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By GURUPRASAD T V 8 SEM Comput er Sci ence & Engg MIT Kundapura Udupi Mobile: +919900652616 Mail id :guruprasadtv@gmail. com

i. ii. iii. v i . v . v i. v ii. v iii. x i . x . x i.
x ii.




MeeG o

CSE Dept

MeeGo is an open source ope ra ting sy stem and many lead ing cell phone manufacturers, ne twork service p roviders and third party s oft ware compan ie s a re waiting for its re lea se . It is a Linux-bas ed OS and is be lieved to be compa tib le with wide r ange of devices s uch as desktop computers, no tebook s, cell phone s, tabl et PCs and even televisi on s ets. MeeGo powe red dev ice w ill a llow the u se rs to go online and acce en e a nment whether the u se r it at home or traveling. It has ss t rt i been reveal ed that t he MeeGo OS is a me rge r between Nok ia s Maemo and In te ls Moblin. Si nce MeeGo is backed up with powerful names like Noki a and In te l, many cell phone companies are wa iting fo r its r ea s s t t t hey can make use of th is e l e o ha OS. Si nce MeeGo is an open ou ce p o ec deve ope w be ab e o mod y s r r j t, l rs ill l t if MeeGo code o ha hey can e and deve op new o wa e and enhance he s s t t t t st l s ft r t pe o mance o he ex ng app Deve ope can acce he Mob n and Maemo rf r ft isti s. l rs ss t li commun e o d cu abou he MeeGo OS The goa o deve op ng he MeeGo iti s t is ss tt . l f l i t OS o p ov de u e w h an ea y o u e ope a ng y em and a o o a ow hem is t r i s rs it s t s r ti s st ls t ll t o make u e o ex ng o wa e on compa b e dev ce ha we e con de ed o be t s f isti s ft r ti l i st t r si r t ncompa b e o unn ng app ca on Deve ope w be ab e o deve op new i ti l f r r i li ti s. l rs ill l t l app ca on ha w be un on MeeGo uppo ed dev ce MeeGo a p a o m li ti s t t ill r s rt i s. is l tf r whe e new dea and new po b e can be b ough o he u e MeeGo a o r i s ssi iliti s r tt t s r. is ls be eved o be an OS ha w p ov de he u e w h e e h ng y new p a o m o li t t t ill r i t s r it r fr s i l l tf r f r commun ca ng p ay ng mu med a e and o u ng o ce ba ed app ca on i ti , l i lti i fil s f r si ffi s li ti s. MeeGo w a o b ng ome ch ea u e o mob e dev ceuch a compu a on ill ls ri s ri f t r s t il i ss s t ti echno ogy g aph c ba ed app e c expec ed o p ov de he u e w h a ve y t l , r i s s, t . It is t t r i t s r it r mp e u e n e ace ha no on y ea y o u e bu w a o e he u e o si l s r i t rf t t is t l s t s t ill ls l t t s r t cu om e o he u e st iz it t t f ll st.



CSE Dept

MeeGo is a Linux-based platform t hat is capable of r unni ng on multiple computi ng devices, includi ng handsets , net books, tabl et s, connect ed TVs and in-vehi cle in fo ta inmen t sys tems . The p rima ry goa l of the me rge r o f the Maemo and Mob lin projects was to unif y t he efforts of the Mob lin and Maemo communities and to enabl e a next gener a on open sour ce Li nux pl atf or m suit ed f or a vari et y of cli ent ti devi ces. Most i mport antl y, MeeGo will be doi ng so while: 1. Maintaining fr eedom on fo r innova tion 2 . Con tinu ing the trad iti o f commun ity invo lvemen t (inhe rited e a ng time -to -ma rke t fo r a new se t o f from Maemo and Mob lin ) 3 . Acce l r ti appli ca ons ser vi ces and user experi ences Wit h t he mer ger, t he MeeGo pr oj ect ti , has now t he opportunit y t o si gnificantly expand the market opport unities on a wide ec u es range o dev ices and suppo rt mu ltip le ch ip a rch it t r (ARM and x86 ) from the f get go. MeeGo also pr ovide a rich cross- pl atform development environment so appli cati ons can span multiple platforms and will unify developers provi di ng a wealt h o app ca ons and ser vi ces Such oppo uniti es f or i nst ances wer e out of f li ti . rt reach fo r Maemo and Mob lin ind iv idua lly . Fu rthe rmo re , MeeGo is comm itted to wor k i n t he upstream pr oj ect s so t hat everyone using those upstream pr oject s can benefit from MeeGo s con bu ons o ups eam p o ec s tri ti t tr r j t.

n ended o un on a va e y o ha dwa e such as mob e phones ne books n I t t r ri t f r r il , t ,i veh c e sma TV and ab e s each dev ce sha e he same MeeGo n e na s us i l , rt t l t i r t i t r l j t pas ed w h a d e en use n e ace on op t it iff r t r i t rf t .


MeeG o

CSE Dept

With this in mind it has been demonstrated by Intel the power of MeeGo and how any device running the OS can connect to each o the r. For example your e playing a movie on your phone and want to wa tch it on your TV, the t wo devices connect together via a cl oud network and your movi e will play on your TV and phone. Its extremely versatile . As the OS is open source t her e has a huge communit y foll owi ng whi ch means anyone thattwan s t o get involved with the p ro jec t can and shou ld . One of t he mai n tr j pt o ec s ha ticon nues t o gr ow ever yday i s t he N900 adapt ati on t eam. These guys t are r esponsible f or getting MeeGo to r un on t he Noki a N900, curr entl y t he on y l commercial mobil e phone that will run MeeGo , but lets just say we wou ldn't use it as our pri mary OS just yet as it is still in ea rly stages of development. MeeGo Includes: Performance optimi zations and feat ur es which enable rich computational and graphicall y orient ed applicati ons and connected ser vi ces devel opment. No-compr omise internet s tandards suppo rt delivering the best web experiences. Easy t o use, flexible and powerful UI/app development environment based on Q p onounced "cu e" i s a c oss p a o m app ca on deve opmen t[( r t ) li ti r - l tf r l t framework widel y used fo r the deve lopmen t of GUI pr ograms (in whi ch case it i s known as a wi dget t ool kit), and also used for developi ng non-GUI progr ams such as console tool s and servers]. Open source project organi zation managed by the Li nux Foundation. State of the Art Linux stack opti mized fo r the si ze and capabilities o f sma ll footprint platforms and mobile devices, but delivering br oad Linux softwar e app lica tion compatibility .


MeeG o

CSE Dept


Maemo Background The Maemo project, in itia lly c reated by Nokia (htt p://www.maemo .o rg ), pr ovi ded a Linux- based software stack that runs on mobil e devices. The Maemo pl atf or m i s built in large pa rts oopen sou ce componen s t and f r s SDK p r ides an open ov it development environment fo r app lications on top of the Maemo pl atf or m. A seri es of Nokia Int e rnet Tablets wit h touch sc reen have been bu ilt w ith the Maemo platf or m. The l at est Maemo dev ce was t he Nok a N900 powe ed by Maemo 5 i i , r , ha t n tr gned fi r-t nge ouch U I, ce ll l r phone f eat u e ua t i oduced a comp e e y r l t l edes i r , and live mu lticasting on the Maemo dashboa rd .

Moblin Background The Moblin project, sho rt for Mobile Linux, is I ntels open source initi ati ve h tt :// n. g wa r f ( p www mob li o r ) c ea ed o deve op so ft e o r sma rtphones, ne books . r t t l t , mobile internet devices (M IDs ), and in-vehi cle in fo ta inmen t (IVI) syst ems, and other mobile devi ces. It is an optimized Linux-based p latfo rm fo r small computi ng devices. It runs on In te l A tom, an inexpens ive chip w ith low powe r r equir emen .s t A unique char ac te ris tic to devices running Moblin is that they can boot up qui ckl y and can be online within a few seconds.


Full open source p ro ject gove rned acco rd ing to bes t practices o f open source devel opment: Open d iscussion forums, open mailing list s, open echn i ls t ri comm itt mee ti ,pee r r ew ,open bugz ill ,e c . ca ee ng ee ngs ev i a t t Hosted under the auspices of the Linux Foundation
MIT K MeeG o CSE Dept

Offers a complete software stack including reference user experience impl ementations. Aligned cl osely with upstream project s MeeGo requires t hat submitted patches also be submitted to the appropri at e upstr eam pr oj ect s and be on a path for acceptance Offers a compliance program to ensure API and ABI compati b ility (Compli ance progr am di scussed i n a l at er section) Enables all players of the indus try to pa rtic ipate in the evo lu tion of the so ftware platform and t o build t heir own assets on MeeGo Lowers complexit y for ta rge ting mu ltip le device segmen ts Offers diffe rentiation ab ilities th rough use r expe rience cus tom ization Provides a rich cross-platform development envir onment and tool s Offers a compliance progr am t o certify soft war e st acks and appli cati on portability Supports multiple hardware archit ectures Supports multi pl e app st o r es Has no contributors agreements to si gn; instead it follows the same signed- off-by language and process as the Linux Kernel MeeGo 1.0 Net book r el ease support s t he f oll owi ng l anguages: Japanese, Korean, Chi nese Simplified, Chinese T rad itional, Swed ish, Poli sh, Finni sh, Ita lian , Braz ilian Portuguese, Fr ench, Ger man, Spani sh, Russi an, Dutch, Engli sh, and British English. t MeeGo incor por ates Q a softwar e l anguage used by Nokia to create applicati ons for its mobile phones , wh ich means that any ex is ting apps t thave been p r r l t un i i ha og ammed i Q tw illbe ab e o r n MeeGo mak ng n apps work cross platform.


MeeG o

CSE Dept


MeeGo Software Archit ect ure Overvi ew The MeeGo platform archit ecture can be viewed i n three different ways: Layer view Domain view API v iew Layer Vi ew It shows the separation of different layers and use r expe rience (UX) verti cal s. The Layer view consists of th ree laye rs : User Expe rience , App lication AP I, and Core OS layer s.


MeeG o

CSE Dept

The user experience layer contains the UX verticals. It provides reference uuussseee ri r eeexxxpppeee lti l l tf r eeennnccceeesss ooo mmmuuu ppp eee tppp aaa ooo mmm f r t . . i ssseeegggmmmeeennn sss MMMeeeeeeGGGooo 111 111 cccooonnn aaa nnnsss r f r r ri f r l t . iti l l tf r eee eee eeennnccceee uuussseee eeexxxpppeee eeennnccceeesss ooo t ill rt r ti . r ri l r r i hhhaaannndddhhheee dddsss aaannnddd nnneee bbbooooookkksss AAAdddddd t li ti r r f r i r fil . ooonnnaaa ppp aaa ooo mmm ssseeegggmmmeeennn sss www li ti l t i t I. It r i t i t rf bbbeee sssuuuppppppooo eeeddd ooovvveee mmmeee f r li ti l t. rr t r l i l t . , t TTThhheee UUUssseee eeexxxpppeee eeennnccceee aaayyyeee ppp ooovvv ilit . , . , . . iti l f t r r dddeeesss hhheee AAApppppp cccaaa ooonnn FFF aaammmeeewwwooo kkk r l t. ooo eeeaaaccchhh dddeeevvv ccceee ppp ooo eee l t i ll t i l r / r i i t AAApppppp cccaaa ooonnn AAAPPPIII aaayyyeeerrr cccooonnn aaa r r t i r l ll t t ti r i . It i l nnnsss hhheee MMMeeeeeeGGGooo AAAPPP ppp ooovvv dddeeesss i l r t fi r r li t I hhheee nnn eee aaaccceee ooo aaapppppp cccaaa ooonnn dddeeevvveee f r il i li ti t ti li ti . r ti ooopppmmmeeennn TTThhheee cccuuu eeennn eee eeeaaassseee r r t ti rt ri Ii f r ti t nnnccc uuudddeeesss QQQ 444 777 QQQ r r r it t r . mmmooobbb yyy 111 000 OOOpppeeennn GGGLLL EEESSS 111 111 aaannnddd OOOpppeeennn GGGLLL EEESSS 222 000 AAAdddddd ooonnnaaa eeeaaa uuu eeesss aaa eee uuunnndddeee dddeeevvveee ooopppmmmeeennn CCCooorrreee OOOSSS aaayyyeeerrr cccooonnn aaa nnnsss aaa hhheee mmm dddddd eeewwwaaa eee OOOSSS ssseee vvv ccceee dddooommmaaa nnnsss aaannnddd hhheee hhhaaa dddwwwaaa eee aaadddaaappp aaa ooonnn ssseee vvv ccceeesss nnnccc uuudddeeesss hhheee LLL nnnuuuxxx kkkeee nnneee aaannnddd aaa hhheee mmm dddddd eeewwwaaa eee nnneeeeeedddeeeddd hhhaaa dddwwwaaa eee aaannnddd ooo dddeee nnneee uuusssaaagggeee mmmooodddeee


MeeG o

CSE Dept

MeeGo Core OS architecture is grouped into domains, based on functionality in tha t a rea:

Security - Secu rity framework and enabl er s Data Management - Me ta -da ta s to rage Software Management - Package Management and softwar e lifecycle System - Dev ice State and Resou rce Policy Managmeent, Sensor, Cont ext Loca tion - Loca tion Framewo rk Graphics - X11, OpenGL, input and Display dri ver s Essentials - Syst em essential libraries Mu ltimed ia - Mu ltimed ia re la ted enab le rs and d rive rs Persona l Information Management - Calenda r, Cont acts, Backup, and Sync Communication - VO IP , IM, P resence, Cellula r Telephony, and IP Connectivity Q t - Qt, QtWRT, Qt Mobility Kernel - L inux Ke rnel and co re d rive rs

Domai n View shows the grouping of subsystems i nto ar chit ect ur e domai ns, based on si mil arities in t echnol ogy and functi onality


MeeG o

CSE Dept

TTThhheee iDDDooommmaaa nnn vvv eeewww eeexxxpppaaannndddsss r i i t il t t eeeaaaccchhh f ti lit . nnn aaannnddd dddeee aaa sss hhheee r i t t dddooommmaaa


sssuuubbbsssyyysss eeemmmsss eeeqqquuu eeeddd ooo ppp ooovvv dddeee hhhaaa uuunnnccc ooonnnaaa it : rit i i r i l SSSeeecccuuurrr yyy r i l r f r l tf r SSSeeecccuuu f rit rit l ri t tit . r t t . It yyy

yyy dddooommmaaa nnn sss t - r i r l ti t li ti eeessspppooonnnsss bbb eee ooo tssseeecccuuu f r yyy r dddeeeppp . i t r r tti rt i t oooyyymmmeeennnt aaaccc ooossssss hhheee sssyyysssf eeemmmrppp ooovvv r i r t ill t I t t i dddeeesss eeennnaaabbb eee sss tooo ppp aaa oooI.mmm ssseeecccuuu , - il,

l r, ri r l f yyy aaannnddd uuussseee dddeeennn yyy li ti . i l i i l f r r i i r t r f r r ti l AAAccccccooouuunnn ti ti PPPl ooovvv dddeeessst aaar sss ooo aaagggeee sssooo uuu sss fr r f r t i t iff r i ooonnn ooo uuussseee aaaccccccooouuunnn sss AAApppppp cccaaa ooonnnsss t it t ti - I t rit r t ti f t l , wwwhhh ccchhh nnneeeeeeddd ooo sss ooo eee aaannnddd aaacccccceeessssss fi r ti , t fil . uuussseee ssseee nnngggsss ooo hhheee ssseee vvv ccceee hhheeeyyy
MIT K MeeG o CSE Dept

Certfificate Manager - Services for storing and validation of security certifica tes fo r va rious pu rposes (such as ema il, wifi, and b rowsing). Soft ware Di st ri buti on Security - Secu rity aspects of so ftware distributi on including new application installations and upda tes. Access Control Framework - Access con tro l en fo rcement and access control policy for the device Security Adapt ati on - Pl atform spec ific abs trac tion of secu rity and crypto services. Data Management: Dat a Management domai n pr ovi des services for extracting and managing file meta-data (for example to support ex tracting and searching metadat a f or media files). The Da ta Managemen t domain includes the follow ing subsystem:

Content Framework - Tracker pr ovides indexing, meta-data ex ac on and tr search capabilities for a variety of data types, including medti ,es fil , a i and documents.

Software Management: Software Managemen doma n s espons b e o package manage and s backend t i i r i l f r r it functionality .

Package Manager PackageK uses d s bu on package managemen it i tri ti t oo s o make ns a ng and upda ng so wa e on dev ces eas e sa t l t i t lli ti ft r i i r. It i sys em ac va ed daemon mean ng ha s on y un when he use s us ng t ti t i t t it i l r t ri i he oo s and qu s when s no onge used t t l , it it i l r .



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System: System domai n is responsible for device stat e/mode handling, time management, policy contr ol, st art up services, and sensor abstraction .

System Control - Dev ice s ta te and time management Resource Policy - Pl ugi n based framewo rk fo r aud io , video, and system policy management. Start up Servi ces - Component s related t o system st art up. Context Framework - High l evel API to numerous cont ext properties of t he device. Sensor Framework - Provides an interface to hardwa re senso rs th rough logical sensors. Sensor Adaptation - Sensor specific plugins f or senso r framework Device Mode Adaptation - Hardwar e abstraction layer for device mode related informati on ( such as watchdogs, t emperature sensor s)

Haptics and Vi bra Adaptation - Ha rdwa re abs traction laye r for vibra and haptics devi ces

Location: Location domai n pr ovi des locati on services.

Location Framework - GeoC lue provides loca tion da ta combined from number of sources, such as GPS, GSM cell, o r w ifi ne two rk . Location Adaptation - Ha rdwa re abs trac tion laye r fo r location sou rce devices such as GPS


MeeG o

CSE Dept

Kernel: Kernel domai n contains Li nux kernel and device dri vers.

Linux Kernel - Li nux kernel 2.6.35 or newer.

Personal Informati on Management: Personal Informa tion Management doma in enabl es manag ing user data on the device, including manag ing cal endar, contacts, t asks, and retrieving data about t he device context (such as device position, cable status). The domain includes the fo llowing subsystems:

Calendar Engi ne - Cal endar engine provi des an interface for accessing calendar data. Contact s Engi ne - Cont act s engine provides an interface for accessing contact data. Email Engine - Email engine provi des an interface for accessing emails. Backup Framework (*) Syncronization Framework - Synch onizing calendar, email, and contact s r data between different devices via various transport laye rs like USB and Bluetooth

Multimedia: Multi med ia domain pr ovi des audi o and vi deo pl ayback, str eami ng, and i mag ng i unc ti lit o he sys em . n gene a l, he doma n akes ca e o f he ac tua l audi o ona y t t f t I r t i t r t and video data handling (retrieva l, demuxing, decoding and encoding, seeking, etc.). The domain includes the following subsyst ems:


MeeG o

CSE Dept

Imaging and Video Adaptation - Platform specific codecs and containers fo r GStreamer Camera Adaptation - Pl atf or m specific codecs and containers for GStreamer. Adap a ton in te rface is CameraBin. UPnP - Un ti i rsal P lug and P lay p rovides a UPnP s tack, the UPnP profile ve for audio and v deo . i Gstreamer - GStreamer, th rough its plug-ins, prov ides playback , s tream ing , and imagi ng functionality to the sys tem . Audio Adaptation - Platform specific modules for Pul se Audio Pulse Audio - The aud io subsystem handl es audi o i nput s, post and pr e processi ng, and out put s i n a syst em The pur posei st o p ov de a p oxy r i r . between audio appli cati ons and audio har dwar e.

Essentials: Essentials domain provides all system essential packages.

Base Essentials - Fundamental system t ool s and lib ra ries

Communications: Communi cati on doma n p ov des Ce u a and P Te ephony ns an Messag ng s i r i ll l r I l ,I t t i , Presence, Blue oo h and n e ne Connec v y se v ces t t , I t r t ti it r i .

IP Telephony, Inst ant Messagi ng and Presence Te epa hy s a modu a - l t i l r commun ca ons amewo k ha enab es ea me commun ca on v a i ti fr r t t l r l-ti i ti i p uggab e p o oco backends l l r t l .


MeeG o

CSE Dept

Cellular Framework - oFono provides cellular telephony stack and services in MeeGo. Plugin based archit ecture supports multiple platforms and modems. ConnMan - Connection Manager provides services for managing internet connections. Bluetooth - The Bluet ooth subsystem consists of the L inux Bluetooth stack BlueZ, as well as re la ted ex tens ions . Communication Adaptation - Platform specific modules f or Wi Fi and Bluet oot h devices and oFono plugi ns f or different platforms and modems.

Qt: Qt domai n cont ai ns cr oss platform t oolkits such as Qt, Qt Mobility , Qt WebK it, and Qt WebRuntime.

Qt - Qt application and UI too lkit. Qt Mobility - Qt Mobility AP Is fo r MeeGo. Qt Webkit - MeeGo provides Qt Webkit as a layou t engine. It r ender s web content (HTML , XML , XHTML, SVG , CSS , JavaSc rip t, etc.) for on- scr een displ ay within applications.

Web Runtime - Pr ovides an execution environment fo r Web Widgets and extends the standard JavaScript envir onment with device- specific API s provi di ng access to other subsystems.

Graph cs i : G aph c doma n enab es he co e 2D and 3D g aph cs capab es o he r i s i l t r r i iliti f r t p a o m nc ud ng suppo o ende ng n e na ona zed ex and ak ng l tf r , i l i rt f r r ri i t r ti li t t t i



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advantage of underlying hardware platform acceleration for graphics. The Graphics domai n i ncl udes the f oll owing subsyst ems:

Font Management - Se rv ice to loca te fon ts w ith in the system and select them according to requir ements specified by applica tions Input Adapt ati on - Input adaptation abstract s t he har dware behind drivers and exposes an input event in te rface fo r use r space . Hardware bu ttons, qwerty keyboard, and t ouch screen are pr ovided as input devi ces. Typi cal HW buttons ar e: power button, camera, vol ume up, and vol ume down.

X11 - Implemen ta tion of the X11 Window system wit h archit ecture specific driver s, patches and configuration. OpenGL ES - Pr ovides Khronos interfaces and impl ementation of OpenGL, OpenGLES and EGL. Incl udes also platform spec ific implementation of GL/ES dri ver and lib ra ries .

Display and Graphics Adaptation - Fr amebuffer and di spl ay panel re la ted platform specific abstraction.

API view: This shows the gr ouping of MeeGo API in to func tiona l a reas .


MeeG o

CSE Dept

TTThhheee MMMeeeeeeGGGooo AAAPPP Ii t MMMooobbb yyy t: QQQ t r i li ti l r it t f ti lit t il li ti it QQQ ppp ooovvv dddeeesss aaapppppp cccaaa ooonnn dddeeevvveee ooopppeee sss t t - f-t - rt r i l r i t rf . t i f ll j t- ri t , il www hhh hhheee uuunnnccc ooonnnaaa yyy ooo bbbuuu ddd aaapppppp cccaaa t i l , ll tr t r r i . ooonnnsss www hhh sss aaa eee ooo hhheee aaa ggg aaappphhh cccaaa uuussseeennn eee :aaaccceeesss QQQ i eeeddd eeeaaasss yyy r r sss uuu yyy ooobbb eeeccc ooo eeennn t ilit sss bbbaaassseeeddd ooonnn QQQ aaannnddd QQQ .

eeexxx eeennnsss bbb eee aaannnddd aaa ooowwwsssr uuueee cccooommmpppooonnneeennn ppp r r r i t f t f r l r oooggg aaammmmmm nnnggg r li ti f rt l i . t r i l t r i ti i ti , t t r i t i r, t i f r UUUpppcccooommmlinnnggg AAAPPPIIIsss i t . MMMeeeeeeGGGooo TTTooouuuccchhh FFF aaammmeeewwwooo kkk ti ti ( ) ll l r t TTThhheee MMMeeeeeeGGGooo TTTooouuuccchhh FFF aaammmeeewwwooo kkk ppp ooovvv dddeeesss hhheee eeeaaa uuu eeesss nnneeeeeedddeeeddd ooo dddeeevvveee ooopppeee sss t r l ( , , ri t) t r t li ti f ccc eeeaaa nnnggg aaapppppp cccaaa ooonnnsss ooo ooouuuccchhh eeennnaaabbb il ft rl i l tf r rt t i . t f t r eeeddd dddeeevvv ccceeesss FFFeeeaaa uuu eeesss nnnccc uuudddeee sss li ti i t i t r t it i l ti t t it aaannndddaaa ddd zzzeeeddd www nnndddooowww nnnaaavvv gggaaa ooonnn i f r ti .


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CSE Dept

Qt mobility Qt Mobility extends Qt with libra ries p roviding add itiona l features fo r app lications t r ti mob il p a tf ms .Howeve r, hese AP I a ll he deve ope r o ,w it ease , a ge ng e l or s ow t h t l t use features from one framewo rk and app ly them to phones , ne tbooks , and non mobile per sonal computers.


There are multiple softwar e components that a hardwar e vendor must pr ovide f or MeeGo to run successfully on their p la tfo rm arch itec tu re , includi ng platfo rm kernel dri vers, core ar chitect ur e additions , ke rne l con figuration , X so ftware additions and con figuration , modem suppo rt, and ha rdware spec ific media components. You can l ear n mor e about the hardware enabli ng pr ocess here. These specific softwar e component s ar e call ed t he ha dwa e adap a on so wa e and a e r r t ti ft r r detailed below. The MeeGo Co e OS de nes n erfaces for platform dependent hardware. It's the espons b y o a ch pse s ha dwa re adaptation software to i mpl ement these interfaces. The hardware adaptation softwar e i s divi ded into to t he followi ng adaptation subsystems:
x x x x x x x

Security Sensor Device Mode Haptics and Vi bra Audio Camera Imaging and Vi deo


r i ilit f i

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CSE Dept

x x x x x

Location Cellular Connectivity Input Display and Graphics

MeeGo requir ements ar e defined and managed in a public process and t ool chai n based on common Bugzilla . The toolchain p rovides a c losed-loop lifecycl e management from in itiation of a Feature Reques t, to planning of requirement s, impl ement ati on, in teg ra tion, and ve rification o f it in the same too l th roughout t he whole lifecycl e. Requirement s are initia ted as Fea tu re Requests using the MeeGo Fea tu rezill a tool at bugs. The product manager is responsible for fac ilita ting th is front-end and for fu rthe r p epa rar on the Feature Reques ts fo r dec is ion mak ing in k i the Wor ki ng Group. Woti rng Groups, and t he MeeGo Technical Steeri ng Group for Core, approve the Features f or a specific MeeGo Release and publish this in the form of a Roadmap and approved Features i n Feat ur ezilla . Further more, the approved features are tuned to finer de ta il of imp lemen table engineering requirements. Requirements ar e t hen used t o creat e a Release Plan, det ailing wh ich equ r equ r emen s a ir t emen t s ir i e l y r p anned o be n eg r ed n eve r week y MeeGo t i t at i l n eg a ed ,MeeGo QA ve rifi itby r ng he co es unn i t i t r t el r ease .Once a espond ng es t rr i t

cases. Bugs a e filed aga ns he equ emen s and ma ked w h a dependency r i t t r ir t r it . Even tually, once there are no longer bugs p reventing closi ng the feature, it is closed i n Feat ur ez a Requ emen s ecyc e managemen s de ned as ill . ir t lif l ti fi :


MeeG o

CSE Dept


ti i ll t ri r i tr rt BBB oooaaaddd nnnddduuusss yyy sssuuuppppppooo aaannnddd aaadddoooppp ooonnn nnn r t aaa cccaaa eeegggooo eeesss GGGt r eeeaaa t lti UUUXXX lti GGG ti eeeaaa r it l r l OOOSSS ti MMMuuu li r

it l tr r j t

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CSE Dept

Ability to provide areas for differentiation and support for proprietary addooonnnsss

TTThhheee MMMeeeeeeGGGooo RRRoooaaadddmmmaaappp www t ibbbeee ill l it r t i dddeeevvveee ooopppeeeddd www hhh aaannn ooopppeeennn ppp oooccceeessssss rr tl . hhhaaa sss bbbeee nnnggg ssseee uuuppp cccuuu eeennn yyy t

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fi i t r TTThhheee ppp nnncccfpppaaa dddeeeaaa sss ooo hhhaaavvveee cccaaa r t ir rr i r , li t eeegggooo, yyy ssspppeeeccc i ccc wwwooo f r nnnggg iggg tooouuupppsss i il rl t r r r r i l kkk l r eeessspppooonnnsss bbb eee ooo dddeee nnn nnnggg hhheee i iti l r i tli f r r l f r r . oooaaadddmmmaaappp ooohhheee cccooo eeessspppooonnnddd r l f t ri r ri r i i t r nnnggg aaa eeeaaasss kkkeee nnneee bbbooooookkk aaannnddd f r t . . f rt r l t r f ti lit f hhhaaannndddssseee specifically on the Handset User Experience.
MIT K MeeG o

CSE Dept

Nokias First MeeGo Smartphone is Nokia N950. It supports 4G technology and powered by MeeGo platform and runs on 1GHz processor. The Nokia N950 has a displ ay t ype 4.0 inches l arge full capacitive toch screen d isplay. Th is will r un on he MeeGo p a tf r and w illope r e on Quad band GSM fr at equency .Th s mode l t l om i comes with 8.0 Mega pi xel camera wit h aut o f ocus, Fl ash and di git al zoom. Ot her expected feature of this ce ll phone will be Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G connec tiv ity ; GPS with A- GPS, MicroSD card support has GPRS .


The MeeGo open sou ce p o ec s un que n ha o e s bene s o eve yone n r r j ti i i t t it ff r fit t r i he ecosys em s a ng om he deve ope a he way up o he ope a o and he t t t rti fr t l r ll t t t r t r t ndus y as a who e Meego a ows pa c pan s o ge nvo ved and con bu e o an i tr l . ll rti i t t ti l tri t t ndus y w de evo u on owa ds che dev ces o ap d y add ess oppo un es i tr - i l ti t r ri r i ,t r i l r rt iti and o ocus on d e en a on n he a ge ma ke s t f iff r ti ti i t ir t r t r t . Bene s o Open Source Deve opers fit t l : The MeeGo p o ec s a ue open sou ce p o ec hos ed by he L nux Founda on r j t i tr r r j t t t i ti and gove ned by bes p ac ces o open sou ce deve opmen F om meego com as r r l t. r t r ti f . , an open sou ce deve ope you have access o oo s ma ng s s d scuss on o um r l r, t t l , ili li t , i i f r , access b y o echn ca mee ngs and mu p e op ons o make you vo ce hea d i ilit t t i l ti , lti l ti t r i r ove echn ca and non echn ca MeeGo e a ed op cs Fu he mo e a sou ce rt i l r -t i l r l t t i . rt r r , ll code con bu ons needed o MeeGo w be subm ed o he ups eam open tri ti f r ill itt t t tr sou ce p o ec s om wh ch MeeGo w be bu r r j t fr i ill ilt. Bene s o App ca on Deve opers fit t li ti l As an application developer, MeeGo significantly expands the market

CSE Dept

opportunities for you being the only open source software platform that rt r ti li ti t l f t ir l f r l t r i r t. r li ti l rit t ir ti t, r li ti rti t t r l tf r i t . ir l ff r t , il t l tf r

fit t l ti i l i ft ft r l r r l. fit t r t ft r r t r, i ti . r j t, l tf r ft

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MeeG o

CSE Dept

suppo s dep oymen s ac oss many compu ng dev ce ypes MeeGo o e s Q and Web un me o app ca on deve opmen c oss p a o m env onmen s so app ca on deve ope s can w e he app ca ons once and dep oy eas y on many ypes o MeeGo dev ces o even on o he p a o ms suppo ng he same deve opmen env onmen Bene s o Dev ce Manu ac urers MeeGo he ps acce e a e me o ma ke us ng an o he she open sou ce and op m zed so wa e s ack a ge ed o he spec c ha dwa e a ch ec u e he dev ce manu ac u e s suppo ng F om a dev ce manu ac u e pe spec ve MeeGo owe s comp ex es nvo ved n a ge ng mu p e dev ce segmen s by a ow ng he use o he same so wa e p a o m o d e en c en dev ces n add on as an open sou ce p o ec MeeGo enab es dev ce manu ac u e s o pa c pa e n he evo u on o he so wa e p a o m and bu d he own asse s o mode Bene s o Opera ors Fo ope a o s MeeGo enab es d e en a on h ough use n e ace cus om za on A hough many dev ces can be unn ng he same base so wa e p a o m hey can a have d e en use expe ences Fu he mo e p ov des a s ng e p a o m o mu ude o dev ces eams and a ows m n m z ng he e o s needed by he ope a o s n a n ng he h ough he open deve opmen

he subsc be s o be am a w h he expe ence common o many dev ce ypes

Benefits to the L inux Platform In addition, MeeGo is helpful for L inux as a p la tfo rm as it combines mobile development resou rces that were recen tly sp lit in the Maemo and Moblin projects into one well-suppo rted, we ll-des igned p ro ject t hat addresses cross-platform, cross- devi ce and cross- ar chitecture development. One majo r benefit from the MeeGo project is tha t a ll othe r Linux mob ile and desk top efforts that use the components as MeeGo will benefit from the increased eng inee ring e ffo rts on those components. This is the power of the open source development model.


1) MeeGo and Android both ar e open sourced Linux based smart phone operating system wher eas Meego is a coor di nat ed effort by t he L nux i community but Andr oi d not. 2) Android project is cu rrently ca rried out by Google and MeeGo is carried out by Intel and Nokia as a joint ven tu re . 3) Android already have a huge application market having more than 200,000 applicati ons wher eas n MeeGo s cu en y unde deve opmen Bu some o i i rr tl r l t. t f he Nok i OV Iapps and n e AppUp w un on MeeGo a t I t l ill r . 4) Android already cap u ed cons de ab e mob e ma ke and MeeGo s s t r i r l il r t i till unde deve opmen and no e eased o comme c a use r l t tr l f r r i l . 5 And o d OS s app ca on based whe eas he MeeGo OS s a handhe d ) r i i li ti , r t i l compu e OS wh e And o d s Java based app ca ons a e easy o bu d o t r il r i l ti r t il f r beg nne s Maemo & MeeGo s deve opmen env onmen s a ow o much i r, t ll f r l t ir che app ca ons ri r li ti .



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Factors whi ch makes MeeGo Succeed: Gr eat UX Noki a and I nt el maki ng j oi nt str at egi c i nvest ment to make this happen. Gr eat OS Noki a and I nt el today make most of the c lien t L inux development invesmen t. Join t talent pool of 1000+ best Linux platform developers in the planet Multi-ca tego ry Handse t, Tab le t, Automotive, TV, Netbook, Multi-HW ARM , Intel, multi-vendor Multi-la te ra l Not a monopoly business p la tfo rm but a partne rsh ip for techni cal de-facto st andard MeeGo phone will push the boundaries of processing powe r. It will be a ve ry high end product. Th is is an oppo rtunity to create something we ll beyond what others are doi ng. This phone will be some th ing everyone wan ts to own. It w ill try to satisfy all needs into one p la te . MeeGo phone w ill be capac itive, mor e st yli sh and more beautiful with simpler UI that average use rs w ill find as equa lly compelling as tech leaders. It has po ten tia l to be something deeper than typi cal Smartphone. All future flagships will be bu ilt on MeeGo . The phone w ill be on Nse ries (not rumor ed S series). MeeGo w ill have h igher experience level than Symbi an Summary of Key Messages: Smartphones have become Consumer Comput er s Linux will take over the Smartphone mar ket MeeGo is chall engi ng Android as the Smart phone


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Reference: h ttp :// Architecture: http://meego .com/devel opers /meego-architect ur e SDK download: http://w ik ta rted_w ith_the_MeeGo_SDK_ fo r_Linux MeeGo API: http://meego .com/devel opers /meego-api Developer Gui des: http://w ik i.meego .com/Devel ope r_Guide


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