Scilab group Scilab group Seibold, Chris Seroul, Raymond Simeray, Alain

Xlib programming manual for version 11 of the X window systems Vol. 1 Xlib reference manual for version 11 of the X window system Vol.2 Developing software with UML : object-oriented analysis and design in practice Managing UUCP and usenet OSF/Motif tm programmers guide OSF/Motif tm programmers reference OSF/Motif tm style guide Applescript in a nutshell : Manuel de rfrence ee Display postscript system Une introduction ` Scilab a X Window system userguide for X11 R3 and R4 of the X Window system Vol. 3 Parallel programming in C with MPI and OpenMP Cricket Draw Computer algebra in applied mathematics La programmation sous UNIX Latex TEX / WEB et le traitement de textes mathmatiques e Minitab Le Style cmep par lexemple Getting started with the SAS system using SAS/ASSI version 6 SAS language version 6 SAS language and procedures version 6 SAS procedure guide version 6 SAS/ASSIST software SAS/STAT Users guide Vol. 1 SAS/STAT Users guide Vol. 2 Introduction ` Perl a Infographie Vol. 1 Infographie Vol. 2 Guide for developpers Introduction to Scilab Scilab reference manual Signal processing with Scilab Mac OS X Lion : pocket guide Le petit livre de TEX Linternet professionnel

1992 1990 2002 1989 1988 1988 1988 2003 1988 2000 1990 2003 1986 1984 1989 1995 1984 1985 1992 1994 1996 1996 1995 1993 1994 1994 2002 1987 1987 1996 1996 1996 1996 2011 1989 1995


Skeel, Robert D. Spivak, Michael D. Stokes, Maura E. Stallman, Richard Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. The Math Works, Inc. Todino, Grace TopSpeed TopSpeed TopSpeed Tornsdorf, Helmut Vadrot, Francois White, Kevin Welsh, Matt

Elementary numerical computing with mathematica The joy of Tex Categorical data analysis using the SAS system GNU Emacs manual. Emacs version 18 for Unix users Solaris administration guide Vol. 1 et 2 Open Look. Graphical user interface Functional specication Open Look. Graphical user interface Applications style guidelines MATLAB Signal processing Toolbox Users guide, version 4 MATLAB The language of technical computing. Using MATLAB graphics MATLAB The language of technical computing. Using MATLAB, version 5 MATLAB The language of technical computing. MATLAB notebook users guide MATLAB The language of technical computing. MATLAB 5 new features, version 5 MATLAB The language of technical computing. MATLAB 5 latebreaking news MATLAB The language of technical computing. Getting started with MATLAB MATLAB The language of technical computing. Building GUIs with MATLAB, version 5 MATLAB The language of technical computing. Application program interface guide, version 5 Partial dierential equation toolbox for use with MATLAB. Users guide, version 1 MATLAB Signal processing Toolbox Users guide, version 5 MATLAB The language of technical computing. Using MATLAB graphics version 6 MATLAB The language of technical computing Using MATLAB, version 6 Control system toolbox for use with MATLAB getting started version 5 Using UUCP and usenet TopSpeed C for IBM personal computers and compatibles : langage reference TopSpeed C for IBM personal computers and compatibles : langage tutorial TopSpeed C for IBM personal computers and compatibles : library reference Le grand livre MS-DOS 5.0 Linformatique scientique et technique et loutil Internet OS X Lion supports essentials : supporting and troubleshooting OS X Lion Introduction ` Unix pour Mac OS X a

1993 1986 2000 1987 1997 1990 1990 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 2000 2000 2000 2000 1989 1991 1991 1991 1991 1999 2012 2003

Welsh, Matt Welsh, Matt Wolfram research Wolfram, Stephen Wolfram, Stephen

PHP en action Le syst`me Linux e Mathematica a system for doing mathematics by computer. Version 2.2 Mathematica a system for doing mathematics by computer 2nd ed. Mathematica Le livre Le courrier lectronique e Mac OS X version 10.3 Mac OS X pour aller plus loin

2003 2003 1993 1991 1999 2003 2003 2003

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