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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

Essentials of Anatony and Physiology, 5e (Martini/Nath) Chapter 13 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Circulation Multiple-Choice Questions 1) The muscular layer of blood vessels is the A) tunica intima. B) tunica externa. C) tunica media. D) tunica intima. E) tunica adventitia. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 2) Compared to veins, arteries A) are more elastic. B) have less smooth muscle in their tunica media. C) have a smooth endothelium. D) have thinner walls. E) lose their shape when cut. Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 3) The blood vessels that carry blood at the highest pressure are the A) arteries. B) arterioles. C) veins. D) venules. E) capillaries. Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 4) The blood vessels that have only a tunica intima are the A) arteries. B) arterioles. C) veins. D) venules. E) capillaries. Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

5) Which of the following blood vessels hold the greatest volume of blood? A) arteries B) arterioles C) capillaries D) venules E) veins Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 6) Blood flow has the highest velocity in the A) arteries. B) arterioles. C) capillaries. D) venules. E) veins. Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 7) Thick-walled vessels with a large degree of distensibility are called ________ arteries. A) coronary B) pulmonary C) elastic D) muscular E) arteriolar Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

8) The brachial artery would be classified as a(n) ________ artery. A) anastomotic B) elastic C) conducting D) large E) muscular Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 9) The outermost layer of the arterial wall is the A) endothelium. B) tunica intima. C) tunica externa. D) tunica media. E) serosa. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 10) Which of the following is lesser amount? A) the normal blood volume of the arterial system B) the normal blood volume of the venous system Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 11) The vessels that permit exchange of materials between the cells and the blood are termed A) capillaries. B) arterioles. C) arteries. D) venules. E) veins. Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 12) Plasma proteins that remain in the blood capillaries help A) maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood. B) decrease the osmotic pressure of the blood. C) maintain the hydrostatic pressure of the blood. D) decrease the hydrostatic pressure of the blood. E) increase the osmotic pressure of the blood. Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

13) Blood flow through the cardiovascular system is affected by A) pressure differences. B) the viscosity of the blood. C) the amount of friction in the blood vessels. D) the length and diameter of the blood vessels. E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 14) Which of the following conditions would completely stop all NET filtration? A) Blood hydrostatic pressure forces fluid from the capillary into the interstitial space. B) Blood osmotic pressure moves fluid from the interstitial space into the capillary. C) The blood hydrostatic pressure and the blood osmotic pressure are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 15) As blood travels from the aorta toward the capillaries the A) pressure increases. B) resistance increases. C) flow increases. D) viscosity increases. E) all of the above Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 16) Blood pressure increases with A) increased cardiac output. B) increased peripheral resistance. C) increased blood volume. D) B and C only E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

17) The one-third of the systolic pressure added to diastolic pressure is called the A) critical closing pressure. B) mean arterial pressure. C) pulse pressure. D) blood pressure. E) circulatory pressure. Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 18) Which of the following is faster? A) blood flow along the walls of a blood vessel B) blood flow in the center of a large vessel Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 19) Which of the following is a normal pressure within capillaries? A) 2030 mm Hg B) 5070 mm Hg C) 510 mm Hg D) 90110 mm Hg E) 200240 mm Hg Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

20) Which of the following is the top number in a blood pressure reading? A) diastolic pressure B) systolic pressure C) pulse pressure D) mean arterial pressure E) blood osmotic pressure Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 21) Transport mechanisms used by capillaries include A) diffusion. B) filtration. C) osmosis. D) all of the above E) none of the above Answer: D Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 22) Swelling of a tissue is due to A) trauma to the blood. B) constriction of vessels. C) release of bone fragments. D) increased permeability of capillaries. E) filtration. Answer: D Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 23) Blood moves forward through veins A) because the pressure in the veins is lower than in the arteries. B) with the aid of contractions of skeletal muscles. C) with the aid of changes in cavity pressure. D) A and B only E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

24) Which of the following has the greatest effect on blood flow? A) HR B) SV C) peripheral resistance D) vessel length E) adipose tissue Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 25) In which of the following would the resistance be least? A) a vessel 10 microns in diameter B) a vessel 1 mm in diameter C) a vessel 1 cm in diameter Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 26) In which of the following would the rate of blood flow be greatest, assuming the same pressure? A) a vessel 10 microns in diameter B) a vessel 1 mm in diameter C) a vessel 1 cm in diameter Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 27) The third and fourth heart sounds are caused by A) resistance. B) opening valves. C) closing valves. D) viscosity. E) turbulence. Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

28) Edema would be likely to form when A) the concentration of protein in the blood increases. B) hemorrhage occurs. C) the heart is an insufficient pump. D) blood hydrostatic pressure at the capillary decreases. E) the blood hydrostatic pressure in a capillary is equal to the blood osmotic pressure. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 29) Which of the following will cause a decrease in blood pressure? A) increased levels of aldosterone B) increased levels of angiotensin II C) increased blood volume D) increased levels of ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) E) increased levels of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) Answer: D Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 30) Which of the following changes will result in increased nutrient delivery to a specific tissue? A) increased blood volume B) increased vessel diameter C) increased blood pressure D) decreased peripheral resistance E) relaxation of precapillary sphincters Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 31) Baroreceptors that function in the regulation of blood pressure are located in the A) left ventricle. B) brain stem. C) carotid sinus. D) common iliac artery. E) all of the above Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

32) Blood pressure in the systemic arteries is greatest during A) atrial systole. B) ventricular systole. C) ventricular diastole. D) atrial diastole. E) none of the above Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 33) Angiotensin increases blood pressure by A) increasing peripheral resistance. B) promoting the release of renin. C) inhibiting aldosterone. D) promoting the excretion of sodium. E) inhibiting ADH. Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 34) Which of the following factors is most likely to result in an increase in blood pressure? A) decreased blood flow to the kidneys B) decreased volume of body fluids C) increased excretion of sodium D) increased excretion of water E) increased excretion of potassium Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 35) ________ causes a direct increase in blood volume. A) Renin B) Erythropoietin C) ADH D) ACTH E) Angiotensin Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

36) Which of the following is greater? A) blood pressure when sympathetic stimulation to the heart increases B) blood pressure when parasympathetic stimulation to the heart increases Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 37) When a capillary bed decreases in blood flow due to locally high oxygen levels, it is caused by A) intercellular chemicals. B) angiotensin. C) autoregulation. D) neural mechanisms. E) endocrine mechanisms. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 38) Blood pressure is lowest in which of the following structures? A) arteriole B) artery C) capillary D) vein E) venule Answer: D Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 39) The baroreceptor reflex causes changes in A) blood pressure. B) stroke volume. C) heart rate. D) peripheral resistance. E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 40) Pulse pressure is the difference between A) the heart at rest and the heartbeat. B) elastic rebound and elastic recoil. C) circulatory pressure and blood pressure. D) blood pressure and osmotic pressure. E) systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 41) A decrease in vessel diameter is called A) heart action. B) vasoconstriction. C) vasodilation. D) viscosity. E) peripheral resistance. Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

42) Which of the following affects blood pressure indirectly by altering blood volume? A) neural factors B) venous return C) endocrine factors D) changing blood glucose concentration Answer: D Diff: 3 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 43) In response to hemorrhage, there is A) decreased vasomotor tone. B) increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. C) mobilization of the venous reserve. D) A and C only E) all of the above Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.4 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 44) Symptoms of shock include A) hypotension. B) rapid, weak pulse. C) decreased urine formation. D) acidosis. E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.4 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 45) Which of the following is greater? A) heart rate normally B) heart rate during cardiovascular shock Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.4 Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts 46) Which is a branch of the pulmonary trunk? A) right coronary artery B) left coronary artery C) pulmonary artery D) left common carotid artery E) brachiocephalic artery Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 47) The celiac artery provides blood to the A) brain. B) diaphragm. C) liver and spleen. D) large intestine. E) suprarenal glands. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

48) Which of the following supplies blood to parts of the intestinal tract? A) phrenic arteries B) superior mesenteric artery C) lumbar artery D) middle sacral artery E) celiac artery Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 49) An important artery that supplies blood to the brain is the A) external carotid. B) subclavian. C) vertebral. D) brachiocephalic. E) maxillary. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 50) Blood from the face returns to the heart by way of the A) vertebral vein. B) axillary vein. C) brachiocephalic vein. D) internal jugular vein. E) external jugular vein. Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 51) The pulse point on the wrist is actually the ________ artery. A) brachial B) radial C) ulnar D) antebrachial E) cubital Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 52) After passing the axilla, the axillary artery becomes the A) radial artery. B) ulnar artery. C) brachial artery. D) subclavian artery. E) digital artery. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 53) In the forearm, the brachial artery becomes the A) radial artery. B) ulnar artery. C) antebrachial artery. D) subclavian artery. E) both A and B Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 54) The basilar artery gives off the ________ arteries. A) circle of Willis B) anterior cerebral C) external carotid D) internal carotid E) posterior cerebral Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

55) The internal carotids and the basilar artery are interconnected by an anastomosis called the A) common carotid artery. B) cerebral ring. C) circle of Willis. D) external carotid artery. E) none of the above Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

56) The ________ divides the aorta into a superior thoracic aorta and an inferior abdominal aorta. A) pericardium B) mediastinum C) diaphragm D) peritoneum E) pleura Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 57) Near the level of vertebra L4, the aorta branches to form the A) common carotid arteries. B) common iliac arteries. C) femoral arteries. D) popliteal arteries. E) tibial arteries. Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 58) The lumbar arteries are A) paired and travel in the intercostal spaces. B) paired and found in the lower abdomen. C) multiple in number and found exiting the posterolateral abdominal aorta. D) single branches of the abdominal aorta. E) none of the above Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 59) The vessel that receives blood from below the diaphragm is the A) internal jugular vein. B) external jugular vein. C) superior vena cava. D) inferior vena cava. E) coronary sinus. Answer: D Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 60) Small veins of the brain empty into the A) coronary sinuses. B) dural sinuses. C) circle of Willis. D) external jugular vein. E) vertebral veins. Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

61) The ________ is superficial and runs along the medial upper limb. A) digital vein B) cephalic vein C) axillary vein D) brachial vein E) basilic vein Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 62) After receiving the internal jugular vein, the subclavian vein becomes the A) cephalic vein. B) vena cava. C) axillary vein. D) brachiocephalic vein. E) external jugular vein. Answer: D Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 63) The fusion of the brachiocephalic veins forms the A) inferior vena cava. B) superior vena cava. C) cephalic vein. D) subclavian vein. E) iliac vein. Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 64) The two common iliac veins form the A) femoral vein. B) internal iliac vein. C) inferior vena cava. D) lumbar vein. E) common iliac vein. Answer: C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

65) Which of the following is a remnant of a fetal blood vessel? A) hepatic portal B) ligamentum arteriosum C) ductus arteriosus D) umbilical artery Answer: B Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.8 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 66) Elderly individuals are more prone to suffer from ________ than younger individuals. A) hypertension B) venous thrombosis C) arteriosclerosis D) problems with the conducting system of the heart E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.9 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 67) Factors that increase the risk of atherosclerosis include A) smoking. B) lack of exercise. C) high-fat diets. D) obesity. E) all of the above Answer: E Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.10 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

68) Vicki has a disabled posterior pituitary. What type of cardiovascular affects might you expect? A) decreased blood volume B) increased blood pressure C) peripheral vasoconstriction D) increased numbers of red blood cells E) all of the above Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.10 Skill Level: 3 Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications Matching Questions 1) Match the blood vessels in the first column with the characteristic in the second column. _____ 1. artery A. controls blood pressure _____ 2. arteriole B. most permeable _____ 3. capillary C. largest lumen _____ 4. venule D. drains tissues _____ 5. vein E. thickest wall Answer: 1-E, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 2) Match the arteries in the first column with the major regions they supply in the second column. _____ 1. internal carotid A. posterior abdominal wall _____ 2. phrenic B. upper digestive tract _____ 3. renal C. brain _____ 4. celiac D. diaphragm _____ 5. lumbar E. kidney Answer: 1-C, 2-D, 3-E, 4-B, 5-A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 Fill in the Blank Questions

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

1) The blood vessels whose walls are thin enough to allow the exchange of gases between the blood and tissues are _________________________. Answer: capillaries Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 2) _________________________ drain fluid from the interstitial spaces back into the general circulation. Answer: Lymphatic vessels Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 3) Strong, elastic blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called _________________________. Answer: arteries Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 4) The smallest vessels of the arterial system are called _________________________. Answer: arterioles Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 5) Blood flowing out of a capillary bed first enters vessels called _________________________. Answer: venules Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 6) The force that pulls water INTO a capillary is called _________________________ pressure. Answer: osmotic Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 7) Diastolic pressure plus one-third of the pulse pressure equals _________________________. Answer: mean arterial pressure Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 8) The force that pushes fluid out of the capillaries is called _________________________ pressure. Answer: hydrostatic Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 9) The term _________________________ refers to the pressure in the arterial side of the cardiovascular system. Answer: blood pressure Diff: 1
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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

10) _________________________ refers to the factors that oppose blood flow in the cardiovascular system. Answer: Total peripheral resistance Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 11) _________________________ are the distinctive sounds heard during the measurement of blood pressure. Answer: Korotkoff's sounds Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 12) The instrument used to determine blood pressure is the _________________________. Answer: sphygmomanometer Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.2 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 13) _________________________ is the regulation of blood flow at the tissue level. Answer: Autoregulation Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.3 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 14) In _________________________, the wall of an artery becomes thicker and tougher. Answer: arteriosclerosis Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.4 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

15) The condition known as _________________________ is characterized by the formation of fatty plaques in the lining of arteries. Answer: atherosclerosis Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.4 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 16) The largest blood vessels are the _________________________. Answer: venae cavae Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 17) Supply the name of the missing vein: liver, _________________________, inferior vena cava. Answer: hepatic vein Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 18) Supply the name of the missing vein: cephalic vein, subclavian vein, _________________________. Answer: brachiocephalic vein Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 19) The vessel that carries blood to the arm and shoulder is called the _________________________. Answer: subclavian artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 20) The vessel that supplies blood to the head and neck is the _________________________. Answer: common carotid artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 21) The second branch off of the aortic arch is the _________________________. Answer: left common cartoid artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

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Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

22) The vessels that supply blood to the diaphragm are the _________________________ arteries. Answer: phrenic Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 23) The vessel that supplies blood to the brain and spinal cord is called the _________________________. Answer: vertebral artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 24) The vessel that supplies blood to the liver, stomach, and spleen is called the _________________________. Answer: celiac artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 25) The vessel that supplies blood to the pancreas, small intestine, and most of the large intestine is called the _________________________. Answer: superior mesenteric artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 26) The vessel that supplies blood to the arm and shoulder is the _________________________. Answer: subclavian artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 27) The vessel that branches to form a right common carotid artery and a right subclavian artery is the _________________________. Answer: innominate artery or brachiocephalic artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 28) The vessel that supplies blood to the muscles of the upper arm is the _________________________. Answer: brachial artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 29) The small intestine and most of the large intestine receive blood from the _________________________. Answer: superior mesenteric artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 30) The lower part of the large intestine, including the rectum, receives blood from the _________________________. Answer: inferior mesenteric artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7
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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

31) Ovaries or testes receive a blood supply from the _________________________. Answer: gonadal arteries Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 32) The kidneys receive blood from the _________________________. Answer: renal arteries Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 33) The branch of the common iliac artery that serves the leg is the _________________________. Answer: external iliac artery Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 34) The vessel that collects blood from the overlying structures of the head and neck is the _________________________. Answer: external jugular vein Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 35) Blood from the inside of the cranium is drained by the _________________________. Answer: internal jugular vein Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

36) The _________________________ receives blood from the kidney. Answer: renal vein Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 37) Blood is drained from the liver by the _________________________. Answer: hepatic vein Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.7 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 38) In a fetus, blood from right atrium skips the right ventricle by passing through the _________________________. Answer: foramen ovale Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.8 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms Essay Questions 1) Tom loves to soak in hot tubs and whirlpools. One day, he decides to raise the temperature in his hot tub as high as it will go. After a few minutes in the very warm water, he feels faint, passes out, and nearly drowns. Luckily, he is saved by an observant bystander. Explain what happened physiologically. Answer: In response to the high temperature of the water, Tom's body shunted more blood to the superficial veins to decrease body temperature. The dilation of the superficial veins caused a shift in blood to the arms and legs and resulted in a decreased venous return. Because of the decreased venous return, the cardiac output decreased and less blood with oxygen was delivered to the brain. This caused Tom to feel lightheaded and faint, nearly causing his demise. Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: 13.10 Skill Level: 3 Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications

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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1 Labeling Exercises

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

Using the figure above, identify the labeled part. 1) Label A: ________ Answer: Ascending aorta Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 2) Label B: ________ Answer: Superior vena cava Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 3) Label C: ________ Answer: Right pulmonary arteries Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 4) Label D: ________ Answer: Right pulmonary veins Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 5) Label E: ________ Answer: Inferior vena cava Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 Human Biology PRACTICE MIDTERM EXAM 1

Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor:

Spring 2011 55244 4 Units UVC1, 3 and 7 St. Helena F 9:00 AM 3:50 PM RIDDELL

6) Label F: ________ Answer: Descending aorta Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 7) Label G: ________ Answer: Capillary Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 8) Label H: ________ Answer: Alveolus Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 9) Label I: ________ Answer: Left pulmonary veins Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 10) Label J: ________ Answer: Left pulmonary arteries Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 11) Label K: ________ Answer: Pulmonary trunk Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms 12) Label L: ________ Answer: Aortic arch Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: 13.6 Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms

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