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Chapter 1: Carbohydrate Chemistry............................................................. 3 Chapter 2: Carbohydrate Metabolism ........................................................ 14 Chapter 3: Lipid Chemistry............................................................................ 36 Chapter 4: Lipid Metabolism ......................................................................... 45 Chapter 5: Protein Chemistry ....................................................................... 64 Chapter 6: Enzymes.......................................................................................... 77 Chapter 7: Protein Metabolism..................................................................... 86 Chapter 8: Physiology ...................................................................................... 96 Chapter 9: Short Essay Questions ............................................................. 101 Chapter 10: Previous Years Questions (Alexandria/Ein shams Univ.) ............................................................................................................................. 108 Chapter 11: Metabolism Reactions Summary ..................................... 126

1. Rotation of the plane of polarized light is caused by solutions of all of the a. Glucose following monosaccharides except b. Glyceraldehyde c. Fructose d. Dihydroxyacetone e. None of the above a. Sugar acid 2. Ascorbic acid is an example of b. Sugar alcohol c. Sugar phosphate d. Deoxy-sugar 3. An invert sugar is e. Amino sugar

6. Cane sugar is

a. Cellobiose b. Maltose c. Sucrose d. Lactose

7. Malt sugar is

e. None of the above a. Cellobiose b. Maltose c. Sucrose d. Lactose

8. Starch is an example of a. Galactosans b. Mannosans d. Glucosans

e. None of the above

a. An equimolar mixture of b. An equimolar mixture of ac. An equimolar mixture of afructose and 13-fructose d. The sugar which changes its dextrorotatory glucose and 13-glucose glucose and fructose

c. Glucosaminans e. Fructosans 9. Glycogen is an example of a. Glucosans b. Galactosans c. Mannosans e. Fructosans d. Glucosaminans 10. Starch is an example of

optical activity from levo- to

4. A disaccharide formed of two glucose units is a. Lactose

e. None of the above

a. Structural polysaccharides present in animals present in plants b. Structural polysaccharides c. Nutrient polysaccharides d. Nutrient polysaccharides present in plants e. None of the above present in animals

b. Maltose c. Sucrose d. Amylose 5. Milk sugar is

e. Amylopectin a. Cellobiose b. Maltose c. Sucrose d. Lactose

e. None of the above

11. Which of the following has a free anomeric carbon atom a. Glucose c. Lactose b. Mannose d. Sucrose

16. Which of the following is non fermentable sugar? a. Maltose b. Sucrose c. Glucose d. Fructose 17. Hydrolysis of sucrose yields a. Two moles of glucose b. Glucose and fructose c. Galactose and fructose d. Glucose and mannose e. Lactose

12. A polysaccharide indigestible by man is a. Cellobiose b. Glycogen d. Cellulose e. Amylose a. Glucose c. Amylopectin

e. Fructose

13. A branch component of starch is b. Amylopectin c. Amylose d. Maltose

18. Ribitol is a. Deoxy sugar b. Amino sugar d. Sugar acid

c. Sugar alcohol 19. Inulin is a simple polysaccharide built up of a. Glucosamine b. Galactose c. Fructose d. Aldose

14. Which of the following statements characterizes glucose form a. It usually exists in the furanose b. It is a ketose

e. None of the above

c. Carbon 2 is the anomeric carbon atom d. It forms part of the

20. The end products of glycogen hydrolysis by acid is a. Dextrin b. Maltose

e. It is oxidized to form sorbitol 15. Which of the following contains ketone group a. Ribulose b. Glucose c. Mannose e. Lactose

disaccharide sucrose

c. Amylose 21. The richest site for fructose in the body is a. Mammary gland b. Seminal fluid d. Prostate c. Thyroid gland d. Glucose

d. Galactose

22. D-glucose and D-mannose are number

epimers with respect to carbon atom a. 3 b. 2 c. 5 d. 1

28. The invert sugar is a. Maltose b. Sucrose

c. Hydrolytic products of sucrose 29. Sorbitol is

d. Hydrolytic products of maltose a. A sugar alcohol

23. Which of the following polysaccharides is not a polymer of glucose a. Amylose b. Glycogen c. Inulin d. Amylopectin a. Mannitol b. Sorbitol c. Dulcitol 25. Gluconic acid, saccharic acid and glucose by d. Glucuronic acid

b. Obtained from glucose c. Obtained from fructose 30. By complete acid hydrolysis of starch we obtain a. Maltose d. All of the above

24. Reduction of glucose produces

b. -glucose c. -glucose d. All of the above a. Glucose c. Ribose

31. The blood sugar is b. Fructose d. Galactose

glucuronic acid are produced from a. Reduction c. Oxidation

32. Ribulose is an example of a. Aldopentose b. Ketohexose c. Ketopentose

b. Treatment with acids d. Treatment with bases a. Sucrose b. Lactose c. Lecithin 27. Which statement is incorrect Epimers d. Glycogen

26. Galactose is present in the structure of

d. Deoxy sugar 33. Cellulose is

e. Sugar alcohol a. Formed of -glucose intestine

b. Not digested in human c. A simple polysaccharide d. All of the above 34. Dextrose is a. An aldopentose b. An aldohexose c. A ketohexose d. A ketopentose

a. Glucose and mannose are b. - and -glucose are Anomers c. Glucose and galactose are Anomers

d. Ribose and xylose are epimers

35. Sorbitol can be obtained from fructose by a. Oxidation b. Reduction c. Hydrolysis 36. A reducing disaccharide is a. Glucose c. Maltose b. Mannose d. Fructose 37. Glucose and mannose are epimers, this means that other a. They are mirror image to each b. One is aldose, the other is a c. They differ only in the d. One is pyranose the other is furanose 38. Starch is configuration to one carbon ketose d. Acetylation

41. Honey is the natural example for a. Sucrose b. Maltose d. Lactose

d. None of the above

c. Invert sugar 42. Reducing property of monosaccharide is tested by a. Seliwanoff's test b. Molischs test c. Fehling test d. Rotheras test

43. Inulin is a polymer of a. Glucose b. Levulose

e. Shape of osazone crystals

c. Galactose d. Mannose a. Dextrins b. Dextran 44. .glucose is present in structure of

a. A heterogeneous polysaccharide b. Composed of -glucose d. All of the above

c. Glycogen

45. Amylase enzyme can hydrolyse a. Starch b. Dextrins

d. All of the above

c. Not digested by amylase e. None of the above a. Fructose b. Sucrose c. Glucose 40. Lactose is

c. Glycogen 46. Glucose and lactose are similar to each other in that both are a. Reducing d. All of the above

39. The grape sugar is

d. Mannose a. A non-reducing sugar fructose

b. Able to give the same osazone c. Present in milk d. All of the above

b. Formed of -glucose and c. both (a) and (b)

47. Which of the following is a disaccharide? a. Starch

b. Cellulose

c. Glycogen d. Ribose e. Lactose

53. The epimer of glucose is: a. Fructose c. Ribose b. Galactose d. Deoxyribose 54. Alpha and Beta forms of D-glucose are referred to as: a. Epimers b. Anomers c. Enediols d. Tautomers 55. Which of the following does not give a positive test for a reducing sugar? a. Ribose b. Galactose c. Maltose 56. Cellulose is a: d. Sucrose

48. Which carbohydrate will you find in greatest abundance in potatoes? a. Starch b. Cellulose c. Sucrose e. Lactose d. Glycogen 49. D-glucuronic acid is an example of a. Aldonic acid b. Aldaric acid c. Uronic acid

d. Saccharic acid e. None of the above 50. Reduction of monosaccharides yields a. Sugar alcohols b. Sugar acids c. amino sugars d. Deoxy-sugars e. None of the above

a. Branched polymer containing or 1 > 4 and on 1 > 6 glycosidic linkages

b. Straight chain polymer glycosidic units

51. Hydrogen gas in presence of a metal can reduce fructose to a. Mannitol b. Ribitol c. Glycerol d. Glucose e. None of the above

consisting of B 1 > 4

c. Polymer containing glucose, d. Mucopolysaccharide optical activity it must be: a. Colored b. Symmetrical galactose and glucosamine

57. In order that a compound possesses

52. Cellulose is made up of the molecules of a. alpha Glucose b. c. Both of above d. None of the above Beta Glucose

c. Inorganic

d. Asymmetric 58. Hydrolysis of sucrose yields: b. Maltose and glucose c. Fructose only a. Galactose and glucose

d. Fructose and glucose

59. Starch and glycogen are both polymers of: a. Fructose

66. Beta 1-4 glycosidic bond is present in a. Maltose b. Lactose c. Sucrose

b. Glucose-1-phosphate c. Mannose d. Glucose

d. None of the above 67. Number of stereo-isomers of glucose is : a. 4 b. 8 c. 16

60. Which of the following is not a CHO? a. Amylose c. Heparin b. Hyaluronic acid d. Palmitic acid 61. The predominant carbohydrate of muscle a. D-fructose b. D-glucose c. Lactose d. Glycogen

d. none of the above 68. A homopolysaccharide made up of fructose is : a. inulin

b. dextrin c. cellulose d. glycogen

62. Lactose is also called: a. Blood sugar c. Milk sugar b. Invert sugar d. Animal starch a. Galactose b. Mannose c. Ribose d. Fructose 64. An example of Hexose is: a. Ribose b. Ribulose c. Xylulose d. Mannose

69. In fructofuranose ,the anomeric carbon is a. carbon 1 b. carbon 2 c. carbon 3 70. A carbohydrate found in the DNA : a. ribose b. ribulose d. carbon 4

63. An example of pentose is:

c. deoxyribose 71. Ribulose is a : d. all of the above a. ketotetrose b. aldotetrose c. ketopentose

65. A mucopolysaccharide with blood anticoagulant activity is: a. Chondroitin sulphate B c. Keratan sulphate II d. Heparin

d. aldopentose

b. Chondroitin sulphate D

72. In D-glyecraldehyde, -OH group is present on the right hand side of carbon atom number : a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1,2 & 3

78. In straight chain structure of D-

glucose, -OH group is present on the left hand side of carbon atom number : a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

73. A disaccharide made up of two glucose units : a. maltose b. sucrose c. dextrin 74. A carbohydrate found only in milk : a. glucose b. lactose d. lactose

79. The following causes levorotation : a. D-fructose b. L-glucose

c. both of them

80. The carbon atom which becomes

d. None of them

asymmetric when the straight chain form of monosaccharide changes into ring form is called : a. anomeric carbon atom b. epimeric carbon atom c. isomeric carbon atom d. none of the above

c. galactose d. maltose invert sugar : 75. A carbohydrate ,known commenly as a. lactose b. sucrose c. fractose d. glucose following is : 76. The homopolysaccharide among the a. heparin b. hyaluronic acid d. cellulose following is : c. dermatan sulphate 77. The heteropolysaccharide among the a. inulin b. starch c. heparin

81. In straight chain structure of Dright hand side of carbon atom number : a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. all of the above 82. In glucopyranose the anomeric carbon atom is number: a. 2 b. 1 c. 5 d. 6

ribose, -OH group is present on the

d. cellulose

83. In alpha-D glucopyranose, -OH

groups projecting below the plane of the ring, are attached to carbon atoms of numbers: a. 1,2 & 3 b. 1,2 & 5 c. 1,2 & 4 d. 2,3 & 4

89. End product of enzyme hydrolysis of starch is a. glucose

b. fructose c. maltose d. dextrin

90. Beta 1,4 glycosidic linkages are present in a. Glycogen b. starch d. inulin c. cellulose 91. All the following are a. Cellulose b. starch c. glycogen d. heparin 92. All the following are

84. Sugar present in DNA is a. ribose b. xylulose c. Arabinose d. deoxyribose a. Ribose

85. Sugar present in RNA is: b. Xylulose

homopolysaccharides EXCEPT

c. Arabinose

d. Deoxyribose 86. Sugar present in seminal fluid is: a. glucose b. fructose c. galactose 87. All the following polysaccharides have glucose as their monomer EXCEPT a. Starch c. Inulin b. dextrin d. glycogen d. maltose

heteropolysaccharides EXCEPT a. Hyaluronic acid c. Inulin b. chondroitin sulphate d. Heparin

93. Which of the following poly saccharine is a naturally occurring anti coagulant? a. Hylauronic acid b. chondroitin sulphate c. heparin d. keratosulphate

88. End product of starch on acid hydrolysis is a. glucose

b. fructose c. maltose d. dextrin

94. One of the following carbohydrates is not digested in the human intestinal tract a. Starch

99. The functional group responsible for the reducing property of glucose is present on which carbon atom? a. 6 b. 5 c. 2 d. 1

b. cellulose c. lactose d. sucrose

95. Amylopectin differ from amaylose by a. alpha 1,4 glycosidic linkage b. beta 1,4 glycosidic linkage branching branching c. alpha 1,4 glycosidic linkage at d. alpha 1,6 glycosidic linkage at 96. One of the following polysaccharides is called animal starch: a. glucose c. dextrin b. heparin d. glycogen

97. Glucose on oxidation with H2O2 gives: a. Hyaluronic acid c. Glucaric acid d. Mucic acid 98. Sorbitol is:

b. Glucuronic acid

a. A sterol

b. An amino alcohol c. A sugar alcohol d. A glycerol derivative

Answers 1. D 2. A 3. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 4. B 34. B 36. C 37. C 39. C 40. D 41. C 42. C 44. D 45. D 46. A 48. A 50. A 51. A 52. B 53. B 55. D 57. D 58. D 59. D 60. D 61. D 62. C 64. D 65. D 66. D 63. C 56. B 54. B 47. E 43. B 38. E 35. B 67. C 68. A 69. B

70. C 71. C 72. B 74. B 75. B 76. D 77. C 79. C 81. D 82. B 83. B 80. A 78. B 73. A

8. D 9. A 10. D 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. E 17. B 11. C

49. C

18. C 19. C 20. D 21. B 22. B 23. C 25. C 26. B 28. C 29. D 31. A 33. D 32. C 30. B 27. B 24. B

84. D 85. A 86. B

87. C 88. A 89. C 91. D 92. C 93. C 94. B 95. D 96. D 97. B 98. C 90. C

99. D

1. Glycolysis takes place in: a. Mitochonthia. b. Cytosol. c. Lysosome.

5. Floride inhibits glycolysis by inhibiting: a. Aldolase. b. Enolase. c. Hexokinase. d. Pyruvate kinase. 6. Which of the following is not a cofactor of pyruvate to acetyl COA reaction: a. Mn b. TPP. c. Lipoic acid. e. NAD

d. Endoplasmic reticulum. e. All of the above. 2. Glycolysis is inhibited by: a. Flouride. b. Mg+ c. Cu d. Mn e. Ca.

3. Pyruvate is converted to acetyl Co-A by: a. Oxidation b. Reduction c. Oxidation decarboxylation d. Decarboxylation e. None of the above. 4. Epinephrine and glucagon have the following effect on glycogen metabolism in the liver: increased.

d. Coenzymes A.

7. Pyruvate to acetyl coA conversion is carried by: a. Pyruvate kinase. b. Mutase. c. Aldolase. 8. Substrate level phosphorylation step in glycolysis is: a. 1,3 diphosphoglyceric acid to b. 3 phosphoglyceric acid. Glucose to G-6-P. d. None of the above.

a. The net synthesis of glycogen is b. Glycogen phosphorylase is synthesis is inactivated.

activated,whereas glycogen

a. Pyruvate to lactate. c. None of the above.

b. Pyruvate to acetyl COA. 9. Muscle glycogen cannot give rise to blood glucose because muscle lacks the enzyme: a. phosphorylase c. Glucokinase.

c. Both glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen synthetase are activated but at markedly different rates.

d. Glycogen phosphorylase is synthetase is activated.

inactivated,whereas glycogen

b. G-6 phosphatase. d. Debranching enzyme.

10. Formation of glycogen from glucose in the liver require: a. AMP. b. ATP. d. CIP. c. UTP. e. None of the above.

15. Number of ATP molecules formed per molecule of glucose in aerobic glycolysis is: a. 2 b. 8 c. 18 d. 36 e. 54 16. In anaerobic glycolysis, 2 moles of Pi are used per mole of glucose consumed, which of the following enzymes catalyze the uptake of inorganic phosphate? a. Hexokinase b. Enolase

11. Gluconeogenesis requires the following enzymes: a. Pyruvate carboxylase.

b. Phosphoenol pyruvate kinase. c. Fructose 6 diphosphatase. d. G-6 phosphatase. e. All of the above.

f. None of the above. 12. The commonest deficient enzyme in galactosemia is: a. Galactokinase b. Galactose-1-P uridyl c. UDP transferase d. Lactose synthetase 13. HMP shunt pathway e. Galactose 1 phosphatase. a. Give rise to more ATP b. Give rise to NADH+H d. Give rise to FADH2 c. Give rise to NADPH+H 14. The Substrate level phosphorylation step in citric acid cycle is: a. Pyruvate to acetyl COA. transferase

c. Pyruvate kinase dehydrogenase

d. Glyceraldehyde 3-P e. Phosphofructokinase

17. Which of the following reactions has high- energy phosphate bond? b. 2-phosphoglycerate to

a product containing a newly formed a. Phosphorylation of glucose. phosphoenolypyruvate. 3-phosphate.

c. Oxidation of D-glyceraldehyde d. All the above. 18. The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex requires: a. Biotin e. Only b and c.

b. Iso-citrate to oxalosuccinate.

c. ketoglutarate to succinyl COA. d. Succinyl COA to succinic acid. e. None of the above.

b. Thiamine pyrophosphate c. Pyridoxal phosphate dinucleotide d. Nicotinamide adenine e. B and d.

19. The release of carbon dioxide results from the following reaction of the citric acid cycle: a. Citrate to isocitrate.

24. Which one of the following

metabolites is not directly produced in the hexose monophosphate pathway? a. Fructose 6-phosphate b. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate c. Gluconolactone-6-phosphate d. Erythrose-4-phosphate e. Co2.

b. Fumarate to malate. c. Malate to oxaloacetate. d. Succinate to fumarate. e. Isocitrate to ketoglutarate. 20. The Cells capable of gluconeogenesis include: a. hepatocytes. b. Kidney tubule cells. d. All of the above. e. Only b and c. c. Small intestine mucosal cells.

25. The major contributing factor to

cataract formation in Diabetes may be the accumulation of sorbitol in the has to interact with: lens.For that to occur, blood glucose a. Glucose oxidase. reductase.

b. NADPH-dependent aldose c. Glucokinase.

21. Hereditary fructose intolerance is a a. Phosphofructokinase. b. Fructokinase. c. Aldolase B. adolase. d. Fructose I .6-diphosphate e. Fructose 6-phosphatase.

condition caused by a deficiency of:

d. Hexokinase & G-6-P e. Hexokinase and dehydrogenase.


26. Anerobic oxidation of glucose in animal tissue produces: a. CO2 and H20 b. Acetyl-COA

22. The enzyme deficient in fructose intolerance is: a. Fructokinase b. Aldolase B c. Phosphofructokinase 23. Which one of the following synthesis of glucose? a. Lactate b. Glycerol

c. Two moles of ATP

d. Ethyl alcohol and CO2 27. The main regulatory enzyme for glycolysis is: a. Hexokinase b. Phosphofructokinase 1 c. Pyruvate carboxylase d. Enolase

d. Fructose 1,6 diphosphate

compounds cannot give rise to the net

c. alpha-ketoglutarate d. Oxaloacetate e. Acetyl-COA.

28. The major source for blood lactate is: a. Red cells c. Muscle b. Adipose tissue d. Both a and c

29. Aerobic oxidation of glucose inside the red cells will produce the a. 2 b. 8 c. 36 30. An ATP producing reaction in glycolysis is catalysed by: a. Hexokinase. b. Pyruvate kinase. c. Lactate dehydrogenase. 31. The product of LDH action on pyruvic acid will be: a. Lactate. d. All of these. d. 38 following number of ATP moles?

35. All of the following energy- related except:

activities occur in the mitochondria a. TCA cycle

b. Fatty acid oxidation c. Electron transport. 36. A specific enzyme for glucose phosphorylation is: b. Hexokinase a. GIucokinase c. Galactokinase d. Glycolysis

37. Under anaerobic conditions,muscle glycolysis becomes more rapid because of an increase in the a. NAD b. ATP intracellular concentration of:

d. Glucose-6-phosphatase

b. Oxaloacetate

c. Active acetate 32. In red cells :the end product of due to the lack of: a. O2 b. Mitochondria c. Insulin 33. An enzyme not involved in glycolysis is: a. Phosphoglyceratedehydrogenase b. Phosphoglycerate mutase c. Pyruvate kinase d. Lactate dehydrogenase 34. A pathway not needing NAD is: a. Glycolysis b. Pentose shunt c. Krebs cycle d. Oxidative decarboxylation d. LDH d. Phosphoenol pyruvate

glycolysis in presence of O2 is Lactate

c. Glycogen d. AMP 38. The rate of glycolysis is controlled by inhibition of any of the following enzymes except: a. Glucokinase by ATP phosphate

b. Hexokinase by glucose-6c. Phosphofructokinase by citrate 39. The conversion of G-6-P to lactate in the glycolytic pathways is a. 1 mole ATP accompanied by or net gain of b. 2 moles ATP c. 3 moles ATP d. 8 moles ATP d. Phosphofructokinase by ATP

40. In pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, because of increased intracellular levels of: a. Lactate. b. Pyruvate c. ADP to ATP ratio.

hemolysis of red cells occurs primarily

45. The following are isomerization reactions except: a. G-6-P Fructose-6-P phosphoglycerate

b. 3-phosphoglycerate 2c. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate glyceraldehyde-3phosphate.

d. 2,3-diphosphoglycerate 41. A high-energy phosphate compound is formed at the substrate level in the following reactions citric acid cycle This occurs during a. Citrate to alpha-ketoglutarate b. Succinate to Fumarate c. Fumarate to Malate

46. One of the following enzymes is gluconeogenesis.

d. Ribulose-5-P Ribose-5-P

required for both of glycolysis and a. Pyruvate carboxylase. b. Hexokinase. c. Aldolase.

42. The CAC is inhibited by the following factors: a. Arsenite.

d. Ketoglutarate to Succinate

47. A common requirement for oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-ketoacid is: a. NADP. b. Lipoic acid. d. Pyruvate.

d. Pyruvate kinase.

b. Malonate.

c. Fluoroacetate. 43. The reaction catalyzed by alpha acid cycle requires: a. NADP c. ATP b. COA-SH d. Succinate d. All of these.

c. Acetyl-COA. 48. Poisoning with fluoroacetate leads to intracellular accumulation of: a. Citrate. b. Oxalosuccinate. c. Aconitic acid. d. Succinate.

ketoglutarate dehydrogenase in citric

44. The oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate requires the following factors except: a. TPP b. NAD d. FAD e.

49. Fluoroacetate is an inhibitor of: a. Citrate synthetase. b. Aconitase

c. Isocitrate dehydrogenase. d. Succinate dehydrogenase

c. Biotin

50. Acetyl-COA is:

a. An allosteric activator of b. Able to be converted to pyruvate. c. Never converted to fatty acid. d. Produced from pyruvate in cytoplasm. pyruvate carboxylase.

55. The activity of G-6-P dehydrogenase is very low in: a. Skeletal muscle. b. Adipose tissue. d. Red cell. c. Adrenal cortex. 56. GTP is produced by the action of the following enzyme: a. Succinate thiokinase. c. alpha-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. dehydrogenase.

51. Entry of acetyl-COA into CAC is decreased when: a. The ratio of ATP/ADP is high. . b. NADH+H is rapidly oxidized in c. The concentration of AMP is high. d. The GTP/GDP ratio is low. the respiratory chain.

b. Succinate dehydrogenase.

d. Phosphoenol pyruvate 57. Which one of the following is not characteristic of hexose monophosphate pathway: a. It produces CO2 b. It uses NADP phosphate

52. Cortisol is a potent activator of the key enzymes of: a. Glycolysis.

b. Gluconeogenesis c. Pentose shunt. d. Glycogenesis.

c. It produces ribose-5d. It requires ATP for 58. Which reaction does not consume NADPH: a. Reduction of oxidized b. Synthesis of steroid phosphate to 6phosphorylation

53. Reduced COA is produced by a cycle that is active in: a. Red cells.

b. Adipose tissue. d. All of these. a. Liver

c. Adrenal cortex. 54. The major site for gluconeogenesis: b. Kidney

glutathione (G-S-S-G)

c. Conversion of glucose 6phosphoglucono lactone

c. Intestine

d. Skeletal muscle

59. Glutathione functions in red blood cells largely to: a. Reduce H2O2

d. Fatty acid synthesis

b. Produce NADPH+H

c. Reduce methemoglobin d. Reduce pyruvate to lactate

60. Which one of the following the hexose

metabolites is not directly produced in a. monophosphate pathway: b. Fructose -6-phosphate c. Co2

65. A factor not required for oxidative decarboxylation is: a. NAD. b. FAD c. TPP

d. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate e. Erythrose -4-phosohare 61. The synthesis of glucose from pyruvate by gluconeogenesis: cytoplasm a. Occurs exclusively in the b. Is inhibited by elevated levels c. Requires the participation of d. Involves lactate as intermediate biotin of glucagon

66. By oxidative decarboxylation alphaketoglutarate is transformed into: a. Succinyl CoA b. Glutaryl CoA c. Acetyl CoA d. Succinate 67. Citrate synthase is inhibited by: a. Citrate. b. ATP

d. FMN

62. Which one of the following reactions is unique to gluconeogenesis? a. Lactate to pyruvate pyruvate pyruvate b. Phosphoenol pyruvate to

c. Long chain fatty acids d. All of these. 68. FADH2 oxidation occurs in: a. Mitochondria b. Microsomes c. Cytoplasm 69. An inhibitor for aconitase is: a. Fluoroacetate b. Arsenite c. Malonate 70. By oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to active acetate, the obtained: a. 2 b. 3 c. 8 d. 15 following number of ATP moles are d. All of these d. Lysosome

c. Oxaloacetate to phosphoenold. Glucose 6-phosphate to 63. Which of the following compounds cannot be converted to glucose? a. Lactate b. Glycerol c. Oxaloacetate 64. Succinate dehydrogenase is inhibited by: a. Malonate b. ATP c. Long chain fatty acids d. All of these. d. Acetyl COA fructose-6-phosphate

71. A coenzyme for pentose shunt dehydrogenases is: a. TPP b. NADP d. NAD 72. Blood glucose is not elevated in: a. Diabetes mellitus b. Acromegaly c. Renal glucosuria 73. In glycogenesis ,the formation of a branching point is catalyzed by: a. 1,4-1,6 glucotransferase b. 1,4-1,6 transglucosidase c. Glucosyl transferase d. UDPG-pyrophosphorylase 74. GTP is formed in which reaction a. Oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate d. Stress glucosuria

77. Glycogen synthetase requires the following substrate: a. UDP glucose b. GDP glucose c. ADP glucose d. CDP glucose

c. Both (a) and (b)

78. Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) catalyzes: a. The oxidation of lactate to lactate b. The addition of two hydrogen c. The removal of two H atoms d. The removal of one mole of 79. Which reaction is irreversible in glycolysis? a. Oxidation of 3H2O from lactate from pyruvate

phosphoglycerate phosphate

b. Formation of fructose-6c. Splitting of fructose 1,6 d. Formation of fructose 1,6 diphosphate 80. Which of the following is not a high energy compound? a. 1,3 diphosphoglycerate b. Adenosine diphosphate c. Pyrophosphate d. Adenosine monophosphate 81. Which metabolite is decarboxylated in TCA cycle? a. Pyruvate b. Oxalosuccinate c. Cis-aconitate d. Oxaloacetate diphosphate

b. Isocitrate to Oxalosuccinate c. Succinyl COA to succinate d. Ketoglutarate to Succinyl-COA 75. The coenzyme required for lactate dehydrogenase activity is: dinucleotide a. Nicotinamide adenine b. Pyridoxal phosphate c. COASH d. Cytochrome C

76. Which enzyme is activated by AMP? a. Phosphofructokinase-1 c. Phosphorylase a b. Fructose 1,6 diphosphatase d. Glycogen synthase

82. Which of the following is oxidized and loses CO2 in the TCA cycle? a. Isocitrate b. Oxalosuccinate c. Fumarate d. alpha-Ketoglutarate

87. The activity of phosphorylase B kinase is: a. Controlled by activation of its b. Directly modulated c. Inhibited by phosphorylation 88. In gluconeogenesis starting from allosterically zymogen

83. For which reaction is thiamin pyrophosphate required as a coenzyme?

d. Increased by phosphorylation oxaloacetate, how many high energy glucose molecule synthesized? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 89. How many ATP molecules are formed when 2 molecules of pyruvate are a. 30 b. 32 c. 36 90. The number of (NADPH+H) formed from hexose phosphate in pentose phosphate pathway is: a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 12 91. How many ATP molecules are formed when a glucose molecule is TCA cycle? a. 34 b. 35 c. 36 d. 38 completely oxidized by glycolysis & d. 38 completely oxidized by TCA cycle? d. 6

a. Pyruvate to Acetyl-COA c. Pyruvate to Alanine

b. Pyruvate to Oxaloacetate d. Pyruvate to Lactate

phosphate bonds will be used for each

84. Glucose-6-phosphate cannot be step to:

directly converted by a one enzyme a. Glucose b. UDP-G c. Fructose 1,6 diphosphate

85. The TCA cycle is controlled by the activity of: a. Citrate synthetase

d. 6-phosphogluconolactone

b. Isocitrate dehydrogenase c. Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase 86. Hexokinase activity is inhibited by: a. Glucose-6-phosphate b. Acetyl-COA d. All of these c. Phosphoenol pyruvate d. All of these

92. Fructosuria is the result of: a. A deficiency of phosphofructokinase fructokinase B

95. Which of the following reactions generate ATP? a. G-6-P to F-6-P

b. A deficiency of liver

b. Glucose to G-6-P. P.

c. Phosphoenolpyruvate to G-6d. Pyrvate to lactate. Phosphofructokinase citrate a. Is stimulated by ATP and b. Catalyses the conversion of Gc. Is inhibited by F-2,6d. Catalyses an irreversible 97. Actions of F-2,6-bisphosphate includes a. Stimulation of fructose 1,6 b. Stimulation of phosphoenol c. inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase d. Stimulation of PFK1 98. Catabolism of fatty acid syimulates gluconeogenesis in all of the following ways except a. By contributing to citrate b. By pyruvate carboxylase activation c. By contributiong of ATP d. By providing carbons for glucose skeleton production production pyruvate biphosphate reaction Phosphate 6-P to F-6-P

c. Elevated levels of liver aldolase d. A deficiency of liver 93. Which is a member of the electron transport chain? a. Palmitoyl carnitine. b. Carnitine. c. Reduced nicotinamide dinucleotide (NADH). d. Cytochrome P45. hexokinase 96.

94. The connection between oxidation phosphorylation and electron transport is best described by:

a. Existence of a higher pH in cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum than in the cytosol. flow into the mitochondrial matrix along a proton gradient that exists across the inner mitochondrial membrane. c. Dissociation of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation.

b. Synthesis of ATP as protons

d. Absence of ATP synthase in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

99. Which of the following statements about glycogenolysis and glucose metabolism is true a. G6P from liver glycogen usually enters glycolysis b. G6P from muscle glycogen c. Muscle cytosol contains glucose 6 phosphatase


In aerobic glycolysis

a. The breakdown of one mole of glucose leads to net formation of 2 moles of lactate and 4 moles of ATP

sometimes enters the blood

b. Most of the intermediates are phosphate esters which can't leave the cell

d. Liver glycogenolysis and at the same time

c. Since ATP is produced, none is d. Pyruvate kinase is required to 103. Mature RBCs show all of the a. Depends on ATP generate by b. May undergo haemolysis if glycolysis form PEP required in intermediate steps

glycolysis aren't usually active


about TCA cycle intermediates is true except a. They can be used for the net b. They are all ketogenic c. Citrate is required in the synthesis of FAs in the cytoplasm production of glucose

Each of the following statements

following except

there is defeciency in G6PD removed by cori's cycle

c. Accumulate lactate which is d. Contain aerobic mechanism to prevent accumulation of 104. Which of the following interlactate

d. Two of them provide carbon two AAs by transamination 101. Hereditary deficiency of G6PD

skeletons for the synthesis of

causes haemolytic anaemia because of all of the following except NADPH a. It's association with decrease in b. It's accompanied by decrease in concentration of reduced c. It results in a slower glycolytic d. It leads to oxidation of SH RBCs rate glutathione in RBCs

conversions of monosaccharides (or sugar intermediate

derivatives)don't require a nucleotide a. Galactose 1 P G1P c. Glucose Fructose d. G1P lactose

b. Glucose Glucuronic acid

groups in same proteins of the



a. Unlike glucose, can't be catabolized by glycolytic b. In the liver, enters directly into c. Is converted to UDP-linked UDPG glycolysis as F6P pathway


metabolites isn't directly produced in HMS a. F6P

Which one of the following

b. DHAP c. Gluconolactone-6-P d. Erythrose 4-P 109. Glucokinase is

form and then epimerised to

d. Its catabolism in liver used fructokinase 106. Which of the following reactions

a. Inhibited by ATP allosterically b. Stimulated by AMP allosterically

has a product containing a newly

formed high-energy phosphate bond a. Phosphorylation of glucose b. 2-PhosphoGlycerate PEP 3-P

c. An inducible enzyme 110.

d. Activated by phosphorylation Increased FA oxidation activates

c. Oxidation of D-glyceraldehyde d. Only B and C

gluconeogenesis by increase levels of all the following except a. Citrate c. AMP d. ATP 111. Citrate b. Acetyl Co-A


glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency. This infant: a. Can't maintain blood glucose or gluconeogenesis

An infant with enlarged liver has a

level either by glucogenolysis

a. Activates PFK1 allosterically c. Can release Acetyl Co-A in

b. Inhibits F 1,6 bisphosphatase mitochondria cytoplasm

b. Can use liver glycogen to

maintain blood glucose level maintain blood glucose level maintain blood glucose level 112.

d. Can produce active acetate in Von Gierk's disease is a. Decreased levels of uric acid in b. Decreased levels of glucose in c. decreased levels of lipid in d. Increased amount of altered glycogen in liver blood blood blood

c. Can use muscle glycogen to d. Can use muscle glycogen to

characterized by

e. Can convert both alanine and blood glucose level

glycerol to glucose to maintain


glycogenolysis in muscle are correct except a. Glycogen phosphorylase units G1P

All the following about


and loses CO2 in CAC a. Citrate b. Fumarate c. Malate

Which of the following is oxidized

release phosphorylated glucose 120.

b. Amylo 1,6 glucosidase releases c. It's not affected by glucagon d. It doesn't maintain blood glucose level 114.

d. Alpha keto glutarate a. Malonate b. Arsenite d. Glucose

Glycolysis can be inhibited by

c. Fluroacetate 121. Glucagon


In muscle: synthesis of Ribose 5 P a. G6PD

a. Stimulates glycogen synthase b. Stimulates glycogen phosphorylase by c. Represses gluconeogenic d. Represses hexokinase enzymes phosphorylation by de-phosphorylation

b. Vitamin B1 c. NADPH+ H 115. d. NADP

Amylo 1, 6 glucosidase is called a. Branching enzyme c. Glucantransferase b. Debranching enzyme d. Phosphorylase a. Liver


Pyruvate can be synthesized from a. Malate


Not a Gluconeogenic organ: b. Intestine c. Kidney d. Muscle

all the following except b. Acetyl Co-A c. Glycerol 123. d. Glucogenic AA a. biotin

PDH complex needs b. NADH+H+ d. NADP


following except b. Mercury c. Arsenate d. Arsenite

CAC can be inhibited by all the a. Flouroacetate 124.

c. Lipoic acid Alpha ketoglutarate

dehydrogenase is stimulated by a. Increased level of ATP NAD b. Increased level of reduced c. Increased level of ADP d. decreased level of NAD


Glycolysis can be inhibited by a. Malonate b. Arsenite d. Glucose

c. Fluroacetate


Acetyl Co-A

a. Inhibits pyruvate carboxylase b. Stimulates pyruvate dehydrogenase complex two different enzymes


Hexokinase activity is inhibited by a. G-6-P c. PEP b. Acetyl Co-A d. All of the above

c. Synthesized and cleaved by d. Is a gluconeogenic substrate One of the following is an a. Glycogen synthase b. Hexokinase c. G6PD 127. d. PDH A high energy compound that can a. G6P b. GTP c. 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate 128. d. F 1,6 bisphosphate In presence of arsinate, number of 131.


galactosemic patient, all the following are needed except a. UTP

To synthesize milk sugar in

inducible enzyme

b. Galactokinase c. Glucokinase 132. d. UDPG pyrophosphorylase

be produced by glycolysis is

co-A, how many high energy a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

To convert propionate to succinyl

phosphate bonds are consumed?

ATP produced from oxidation of one mole of glucose in hepatic cell by a. 0 b. 8 c. 6 d. 2


To convert 2 glycerol molecules

glucose in hepatic cell by glycolysis is

into one mole of glucose, how many ATP molecules are consumed? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 134. following enzymes are needed except a. Pyruvate carboxylase dependent malate dehydrogenase) dehydrogenase b. Malic enzyme (NADP In dicarboxylic acid shuttle, all the


Salivary amylase a. Can produce free glucose from b. Acts on terminal alpha 1,4 c. Acts as alpha 1,6 glucosidic d. Works on starch and glycogen in random bond glucosidic bond starch

c. NAD dependent malate d. PEPCK


present in

Glucose 6 phosphatase isn't a. Liver


lactate, how many high energy synthesize one mole of glucose a. 6 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2

In Gluconeogenesis, starting from

b. kidney

phosphate bonds will be used to

c. Muscle 136. d. Intestine Example of extra-mitochondrial a. Phosphoglycerate kinase b. Pyruvate kinase dehydrogenase c. Glyceraldehyde 3 P d. Hexokinase

oxidative phosphorylation


when a mole of pyruvate is completely oxidized in CAC a. 15 b. 16 c. 18

How many ATP moles are formed


decarboxylation except

All catalyse simple oxidative a. Isocitrate dehydro.


In abscence of NADP+ (for action

b. 6-phosphogluconate dehydro c. Alpha ketoglutarate dehydro 138. d. Malic enzyme

of G6PD and 6-phosphogluconate

dehydrogenase), pentose phosphate may be synthesized by the action of a. Hexokinase on ribose c. Transketolase and intermediates phosphate b. Pentokinase on ribose transaldolase on the glycolytic d. Aldolase on sedoheptulose 7 143. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is a. Increased by phosphorylation b. Increased by dec. Decreased by covalent modification promoted by decreased NAD phosphorylation

a 1-step enzyme to a. Glucose b. UDPG

G6P cant be directly converted by

c. Fructose 6 P 139. d. 6- Phosphogluconolactone In gluconeogenesis starting from

Oxaloacetic Acid, how many high to synthesize one mole of glucose a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6

energy phosphate bonds will be used


the following enzyme

GTP is produced by the action of a. Succinate thiokinase c. Alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase dehydrogenase


pyruvate by gluconeogenesis cytoplasm

The synthesis of glucose from a. Occurs exclusively in the b. Is inhibited by elevated levels c. Requires the participation of biotin d. Involves lactate as intermediate Which one of the following of glucagon

b. Succinate dehydrogenase

d. Phosphoenolpyruvate 145. Which one of the following is not

characteristic of hexose a. It produces CO2 b. It uses NADP

monophosphate pathway:


reactions is unique to gluconeogenesis?

c. It produces ribose-5-P d. It requires ATP for 146. phosphorylation

a. Lactate to pyruvate b. PEP to pyruvate c. Oxaloacetate to PEP d. Glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate

reactions does not consume NADPH a. Reduction of oxidized b. Synthesis of steroid phosphate to 6glutathione (G-S-S-G)

Which one of the following


Which compound cannot be a. Lactate

converted to glucose? b. Glycerol c. Oxaloacetate 152. d. Acetyl Co-A Succinate dehydrogenase is a. Malonate b. ATP c. Long chain fatty acids 153. d. All of these A factor not required for oxidative a. NAD b. FAD c. TPP

c. Conversion of glucose 6phosphoglucono lactone 147. d. Fatty acid synthesis Glutathione functions in RBCs a. Reduce H2O2

inhibited by

largely to

b. Produce NADPH+H

c. Reduce methaemoglobin 148. d. Reduce pyruvate to lactate Which one of the following

decarboxylation is

metabolites is not directly produced in the hexose monophosphate pathway: a. Fructose-6-phosphate b. CO2 c. DHAP d. Erythrose-4-phosphate

d. FMN


alpha-ketoglutarate is transformed into a. Succinyl Co-A b. Glutaryl Co-A c. Acetyl Co-A d. Succinate a. Citrate b. ATP c. Long chain fatty acids

By oxidative decarboxylation


branching point is catalyzed by:

In glycogenesis ,formation of a. 1,4--1,6 glucotransferase c. Glucosyl transferase

b. 1,4--1,6 transglucosidase d. UDPG-pyrophosphorylase


Citrate synthase is inhibited by


dehydrogenase activity is: dinucleotide

The coenzyme required for lactate a. Nicotinamide adenine b. Pyridoxal phosphate c. CO-ASH d. Cytochrome C


d. All of these

FADH2 oxidation occurs in a. Mitochondria b. Microsomes c. Cytoplasm d. Lysosome



Which enzyme is activated by a. PFK1

b. Fructose1,6 bisphosphatase c. Phosphorylase a 163. d. Glycogen synthase


An inhibitor for aconitase is a. Flouroacetate b. Arsenite c. Malonate

following substrate

Glycogen synthetase requires the a. UDP glucose b. GDP glucose c. CDP glucose d. ADP glucose

d. All of these 158. pyruvate to active acetate,the obtained a. 2 b. 3 c. 8 159. d. 15 By oxidative decarboxylation of 164.

following number of ATP moles are


Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) a. The oxidation of lactate to lactate

b. The addition of two hydrogen c. The removal of two H atoms d. The removal of one mole of H2O from lactate from pyruvate

A coenzyme for pentose shunt a. TPP

dehydrogenases is: b. NADP d. NAD

c. Both a and b



Which reaction is irreversible in a. Oxidation of 3-


activity of

The TCA cycle is controlled by the a. Citrate synthetase

b. Formation of fructose-6c. Splitting of fructose 1,6 diphosphate diphosphate d. Formation of fructose 1,6 166. Which of the following is not a a. 1,3 diphosphoglycerate b. Adenosine diphosphate c. Pyrophosphate 167. d. AMP 172. phosphate


b. Isocitrate dehydrogenase c. Alphaketoglutarate d. All of these dehydrogenase


Hexokinase activity is inhibited by a. Glucose-6-phosphate b. Acetyl Co-A c. PEP d. All of these

high energy compound?

kinase is:

The activity of phosphorylase b a. Controlled by activation of its b. Directly modulated allosterically c. Inhibited by phosphorylation zymogen

and loses CO2 in the TCA cycle? a. Isocitrate b. Oxalosuccinate c. Fumarate d. Alpha ketoglutarate

Which of the following is oxidized


d. Increased by phosphorylation In gluconeogenesis starting from


pyrophosphate required as a coenzyme?

For which reaction is thiamin

oxaloacetate,how many high-energy glucose molecule synthesized? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 174. d. 6 How many ATP molecules are

phosphate bonds will be used for each

a. Pyruvate to Acetyl-COA c. Pyruvate to Alanine

b. Pyruvate to oxaloacetate d. Pyruvate to lactate


Glucose-6-phosphate cannot be

formed when 2 molecules of pyruvate are completely oxidized by TCA cycle? a. 30 b. 32 c. 36 d. 38

directly converted by a one enzyme step to: a. Glucose b. UDP glucose c. Fructose1,6 bisphosphate

d. 6 phosphogluconolactone


NADPH+H formed from hexose pathway is: a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 12

The number of molecules of


phosphorylation and electron

The connection between oxidation

phosphate in the pentose phosphate

transport is best described by:

a. Existence of a higher pH in cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum than in the cytosol flow into the mitochondrial matrix along a proton gradient that exists across the inner mitochondrial membrane. c. Dissociation of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation.

b. Synthesis of ATP as protons


formed when a glucose molecule is CAC?

How many ATP molecules are

completely oxidized by glycolysis & a. 34 b. 36 c. 37 177. d. 38 Fructosuria is the result of

d. Absence of ATP synthase in the inner mitochondrial 180. Which of the following reactions a. G-6-P to F-6-P membrane.

a. Deficient phosphofructokinase b. Deficient liver fructokinase B c. Elevated levels of liver aldolase d. Deficient liver hexokinase Which of the following

generate ATP?

b. Glucose to G-6-P c. Phosphoenolpyruvate to G-6-P d. Pyrvate to lactate


compounds is a member of the electron transport chain? b. Carnitine c. NADH a. Palmitoyl carnitine.

d. Cytochrome P45

Model Answers
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. E 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. E 18. E 19. E 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. E 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. C 41. D 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. A 51. A 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. A 56. A 57. D 58. C 59. A 60. D 61. C 62. C 63. D 64. A 65. D 66. A 67. D 68. A 69. A 70. B 71. B 72. C 73. B 74. C 75. A 76. A 77. A 78. A 79. D 80. D 81. B 82. D 83. A 84. C 85. D 86. A 87. D 88. C 89. A 90. A 91. D 92. B 93. C 94. B 95. C 96. D 97. D 98. D 99. D 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. B C B D C D D A B C C D B B B B D C B D A B B C C

125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138.


139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152.


153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166.


167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180.


1. True statements about lipids include the following except a. They are an intracellular b. They are poorly soluble in c. They are structural water energy source

7. A lipid containing sphingosine is a. Lecithin b. Ganglioside c. Cardiolipin d. Cephalin

8. Adipose tissue fats are mainly a. Phospholipids b. Triglycerides c. Lipoproteins 9. Addition of choline to phosphatidic acid will produce a. Lysolecithin d. Sulfolipid

components of membranes carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

d. They are composed of only 2. Hydrogenation of oil is formation

a. The basis of artificial fat b. Oxidation reaction of lipids d. All of the above

c. The basis for soap formation 3. An unsaturated fatty acid with 3 double bonds is a. Stearic acid

b. Choline plasmalogen c. Phosphatidyl serine d. Lecithin

10. The double bond in cholesterol is present between the following 2 carbons a. 4 and 5 b. 5 and 6 c. 7 and 8 d. 22 and 23

b. Lignoceric acid c. Linoleic acid 4. Lecithin contains b. Glycerol d. Choline d. linolenic acid a. Two fatty acids c. Phosphoric acid e. All of these a. Linoleic

11. Fatty acids that are dietary essentials in humans include which of the following a. Palmitic acid b. Stearic acid c. Oleic acid d. Linoleic Acid 12. A substance not present in the a. Saturated fatty acid b. Glycerol c. Phosphoric acid d. Ethanolamine hydrolytic products of lecithin is

5. An essential fatty acid is b. Linolenic

c. Arachidonic d. All of these a. Oleic 6. A non-essential fatty acid is b. Linoleic

c. Linolenic d. Arachidonic

13. The free fatty acid of blood are a. Metabolically inert lipoproteins b. Mainly bound to Bc. Stored in the fat depots d. Mainly bound to serum 14. An unsaturated fatty acid with 3 double bonds is a. Stearic acid albumin

19. Fatty acids that must be obtained from the diet by humans include a. Oleic b. Plamitoleic c. Palmitic d. Stearic e. Linoleic

20. Hydrolysis of a mixture of phospholipids may yield all the following except a. Serine b. Choline

b. Lignoceric acid c. Linoleic acid d. Linolenic acid

15. Plasma lipoproteins can be separated by a. Electrophoresis c. Both of these

c. Galactose 21. A substance not present in the hydrolytic products of cephalin is a. Saturated fatty acid b. Glycerol c. Phosphoric acid 22. A fatty acid not synthesized in man is a. Oleic b. Palmitoleic c. Linoleic d. Palmitic d. Ethanolamine d. Glycerol

b. Ultracentrifugation d. None of these a. Oleic

16. A non-essential fatty acid is b. Linolenic

c. Arachidonic d. All of these

17. A 18 carbon fatty acid not synthesized in the body is a. Lignoceric c. Stearic

23. Which of the following is not a phospholipid a. Cerebroside c. Lecithin

b. Palmitoleic d. Linoleic

b. Plasmelogen d. Splingomyelin

18. A compound normally used to conjugate bile acids is a. Serine

24. An anti-oxidant is a substance that a. Prevents saponification lipids b. Used to produce rancidity of c. Used to protect lipids against rancidity d. Used for hardening of oils

b. Glucuronic acid c. Fatty acids d. Calcium e. Glycine

25. Lipids are:

a. Structural constituents of cell b. Components having high energy value c. Soluble in non-polar solvents membrane

31. Carbohydrate moiety present in cerebroside in: a. fructose c. Ribose

b. Galactose d. Mannose

26. An example for simple lipid is: a. Triglyceride (T riacylglycerol) b. Cephalin d. Glycerol c. Fatty acids 27. Which one of the following is not a compound lipid? b. Waxes a. Plasmalogen c. Lecithin

d. All of the above

32. Sphingosine, as amino alchol in a a. Ganglioside c. Cephalin

constituent of all the following except: b. Cerebroside d. Sphingomyelin

33. which is not constituent of gangliosides: a. Sialic acid b. Glycerol c. Sphingosine 34. Which of the following is a. Linoleic Acid c. Oleic Acid d. Long-chain fatty acid

d. Sphingomyelin 28. Cholesterol is an: a. Compound lipid b. Simple lipid c. Derived lipid

monounsaturated fatty acids b. Alpha linolenic Acid d. Arachidonic Acid

29. Respiratory distress syndrome occurs due In deciency of: a. Plasmalogen b. Svinsvmyin c. Dipalmimoyl lecithin 30. Which is a major costituent of lung surfactantl? a. Dipalmitoyl lecithin b. Cholesbeml d. Glycerol c. Phosphalidic add d. Phosphatidyl serine

d. Aliphatic alcohol

35. Which of the following is a precursor to prostaglandins a. Linoleic Acid c. Oleic Acid

b. Alpha linolenic Acid d. Arachidonic Acid

36. All the following are essential together except a. Omega 3

b. Linoleic acid d. Stearic acid

c. Arachidonic acid

37. Which of the following is the variable element of fat a. Triacylglycerol in blood b. Stored glycogen c. True fat

43. All of the following are true about dipalmitoyl lecithin except palmitate alveoli a. Position 1, 2 is occupied by b. Found in extracellular fluid of c. Its loss decreases surface tension of alveolar fluid leading to alveolar collapse distress syndrome

38. 1 gram of fat is oxidised into a. 9.3 Kcal b. 4.1 Kcal c. 5.6 Kcal d. 2.1 Kcal 39. The precursor compound of glycerophospholipids is b. Triacylglycerol d. Glycogen a. Dipalmitoilglycerol c. Phosphatidic acid

d. Glycerophospholipids

d. Its loss leads to respiratory

44. All are true about cephalin except a. Abundant in animal cell b. Base is ethanolamine c. Has 2 forms 3 & 2 cephalin surfactant factors d. Takes part in formation of lung e. One of the important clotting 45. Lipositol membranes

40. The L-isomer of glycerol phosphate is found in a. Plant sterols

b. Natural phosphoglycerols c. Blood lipoproteins d. Tissue lipid bilayer

a. Has a cyclic hexose b. 1,4,5 form is present in brain c. The suger moiety is non-polar two or three moles of 46. Cardiolipin phosphoric acid and muscles myoinositol head

41. The amphipathic property of phospholipids is because they have a. Phosphoryl bases as polar heads

d. Phosphatidic inositol can have

b. Hydrocarbon non polar tails in water

c. Leads to formation of micelles d. All of the above

42. All are correct about lecithin except a. The base here is choline b. Present in cell membrane clotting factors

a. Used to test for syphilis acid bound to glycerol inner mitochondrial membrane

b. 2 molecules of phosphatidic c. Found in large amounts in

c. One of the most important d. Dipalmitoyl form is important for lung surfactant

d. First isolated from heart e. Important clotting factor

47. Which of the following is the constant element of fat a. Triacylglycerol in blood b. Stored glycogen c. True fat

52. All the following statements about Ceramide are true except a. The parent structure of

membrane components found in brain and myelin sheath of nerves

48. Which of the following is the glycerophospholipids

d. Glycerophospholipids

chemical reaction of breaking a. Hydrolysis by Phospholipases b. Polyunsaturated Fatty acid peroxidation

b. The fatty acid moiety is saturated or mononunsaturated

c. The amino group of

sphingosine is connected by a hydrogen bond to the fatty acid

49. The membrane-bound permeability in a. Heart b. Lung d. Liver

c. Phosphodiesterase reaction

53. The most abundant

glycerophospholipids control cell

sphingophospholipids in animals are a. Glycosphingolipids b. Ceramides d. Sulfatides is: c. Sphingomyelins.

c. Nerves 50. All the following are the functions of non-membrane bound glycerophospholipids except

54. The sphingomyelin polar head group a. Phosphoryl choline b. Phosphatidyl ethanolamine c. Phosphatidyl inositol d. Phosphoryl Co-A

a. In bile for solubilisation of cholesterol, digestion and b. In plasma lipoproteins absorption of dietary lipids

55. The following occur in the outer leaflet of plasma membrane a. Sphingophospholipids b. Glycerophospholipids c. Glycolipids 56. All the following are functions of cell surface glycolipids a. Cell to cell communication b. Tissue immunity c. Blood group antibodies d. Species specificity d. Steroids

c. Mediators of hormone action d. Increase surface tension in lung alveoli 51. All of the following are hydrolytic except

products of sphingophospholipids a. Sphingosine b. Glycerol c. Higher fatty acid d. Phosphoric acid e. Base

57. All the following are true about cerebrosides except a. They are neutral because they contain neutral sugar molecules as their polar heads b. The sugars are bound to hydroxyl group of ceramide

60. All of the following are true about USF except a. They include steroids and FSVs b. Can be hydrolysed by alkali c. Can be separated from other d. It stands for Unsaponifiable Fraction of fats types of fat by saponification

c. Glucocerebroside is the major glycosphingolipid in brain and d. The bond between sugers and hydroxyl groups is Beta-1,1 58. Which of the following is true about acidic glycolipids: a. The sylfatides are sulphate glycosidic link nervous tissue

61. Which of the following is not correct about the steroid nucleus a. Its nucleus is called cyclopentanoperhydrophenant b. There is a methyl group at C10 and C13 c. The total number of carbon groups is 17 hrene ring

b. The linkage between sulphur and glucocerebrosides is at the c. Gangliosides are simple glycosphinglipids derived from d. Gangliosides contain neuraminic acid in their structure galactosyl ceramide 2 position of glucose

esters of glucocerebrosides

atoms including the methyl

d. The 6 carbon atoms of the saturated about sterols

hexagonal ring are completely

62. Which of the following is incorrect a. They are a type of steroids b. They have a hydroxyl group at c. They have an aliphatic side d. Ergosterol is an animal sterol chain at C17 C3

while 7-dihydrocholesterol is a plant sterol

59. The USF include all except a. Steroids c. FSVs b. Carotenoids d. Glycerols alcohols

63. The main sterol in the body is a. 7-dihydrocholesterol b. Cholesterol c. Ergosterol d. 22-dihydroergosterol

e. High molecular weight

64. All of the following are true about cholesterol except a. Its a major constituent of b. Its a precursor of sex hormones, cortical hormones & c. =Synthesized by the body and found in plant fats which are d. Formed in the body from acetyl 65. Which is incorrect about the chemistry of cholesterol a. Hydroxyl group at C3 b. Aliphatic side chain at C17 c. =Its formed of 29C C6 d. A double bond between C5 & Co-A the major source Vit. D plasma membrane

68. All of the following is true about plant sterols except a. They have a double bond b. Ergocalciferol is formed by c. Yeast is the main source of ergocalciferol d. =D3 is more potent than D2 pro-vit D4 photolysis from plants between C22 & C23

e. 22-dihydroergosterol is called

66. Which of the following compounds is converted by UV rays into cholecalciferol

a. =7-dihydrocholesterol b. Cholesterol c. Ergosterol

67. The extra methyl group in plant sterols is at b. C3 a. C29 c. =C24 d. C17

d. 22-dihydroergosterol

1. D 3. D 4. E 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 10. B 2. A 25. d 27. b 28. c 29. c 26. a 49. c 50. d 51. b 52. c 53. c 55. c 56. c 58. d 59. d 60. b 61. c 57. c

31. b 33. b 34. c 35. d 36. d 37. c 39. c 38. a 40. b 41. d 42. c 43. c 44. d 45. c 46. e 32. c

30. a

54. a

9. D 11. C

12. D 13. D 14. D 15. C 16. A 18. E 19. E 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. c 20. C

62. d 63. b 64. c 65. c 67. c

17. D

66. a 68. d

47. d 48. a

1. -oxidation takes place in: a. Mitochondria c. Lysozyme b. Extramitochondria d. Endoplasmic reticulum 2. Denovo synthesis of fatty acids take place in: a. Mitochondria c. Lysozyme e. All of these

6. Very low density lipoprotein are rich in: a. Phospholipid b. Cerebrosides c. Triglycerides

d. Chylomicrons 7. Cholesterol biosynthesis takes place in: a. Mitochondria b. Extramitrochondria d. Ribosomes e. All of the above

b. Extramitochondria d. Endoplasmic reticulum 3. The end product of -oxidation of odd chain fatty acid is: a. Acetyl COA e. None of these

c. Endoplasmic reticulum e. All of the above

8. The rate limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis is: a. HMG COA reductase c. thiolase

b. Malonyl COA

b. HMG COA synthetase d. Mevalonate kinase

c. Propionyl COA d. Hydroxy methyl glutaryl COA 4. High density Lipo protein fraction is rich in: a. Triglycerides b. Phopho lipid c. Cholesterol d. Fatty acid e. All of these 5. Low density lipoprotein are rich in: a. Phospholipid b. Triglycerides c. Cholesterol e. All of these d. Chylomicrons in: e. Acetyl COA and propionyl COA

e. Squalene synthetase 9. Cholesterol gives rise to: a. Provitamin D b. Cholic acid

c. Sex hormones

d. All of the above

e. None of the above 10. Esterification of cholesterol takes place a. liver

b. Kidney c. Blood. d. Intestines

e. All of the above

11. Which of the following is not a ketone body: a. Acetic acid. b. Acetone. c. B-hydroxyButyricacid d. Aceto acetic acid e. None of the above 12. Ketone bodies are intermediatry products in: a. Carbohydrate metabolism b. Lipid metabolism c. protein metabolism e. None of the above 13. Fatty liver is due to:

15. All of the following statements about ketone bodies are correct except: a. They are soluble in aqueous require carriers in blood.

solutions and therefore do not

b. They are made in response to

elevated levels of fatty acids in acetyl-COA exceeds the

the liver, where the amount of oxidation capacity of the liver. body as fuel.

c. Acetone is not utilized by the

d. Nucleic acid metabolism

d. Unlike fatty acids.they can be e. When plasma ketone bodies levels are elevated,the liver energy. efficiently oxidizes them for oxidized by the brain.

a. Deficiency of lipo protein factors b. Lead poisoning c. Starvation d. ketosis e. All of the above

16. Which of the following changes would you expect in a patient with decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase? only

14. The role of liver in lipid metabolism is: a. Triglyceride synthesis b. phospholipid synthesis

a. Elevation of plasma chylomicron b. Elevation of plasma high-density c. Elevation of plasma low-density d. Elevation of both plasma density lipoprotein. lipoprotein only lipoprotein only

c. Ketone bodies formation fatty acid

d. Synthesis and degradation of e. All of the above

chylomicron and very low-

e. Elevation of both plasma highdensity lipoprotein and lowdensity lipoprotein.

17. Which one of the following substances is an intermediate in the synthesis of and triacylglycerol? both glycerolcontaining phospholipids a. Acetoacetyl-COA. b. Ethanolamine. d. Choline c. Phosphatidic acid. e. B-hydroxybutyrate

21. In -oxidation ,the activation of fatly acids to an acyl-COA occurs: a. In the cytoplasm.

b. Inside the mitochondria. membrane. membrane.

c. On the inner mitochondrial d. Crossing the mitochondrial

18. The regulatory step in the biosynthesis of cholesterol from acetyl-COA is: COA from acetyl-COA. from acetoacetyl-COA. HMG-COA. a. The formation of acetoacetylb. The formation of HMG-COA c. The formation mevalonate from d. The formation squalene of by e. The cyclisation of squalene to lanosterol. squalene synthetase.

22. In -oxidation of fatty acids,the second oxidation-reduction steps is catalyzed by: a. Acyl-COA dehydrogenase. b. B-hydroxy acylCOA dehydrogenase.

c. B-keto acyl reductase. d. Enoyl reductase.

23. Oxidation of palimitic acid to active acetate needs the repetition of oxidation cycles: a. 3 times b. 6 times c. 7 times

19. Carnitine is involved in fatty acid: a. Synthesis. b. Activation. c. Oxidation. d. Thiolysis is linked with: a. FAD. b. NAD d. ATP. 20. The action of the enzyme B-Ketothiolase

d. 8 times 24. Propionyl-COA can be obtained by oxidation of: a. Butyric b. Valeric c. Caproic d. Palmitic

c. COA-SH.

25. Complete oxidation of butyric acid of ATP moles: a. 24. b. 27. c. 29. d. 129. 26. Glycerokinase is present in the following tissues except: a. liver. b. Kidney.

results in gain of the following number

30. An enzyme that releases NEFA from chylomicrons is: a. Fat cell lipase.

b. Pancreatic lipase.

c. Lipoprotein lipase. 31. For oxidation of one mole of stearic acid,the number of active acetate produced is: a. 8. b. 9. c. 6. d. 11 d. Intestinal cell lipase.

c. Intestine. d. Adipose tissue. 27. A lipid component that can be convened to glucose is: a. Glycerol.

32. The oxidation and degradation of fatty acid inside the cells: a. Starts with the fatty acid b. Does not produce energy for the c. Is inhibited by carnitine. cells. thioester of COA.

b. Fatty acid. c. Cholesterol. d. Sphingosine. 28. A coenzyme not used in fatly acid oxidation is: a. COA-SH. b. NAD. c. FAD. d. NADP. 29. FFA are carried in blood bound to: a. Chylomicrons. b. VLDL. c. HDL.

d. Proceeds through successive shortening of the acids by three 33. Which of the following statements describes best the function of carnitine? acid into gut-epithelial cells. acids across the inner a. It transports medium-chain fatty b. It transports medium-chain fatty mitochondrial membrane. c. It is a trans-acylation reaction d. It is a derivative of vitamin A and is involved in adaptation of catalyzed by a transferase. carbon units.

d. Albumin.

the retina to darkness 34. During each cycle of ongoing B-fatty acid oxidation, all of the following components are generated except: a. H20. b. NADH+H c. FADH2. d. Fatty-acyl-COA. 35. In fatty acid synthesis, the transfer of acetyl group across the inner achieved by means of: mitochondrial membrane is mainly a. The camitine shuttle. b. Citrate Shuttle. c. Acetyl transferase.

39. Elongation of palmityl-COA to stearylCOA occurs mainly inside: a. Microsomes. c. Nucleus. d. Cytosol. 40. Fatty acids that are dietary essential in human include which of the following? a. Palmitic. b. Stearic. c. Oleic. b. Mitochondria.

d. Linoleic. 41. Important intermediate in the synthesis of fatty acid from glucose in animal tissues include: a. Carnitine. b. Pyruvate. c. ATP. d. COA-SH. 42. The NADPH utilized for fatty acid synthesis can be generated from: a. Citrate lyase. b. HMP shunt.

36. Biosynthesis of fatty acids requires: a. Thiamine. c. Biotin. b. Riboflavin. d. Pyridoxal phosphate.

d. Malonyl-transacylase.

37. In microsomal synthesis of fatty acids,the source is: a. Acetyl-COA

b. Propionyl-COA. c. Malonyl-COA. d. Acetoacetyl-COA. 38. A precursor for fatty acid synthesis is: a. Crotinyl-COA. b. Acetoacetate. c. Acetyl-COA. d. Propionyl-COA.

c. Mitochondrial malate d. Aspartate transaminase. dehydrogenase.

43. Which of the following statements acids is true:

about the de-novo synthesis of fatty a. It does not utilize acetyl-COA. b. It produces only fatty acids shorter than 10 carbon atoms. malonyl-COA. mitochondria.

47. Acetyl-COA is a precursor for synthesis of the following compounds except: a. Ketone bodies. b. Cholesterol. d. Fatty acids. 48. HMG-COA is an intermediate during synthesis of: a. Ketone bodies & phospholipids. b. Triglycerides & cholesterol. c. Ketone bodies & cholesterol. c. Pyruvic acid.

c. It requires the intermediate

d. It takes place primarily in the

44. The source of glycerol for fatty acid esterification in adipocytes is: a. Obtained primarily from glycerol kinase. glucose.

phosphorylation of glycerol by

49. Ketone bodies are normally synthesized from: a. Acetyl-COA. b. Glucose. c. Acetone. 50. Ketosis results from: d. Glycerol.

d. Ketone bodies & lipoproteins.

b. For the most part derived from c. Formed by glycogenesis. 45. The cholesterol molecule is a: a. Benzene derivative. b. Tocopherol. d. Steroid. c. Straight-chain alcohol. 46. Which of the following compounds has the lowest density? a. Chylomicrons.

d. Inhibited by insulin stimulation.

a. Overproduction of acetyl-CoA. b. Overutilization of glucose. c. Under utilization of lipids. acetate. d. Underproduction of active

51. For the synthesis of lecithin from is required:

diacylglycerol,the following compound a. CDP-ethanolamine. b. UDP-G. d. CTP. c. CDP-choline.

b. B-lipoproteins.

c. Pre-B-lipoproteins. d. Alpha-lipoproteins.

52. HMG-COA is converted to mevalonic two molecules of: a. FADH2. b. Active acetate. c. NADP H+H d. HMG-COA. 53. The rate-limiting enzyme in the acids is:

acid by HMG-COA reductase needing

57. CDP-choline is used for synthesis of: a. Cholesterol. b. Lecithin.

c. Ketone bodies. d. Acetyl-choline. 58. -oxidation takes place in: a. Mitochondria b. Extramitochondria c. Lysozyme d. Endoplasmic reticulum e. All of these 59. Esterification of cholesterol takes place in: a. liver b. Kidney c. Blood d. Intestines e. All of the above 60. Which of the following is not a ketone body: a. Acetic acid. b. Acetone. c. B-hydroxyButyricacid d. Aceto acetic acid e. None of the above

extramitochondrial synthesis of fatty a. Citrate lyase. b. Hydratase. c. Acyl transferase.

d. Acetyl-COA carboxylase. 54. A lipogenic hormone is: a. Glucagon. b. Cortisol. c. Insulin. d. Epinephrine. 55. The depot fat consists largely of: a. Glycolipids. b. Triglycerides. d. Cholesterol.

c. Phospholipid.

56. The amino acid used in sphingosine synthesis is: a. Serine.

b. Alanine.

c. Glutamine. d. Aspartic.

61. Ketone bodies are intermediatry products in: a. Carbohydrate metabolism b. Lipid metabolism c. protein metabolism d. Nucleic acid metabolism e. None of the above 62. Fatty liver is due to: a. Deficiency of lipo protein factors b. Lead poisoning c. Starvation d. ketosis e. All of the above 63. The role of liver in lipid metabolism is: a. Triglyceride synthesis b. phospholipid synthesis c. Ketone bodies formation d. Synthesis and degradation of fatty acid e. All of the above 64. All of the following statements about ketone bodies are correct except: a. They are soluble in aqueous solutions and thus do not require carriers in blood. b. They are made in response to elevated levels of fatty acids in the liver, where the c. Acetone is not utilized by the body as fuel.

d. Unlike fatty acids.they can be oxidized by the brain. e. When plasma ketone bodies levels are elevated,the liver efficiently oxidizes them for energy. 65. Which of the following changes would you expect in a patient with decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase? a. Elevation of plasma chylomicron only b. Elevation of plasma HDL only c. Elevation of plasma LDL only d. Elevation of both plasma chylomicron and VLDL e. Elevation of both plasma HDL & LDL 66. Which one of the following substances is an intermediate in the synthesis of both glycerolcontaining phospholipids and triacylglycerol? a. Acetoacetyl-COA. b. Ethanolamine. c. Phosphatidic acid. d. Choline e. B-hydroxybutyrate.

67. The regulatory step in the biosynthesis of cholesterol from acetyl-COA is: a. The formation of acetoacetylCoA from acetyl-CoA. b. The formation of HMG-COA from acetoacetyl-COA. c. The formation mevalonate from HMG-COA. d. The formation squalene of by squalene synthetase. e. The cyclisation of squalene to lanosterol. 68. Carnitine is involved in FA: a. Synthesis. b. Activation. c. Oxidation. d. Thiolysis. 69. De-novo synthesis of fatty acids takes place in: a. Mitochondria b. Extramitochondria c. Lysozyme d. Endoplasmic reticulum 70. The action of the enzyme B-Ketothiolase is linked with: a. FAD. b. NAD c. COA-SH. d. ATP.

71. In -oxidation ,the activation of fatly acids to an acyl-COA occurs: a. In the cytoplasm. b. Inside the mitochondria. c. On the inner mitochondrial membrane. d. Crossing the mitochondrial membrane. 72. In -oxidation of fatty acids,the second oxidation-reduction steps is catalyzed by: a. Acyl-COA dehydrogenase. b. B-hydroxy acylCOA dehydrogenase. c. B-keto acyl reductase. d. Enoyl reductase. 73. Oxidation of palimitic acid to active acetate needs the repetition of oxidation cycles: a. 3 times b. 6 times c. 7 times d. 8 times 74. Propionyl-COA can be obtained by oxidation of: a. Butyric b. Valeric c. Caproic d. Palmitic

75. Complete oxidation of butyric acid results in gain of the following number of ATP moles: a. 24 b. 27 c. 29 d. 129

79. FFA are carried in blood bound to: a. Chylomicrons. b. VLDL. c. HDL d. Albumin. 80. The end product of -oxidation of odd chain fatty acid is: a. Acetyl COA b. Malonyl COA

76. Glycerokinase is present in the following tissues except: a. liver. b. Kidney. c. Intestine. d. Adipose tissue. 77. A lipid component that can be convened to glucose is: a. Glycerol. b. Fatty acid. c. Cholesterol. d. Sphingosine. 78. A coenzyme not used in fatly acid oxidation is: a. COA-SH. b. NAD c. FAD d. NADP.

c. Propionyl COA d. Hydroxy methyl glutaryl COA e. Acetyl COA and propionyl COA 81. An enzyme that releases NEFA from chylomicrons is: a. Fat cell lipase. b. Pancreatic lipase. c. Lipoprotein lipase. d. Intestinal cell lipase. 82. For oxidation of one mole of stearic acid,the number of active acetate produced is: a. 8 b. 9 c. 6 d. 11

83. The oxidation and degradation of fatty acid inside the cells: a. Starts with the fatty acid thioester of CoA. b. Does not produce energy for the cells. c. Is inhibited by carnitine. d. Proceeds through successive shortening of the acids by three carbon units. 84. Which of the following statements describes best the function of carnitine? a. It transports medium-chain FA into gut-epithelial cells. b. It transports medium-chain fatty acids across the inner mitochondrial membrane. c. It is a trans-acylation reaction catalyzed by a transferase. d. It is a derivative of vitamin A and is involved in adaptation of the retina to darkness. 85. During each cycle of ongoing B-fatty acid oxidation,aIl of the following components are generated except: a. H20. b. NADH+H c. FADH2. d. Fatty-acyl-COA.

86. In fatty acid synthesis, the transfer of acetyl group across the inner mitochondrial membrane is mainly achieved by means of: a. The camitine shuttle. b. Citrate Shuttle. c. Acetyl transferase. d. Malonyl-transacylase 87. Biosynthesis of fatty acids requires: a. Thiamine. b. Riboflavin. c. Biotin. d. Pyridoxal phosphate. 88. In microsomal synthesis of fatty acids,the source is: a. Acetyl-COA b. Propionyl-COA c. Malonyl-COA. d. Acetoacetyl-COA. 89. A precursor for fatty acid synthesis is: a. Crotinyl-COA. b. Acetoacetate. c. Acetyl-COA. d. Propionyl-COA.

90. Elongation of palmityl-COA to stearylCOA occurs mainly inside: a. Microsomes b. Mitochondria c. Nucleus d. Cytosol. 91. High density 1ipo protein fraction is rich in: a. Triglycerides b. Phopho lipid c. Cholesterol d. Fatty acid e. All of these 92. Fatty acids that are dietary essential in human include which of the following? a. Palmitic. b. Stearic c. Oleic d. Linoleic. 93. Important intermediate in the synthesis of fatty acid from glucose in animal tissues include: a. Carnitine. b. Pyruvate. c. ATP d. COA-SH.

94. The NADPH utilized for fatty acid synthesis can be generated from: a. Citrate lyase. b. HMP shunt. c. Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. d. Aspartate transaminase. 95. Which of the following statements about the de-novo synthesis of fatty acids is true: a. It does not utilize acetyl-COA. b. It produces only fatty acids shorter than 10 carbon atoms. c. It requires the intermediate malonyl-COA. d. It takes place primarily in the mitochondria. 96. The source of glycerol for fatty acid esterification in adipocytes is: a. Obtained primarily from phosphorylation of glycerol by glycerol kinase. b. For the most part derived from glucose. c. Formed by glycogenesis. d. Inhibited by insulin stimulation.

97. The cholesterol molecule is a: a. Benzene derivative. b. Tocopherol. c. Straight-chain alcohol. d. Steroid. 98. Which of the following compounds has the lowest density? a. Chylomicrons. b. B-lipoproteins. c. Pre-B-lipoproteins. d. Alpha-lipoproteins. 99. Acetyl-COA is a precursor for synthesis of the following compounds except: a. Ketone bodies. b. Cholesterol c. Pyruvic acid. d. Fatty acids.


Low density lipoprotein are rich in: a. Phospholipid b. Triglycerides c. Cholesterol d. Chylomicrons e. All of these


Ketosis results from: a. Overproduction of acetyl-COA. b. Overutilization of glucose. c. Under utilization of lipids. d. Underproduction of active acetate.


For the synthesis of lecithin from

diacylglycerol,the following compound is required: a. CDP-ethanolamine. b. UDP-G. c. CDP-choline. d. CTP. 104. HMG-COA is converted to


HMG-COA is an intermediate a. Ketone bodies and phospholipids. b. Triglycerides and cholesterol. c. Ketone bodies and cholesterol. d. Ketone bodies and lipoproteins.

mevalonic acid by HMG-COA reductase needing two molecules of: a. FADH2 b. Active acetate. c. NADP H+H d. HMG-COA.

during synthesis of:


The rate-limiting enzyme in the


Very low density lipoprotein are a. Phospholipid b. Cerebrosides c. Triglycerides d. Chylomicrons

extramitochondrial synthesis of fatty acids is: a. Citrate lyase. b. Hydratase c. Acyl transferase. d. Acetyl-COA carboxylase.

rich in:

111. 106. A lipogenic hormone is: a. Glucagon. b. Cortisol. c. Insulin d. Epinephrine. 107. The depot fat consists largely of: a. Glycolipids. b. Triglycerides. c. Phospholipid. d. Cholesterol. 108. The amino acid used in sphingosine a. Serine b. Alanine. c. Glutamine. d. Aspartic. 109. CDP-choline is used for synthesis of: a. Cholesterol. b. Lecithin. c. Ketone bodies. d. Acetyl-choline. 113. synthesis is: 112. in:

Cholesterol biosynthesis takes place a. Mitochondria b. Extramitrochondria c. Endoplasmic reticulum d. Ribosomes e. All of the above The rate limiting step in cholesterol a. HMG COA reductase b. HMG COA synthetase c. thiolase d. Mevalonate kinase e. Squalene synthetase

biosynthesis is:

Cholesterol gives rise to: a. Provitamin D b. Cholic acid c. Sex hormones d. All of the above e. None of the above


De novo synthesis of fatty acids is


Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase a. In the inner mitochondrial membrane b. In the mitochondrial matrix c. On the outer surface of inner mitochondrial membrane d. On the inner surface of inner mitochondrial

catalysed by a multi-enzyme complex which contains a. One-SH group b. Two SH groups c. Three-SH groups d. Four-SH groups 115. Activation of fatty acids requires all a. ATP b. Co A c. Thiokinase d. Carnitine 116. Mitochondrial thiokinase acts on a. Short chain of FA b. Medium chain of FA c. Long chain of FA d. All of these 117. Carnitine is required for the a. Triglycerides out of liver b. Triglycerides into mitochondria c. Short chain fatty acids into mitochondria d. Long chain fatty acids into mitochondria transport of

is present

the following except 119. Net ATP generation on complete a. 129 b. 131 c. 146 d. 148 120. Propionyl CoA formed oxidation of fatty acids having an odd number of carbon atoms is converted into a. Acetyl CoA b. Acetoacetyl CoA c. D-Methylmalonyl CoA d. Butyryl CoA 121. -Oxidation of fatty acids occurs a. Liver b. Brain c. Muscles d. Adipose tissue mainly in oxidation of stearic acid:


-Oxidation of fatty acids occurs a. Liver b. Brain c. Muscles d. Adipose tissue


NADPH required for fatty acid a. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt b. Oxidative decarboxylation of malate c. Extramitochondrial oxidation of isocitrate d. All of these

mainly in

synthesis can come from


NADPH required for fatty acid a. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt b. Oxidative decarboxylation of malate c. Extramitochondrial oxidation of isocitrate d. All of these

synthesis can come from

1. A 2. B 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. E 11. A 12. B 13. E 14. E 15. E 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. C 39. A 40. D 41. B 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. A 47. C 48. C 49. A 50. A 51. C 52. C 53. D 54. C 55. B 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. E 60. A 61. B 62. E 63. E 64. E 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. C 71. A 72. B 73. C 74. B 75. B 76. D 77. A 78. D 79. D 80. E 81. C 82. B 83. A 84. C 85. A 86. B 87. C 88. C 89. C 90. A 91. B 92. B 93. B 94. B 95. C 96. B 97. D 98. A 99. C 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. C C A C C D C B A B C B A

113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124.


1. Which of the following is most found in protein molecule? a. Carbon b. Hydrogen c. Oxygen d. Nitrogen 2. No of naturally occuring aminoacids is : a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 3. All of the following are aliphatic amino acids except : a. Glycine b. Alanine c. Proline d. Lysine 4. One of the following is neutral amino acid : a. Arginine b. Lysine c. Glutamine d. Valine 5. All of the following are hydroxy containing amino acids except : a. Serine b. Threonine c. Valine d. Tyrosine

6. One of the following is optically non active amino acid a. Valine b. Tyrosine c. Glycine d. Threonine 7. All of the following are polar amino acids except : a. Serine b. Glutamate c. Arginine d. Alanine 8. All of the following are essential amino acids except : a. Lysine b. Aspartate c. Tryptophan d. Hisitidine 9. Lysine : a. Basic Only ketogenic b. Ketogenic glucogenic c. Acidic glucogenic d. Non essential 10. All of the following are primary aminoacids except : a. Cysteine b. Cystine c. Alanine d. Arginine

11. Which of the following is precursor of T3 and T4 : a. GABA b. Dopa c. B- Alanine d. Di-iodotyrosine 12. Zwitter ion are : a. Basic b. Acidic c. Neutral d. Carry both -ve & +ve charges e. Both c and d 13. The unit of peptides is : a. Moiety b. Residue c. Polypeptide d. Both a and b 14. Lactic acid is buffered by : a. L.Carnosine b. Glutathione c. Casenogin d. Dopa 15. N terminal of glutathione is : a. Glycine b. Cysteine c. Glutamate d. Aspartate 16. Which of the following is BLOOD iron carrier? a. Haemoglobin b. Albumin c. Transferrin d. Globulin

17. Storage form of iron : a. Transferrin b. Ferritin c. Myosin d. Actin 18. Which of the following protien is found in bone : a. Keratin b. Ossein c. Mucin d. Actin 19. Type of bonds between C terminal and N terminal is : a. Covalent b. Disulphide bond c. Peptide d. Ionic e. Both a and c 20. Type of bond between nitrogen and carbonyl group : a. Hydrogen bonds b. Covalent bond c. Peptide bond d. Disulphide bond 21. All of the following are non covalent except : a. Hydrophobic interactions b. Disulphide bond c. Hydrogen bond d. Electrostatic bond

22. Primary structure of proteins refers to : a. Coiling and folding in form of specific structure b. Number of amino acids in a chain c. 3D structure d. Alpha and Beta sheets 23. Denaturation involves : a. Peptide bonds b. Primary structure of protein c. Secondary structure d. Function e. Both c and d 24. Tertiary structure of proteins involves EXCEPT : a. Domains b. Globular c. Fibrous d. Beta sheets 25. All of the following are simple proteins except : a. Histones b. Albumin c. Keratins d. Glycoprotein 26. Which of the following is sulphur highly containing protein : a. Collagen b. Keratin c. Ossein d. Reticulin a. b. c. d. e. 31. 27. Casenogen is a. Chromoprotein b. Phosphoprotein c. Glycoprotein d. Lipoprotein 28. X-ray is a chemical agent for protein denaturation a. True b. False 29. Increase viscosity of proteins is due to a. Denaturation b. Isoelectric point c. Both d. None 30. Separation of low molecular weight protein from high one is : a. Dialysis b. Cromotography c. Electrophoiesis d. Ultracentrifugation Example of basic essential amino acids Arginine Histidine Lysine All of the above None of the above

32. a. b. c. d. e. 33. a. b. c. d. 34. a. b. c. d. e. 35. a. b. c. d. e. 36.

Example of non-protein amino acid Glycine Alanine Tryptophan All of the above None of the above Example of non-protein amino acid Alanine Citrulline Phenylalanine Leucine Glutathione is an example for Amino acid Dipeptide Polypeptide Protein Tripeptide The active group of glutathione is Amino group Sulfhydryl group Carboxylic group Imino group Peptide linkage The peptide bond is a. Covalent bond b. Non-covalent bond c. Weak bond d. Responsible for secondary structure of protein e. Between sulfhydryl groups


First order of protein structure refers to a. Bending of protein chain b. Number and sequence of amino acids c. Three dimensional structure of protein d. Site of disulfide bonds e. Non-covalent bonds in protein molecule


Second order of protein structure refers to a. Number and sequence of amino acids b. Three dimensional structure of protein c. Proteins formed of more than one monomer d. Bending of protein molecule e. Dependence on covalent bonds


Third structure of protein structure refers to a. Number and sequence of amino acids b. Three dimensional structure of protein c. Proteins formed of more than one monomer d. Bending of protein molecule e. Dependence on covalent bonds


Fourth structure of protein structure refers to a. Proteins formed of more than one monomer b. Myoglobin is an example. c. Depends on covalent bonds d. None of the above e. All of the above 45.

d. A protein of low biological value e. Poor in essential amino acids Globulin is a. A basic protein b. A protein of low molecular weight c. Heat coagulable protein d. Easily soluble in water e. A fibrous protein 46. Keratin is a. Protein of tendons b. Rich in sulfur c. Poor in cysteine d. Conjugated protein e. Soluble in water 47. Collagen contains high percentage of a. Glycine b. Tryptophan c. Phenyl alanine d. Serine e. Valine 48. Caseinogen is a. Simple protein b. Derived protein c. Phosphoprotein d. Rich in sulfur containing amino acids e. Presentin plasma


Covalent bond is a. A weak bond b. A true chemical bond c. A hydrogen bond d. Responsible for secondary structure of protein e. Liable to be destroyed


Example of essential aromatic amino acids a. Threonine b. Alanine c. Phenyl alanine d. Glycine e. Cysteine


Protein of high biological value a. Contains essential amino acids b. Is poor in essential amino acids c. Is of plant source d. Contains amino acid glycine e. Is a basic protein


Albumin is a. Insoluble in water b. Heat coagulable protein c. A plant protein


On electrophoresis for plasma proteins using buffer of pH 8.6 a. The proteins are neutral b. The proteins carry negative charge c. The proteins carry positive charge d. The proteins are easily precipitated e. The proteins are denaturated 54. 53.

d. Alcohol precipitation Example of essential sulphur containing amino acids a. Lysine b. Cysteine c. Cystine d. Alanine e. Methionine The bonds present in the primary structure of protein are a. Peptide bonds b. Hydrogen bonds c. Disulfide bonds d. All of these 55. A protein rich in proline and hydroxy proline is a. Globin b. Collagen c. Casein d. Histone 56. The buffering property of proteins is due to the presence of a. Acidic and basic groups b. Hydrogen bonds c. Indole groups d. Hyrophobic bonds


Albumins are separated by a. 1/2 saturated ammonium sulfate b. Full saturated ammonium sulfate c. 20% saturated ammonium sulfate d. 60% saturated ammonium sulfate e. 10% saturated ammonium sulfate


Albumins and globulins are defined as: a. Derived protein b. Conjugated protein c. Fibrous protein d. Globular protein e. Lipoprotein


Plasma proteins are separated by a. Dialysis b. Electrophoresis c. Filtration


Arginine, lysine and ornithine are a. Obtained by hydrolysis of proteins b. Essential amino acids c. Basic amino acids d. Derived from butyric acid


A protein that gives positive biuret test is a. Albumin b. Globulin c. Casein d. All of these


A basic amino acid present in protein structure is a. Histidine b. Citruline c. Ornithine d. All of these


Glycine Is characterized by a. Absence of an asymmeteric carbon b. Absence of optical activity c. The shortest amino acid d. All of these 64.

Example of amino acid containing guanido group a. Arginine b. Lysine c. Histidine d. Valine e. Leucine


Ornithine is a. A basic amino acid b. An essential amino acid c. Present in protein structure d. All of these


Albumin, globulin and casein are a. Milk proteins b. Plasma proteins c. Egg proteins d. Meat proteins 65.

Keratin is a. A scleroprotein b. Rich in cystine c. A simple protein d. All of these


Cysteine, cystine and methionine are a. Essential amino acids b. Present in protein structure c. Acidic amino acids d. All of these


A fibrous protein is a. Albumin b. Myosin c. Casein d. Globulin


Glycine is a. A non-optically active amino acid b. Present in structure of glutathione c. A neutral amino acid d. All of these


Example of branched amino acid a. Valine b. Leucine c. Isoleucine d. All of the above e. None of the above


Proteins associated with nucleic acid in nucleo-protein are a. Albumin b. Globulin c. Keratin d. Histones


Example of hydroxy containing amino acids a. Serine b. Phenyl alanine c. Tryptophan d. Proline e. Glutamic acid


ln proteins, the alpha-helix and Beta-pleated sheet are examples of a. Primary structure b. Secondary structure c. Tertiary structure d. Quaternary structure


Example of amino acids containing imino group a. Glycine b. Valine c. Proline d. Lysine e. Phenyl alanine


A tetra peptide contains the following number of preptide bonds a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five


Example of an amino acid containing sulfhydryl group a. Alanine b. Cysteine c. Proline d. Tryptophan e. Lysine


A globular protein is a. Actin b. Myosin c. Collagen d. Albumin


Example of non-optically active amino acid a. Proline b. Alanine c. Glycine d. Phenylalanine


All amino adds are optically active except: a. b. c. d. Serine Glycine Tryptophan Threonine '


Which of the following statements about amino acids is not true? a. Amino acids are ampholytes b. Aminoacids are linked through peptide bonds to form proteins c. Amino acids are not Crystalline compounds d. Leucine is a purely ketogenic amino acid


Which of the following amino acids possesses an imino group? a. b. c. d. Tryptophan Hydroxylysine Tyrosine Proline


An amino acid which contains a disulphide bond is: a. b. c. d. Lysine Methionine Homocysteine Cystine a. b. c. d. Globulin Fibrous protein Tripeptide Conjugated protein


The amino acids found in biological proteins are of: a. D-Configuration and dextrorotatory b. L-Configuration and levorotatory c. D-Configuration and levo/dextrorotatory d. L-Configuration and dextro/laevoratatory Which amino acid doesnt occur in proteins of biological system? a. b. c. d. Ornithine Arginine Cystine Histidine 84. 83.

Chemically keratin is a:

The most abundant protein in the human body is: a. b. c. d. Collagen Keratin Myosin Albumin



Denaturation of proteins is often characterised by: a. Loss of biological activity b. Always being irreversible c. Being greater the lower the temperature d. Changes in primary structure


With the exception of glycine, all amino acids found in proteins are: a. b. c. d. Optically active Dextrorotatory Of L-configuration Levorotatory


Decarboxylation of amino acids will result in the formation of: a. b. c. d. Amines Imino acids Basic amino acids Amides


Essential amino acids are so named because: a. They are essential for life process b. Cannot be synthesized in the body c. Deficiency leads to genetic diseases d. Important in cell growth


The number of amino acid residues in one spiral of alphahelix of proteins is usually: a. b. c. d. 2.6 3.6 4.6 5.6 93. 92.

Casein is a: a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. Lipoprotein Mucoprotein Phosphoprotein Chromoprotein Lysine Tyrosine Glycine Leucine


Which of the following is not found in proteins? a. b. c. d. Citrulline Arginine Methionine Cysteine

Which is a basic amino acid?


An amino acid containing imidazole group ls: a. b. c. d. lsoleucine Arginine Proline Histidine


The only amino acid containing indole ring is: a. b. c. d. Tryptophan Tyrosine Histidine Phenylalanine


The major linkage between amino acids in protein is the: a. b. c. d. Hydrogen bond Ionic bond Sulphide bond Peptide bond


Amino acid which synthesizes many hormones is: a. b. c. d. Valine Phenylalanine Alanine Histidine


An example of a chromoprotein is: a. b. c. d. Casein Hemoglobin Peptone Collagen


When a peptide bond is formed there is removal of : a. b. c. d. CO2 H2O NH3 H+


Aspartic acid is a (an): a. b. c. d. Monoamino dicarboxylic acid Diamino monocarboxylic acid Aromatic amino acid Imino acid


All amino acids are optically active except: a. b. c. d. Glycine Serine Threonine Tryptophan

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. E 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. E 24. D 25. D 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. E 33. B 34. E 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. A 41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. B 51. D 52. B 53. E 54. A 55. B 56. A 57. C 58. D 59. A 60. A 61. B 62. D 63. A 64. A 65. D 66. B 67. D 68. D 69. B 70. B 71. D 72. D 73. A 74. C 75. B 76. D 77. C 78. D 79. A 80. B 81. D 82. D 83. B 84. A 85. A 86. A 87. B 88. A 89. A 90. A 91. B 92. C 93. A 94. D 95. D 96. B 97. B 98. A 99. A 100. b

1. Group of organic catalysts, protein in nature, present inside the living cells a- Enzymes b- Catalysts c- Hormones d- None of the above 2. All of the following is true regarding enzymes except .. a- Heat labile b- Colloidal c- Dialyzable d- High molecular weight 3. Organic substance on which the enzyme acts . a- Substrate b- Co-Enzyme c- Product d- None of the above 4. All of the following can be considered as a co Enzyme for transfer of H except a- Biotin b- ATP c- FAD d- Folic acid 5. One of the following can be considered as a co Enzyme for transfer of groups other than H except a- Biotin b- ATP c- FAD

d- Folic acid 6. One of the following is considered a feature of Enzymes except a- Globular Proteins b- Undergo Denaturation c- Simple Proteins d- Non-Specific 7. Enzyme acts on a special type of bond at specific site and attached to specific groups a- Group Specificity b- Absolute Specificity c- Relative Specificity d- Optical Specificity 8. D-amino acid Oxidase represents a- Group Specificity b- Absolute Specificity c- Relative Specificity d- Optical Specificity 9. Pancreatic Lipase represents . a- Group Specificity b- Absolute Specificity c- Relative Specificity d- Optical Specificity

10. Special sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule of the enzyme to which the substrate is attached. a- Catalytic Site b- Active site c- Allosteric Site d- None of the above 11. All sequences of amino acids which affect the activity of the enzyme a- Catalytic Site b- Active site c- Allosteric Site d- All of the above 12. Substrate induces a conformational change in the catalytic site . a- Lock and key model b- Flexible model of catalytic site c- Rigid model of catalytic site d- None of the above 13. Concentration of the product increases directly by time . a- Maximum Velocity b- End velocity c- Initial Velocity d- None of the above 14. Increase in substrate concentration leads to .. a- Increase of velocity b- Increase in enzyme activity c- Increase of V max

d- All of the above 15. Substrate concentration which produces half maximal velocity (Vmax.) . a- Full Concentration b- Null Concentration c- Michaels Concentration d- All of the above 16. Increase in enzyme concentration . the rate of reaction a- Increase b- Decrease c- No effect d- Permissive effect 17. Complete irreversible loss of enzyme activity occurs at a- 37 degree C b- 45 degree C c- 0 degree C d- 60-65 degree C 18. Temperature at which the enzymatic reaction velocity is maximal a- Optimum Temperature b- 37 degree C c- 65 degree C d- A and b together e- None of the above

19. Optimum PH for Trypsin is a- 6.8 b- 8.4 c- 8 d- 2 20. Optimum PH for Alkaline Phosphatase a- 6.8 b- 8.4 c- 8 d- 2

24. Metaloenzymes is activated through .. a- Removal of inhibitory peptide b- Reducing agent c- Minerals d- Allosteric activators 25. Tyrosinase requires a- ZN ++ b- CU ++ c- CL d- MG ++ 26. Phosphofructokinase enzyme is activated through .. a- Removal of inhibitory peptide

21. All of the following inhibits enzymatic activity except a- Physical Agents b- Heating c- Shaking d- Red and Blue lights 22. Pepsin is activated through .. a- Removal of inhibitory peptide b- Reducing agent c- Minerals d- Allosteric activators 23. Glyceraldehyde 3-P dehydrogenase is activated through .. a- Removal of inhibitory peptide b- Reducing agent c- Minerals d- Allosteric activators

b- Reducing agent c- Minerals d- Allosteric activators 27. Activation by Phosphorylation excludes one of the following . a- Hormone sensitive lipase b- Glycogen Phosphyrlase c- Glycogen Synthetase d- None of the above 28. Competitive inhibition includes all of the following except a- Chemical structure of the inhibitor closely resembles that of the substrate. b- Combines Reversibly with the enzyme

c- When both the substrate and the inhibitor are present they compete for the same binding site. d- V max is decreased e- Is removed by increases the concentration of inhibitor 29. Reversible noncompetitive Inhibition includes all of the following except a- I combine with the enzyme away from the catalytic site. b- The I is not similar to the substrate in structure. c- The I can combine with the free enzyme or with the enzyme substrate d- increase the Km 30. Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase Resembles . a- Reversible Non Competitive Inhibition b- Irreversible noncompetitive Inhibition c- Allosteric inhibition d- Competitive inhibition

31. Increased product concentration the enzyme activity a- Increases b- Decreases c- No effect d- Permissive effect 32. Substances which stimulate gene expression into protein . a- Inducer b- Suppressor c- Repressors d- Co-Enzymes 33. Concerning Isoenzyme . a- Have quaternary structure and the individual subunits in each isoenzyme are different from the others b- They act on the different substrate and will give the same product c- They have different affinity to the substrate. d- They are present in different tissues. 34. HMMM is present in .. a- Heart b- Kidney c- Liver d- Muscles

35. HHMM is present in a- Kidney b- Muscles c- Heart d- None of the above e36. Non Functional plasma enzymes include all of the following except .. a- Transaminases ( AST & ALT ) b- Alkaline Phosphatase c- Lipoprotein lipase d- None of the above 37. Increased in bone metastasis a- Alkaline phosphatase b- Creatine kinase c- LDH d- None of the above 38. Increased in Prostatic Carcinoma a- Alkaline phosphatase b- Creatine kinase c- LDH d- None of the above 39. Decreased in Galactosemia a- Streptokinase b- Digestive enzymes c- Galactosyl transferase d- -chymotrypsin

40. Treatment of intraocular hemorrhage is done by a- Streptokinase b- Digestive enzymes c- LDH d- -chymotrypsin 41. The oxidation process occurs by a- Addition of oxygen. b- Removal of hydrogen. c- Loss of electron d- All of the above 42. Redoxes that use oxygen as a hydrogen receptor are called .. a- Oxidases b- Hyper peroxidases c- Dehydrogenases d- Oxygenases 43. Catalase is specifically abundant in all of the following except .. a- Liver b- Kidney c- Erythrocytes d- Milk and leucocytes 44. Enzymes utilizing H2O2 as substrate . a- Oxidases b- Hyper peroxidases c- Dehydrogenases d- Oxygenases

45. LDH depends on . In dehydrogenation a- Nicotinamide b- FAD c- C.AMP d- None of the above 46. Enzymes which catalyze transfer of functional groups (G) other than hydrogen between a pair of substrates . a- Transferase b- Oxygenases c- Dehydrogenases d- Hydrolases

48. Split terminal peptide linkage splitting one amino acid at a time is .. a- Estrases b- Endoeptidases c- Exopeptidases d- Glycosidases 49. Fumerase is an example of . a- Transferase b- Hydrolase c- Oxidase d- Lyases 50. Lipase is an example of . a- Transferase b- Estrases c- Oxidases d- Lyases 51. Enzymes link two molecules using energy from ATP a- Lyases

47. All of the following are included in Transferase class of enzymes except . a- Transaminase b- Hydrolase c- Transglycosayl d- None of the above

b- Hydrolase c- Ligase d- Redox 52. Carboxylase is an example of . a- Transferase b- Estrases c- Oxidases d- Ligases

Choose (A) for true and (B) For false of the following 53. Pepsin acts on peptide bonds between amino groups of aromatic amino acid and carboxylic group of another amino acid 54. Enzymes are usually specific in action 55. In Absolute specificity the enzyme acts at different rates on one type of bond in Compounds chemically related 56. Enzymes may be considered to lower energy barriers for chemical reactions 57. Increase in the substrate concentration will lead to decrease in enzyme activity 58. Increase in enzyme concentration increase the rate of reaction 59. Some enzymes containing SH groups requires Minerals to be activated 60. In Competitive inhibition Vmax of the enzyme is not decreased 61. Inducers are substances which inhibit gene expression 62. Isoenzyme is oligomeric enzyme

Model Answers
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. A 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. D 41. D 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. A 54. A 55. B 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. B 60. A 61. B 62. A

1. Pyruvate is not formed during the metabolism of: a. Serine.

5. An immediate precursor (i.e converted is:

by action of a single enzyme) of glycine a. Serine.

b. Cysteine. c. Alanine. d. Leucine.

b. Choline. c. 2-phosphoglycerate. e. Alanine. a. one ATP b. 2 ATP c. 3 ATP 7. A metabolic disease, the underlying hydroxylates an aromatic ring is: a. Albinism. b. Hartnupss disease. c. Cystinuria. e. Gout. d. Maple syrup urine disease. 8. An amino acid ,the catabolism of which a. Proline d. 4 ATP d. Sarosine (N-methylglycine) 6. Urea cycle consumes:

2. An immediate precursor (i.e. converted by action of one enzyme) of glutamate is not: a. Formiminoglutamate. b. Glutamic semialdehyde. c. Glutanune. d. Alpha-ketoglutarate. e. Succinyl-COA. 3. An immediate precursor (i.e. Converted by action of a single enzyme) of alphaketoglutarate: a. N5-formimino-glutarnale. b. Glutamine. d. Iso-citrate. c. Glutamine semialdehyde. e. Succinyl-COA.

e. Tryptophan.

defect of which lies in an enzyme that

4. Catabolism of tryptophan begins with formation of: a. Nicotinate. c. Serotonin.

is initiated by a transamination reaction: b. Tryptophan. c. Arginine. e. Tyrosine. d. Histidine.

b. Urocanate. d. N-formylkynurenine. e. Anthranilate

9. The toxicity of ammonia is thought to be due to: a. Depletion of cellular NADH. b. Depletion of cellular citrate. to glutamine. c. A shift in the ratio of glutamate

d. A shift in the ratio of asparate to arginine. e. Metabolic alkalosis. 10. The urea cycle: a. Supplies the body requirement b. Converts urea to uric acid. c. Converts ammonia into urea. d. Acts as an energy-supplying materials. mechanism by oxidizing waste for arginine in infants.

14. A neurotrasmitter that produces elevation of mood is: a. Epinephrine. c. Serotonin. 15. Melatonin is:

b. Norepinephrine. d. Melatonin. a. Derived from tryptophan. b. Involved in sleep mechanism. c. Inhibitory neurohormone. d. Released from hypothalmus. 16. Albinism results from deficiency of: a. Phenylalanine hydroxylase. b. Tyrosinase c. Dopa decarboxylase. 17. Phenylketonuria is associated with: a. Mental retardation. b. Microcephaly. c. Skin lesions. d. All of these. d. Tyrosine transaminase.

e. Converts urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide.

11. Urea formation occurs mainly: a. In Liver. b. In Blood. c. In Kidney. d. In Spleen.

12. Pyridoxal phosphate is essential for synthesis of: a. Hippuric acid. b. Choline c. Nicotinic acid. 13. Pyruvic acid can be obtained from the following: a. Alanine. b. Serine. c. Cysteine. d. All of these. d. All of these.

18. The coenzyme for Serine dehydratase is: a. Thiamine pyrophosphate. b. Pyridoxal phosphate. c. Adenosine triphosphate.

19. Demethylation of methionine results in formation of: a. Cysteine. c. Betaine.

d. Nicotinamide mononucleotide.

b. Homocysteine. d. All of these.

20. Glutamic acid is a precursor of: a. Folic acid. b. GABA.

26. An amino acid not involved in urea cycle is: a. Arginine.

c. Glutathione. d. All of these. 21. Tyrosine gives rise to:

b. Histidine.

c. Ornithine. 27. Transamination of phenylalanine results in formation of: a. Tyrosine. b. Phenylpyruvic. c. Phnelactic. d. Phenylacetic. d. Aspartic acid.

a. Catecholamines. c. Melanin.

b. Thyroid hormones. d. All of these.

22. A co-enzyme for L-glutamate dehydrogenese is: a. NADP. b. FAD.

28. Adding 10% ferric chloride solution to urinary sample of one year old infant with mental retardation revealed a deficiency of:

c. Lipoic acid. 23. Thyroxine is derived from: a. Tyramine. b. Taurine. c. Tyrosine. d. COA-SH.

green color, the cause may be due to the a. Phenylalanine transaminase. b. Phenylalanine hydroxylase. c. Tyrosine hydroxylase. d. DOPA decarboxylase. step in the synthesis of: a. Serotonin. b. Melanin.

d. Tryptamine. 24. Methyl donors in animals are: dimethyiglycine. a. Active methionine , choline b. Betaine, choline, methionine. betaine.

29. Hydroxylation of tryptophan is the first

c. Choline, s-adenosylmethionine, d. None of the above.

c. Both of these.

d. None of these. 30. Argininosuccinase is involved in: acid. a. The formation of arginosuccinic b. The formation of arginine and c. The combination of ornithine d. None of these. with urea. fumarate.

25. Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline are formed from: a. Epinephrine. b. Tryptophan. c. Tyrosine. d. Tryptamine.

31. 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid is the metabolic end product of: a. Spermidine metabolism b. Serotonin metabolism. c. Catecholamines metabolism. 32. S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) is d. Histamine metabolism.

36. Ammonia is produced in each of the following amino acid metabolic reactions except:

a. Deamination by glutamate dehydrogenase. oxidase. b. Deamination by an amino acid c. Cleavage of the amide group of d. Transamination of alphaketoglutarate by alanine. glutaminase.

involved in the transmethylation in each of the following reactions except: a. 5-hydroxytryptophan to serotonin.

b. Guadinoacetate to creatine. phosphatidylcholine.

c. Phosphatidylethanolamine to d. Noradrenaline to adrenaline. 33. Histamine can be produced from histidine by: a. Transamination. b. Decarboxylation. c. Oxidative deaamination. d. Transmethylation. 34. Which vitamin provides the coenzyme for transamination reactions? a. B1. b. B2. c. B6. d. B12. 35. Alkaptonuria is due to the absence, or lowered activity of: a. Phenylalanine hydroxylase. b. Homogentisic acid oxidase. (PPPA) oxidase. c. Parahydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid d. Tyrosinase.

37. In the synthesis of urea, how many high energy bonds are cleaved? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 38. A deficiency of parohydroxyphenyl pyrivate oxidase causes: a. Albinism. b. Tyrosinaemia. c. Pigment deposition in cartilage. d. Accumulation of homogentisic acid. d. 4

39. Mark the wholly ketogenic amino acid: a. Arginine. b. Tyrosine. c. Leucine.

40. Which enzyme does not require pyridoxal phophate as a coenzyme? a. Amino acid oxidase. b. Aspartate decarboxylase, c. Thrconine deaminase. d. Serine dehydratase.

d. Isoleucine.

41. All of the following are intermediates of the urea cycle except: a. Citrulline. b. Arginine. d. Urea. c. Omithine. 42. Adrenaline cannot be synthesized from the amino acid: a. Tyrosine.

47. The enzyme that converts glutamic to gamma-amino butyric acid requires: a. TPP. b. Glutamine. c. ATP. d. Pyridoxal phosphate.

d. Cysteine and betaine.

48. An animal is in positive nitrogen balance when: a. Nitrogen intake exceeds output. b. Nitrogen output exceeds intake. c. Urine is nitrogen free. d. Urine contains nitrogen.

b. Phenylalanine. c. Tryptophan. d. Dihydroxyphenylalanine. a. Tryptophan. b. Tyrosine. c. Leucine

43. Which is a non-essential amino acid?

49. Formation of melanin from tyrosine requires: a. DOPA decarboxylase. b. Peroxidase. d. Tyrosinase. c. Catechol oxidase. 50. The sites for glutamine synthesis are: a. Liver and brain. b. Liver and kidney.

44. The hydrolytic products of glutathione are: a. Taurine, cysteine and glycine.

b. Glutamine, cysteine and glycine. c. Glutamic, cysteine and serine. 45. Which amino acid possesses indole ring? a. Serine. d. Glutamic, cysteine and glycine.

c. Intestine and kidney. d. Brain and kidney. a. Hartnup disease. c. Alkaptonuria. 52. After hydrolysis of folic acid, we obtain: a. Aspartate. b. Glycine. c. Cysteine. d. Glutamic. d. Albinism. 51. Homogentisic acid appears in urine in: b. Phenylketonuria.

b. Tryptophan. c. Glycine. d. Histidine.

46. Transfer of methyl groups from choline to homocysteine produces: a. Cysteine and ethanolamine. b. Dimethylglycine and methionine. methionine.

c. Dimethyl-aminoethanol and

53. Arginase enzyme results in the formation of: a. Arginine and citrulline. b. Ornithine and urea. c. Citrulline and aspartic. 54. Carbamoyl phosphate is essential for synthesis of: a. Urea. d. Arginine and furnaric.

58. Catabolism of tryptophan begins by formation of a. Serotonin b. 3 hydroxy kynurenine c. N-formyl kynurenine d. Niacin 59. Urea cycle consume a. 1 ATP b. 2 ATP c. 3 ATP d. 4 ATP 60. Vitamin B6 important for formation of a. Mandilic acid b. Nicotinic acid c. Vanilic acid d. None of the above 61. Pyruvic acid can be obtained from a. Alanine b. Tryptophan c. Serine d. All of the above 62. Melatonin is a. Derived from tryptophan b. Release from hypothalamus c. Steroid hormone d. None of the above

b. pyrimidine

c. Both of these. 55. Transamination of aspartic acid will produce: a. oxaloacetic b. Alpha-ketolgutarate. c. Pyruvate d. All of these. 56. Urea formation occur mainly in a. Liver b. Kideny c. Brain d. All the above 57. Pyruvate is not formed during the metabolism of a. Serine b. Valine c. Leucine d. Alanine d. None of these.

63. Albinism is due to deficiency of a. Phenylalanine hydroxylase b. Tyrosinase c. DOPA decarboxylase d. None of the above 64. Phenylketonuria is associated with a. Mental retardation b. Eczema of skin c. Mousy odour of urine d. All of the above 65. The coenzyme for Serine dehydratase is a. Thiamine pyrophosphate b. Pyridoxal phosphate. c. Adenosine triphosphate. d. Nicotinamide mononucleotide. 66. Demethylation of methionine results in formation of a. Cysteine. b. Homocysteine. c. Betaine d. All of these. 67. Glutamic acid is a precursor of a. Folic acid. b. GABA c. Glutathione. d. All of these.

68. Tyrosine gives rise to a. Catecholamines. b. Thyroid hormones. c. Melanin. d. All of these. 69. A Co-enzyme for L-glutamate dehydrogenese is a. NADP. b. FAD. c. Lipoic acid. d. CoA-SH. 70. An amino acid not involved in urea cycle is a. Arginine. b. Histidine. c. Ornithine. d. Aspartate 71. Adding 10% ferric chloride solution to urinary sample of one year old infant with mental retardation revealed a green color, the cause may be due to the deficiency of a. Phenylalanine transaminase. b. Phenylalanine hydroxylase. c. Tyrosine hydroxylase. d. DOPA decarboxylase.

72. Hydroxylation of tryptophan is the first step in the synthesis of a. Serotonin. b. Melanin. c. Both of these. d. None of these

74. Which vitamin provides the coenzyme for transamination reactions? a. B1 b. B2 c. B6 d. B12 75. All of the following are intermediates of the urea cycle except a. Citrulline. b. Arginine. c. Omithine. d. Urea.

73. Histamine can be produced from histidine by a. Transamination. b. Decarboxylation. c. Oxidative deamination. d. Transmethylation.

Model answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D E D D A C A E A 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. A 41. D 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. D 50. A 51. C 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. A 56. A 57. C 58. C 59. C 60. B 61. D 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. B 66. B 67. D 68. D 69. A 70. B 71. B 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. D

10. C 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. D 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. C

1. To convert 1 molecule of ATP to ADP, the amount of energy produced is a. 12 Kcal b. 24 Kcal c. 6 Kcal d. 36 Kcal 2. When a person gains weight, he is in a state of: a. Positive energy balance b. Negative energy balance c. Energy equilibrium 3. The physiologic caloric value of carbohydrates is . While that of proteins is .. While that of fat is Kcal/gram a. 4.1, 4.1, 9.3 b. 4.1, 9.3, 4.1 c. 9.3, 4.1, 9.3 d. 4.1, 9.3, 4.1 4. The BMR is measured under the following conditions except a. Complete physical and mental rest b. Sleep c. Post absorptive state d. Comfortable room temperature 5. The normal BMR value in an adult male is . Kcal/h/m2 a. 40 b. 35

c. 45 d. 30 6. The BMR differs according to all the following except a. Age b. Sex c. Body surface area d. Diet 7. State which of the following factors a) Increase b) decrease the respiratory exchange ratio a. Hyperventilation b. Hypoventilation c. Metabolic alkalosis d. Metabolic acidosis e. Diabetes mellitus f. Severe muscle exercise g. Recovery from muscle exercise h. CO2 retention i. j. CO2 expiration Fevers

8. The most important factor affecting the metabolic rate is a. Muscular exercise b. Specific dynamic action of food c. Sleep d. Hormones

9. The biggest energy equivalent of oxygen is that of a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Proteins 10. The RQ for carbohydrate is. While that of fats. While that of proteins a. 0.82, 0.7, 1 b. 1, 0.7, 0.82 c. 2, 1, 3 d. 0.7, 0.82, 1 11. The RQ in diabetes mellitus is: a. 0.82 b. 1 c. 0.7 d. 2 12. Match the cause of SDA with a) proteins B) Fats C) carbohydrates a. Extra energy required to form glycogen b. Effect on cellular chemical process c. Direct stimulation of metabolism d. Deamination in liver 13. Which of the following decreases the BMR a. Shivering b. Thyroxin secretion c. Decreased body activity d. Slowing of metabolic processes

14. For each degree of fever, the metabolic rate increases by: a. 10% b. 12% c. 14% d. 50% 15. The BMR by age a. Increases b. Decreases c. Remains the same 16. Growth hormone increases the BMR by a. Increasing cellular metabolism b. Increasing the number of cells c. Increasing the growth of cellular mitochondria d. Increasing the body temperature 17. Prolonged malnutrition/starvation decreases BMR due to a. Depression of sympathetic system b. Decreased catecholamine levels c. Fall of thyroid hormones d. All of the above 18. In malnutrition the body weight constantly decreases a. True b. False 19. Depression elevates the metabolic rate a. True b. False

20. All the following about the feeding center is true except a. It lies in the lateral hypothalamas b. When stimulated causes hyperphagia c. Works synergistically with the satiety center d. When destroyed leads to weight loss 21. Omniphagia is caused by destruction of a. Satiety center b. Hunger center c. Brain stem centers d. The amygdala and the prefrontal cortex

22. The nutrition regulation by satiety center is affected by a. Glucose level b. Lipid levels c. Amino acid levels d. All of the above 23. Cold temperatures causes a tendency of overeating a. True b. False 24. Leptin secretion by adipocytes leads to all the following except a. Decreased neuropeptide Y b. Increased corticotropinreleasing hormone c. Increase insulin secreation d. Increase sympathetic nerve activity

Model Answers
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A, B, B, A, B, A, B, B, B, A 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. C, A, B, A 13. C 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. D 23. A 24. C

Give short account on

Structural Chemistry
1) Definition and types of isomerism 2) Enumerate polysaccharide derivatives 3) Classification of fatty acids (according to chain length, saturation and unsaturation, essential, non-essential and semi-essential, sulfur/hydroxylcontaining) 4) Physical properties and biological importance of true fat 5) Physical properties of glycerophospholipids 6) Significance of glycerophospholipids (membrane-bound & non-membrane bound) 7) Significance of glycerosphinglipids 8) Biomedical importance of cholesterol 9) Enumerate with giving examples, the types of bile acids 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Classify amino acid according to (structure-nutritional value) Optical activity of amino acids ***** Amphoteric properties of amino acids Formation of peptide bonds Enumerate bonds responsible for protein structure Denaturation (definition & causes) Structure of collagen Vitamin A & D (functions and deficiency) Effects of thiamine, niacin and ascorbate deficiency How to differentiate between folate and cyanocobalamin deficiency Models of substrate-enzyme binding

21) 22) 23) 24)

Effect of temperature/pH on enzymatic activity (with the aid of Allosteric activation and covalent modification Different types for enzymatic inhibition with giving examples Definition and uses of iso-enzymes


1) Compare between hexokinase and glucokinase 2) Special metabolic systems in RBCs 3) Importance of glycolysis in RBCs 4) Regulation of glycolysis 5) Coris cycle using a diagram 6) Importance, regulation and inhibition of CAC 7) ******Energy yield from complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose (with full calculation) 8) ***** Importance of hexosemonophosphate shunt 9) Importance of uronic acid pathway 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Enumerate 4 gluconeogenic substrates Regulation of gluconeogenesis Regulation of glycogenesis & glycogenolysis Steps of beta-Oxidation Uses of alpha and omega oxidation Ketosis: definition and causes Regulation of ketone body synthesis Regulation of FA synthesis

18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28)

Compare between endoplasmic and mitochondrial elongation Regulation of cholesterol synthesis Define transamination with giving an example and mention its Using a diagram, explain the mechanism of ammonia excretion by Explain the link between CAC and urea cycle Functions of cysteine Metabolism of homocysteine Important derivatives of tyrosine Important derivatives of tryptophan Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation Define nitrogen balance and mention its types


importance the kidney

1) Definition of BMR and enumerate the factors affecting 2) RQ (definition, importance, factors affecting) 3) SDA (Definition causes and factors affecting food SDA) 4) differentiate between anabolism and catabolism with examples 5) Compare between phosphate and creatine high energy compounds with examples 6) Write a short account about energy balance 7) Mention 2 hormones affecting BMR 8) How can sex affect BMR? 9) Compare between the effect of sleep and parasympathetic system on

10) 11) 12) 13) 14)

Compare between hunger and satiety according to definition Write a short account about the role of hypothalamic centers in Mention the effect of body temperature on food intake Enumerate the theories that explain nutritional regulation and write Give a short account about short term regulation of food intake

regulation of food intake

a short note about one of them

1) Health consequences of maternal malnutrition 2) Factors considered in feeding industrial workers 3) Define anthropometry and enumerate its types 4) Advantages and limitations of anthropometry 5) Methods of dietary assessment 6) Define a. Nutrition b. Diet c. Balanced/unbalanced diet d. Nutritional status e. ****** Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) 7) Tabulate the differences between micronutrients and micronutrients 8) Malnutrition and its types3 9) How can your food be affected by your lifestyle 10) 11) Enumerate the steps to eat healthy (without explanation) The difference between an adequate and a balanced diet

12) 13) life? 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28)

What does the food pyramid show? What are the components of a balanced diet? Whats their

importance? Which of them is not nutritious? Which of them is crucial for What are the reasons behind change in the Egyptian diet pattern? What is the impact of the change in Egyptian diet pattern? Enumerate the approaches to improve the nutritional quality of the Define the term (vulnerable group) and enumerate the most Why are the elderly considered sometimes as a vulnerable group? Which group is considered the most vulnerable? Why? What are the maternal Nutritional indicators which have shown State the importance of breast feeding Whats the effect of malnutrition on babies? Give reasons for the high prevalence of malnutrition in preschool Enumerate some of the personal and community problems that may What are the factors to be considered in feeding of industrial Whats the purpose of nutritional assessment? Enumerate the methods of nutritional assessment Define anthropometry and state its importance

What are those changes that took place?

Egyptian diet important of these groups

consistent relationship to the birth weight of the newborn?

children? result from the malnutrition of industrial workers workers?

29) 30) 31) 32)

Define BMI, state its formula and assessment Enumerate advantages and limitations of anthropometery Enumerate the methods of dietary assessment and write short notes What are the limitations of the food frequency questionnaire?

about each

1. Give an example for each of the following: Hexoses. Amino sugar. Pentoses. Deoxy-sugar. Non-reducing disaccharides. Sugar acids. 2. Give one example of the following: o Glucosaminoglycans. o Aldo-pentoses. o Sugar alcohol. o Reducing disaccharides. o Structural animal glucose. o Structural non-digestible plant polysaccharide. o Dietary digestible glucosan. o Fructosan. 3. Mention the name & hydrolysis products of: Storage form of carbohydrates in liver cells Non-fermentable disaccharide 4. What is the importance of? Glucosamine Deoxy-sugar 5. Compare between Amylose and amylopectin Starch and glycogen Milk sugar, malt sugar and cane sugar Cellulose and glycogen 6. Give an account on

Amino-sugars Anomers Epimers Sugar alcohols Optical activity Malt sugar Milk sugar Inulin Nuraminic acid Acid hydrolysis of starch Sucrose Invert sugar Glucosans L-ascorbate Non-reducing sugar Carbohydrate components Reducing sugar Types of glycosidic linkage with examples Disaccharides polysaccharides

Carbohydrate Metabolism

1. Explain how pyruvic acid is converted to aspartic acid giving the coenzymes of this transformation. 2. Give one metabolic reaction for each of the following enzymes related to carbohydrate metabolism giving the name of substrates and products and the required cofactors and coenzymes (no formula is needed) Succinate dehydrogenase. Aldolase. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

3. The effects of catabolic hormones giving examples 4. Hormones that regulates metabolism during fasting 5. Give an account on synthesis and functions of 2, 3 diphosphoglycerate in RBCs. 6. Mention different pathways of glucose-6-phosphate and explain how glucose could be stored as a polysaccharide in liver. 7. Give an account on: a) Oxidative decarboxylation of alpha keto acids. b) Importance of H.M.P shunt. 8. Discuss the lactate cycle and its importance. 9. Write the role of succinyl Co-A in the formation of Oxaloacetic acid 10. Explain how glyceraldhyde-3-phosphate is formed from glucose by two different pathways and mention the Importance, regulation and enzyme defect of these two pathways. 11. 12. What is meant by galactosaemia? Discuss:

a) Synthesis and fate of UDPG. b) Regulation of citrate synthesis. c) Substrate level phosphorylation in glycolysis. 13. 14. 15. Illustrate one reaction needing NAD & another needing FAD in citric acid Explain how lactic acid is converted to phosphoenol pyruvate in the Mention the reaction catalyzed by: cycle & explain the importance of these reactions. hepatic cells. a) Glycogen synthase. b) Phosphorylase. How is each of these two reactions is regulated? 16. What is the inborn error encountered in deficiency of: a) Fructose-1-phosphate aldose. b) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

c) UDP-galactose transferase. 17. 18. Illustrate how oxaloacetate is converted to alpha ketogluterate. Explain how UDP-galactose serves as donor of galactose units in the

following units in the following synthetic pathways: a) Synthesis of lactose. b) Glycogen. c) Glycolipids. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Role of insulin and adrenaline in glycogen metabolism. How glycerol is changed into glucose and how the process is regulated. Write the steps of glycolysis and what are the enzymes affecting it Write by formula the reactions in TCA that liberate carbon dioxide. Reactions catalyzed by transketose and transaldose. Role of NADP & NAD in carbohydrate metabolism. Mention how the intermediates that can be produced by the TCA are used

for the following processes: a) Gluconeogenesis. b) Urea cycle. 26. 27. 28. Explain the mechanism of synthesis and fate of lactate in skeletal muscle Explain how pyruvate carboxylase and dehydrogenase enzymes regulate Discuss: "Disruption of the uronic acid pathway is caused by enzyme

carbohydrate metabolism. defects".


1. Give one example of the following: Phosphoprotein Metaloprotein containing zinc Essential hydroxyl amino acid 2. Give one example of each of the following: Tri-peptides

Aromatic amino acid Essential amino acid Sulfur amino acid Essential hydroxyl containing amino acid Di-carboxylic amino acid 3. Define: Isoelectric point Essential amino acid (giving examples) 4. State the types of bonds in protein structure 5. Mention the difference between the fibrous and globular proteins as regards: structure, physical properties, and function. (Give an example of each) 6. Mention 3 types of conjugated proteins. Give one example of each. 7. Give short notes on: Polar & non-polar amino acids. Amphoteric properties & pH of amino acids. 8. Give two examples of: Basic proteins Proteins of low biological value 9. Give account on: Heterocyclic amino acid Heterocyclic non-essential amino acid Sulfur containing amino acid Amino acid found in collagen Histidine Proline Basic essential amino acid Valine Methionine Cysteine Cysteine

GABA DOPA Precursor of melanin Precursor of thyroid hormone Protein non-primary amino acids Physical and chemical properties of amino acids Domains Denaturation Simple proteins Conjugated proteins Physiologically active peptide ****Zwitterion Classify amino acids with example of each group Bonds of proteins Enzyme specificity Isoenzyme Enzyme activators and inhibitors 1- Write briefly on: a) Two examples for role of pyridoxal phosphate in amino acid decarboxylation. b) Synthesis of formyl group from histamine. 2- Prove by chemical reactions that alanine and glutamic acids are nonessential. 3- Give short account on alkaptonurea. 4- Mention two important functions of cysteine. Explain how it can be synthesized. 5- State two important functions of aspartic acid. 6- Write the following metabolic reactions indicating the enzymes and the coenzymes:

Protein Metabolism

a) Tryptophan to melatonin. b) Glycine to creatine phosphate. 7- State the metabolic importance of: a) L-glutamate dehydrogenase. b) Alanine amino transferase. 8- "Amino acid decarboxylation gives important compounds in the body" discusses giving five examples. 10. Discuss: a) Conversion of phenylalanine to DOPA. b) Conversion of glycine to creatine. c) Conversion of glycine to glutathione. d) Conversion of glutamine to ketoglutaric acid. e) Conversion of homocysteine to cysteine. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. How ureas synthesized in liver. Discuss the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin. Explain how glutathione participates in the transport of the amino acids Discuss disposal of ammonia in the brain. Write short notes on: a) Role of transamination in maintenance of gluconeogenesis. b) Synthesis and degeneration of creatine phosphate. 16. 17. 18. 19. Illustrate the biosynthesis of cysteine from methionine and enumerate its Demonstrate how valine and isoleucine yield succinyl Co-A. How can brain and muscle dispose of their ammonia? What are the keto-acids formed by transamination between the following a) Phenylalanine b) Aspartate c) Leucine biological functions.

across the plasma membrane of kidney cells.

amino acids and ketogluterate:

d) Tyrosine. 20. How the followings could be synthesized in the body: a) Glutathione b) alpha-alanine c) S-adenosylmethionine 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. What is meant by nitrogen balance? Give two examples for each of positive Mention four examples for formation of biologically active amines from How is iso-citrate converted to glutamine in the brain? How propionate is converted to succinate? Mention four compounds using glycine as a precursor in its synthesis. Discuss the role of glutamate dehydrogenase and carbonyl phosphate. Discuss. Glutathione is an important tri-peptide", explain its synthesis, Explain with reaction how cysteine is synthesized from serine and its role Give an account on: a- Different sources of blood ammonia in the body and its fate b- Oxidative deamination of amino acid. 30. Explain the conversion of: a) Cysteine to pyruvate. b) Tryptophan to melatonin. c) Methionine to creatinine. 31. Illustrate reactions catalyzed by the following enzymes: a) Extra and intra mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. b) Glutamate dehydrogenase. 29. Explain how phenylalanine is converted to epinephrine; Mention the possible inborn errors of this pathway. and negative balance. amino acids.

formation and role in the body. in decarboxylation

1. Give one example for the following: Lipids containing choline fatty acids Steroids Non-essential fatty acids Phospholipids containing serine Essential fatty acids Sterol Saturated fatty acids 2. Enumerate the lipids that contain sphingosine base 3. Enumerate five of the unsaturated fatty acids. And state the essential ones 4. To what compounds does cholesterol belongs? 5. Draw the structural formula of tri-glyceride & mention its important functions. 6. Write the structure formula of the tri-acyl-glycerol. 7. Enumerate phospholipids & the structure of cholesterol. State three important compounds related to its structure. 8. Mention the structure of plasma lipoproteins & the name three chemical properties. 9. Describe the structure & the function of micelle. 10. 11. 12. Mention the different plasma lipoproteins & the bases of their classification. Write short notes on both physical & physiological properties of fatty acids Give an account on:

determined by their length & degree of saturation. Low fatty acid High fatty acid Saturated fatty acid Mono-enoic fatty acid Arachidonic acid

Linolenic acid Myoinositol Lecithin Lung surfactant Lipositol Cardiolipin Sphingosine Ceramide Cerebrosides Sulfatides Ganglioside Sterane ring Provitamin D3 Cholicalciferol Provitamin D2 Provitamin D4 Cholanic acid Secondary bile acid Vitamin A Cholesterol + derivatives & values Carotenoid Vitamin D Vitamin K Variable element of fat Constant element of fat Sphingophospholipid Glycolipids USF Vitamin D precursors

Bile acids & salts (structure and function) Common properties and biochemical importance of lipids Lipid component as lung surfactant Cardiac glycosides Glycerophosphatides Essential fatty acid 13. Whats the hydrolytic products of Cardiolipin Lipositol Cephalin Lecithin 14. Compare between Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 Sphingomyelin , cerebrosides and cerebrosides Glycerophospholipids and sphingmyelins

Lipid Metabolism
1. Mention the reaction used esterify blood cholesterol 2. Mention the effect of two hormones on blood cholesterol. 3. Give an account on formation and fate of chylomicrons. 4. Give an account on synthesis of triglycerides. 5. Give an account on lipotropic substances and their role in preventing fatty liver. 6. "Urine analysis of adiabolic patients revealed acetoacetate." Discuss: Its fate in extra hepatic tissues. Hazards of elevation of these compounds. 7. Explain by formula how acetyl COA is completely oxidized in the mitochondria and calculate the number of ATP produced. 8. Give an account on:

Importance of lipoprotein lipase. Importance of HMG COA in metabolism. 9. Role of cAMP dependent protein kinase in adipose tissue metabolism. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Role of LDL receptors in cholesterol metabolism Discuss synthesis of sphingomyelins. Function and fate of HDL. Role of carntine palmityl transferase in regulation of ketogenesis. Discuss control of adipose tissue lipolysis. Discuss the main pathway of glucose utilization in adipose tissue when it is Regulation of cholesterol level in plasma. Discuss lipolysis in adipose tissue in fasting condition. Discuss deficiency of ATP citrate lyase Synthesis of palmitic acid in mammalian cells. Give an account on the microsomal elongation of fatty acid molecules. Role of carntin in fatty acid oxidation. Synthesis and function of one phospholipid in the liver. Synthesis and catabolism of ketone bodies. Role of malonyl COA in fatty acid synthesis. Role of phospholipase in degradation and synthesis of phospholipids Extra hepatic utilization of ketone bodies. Formation and fate of LDL lipoprotein. Synthesis and fate of HMG CO-A. Formation and fate of low and high density lipoproteins. Synthesis and fate of hydroxyl methyl glutaryl COA. Discuss: c) The metabolic interrelationship between low density lipoproteins, very low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins. d) Hormonal and metabolic factors controlling lipolysis in adipose tissue

provided in excess.

e) Utilization of acetoacetic acid as a source of energy in extra hepatic tissue. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Discuss the steps of oxidation of palmitic acid calculate the number of ATP Explain the synthesis and metabolic fates of HMG COA in the body. Give an account on synthesis and catabolism of chylomicrons. Write the role of succinyl COA in the formation of ketone body utilization. Illustrate the steps of synthesis of mevalonate. What is meant by feedback inhibition and its role in cholesterol synthesis? molecules generated.


1. Give an account on the biochemical mechanism of retinol. 2. Give an account on chemical structure, activation and function of vitamin D3. 3. Mention two manifestations of: Beri-beri Rickets Pellagra 4. Mention the name of vitamin precursors for each: FAD Co-carboxylase TPP Co-A-SH 5. Give an account on: Rhodopsin Vit. D3 activation 6. 9. Give an account on chemistry, synthesis, mode of action of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol in Calcium metabolism. 7. 10. Pantothenic acid is a component of important Co-enzyme in the body. 8. Mention this Co-enzyme, its constituents and functions. 9. 11. Enumerate the Co-enzymes of vit. B complex that act as Hydrogen carrier

10. 11.

Enumerate vitamins containing sulfur. Give the name of the disease resulting from deficiency of the following:

Thiamine 1,25 cholecalciferol Cyanocobalamine Niacin L-ascorbic acid Retinol 12. Mention the biological importance of: Pantothenic acid Pyridoxal 13. 14. 15. 16. Enumerate vitamins containing sulfur and mention their importance. What are the Co-enzymes having the nicotinic acid derivatives in their What are the possible functions of Vit E? State the deficient vitamin in the following diseases:


Xerophthalmia. Coagulopathy. Megaloblastic anemia. Osteomalacia. Beri-beri. 17. Mention the name of retinoids and their role in: Vision. Cell growth and differentiation. Cancer. 18. Mention the biological functions of: Vit A. Vit E. Vit C. Niacin.

Riboflavin. Pantothenic acid. 19. Mention the Co-enzyme participating in following enzymes: Transketolase. Oxidase.


1. Discuss how km determination is important to evaluate the inhibitors and enzyme inhibition. 2. Give the significance and example for non-functional plasma enzymes. 3. Give an account on each of the following: Enzyme induction and inducible enzymes. Covalent modification regulation in control of catalysts. Reversible non-competitive inhibition 4. Give an account on: Protein kinases and phosphatases in regulation of enzyme activity (giving two examples) Functional classification of co-enzymes and their role in substrate binding. Lysozymes and Lysosomes. 5. What is meant by enzyme induction? 7. Explain regulation of catalytic efficiency by covalent modification. 8. Illustrate diagrammatically the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme reaction. 9. What is the origin of non-functional plasma enzymes? (Give examples) 10. Give one example for the following classes of enzymes: Transferases. Ligases. 11. 12. Define the Km and the Vm in Case of competitive and non-competitive Give two examples of isozymes of clinical importance. inhibitors by drawing using the double reciprocal plots.

13. 14.

Write short notes on the change of catalytic activity of an enable by change Give account on:

in temperature Properties of enzymes Mechanism of enzyme action Catalytic site (definition and types) Enzyme activators and inhibitors Allosteric inhibition Enzyme regulation Enzymes as tumor markers Cytochromes Dehydrogenases Oxido-reductases Transferases Hydrolases Isomerases Lyases Ligases Respiratory chain Oxidative phosphorylation Uncouplers of Oxidative phosphorylation Enzyme specificity peptidases NAD- NADP FAD FMN GSH CO-Q- Lipoic Acid SAM- UDP glucose PLP Co- ASH Biotin Rate of enzyme reaction Effect of on enzyme reaction o Substrate conc. o Enzyme conc. o Temprature

o PH o Induction/repression

General Questions

1. What is the defect in: Phenylketonuria? 2. During fasting, Liver is considered to be glycogenolytic, gluconogenic, ketogenic &proteolytic. Explain this statement diagrammatically. 3. Succinyl CO-A and malonyl CO-A be synthesized during carbohydrate metabolism and can be used in lipid metabolism, Explain. 4- One carbon metabolism is folic acid dependent; explain this statement giving one example

Minerals Metabolism

1. Discuss level of blood calcium and its regulation. 2. Discuss "Minerals are well controlled at the level of absorption" (Give iron &copper as example.) 3. Discuss role of calcium in muscle contraction. 4. The possible mechanism by which trace elements act as enzyme activators 5. Discuss Importance of Iodine. 6. Give short account on Iron absorption and factors regulating it. 7. Give account on calcium absorption and factors regulating it. 8. Explain two factors affecting Ca++ absorption and its level in blood. 9. Discuss absorption and transport of Iron.

Biological Oxidation
1. Write briefly the high energy compounds. 2. Write briefly the role of respiratory chain in energy capture 3. Describe briefly hydrogen carriers containing flavin 4. Discuss high-energy phosphate containing compounds. 5. Give an account on the role of ATP on the energy currency of the cell. 6. Give an account on: Respiratory chain and its inhibitors

Reactants Carbohydrate Metabolism




Glycolysis (Embden Meyerhof Pathway) - D Glucose- 6 Phosphate Hexokinase/Glucokinase Mg++ ATP ADP

- D - Glucose - D Glucose- 6 Phosphate

D- Fructose 6 Phosphate

Phosphohexose Isomerase

D- Fructose 6 Phosphate

D- Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphate Dihyroxyacetone

Phosphofructokinase Mg++ ATP ADP

D- Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphate Dihyroxyacetone Phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3phosphate 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate 3-Phosphoglycerate

Phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3phosphate 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate 3-Phosphoglycerate 2-Phosphoglycerate


Phosphotriose Isomerase Glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase NAD+NADH+H+ Mg++ ADP ATP Phosphoglycerate mutase

Mg2+ 2-Phosphoglycerate Phosphoenolpyruvate Enolase H2O Out Pyruvate Kinase Phosphoenolpyruvate (Enol) Pyruvate (Enol) Pyruvate (Keto) Pyruvate L-Lactate Mg2+ ADP ATP Spontaneous Anaerobic Respiration NADH+H+ NAD+ ATP Biotin Oxaloacetic Acid (Keto) Pyruvate CO2 + H2O In ADP + P out IN: CoA-SH + NAD+ Acetyl Co-A Out: CO2 + NADH+H+ Pyruvate Dehydrogenase TPP, FAD & Lipoic acid Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs Cycle) Oxalacetate Citrate Acetyl-CoA + H2o in CoA.SH Out Aconitase Citrate Cis-Aconitate Fe3+ H20 Out Cis-Aconitate Iso-Citrate Aconitase H20 Out

Iso-Citrate OxaloSuccinate

OxaloSuccinate - Ketoglutarate

IsoCitrate Dehydrogenase NAD+NADH+H+ Mn2+ CO2 Out - Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex NAD+NADH+H+ CoA.SH Succinate thiokinase

- Ketoglutarate

Succinyl Co-A

Succinyl Co-A


GDP+P GTP ATP CoA.SH out Succinate Dehydrogenase FAD FADH2 Fumarase Malate Dehydrogenase NAD NADH+H+ Citrate Lyase ATP ADP + P CoA.SH in Glucose 6 phosphate

Succinate Fumarate L-Malate

Fumarate L-Malate Oxaloacetate Oxaloacetate + Acetyl Co-A


Hexose monophosphate shunt dehydrogenase Mg2+ or Ca2+ NADP+NADPH+H+



Gluconol acetone 6-Phosphogluconolactone 6-Phosphogluconate hydratase H2O In Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+ 6-Phosphogluconate 6-Phosphogluconate 3-keto 6phosphogluconate dehydrogenase NADP+NADPH+H+ Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+

Lipid Metabolism: Lipolysis: Lipoprotein lipase Triglycerides of chylomicrons Triglycerides (triacylglycerol) of adipose tissue Di-acyl-glycerol Mono-acyl-glycerol B-oxidation: R-COOH (fatty acid) + Co-A-SH Acyl Co-A Enoyl Co-A Acyl Co-A Acyl Co-A synthase ATP AMP+PPi Acyl Co-A dehydrogenase FpFpH2 Enoyl Co-A 3-hydroxy-acyl-Co-A Enoyl Co-A hydratase + H 2O 3-hydroxy-acyl-Co-A 3-hydroxy-acyl-Co-A 3-ketoacyl-Co-A dehydrogenase NAD+ NADH + H+ Glycerol + Free fatty acids (FFAs) (LPL) (activated by apolipoprotein CII) Di-acyl-glycerol + FFA Mono-acyl-glycerol + FFA Glycerol + FFA Hormone sensitive lipase Di-acyl-glycerol lipase Mono-acyl-glycerol lipase

Acyl Co-A 3-ketoacyl-Co-A Ketogenesis: Acetyl Co-A + Acetyl Co-A Acetoacetyl Co-A + Acetyl Co-A HMG Co-A Acetoacetate + acetyl Co-A -Hydroxybutyrate HMG Co-A Acetoacetyl Co-A + Co-A-SH HMG Co-A synthase H2O Co-A-SH + H+ HMG Co-A lyase -Hydroxybutyrate acetoacetate Fatty Acid Synthesis: Acetyl Co-A Acetyl Co-A Palmitoyl ACP Triacylglycerol synthesis: Glycerol-3-phosphate + Acyl Co-A 1 Acyl glycerol-3phosphate + Co-A Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase Malonyl Co-A Palmitate + HS_ACP carboxylase ATP+CO2 ADP+Pi Biotin Thiolase + H2O dehydrogenase NADH+H+ NAD+ Thiolase + Acetyl Co-A Thiolase + Co-A-SH

1 Acyl glycerol-3phosphate + Acyl Co-A 1,2 diacylglycerol phosphate + H2O 1,2 diacylglycerol + Acyl Co-A 1,2 diacylglycerol CDP diacylglycerol + Inositol Sphingolipid synthesis: Palmitoyl Co-A + Serine Sphingosine + Acyl Co-A Ceramide + UDP-galactose

1,2 diacylglycerol phosphate + Co-A 1,2 diacylglycerol + Pi Triacyl-glycerol + Co-A CDP diacylglycerol Phosphatidyl inositol + CMP Sphingosine

1 Acyl glycerol-3phosphate acyltransferase

Phosphatidate phosphohydrolase Diacylglycerol acyltransferase Cytidyl transferase CTPPP PI synthase

Ceramide Galactocerebroside + UDP

Ceramide + UDP-glucose Glucocerebroside + UDP-glucose/galactose Glucoside + Sialic acid Ceramide + Phosphatidyl choline Ketolysis: Acetoacetate + Succinyl Co-A Acetoacetyl Co-A + Co-A-SH Cholesterol synthesis: Acetyl Co-A + Acetyl Co-A Acetoacetyl Co-A +

Glucocerebroside + UDP Glucoside Multiple additions



Acetoacetyl Co-A + Succinate Acetyl Co-A + Acetyl Co-A Acetoacetyl Co-A + Co-A-SH HMG Co-A +

Succinyl Co-A transferase Thiolase


H2O HMG Co-A synthase

Acetyl Co-A HMG Co-A

Co-A-SH Mevalonate + Co-A-SH 2NADPH+2H 2NADP

** Protein Metabolism: A)Transamination: Glutamic Acid + Oxaloacitic Acid Glutamic Acid + Pyruvic Acid B)Oxidative Deamination: Amino Acid -Amino Acid Glutamic Acid Imino Acid Keto Acid Imino Acid Amino Acid Oxidase Flavin Flavin- H2 H2O NH3 L-Glutamic Acid Dehydrogenase NADPNADPH+H Imino Acid Ketoglutaric Acid C)Non-Oxidative Deamination(Direct Deamination): L- Serine Amino Acid Amino Acid Pyruvic Acid H2O is removed Serine dehydrase PLP D)Transdeamination(L-Glutamate dehydrogenase) : -Amino Acids - Ketoglutrate -Keto Acids Glutamatic Acid Glutamate Transaminase (Transamination) Glutamate Transaminase (Transamination) H2O NH3 -Ketoglutaric Acid + Aspartic Acid Ketoglutaric Acid + Alanine GOT B6 GPT B6

Glutamatic Acid

- Ketoglutrate

L-glutamate dehydrogenase (Oxidative deamination)



L-glutamate dehydrogense (Oxidative deamination)

**Krebs urea cycle(ornithine cycle for urea formation): CO2 + NH3 Carbamoyl Phosphate Ornithine Citrulline *Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase * 2ATP 2ADP+Pi * Ornithine Transcarbamoylase (Citrulline Synthase) *Carbamoyl Phosphate Pi Citrulline Argininosuccinate * Argininosuccinate Synthase * ATP AMP + Pi Argininosuccinate Arginine Arginine Ornithine Argininosuccinase *Arginase * H2O Urea

** Amino Acid Metabolism: 1) Serine: A)Synthesis: i) 3- Phosphoglycerate 3- Phosphohydroxy pyruvate 3- Phosphohydroxy pyruvate 3- Phosphoserine ii) Glycine Serine Serine 3- Phosphoserine * Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase * NAD NADH + H * Transaminase PLP * Glutamate - KetoGlutarate * Phosphatase * H2O Pi Serine hydroxymethyl transferase B) Catabolism: Serine Serine C) Functions and Derivatives: Serine Serine Serine Serine Pyruvate Glycine Ceramide Ethanolamine Serine Dehydratase Serine Hydroxymethyl Transferase Conjugation with Palmitoyl CoA By Decarboxylation Glycine (By Glycine cleavage system, it is cleaved to CO2&NH3) Pyruvate

2) Cysteine : A)Synthesis: L- methionine S-Adenosyl methionine * L-Met. Adenosyl transferase * H2O+ATP Pi+PPi S-Adenosyl mthionine S-Adenosyl Homocysteine S-Adenosyl Homocysteine L-Homocysteine Cystathionine * Cystathionine Synthase * Serine H2O Cystathionine B)Functions and Derivatives: Cysteine Cysteine Cysteine Cysteine Pyruvate Thioethanolamine Cystine Glutathione * PLP * Cystine reductase * NAD NADH+H * Decarboxylase L-Homoserine +L-Cysteine Cystathionase L-Homocysteine * Methyltransferase * acceptorCH3acceptor * H2O adenosine

Methionine: L-Methionine S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) S-adenosyl homocysteine Homocysteine L-Methionine Betaine (trimethyl glycine) dimethyl glycine CH3-THF THF methyl transferase Homocysteine: Homocysteine cystathionine Cystathionine synthase Serine H2o PLP cystathionine homoserine iminobutyrate -ketobutyrate Homocysteine homoserine iminobutyrate ketobutyrate Propionyl CO A ketobutyrate Homocysteine desulfiydrase PLP Cystathionase H2Ocysteine Homoserine deaminase PLP H2o H2O NH3 S-adenosyl methionine(SAM) S-adenosyl homocysteine Homocysteine ATPPPi+Pi Adenosyltransferase CH3 Methyl transferase H2o adenosine

H2O H2S and NH3 ketobutyrate Methionine S-adenosyl methionine(SAM) S-adenosyl homocysteine homocysteine homocysteine cystathionine Propionyl CO A Methylmalonyl CO A Methionine cystathionine Propionyl CO A Methylmalonyl CO A Succinyl CO A Methyl B12 B12+ N5 methyl FH4 FH4 Cystathionine synthase Cysteine Propionyl CO A carboxylase Methylmalonyl CO A mutase (vit. B 12 cofactor) Phenylalanine/tyrosine Phenylalanine tyrosine Phenylhydroxylase O2H2o Tetrahydrobiopetrin dihydrobiopetrin L- tyrosine P- hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid Tyrosine transaminase PLP -KG + GLU Propionyl CO A S-adenosyl methionine(SAM) S-adenosyl homocysteine homocysteine CH3 ATP

P- hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid

Homogentisic acid

P- hydroxyphenyl pyruvate hydroxylase Ascorbate Cu+2 O2 CO2

Homogentisic acid

Methylacetoacetic acid

Homogentistate oxidase Fe +2 Ascorbate

Methylacetoacetic acid

Fumaryl acetoacetic acid

Glutathione Methylacetoacetic acid cis trans isomerase Fumaryl acetoacetate hydrolase H2o

Fumaryl acetoacetic acid

Fumarate (glucogenic) + Acetoacetate (ketogenic)

Catecholamines tyrosine 3,4 dihydroxy phenylalanine (dopa) 3,4 dihydroxy phenylalanine dopamine Norepinephrine dopamine O2 H2O H4-biopetrine H2biopetrine DOPA decarboxylase PLP CO2 O2 Dopamine B hydroxase Cu+2 Vit. C

Norepinephrine Epinephrine Norepinephrine Dihydroxymandelic acid Epinephrine Metanephrine Noepinephrine Normetanephrine Dopamine Dihydrophenyl-acetic acid Dopamine 3-methoxytyramine

epinephrine Dihydrooxymandelic acid Dihydrooxymandelic acid 3-methoxy,4hydroxy,mandelic acid Metanephrine 3-methoxy,4hydroxy,mandelic acid Normetanephrine mandelic acid Dihydrophenyl-acetic acid Homovanillic acid 3-methoxytyramine Homovanillic acid


3-methoxy,4-hydroxy- MAO MAO COMT COMT MAO

Tryptophan Tryptophan N-formyl kynurenine N-formyl kynurenine Kynurenine + Formate Formate Kynurenine + O2 3-hydroxy kynurenine + H2O 3-hydroxy anthranilate Tryptophan Niacin + Aceto-acetyl Co-A 3-hydroxy tryptophan Oxidase + O2 Tryp. Hydroxylase O2 BH4 3-hydroxy tryptophan Serotonin + CO2 Serotonin + Acetyl Co-A N-acetyl serotonin + Co-A-SH N-acetyl transferase PLP H2O BH2 3-hydroxy anthranilate Kynureninase B6 Formate-THF 3-hydroxy kynurenine +H2O THF Kynurenine hydroxylase NADPH+H NADP Tryptophan oxygenase + O2 Kynurenine fomylase + H2O


N-acetyl serotonin Serotonin + O2

Melatonin 5 HIAA + NH3

O-Methyl transferase SAM MAO SAH

Fat Soluble Vitamins

7-Dehydrocholesterol (Pro-vitamin D3) Rhodopsin (11 Cis retinal +Opsin) All Trans Retinal All Trans Retinol NADPH+H+ | Alcohol Dehydrogenase Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) All Trans Retinal Light UV Rays (Sunlight)

NADP+ All Trans Retinol (Retina) 11 Cis Retinol 11 Cis Retinol (Liver) 11 Cis Retinal NAD + | Alcohol Dehydrogenase NADH+H+ 11 Cis Retinal Rhodopsin Dark Isomerase

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