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Copyright © 2001 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 4027/925670
JPET 298:1042–1048, 2001 Printed in U.S.A.

␣1 and ␤2 Adrenoreceptor Agonists Inhibit Pentylenetetrazole-

Induced Seizures in Mice Lacking Norepinephrine


Howard Hughes Medical Institute (D.W., N.S.M., R.D.P.) and Departments of Biochemistry (D.W.) and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
(P.S.), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; and Geriatric Research, Education, Clinical Center (GRECC), Puget Sound Health Care
System, Seattle, Washington (P.S.)
Received April 5, 2001; accepted May 25, 2001 This paper is available online at

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It has been known for many years that norepinephrine (NE) is a zures in the wild type. Pretreatment of Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice with an
potent endogenous anticonvulsant, yet there is confusion as to ␣1AR or ␤2AR, but not an ␣2AR or ␤1AR agonist significantly
which receptor(s) mediate this effect. This is probably due to protected against PTZ-induced seizures. In contrast, only the
multiple factors, including the importance of distinct signaling ␤2AR agonist showed anticonvulsant activity in heterozygous
pathways for different seizure paradigms, a lack of comprehen- controls. Furthermore, an ␣1AR antagonist exacerbated PTZ-
sive pharmacological studies, and difficulty in interpreting ex- induced seizures in control mice, whereas a ␤2AR antagonist
isting pharmacological results due to the presence of endoge- had no effect. We conclude that activation of the ␣1AR is
nous NE. We sought to circumvent these problems by testing primarily responsible for the anticonvulsant activity of endoge-
the anticonvulsant activity of selective agonists for most known nous NE in the murine PTZ model of epilepsy. Endogenous NE
adrenoreceptors (ARs) in dopamine ␤-hydroxylase knockout probably does not activate the ␤2AR under these conditions,
(Dbh ⫺/⫺) mice that lack endogenous NE. Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice are but exogenous activation of the ␤2AR produces an anticonvul-
hypersensitive to pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures, sant effect.
demonstrating that endogenous NE inhibits PTZ-induced sei-

The importance of endogenous norepinephrine (NE) as an proteins. The ␣1 class of adrenoreceptors (ARs) is linked to
anticonvulsant neurotransmitter is well established. For ex- Go/Gq and activates phospholipase C and intracellular Ca2⫹
ample, specific lesions of the central noradrenergic system release. ␣2ARs are linked to Gi and inhibit adenylate cyclase.
using 6-hydroxydopamine (Corcoran et al., 1974) or N-(2-chlo- ␤ARs (␤1AR and ␤2AR) are linked to Gs and activate adenyl-
roethyl)-N-2-bromobenzylamine (Carre and Harley, 1986) re- ate cyclase (for review, see Cooper et al., 1996). All of these
sult in increased seizure sensitivity. Conversely, stimulation of receptor classes are widely distributed throughout the brain
the locus coeruleus, the primary central noradrenergic nucleus, and are found in regions implicated in regulating seizures
significantly inhibits seizures (Weiss et al., 1990). More such as the hippocampus, cortex, and amygdala. Differences
recently, antiepileptic therapies used clinically have been in receptor distribution between animal species, strain, and
shown to either increase central NE content or require an the brain region(s) affected by seizure-inducing paradigms
intact noradrenergic system for their efficacy (Waller and probably contribute to the variety of ARs shown to possess
Buterbaugh, 1985; Baf et al., 1994; Krahl et al., 1998; P. anticonvulsant activity (Papanicolaou et al., 1982; Lints and
Szot, D. Weinshenker, J. M. Rho, T. W. Storey, and P. A. Nyquist-Battie, 1985; Neuman, 1986; Löscher and Czuczwar,
Schwartzkroin, unpublished data). Despite the long-stand- 1987; Ferraro et al., 1994; Yan et al., 1998). Second, despite
ing interest and experimentation along these lines, it is this complexity, many seizure susceptibility studies have not
still unclear exactly how NE inhibits seizure activity. been pharmacologically comprehensive for any given seizure
There are three primary reasons for this confusion. paradigm. For example, data have been presented exclu-
First, the noradrenergic signaling system is extremely sively on nonselective ␤AR antagonists (Lints and Nyquist-
complex; three distinct classes of receptor with multiple sub-
Battie, 1985), nonselective ␤AR agonists and antagonists
types have been cloned, and each class activates different G
(Ferraro et al., 1994), and ␣AR agonists and antagonists
(Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987; Tsuda et al., 1990). In only a
D.W. and N.S.M. were supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
P.S. was supported by the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia few studies have compounds that target both ␣ARs and ␤ARs
and Depression and the Department of Veterans Affairs. been tested (Neuman, 1986; Gellman et al., 1987; Micheletti

ABBREVIATIONS: NE, norepinephrine; AR, adrenoreceptor; PTZ, pentylenetetrazole; Dbh, dopamine ␤-hydroxylase; MJ, myoclonic jerk; C/T,
clonic/tonic; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide.

␣1AR and ␤2AR Agonists Inhibit PTZ Seizures 1043
et al., 1987), and even these were somewhat limited in their
Third, although the ␣2AR receptor is probably the most
promiscuous anticonvulsant receptor in terms of efficacy
across species, strain, and seizure paradigm (Papanicolaou et
al., 1982; Baran et al., 1985; Scotti de Carolis et al., 1986;
Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987; Jackson et al., 1991), procon-
vulsant effects have also been reported (Oishi et al., 1979;
Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987; Wu et al., 1987). In addition,
there are inherent difficulties interpreting any of these re-
sults. Three different subtypes of ␣2AR exist (␣2A, ␣2B, and
␣2C) and they are localized both pre- and postsynaptically.
Fig. 1. Susceptibility of Dbh ⫹/⫺ and Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice to PTZ-induced
Activation of presynaptic ␣2AR autoreceptors decreases nor- seizures. Shown are latencies to first MJ and C/T seizure. These data are
adrenergic firing and NE release (L’Heureux et al., 1986; a compilation of results with water and vehicle-injected mice followed by
Jorm and Stamford, 1993), while activation of postsynaptic administration of 40 mg/kg PTZ from Figs. 2 through 4 (Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽
␣2ARs mimics the effect of released NE on target cells ex- 49; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 67). ****P ⬍ 0.0001 compared with Dbh ⫹/⫺.
pressing these receptors and inhibits their firing (Gobert et
to PTZ-induced seizures (Fig. 1; Szot et al., 1999), doses of PTZ were
al., 1998). Because available ␣2AR agonists cannot distin-

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adjusted based on genotype in many experiments to elicit seizures of
guish between ␣2AR subtypes or pre- versus postsynaptic similar severity in Dbh ⫹/⫺ and Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice. PTZ was admin-
␣2ARs, it is nearly impossible to interpret the effect of ␣2AR istered at a dose of 25, 30, or 40 mg/kg (6.25, 7.5, or 10 mg/ml) for Dbh
agonists. In addition, there is some evidence that activation ⫺/⫺ mice and 40 or 50 mg/kg (10 or 12.5 mg/ml) for Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice
of presynaptic ␤ARs facilitate central NE release (Murugaiah in a volume of 4 ml/kg. The lower doses of PTZ for each genotype,
and O’Donnell (1995). which produced mild seizures, were used when testing a drug that
To address these issues, we have tested the effects of sub- had a proconvulsant effect based on pilot experiments, while the
type-selective agonists and antagonists for most known ARs higher doses produced severe seizures and were used when testing
on susceptibility to pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced sei- anticonvulsant compounds. Mice were placed in a clear Plexiglas
zures in dopamine ␤-hydroxylase knockout (Dbh ⫺/⫺) mice chamber and closely observed for 10 min. This observation time was
chosen because mice that displayed seizure activity did so within the
that are deficient in NE synthesis and lack NE, thereby
first few minutes after PTZ administration and were typically pos-
isolating the postsynaptic effects of these compounds and tictal by 10 min. Latency to first myoclonic jerk (MJ) and clonic/tonic
eliminating any influence on NE release. Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice (C/T) seizure was recorded. Animals that did not experience one of
have increased susceptibility to PTZ-induced seizures, dem- these behavioral seizure landmarks were assigned a latency of 600 s
onstrating that endogenous NE is anticonvulsant in this for that measurement.
model of epilepsy (Szot et al., 1999). Both anticonvulsant To test the effects of AR agonists and antagonists, clonidine,
(Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987; Amabeoku et al., 1994) and yohimbine, phenylephrine, cirazoline, isoproterenol, dobutamine, al-
proconvulsant (Oishi et al., 1979; Fletcher and Forster, 1988) buterol, prazosin, propanolol, ICI-118,551, or idazoxan (Sigma, St.
effects of clonidine on PTZ-induced seizures in mice have Louis, MO) were administered intraperitoneally in a volume of 4
been reported. We predicted that the effects of clonidine ml/kg 30 min prior to seizure induction with PTZ. To test the ability
of an antagonist to block the anticonvulsant activity of an agonist,
would be abolished in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice if it acts via presynaptic
the antagonist was administered 30 min prior to the agonist. All
␣2ARs, but Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice would still be affected if the drugs were dissolved in water with the exception of prazosin, which
postsynaptic ␣2ARs are involved. was dissolved in a mixture of 1.5% DMSO and 1.5% Cremaphor EL
(Sigma). For prazosin experiments, the DMSO/Cremaphor EL solu-
Materials and Methods tion was used as a vehicle control. Water was used as a vehicle
control for all other experiments. Drug doses were based on those
Animals. Dbh knockout (Dbh ⫺/⫺) mice, maintained on a 129/ used in the murine seizure literature when available, and on pub-
SvEv and C57BL/6J hybrid background, were developed and gener- lished rat data or pilot experiments when a compound had not been
ated as described (Thomas et al., 1998). Mice were reared in a previously test in mice.
specific pathogen-free facility with a 12-h light/dark cycle at the Data were analyzed using Student’s t tests for comparing two
University of Washington (Seattle, WA), but moved to a conventional groups with means of equivalent variance, Mann-Whitney U tests for
facility for seizure experiments. Mice between 3 and 6 months of age comparing two groups with means of nonequivalent variance, and
were used for all experiments, and food and water were available ad analysis of variance followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc tests for
libitum. comparing means from more than two groups. P ⬍ 0.05 was consid-
Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice were identified by the delayed growth and ptosis ered significant.
phenotype, which is 100% correlated with the Dbh ⫺/⫺ genotype
(data not shown). A subset of genotypes was confirmed by polymer-
ase chain reaction. Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice have normal levels of epinephrine Results
and NE and are indistinguishable from wild-type littermates for all Dbh ⴚ/ⴚ Mice Are Hypersensitive to PTZ-Induced
previously tested behaviors, including seizure susceptibility (Thom- Seizures. We previously reported that Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice have
as et al., 1998; Szot et al., 1999). Therefore, heterozygous (Dbh ⫹/⫺)
shorter latencies to first MJ and C/T seizure than Dbh ⫹/⫺
littermates were used as controls for all experiments in this study.
Experimental protocols were approved by the animal care committee
mice following PTZ administration (Szot et al., 1999). We
at the University of Washington and meet the guidelines of the repeated this experiment with a larger number of mice and
American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. obtained the same result (Fig. 1), demonstrating that a lack
Seizure Induction. Seizures were induced with an i.p. injection of endogenous NE results in increased sensitivity to PTZ-
of PTZ dissolved in water. Because Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice are more sensitive induced seizures.
1044 Weinshenker et al.

␣2AR Agonists Act via Autoreceptors to Exacerbate selective ␣2AR agonist, it has some activity at ␣1ARs at high
PTZ-Induced Seizures. To determine whether ␣2AR ago- doses (Wu et al., 1987). We considered the possibility that our
nists increased or decreased sensitivity to PTZ-induced sei- results with clonidine were due to concurrent activation of
zures, we treated Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice with the ␣2AR agonist ␣1ARs, but rejected this hypothesis based on the results of
clonidine prior to PTZ administration. Clonidine (0.1 mg/kg) two experiments. First, decreasing the dose of clonidine to 1
had a proconvulsant effect that was most pronounced for ␮g/kg failed to reveal an anticonvulsant effect (data not
latency to MJ (Fig. 2A). To determine whether this procon- shown). This dose was chosen because it is maximally effec-
vulsant effect was mediated by an inhibition of NE release tive at inhibiting PTZ-induced seizures in normal rats and
via presynaptic autoreceptors or via actions on postsynaptic electrically induced seizures in rats with 6-hydroxydopamine
heteroreceptors, we tested the effect of clonidine on PTZ- lesions of their noradrenergic systems (Dalton et al., 1985).
induced seizures in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice. Clonidine did not alter Second, cirazoline (0.2 mg/kg), a selective ␣1AR agonist, sig-
seizure latency in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice in response to 30 mg/kg nificantly increased latencies to MJ and C/T seizures in Dbh
PTZ (Fig. 2A) or 25 mg/kg PTZ (latency to MJ: vehicle ⫽ ⫺/⫺ mice (Fig. 3A). While eight of nine vehicle-treated Dbh
317 ⫾ 73 s, 0.1 mg/kg clonidine ⫽ 265 ⫾ 29 s, P ⫽ 0.85; no C/T ⫺/⫺ mice progressed to a C/T seizure at this dose of PTZ,
seizures observed), suggesting that the proconvulsant effect only 2 of 10 cirazoline-treated Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice had seizures of
seen in control mice resulted from decreased NE release this severity. Similar effects were obtained with 0.1 and 0.5
mediated by activation of presynaptic ␣2AR autoreceptors. mg/kg cirazoline (data not shown). This anticonvulsant effect

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Clonidine treatment caused piloerection in both genotypes was blocked by pretreatment with prazosin (1 mg/kg), a se-
and rescued the bilateral ptosis phenotype of Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice, lective ␣1AR antagonist, further verifying the importance of
demonstrating that the drug possessed biological activity at ␣1ARs (Fig. 3B). While cirazoline did not have a significant
this dose in the knockouts (data not shown). Blockade of anticonvulsant effect on Dbh ⫹/⫺ controls (Fig. 3A), prazo-
␣2ARs with yohimbine (10 mg/kg) slightly increased seizure sin alone (1 mg/kg) had a proconvulsant effect (Fig. 3C),
latency in both genotypes, but the effect was not significant reducing latencies to MJ and C/T seizures. These data sug-
(Fig. 2B). The weak anticonvulsant effect of yohimbine may gest that the inhibition of seizures by endogenous NE in
have been nonspecific and caused by the significant sedation normal animals involves ␣1ARs.
observed with this treatment. The ␣2AR antagonist idazoxan Because ␣1AR agonists have profound effects on the pe-
(3 mg/kg), which lacks the sedative effects of yohimbine, also ripheral nervous system, we determined whether the anti-
did not have a significant effect (data not shown). These convulsant effect of cirazoline was mediated by central or
results suggest that while exogenous activation of ␣2ARs can peripheral ␣1 receptors. In contrast to cirazoline, phenyleph-
exacerbate PTZ-induced seizures, activation of ␣2ARs by en- rine (3 mg/kg), an ␣1AR agonist that cannot cross the blood-
dogenous NE is not involved under these conditions. brain barrier, failed to inhibit seizures in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice (Fig.
Activation of Central ␣1ARs Inhibits PTZ-Induced 3D) despite having qualitatively similar effects on ptosis and
Seizures in Dbh ⴚ/ⴚ Mice. While clonidine is a fairly piloerection (data not shown). These results suggest that Dbh
⫺/⫺ mice are more susceptible to PTZ-induced seizures at
least in part because of a lack of central ␣1AR signaling.
␤2AR Signaling Inhibits PTZ-Induced Seizures. To
investigate the contribution of ␤AR signaling to the anticon-
vulsant effect of NE, we treated mice with isoproterenol, a
nonselective ␤AR agonist. We found that isoproterenol (10
mg/kg) increased latencies to PTZ-induced seizures in both
Dbh ⫺/⫺ and Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice (Fig. 4A). To determine which
␤AR subtype was responsible for the anticonvulsant effect of
isoproterenol, mice were treated with a preferential ␤1AR
(dobutamine) or a preferential ␤2AR (albuterol) agonist prior
to PTZ administration. While dobutamine (10 mg/kg) did not
significantly affect seizure susceptibility in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice,
albuterol (10 mg/kg) prolonged the latency to both MJ and
C/T seizures (Fig. 4B). Nearly all water-treated Dbh ⫺/⫺
mice (22 of 23) progressed to C/T seizures, while only 6 of 22
albuterol-treated Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice had seizures of that severity
(data from Fig. 4, B and C, combined). Albuterol also signif-
icantly protected Dbh ⫹/⫺ control mice (Fig. 4B). Propanolol
(10 mg/kg), a nonselective ␤AR antagonist, blocked the anti-
convulsant effect of albuterol in terms of latency to MJ but
not C/T seizure in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice (Fig. 4C). To determine
whether the inability of propanolol to completely block the
Fig. 2. Effects of ␣2AR-acting drugs on PTZ-induced seizure susceptibil-
ity. Shown are latencies to first MJ and C/T seizure. A, water (Dbh ⫹/⫺,
anticonvulsant effect of albuterol was due to blockade of
n ⫽ 13; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 14) or clonidine (0.1 mg/kg: Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 14; Dbh ␤1ARs as well as ␤2ARs, we tested the ␤2AR-selective antag-
⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 14) was administered 30 min prior to PTZ (40 mg/kg for Dbh onist ICI-118,551. ICI-118,551 (10 mg/kg) abolished the an-
⫹/⫺, 30 mg/kg for Dbh ⫺/⫺). *P ⬍ 0.05 compared with water control. B, ticonvulsant effect of albuterol on MJ, but only partially
water (Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 12; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 8) or yohimbine (10 mg/kg: Dbh
⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 12; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 8) was administered 30 min prior to PTZ (50 blocked its effect on C/T seizures (Fig. 4C). Nadolol (10 mg/
mg/kg for Dbh ⫹/⫺, 40 mg/kg for Dbh ⫺/⫺). kg), a nonselective ␤AR antagonist that cannot cross the
␣1AR and ␤2AR Agonists Inhibit PTZ Seizures 1045

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Fig. 3. Effects of ␣1AR-acting drugs on PTZ-induced seizure susceptibility. Shown are latencies to first MJ and C/T seizure. A, water (n ⫽ 8 for each
genotype) or cirazoline (0.2 mg/kg: Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 8; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 9) was administered 30 min prior to PTZ (50 mg/kg for Dbh ⫹/⫺, 40 mg/kg for
Dbh ⫺/⫺). *P ⬍ 0.05 compared with water control; **P ⬍ 0.01 compared with water control. B, vehicle (1.5% DMSO, 1.5% Cremaphor EL in water)
or prazosin (1 mg/kg) was administered 30 min prior to water or cirazoline (0.2 mg/kg; n ⫽ 10 for each drug treatment group), which was administered
to Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice 30 min prior to PTZ (40 mg/kg). *P ⬍ 0.05 compared with water control. ***P ⬍ 0.001 compared with water control. †P ⬍ 0.01
compared with cirazoline alone. C, vehicle (1.5% DMSO, 1.5% Cremaphor EL in water) or prazosin (1 mg/kg; n ⫽ 12 for each drug treatment group)
was administered to Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice 30 min prior to PTZ (40 mg/kg). *P ⬍ 0.05 compared with vehicle control; **P ⬍ 0.01 compared with vehicle control.
D, water (n ⫽ 6) or phenylephrine (3 mg/kg; n ⫽ 7) was administered to Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice 30 min prior to PTZ (40 mg/kg).

blood-brain barrier, had effects similar to ICI-118,551 (Fig. convulsant effect of ␣2AR agonists and potentiate PTZ-in-
4C). Last, neither propanolol (10, 20, or 40 mg/kg) nor ICI- duced seizures on their own (Lazarova and Samanin, 1983;
118,551 affected susceptibility to PTZ-induced seizures in Scotti de Carolis et al., 1986). Because endogenous NE is
Dbh ⫹/⫺ control mice (Fig. 4D; data not shown). These anticonvulsant, the interpretation of these results was that
results suggest that ␤2ARs do not mediate the anticonvul- the anticonvulsant effect of ␣2AR agonists was mediated by
sant effect of endogenous NE, but that exogenous activation postsynaptic receptors. However, one of the earliest publica-
of ␤2ARs can inhibit PTZ-induced seizures in mice. tions on this theme reported a proconvulsant effect of
clonidine on PTZ-induced seizures in mice, and proposed that
Discussion activation of presynaptic ␣2ARs decreased NE release and
exacerbated seizures (Oishi et al., 1979). Since then, both
The results of this study are summarized in Table 1 and
proconvulsant (Fletcher and Forster, 1988) and anticonvul-
reveal three important points. First, stimulation of ␣2ARs
sant (Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987; Amabeoku et al., 1994)
has a proconvulsant effect on PTZ-induced seizures. This
effects of clonidine in mice have been reported. We undertook
effect is probably mediated by the inhibition of NE release via
presynaptic ␣2 autoreceptors, because the proconvulsant ef- this study using Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice that lack endogenous NE to
fect is abolished in Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice. Second, stimulation of determine whether clonidine is pro- or anticonvulsant and
either ␣1ARs or ␤2 ARs restores normal PTZ-induced seizure whether these effects are mediated by pre- or postsynaptic
susceptibility upon Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice. Third, ␣1AR but not ␣2ARs. We found that clonidine has a proconvulsant effect on
␤2AR antagonists confer increased seizure susceptibility control mice but no effect on Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice, suggesting that
upon control mice, suggesting that endogenous NE inhibits in our paradigm clonidine decreases NE release via presyn-
seizures by activating ␣1ARs in animals with normal NE aptic ␣2ARs in normal animals.
content. Clonidine has been shown to have an anticonvulsant effect
Role of ␣2ARs in PTZ Seizures. The literature indicates in models where seizures were induced by kainic acid (Baran
that ␣2ARs are the most likely receptor type to mediate the et al., 1985), amygdala kindling (Gellman et al., 1987; Lös-
anticonvulsant effect of endogenous NE to PTZ-induced sei- cher and Czuczwar, 1987), and air blast stimulation (Löscher
zures in rats. Multiple independent investigators have found and Czuczwar, 1987). However, clonidine has exhibited pro-
that ␣2AR agonists inhibit PTZ-induced seizures (Papanico- convulsant effects in others, such as electroconvulsions (Lös-
laou et al., 1982; Scotti de Carolis et al., 1986; Löscher and cher and Czuczwar, 1987), quinolinic acid (Wu et al., 1987),
Czuczwar, 1987), and that ␣2AR antagonists block the anti- and spontaneous petit mal seizures (Micheletti et al., 1987).
1046 Weinshenker et al.

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Fig. 4. Effects of ␤AR-acting drugs on PTZ-induced seizure susceptibility. Shown are latencies to first MJ and C/T seizure. A, water (Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽
10; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 9) or isoproterenol (10 mg/kg: Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 10; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 9) was administered 30 min prior to PTZ (50 mg/kg for Dbh ⫹/⫺,
40 mg/kg for Dbh ⫺/⫺). *P ⬍ 0.05 compared with water control. **P ⬍ 0.01 compared with water control. ****P ⬍ 0.0001 compared with water control.
B, water (Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 9; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 13), albuterol (10 mg/kg: Dbh ⫹/⫺, n ⫽ 9; Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 5), or dobutamine (10 mg/kg: Dbh ⫺/⫺, n ⫽ 8)
was administered 30 min prior to PTZ (50 mg/kg for Dbh ⫹/⫺, 40 mg/kg for Dbh ⫺/⫺). **P ⬍ 0.01 compared with water control. ***P ⬍ 0.001
compared with water control. C, water, propanolol (10 mg/kg), ICI-118,551 (10 mg/kg), or nadolol (10 mg/kg) was administered 30 min prior to water
or albuterol (10 mg/kg), which was administered to Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice (water ⫹ water, n ⫽ 18; water ⫹ albuterol, n ⫽ 17; propanolol ⫹ albuterol, n ⫽
9; ICI-118,551 ⫹ albuterol, n ⫽ 12; nadolol ⫹ albuterol, n ⫽ 16) 30 min prior to PTZ (40 mg/kg). *P ⬍ 0.05 compared with water control. **P ⬍ 0.01
compared with water control. ***P ⬍ 0.001 compared with water control. †P ⬍ 0.05 compared with albuterol alone. ††P ⬍ 0.01 compared with albuterol
alone. D, water, propanolol (10 mg/kg), or ICI-118,551 (10 mg/kg) was administered to Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice (n ⫽ 10 for each drug treatment group) 30 min
prior to PTZ (40 mg/kg).

TABLE 1 esize that the proconvulsant effects seen with clonidine are
Summary of AR agonist and antagonist effects on PTZ-induced seizure mediated by ␣2AR autoreceptors, while the anticonvulsant
effects observed are mediated by ␣2AR heteroreceptors on
Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice are more susceptible to PTZ-induced seizures than Dbh ⫹/⫺ con-
trols, and some AR agonists and antagonists affect susceptibility differently in the target neurons.
two genotypes. 1 represents an increase in latency, 2 represents a decrease in Role of ␣1ARs in PTZ Seizures. There are three results
latency, and ⫺ represents no change in latency to PTZ-induced seizure compared
with the no drug control for each genotype. that support our conclusion that ␣1AR activation mediates
the anticonvulsant effects of endogenous NE in PTZ-induced
Dbh ⫺/⫺ Dbh ⫹/⫺
seizures. First, Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice that lack endogenous NE are
Agonists hypersensitive to PTZ-induced seizures, and administration
␣1 (Cirazoline) 1 ⫺
␣2 (Clonidine) ⫺ 2 of an ␣1AR-selective agonist can restore normal sensitivity.
␤ (Isoproterenol) 1 1 Second, inhibition of PTZ-induced seizures by cirazoline can
␤1 (Dobutamine) ⫺ ⫺ be blocked by prazosin, a selective ␣1AR antagonist. Third,
␤2 (Albuterol) 1 1
Antagonists prazosin administration in control mice results in increased
␣1 (Prazosin) NT 2 PTZ sensitivity. The inability of cirazoline to significantly
␣2 (Yohimbine) ⫺ ⫺ protect Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice may mean that ␣1ARs are already
␤ (Propanolol) NT ⫺
␤1 (Not tested) NT NT maximally activated in normal animals during seizures. Al-
␤2 (ICI-118,551) NT ⫺ though ␣1ARs have not previously been implicated in PTZ-
NT, not tested. induced seizures (Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987), ␣1 agonists
have anticonvulsant activity in many other seizure models,
In fact, clonidine has a proconvulsant effect in humans with including amygdala kindling (Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987),
intractable focal epilepsies (Kirchberger et al., 1998). One air blast stimulation (Löscher and Czuczwar, 1987), focal
explanation for these conflicting results is that these diverse cortical penicillin (Neuman, 1986), audiogenic seizures (Yan
seizure-inducing paradigms involve distinct mechanisms and et al., 1998), quinolinic acid (Wu et al., 1987), and spontane-
different brain regions, and therefore the effect of ␣2AR ago- ous petit mal seizures (Micheletti et al., 1987). Further evi-
nists and antagonists varies with ␣2AR distribution and dence that ␣1ARs mediate the anticonvulsant effect of endog-
function, species, and strain. Because endogenous NE is an- enous NE in some situations comes from studies showing
ticonvulsant in most seizure-inducing paradigms, we hypoth- changes in ␣1AR density in seizure-sensitive rats (Nicoletti et
␣1AR and ␤2AR Agonists Inhibit PTZ Seizures 1047
al., 1986; Gundlach et al., 1995), mice (Jazrawi and Horton, seizure models. Because Dbh ⫺/⫺ mice are also more sus-
1986), and humans with epilepsy (Brière et al., 1986). ceptible to seizures induced by kainic acid, flurothyl, and
Role of ␤2ARs in PTZ Seizures. Our results indicate sound (Szot et al., 1999), it will be possible to apply the same
that activation of ␤2ARs, but not ␤1ARs, inhibits PTZ-in- approach to the identification of the anticonvulsant NE re-
duced seizures in both norepinephrine-deficient Dbh ⫺/⫺ ceptor(s) involved in other seizure models.
mice and Dbh ⫹/⫺ mice, which have normal NE content.
Because mice lacking NE were affected, we conclude that Acknowledgments
albuterol exerts its anticonvulsant action via postsynaptic We thank Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals for the generous donation of
␤2ARs and does not involve an increase in NE release via L-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS) and D. Kim, R. Gillis,
presynaptic ␤2ARs. The lack of a proconvulsant effect of the and M. Szczypka for critical reading of this manuscript.
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